独立行政法人国立病院機構甲府病院 院長、山梨大学 医学部 臨床教授

日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医 日本リハビリテーション医学会 リハビリテーション科指導医・リハビリテーション科専門医 日本リウマチ学会 リウマチ指導医・リウマチ専門医 日本医師会 健康スポーツ医

萩野 哲男 はぎの てつお 先生




  • 整形外科
  • 整形外科外傷学
  • スポーツ外傷



日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医
日本リハビリテーション医学会 リハビリテーション科指導医・リハビリテーション科専門医
日本リウマチ学会 リウマチ指導医・リウマチ専門医
日本医師会 健康スポーツ医
  • 独立行政法人国立病院機構甲府病院 院長
  • 山梨大学 医学部 臨床教授
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 日本体育協会 公認スポーツドクター
  • 日本整形外科スポーツ医学会 代議員
  • 日本骨折治療学会 評議員
  • 日本創外固定・骨延長学会 幹事
  • 日本小児整形外科学会 評議員
  • 東日本整形災害外科学会 評議員
  • 山梨県ラグビーフットボール協会 理事/メディカル・安全対策委員会委員長



  • 内科 外科 精神科 神経内科 脳神経外科 消化器外科 小児科 整形外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科 麻酔科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 消化器内科
  • 山梨県甲府市天神町11-35
  • JR中央本線(東京~塩尻) 甲府 北口 山梨交通バス HANAZONOホスピタル行き、上帯那行き、塚原行き  国立病院前下車 バス7分
  • 055-253-6131




1987年 山梨医科大学(現山梨大学)医学部卒業
1989年 山梨医科大学整形外科 助手
1997年 国立甲府病院 整形外科 医長
1999年 医学博士取得
2004年 国立病院機構甲府病院 整形外科医長
2007年 国立病院機構甲府病院 診療部長
2016年 国立病院機構甲府病院 副院長
2017年 国立病院機構甲府病院 院長


1. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Senga S, Yamashita T, Oda K, Haro H: Injury to infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using vertical skin incision for hamstring harvesting: risk factors and the influence of treatment outcome. J Orthop Surg Res. 2017 Jun 27;12(1):101.
2. Taniguchi N, Jinno T, Koga D, Hagino T, Okawa A, Haro H.: Cementless Hip Stem Anteversion in the Dysplastic Hip: A Comparison of Tapered Wedge vs Metaphyseal Filling. J Arthroplasty. 2017 May;32(5):1547-1552.
3. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Senga S, Yamashita T, Wako M, Ando T, Haro H.: Arthroscopic treatment of symptomatic discoid meniscus in children. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 Jan;137(1):89-94.
4. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Senga S, Yamashita T, Ando T, Haro H.: Prospective analysis using a patient-based health-related scale shows lower functional scores after posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions as compared with anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions of the knee. Int Orthop. 2016 Sep;40(9):1891-8.
5. Sato N, Ichikawa J, Wako M, Ohba T, Saito M, Sato H, Koyama K, Hagino T, Schoenecker JG, Ando T, Haro H.: Thrombin induced by the extrinsic pathway and PAR-1 regulated inflammation at the site of fracture repair. Bone. 2016 Feb;83:23-34.
6. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Senga S, Yamashita T, Wako M, Ando T, Haro H.: Meniscal tears associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Dec;135(12):1701-6..
7. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Senga S, Watanabe Y, Wako M, Ando T, Sato E, Haro H.: Efficacy of early surgery and causes of surgical delay in patients with hip fracture. J Orthop. 2015 Sept. 28;12(3):142-6.
8. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Ando T, Sato E, Haro H.: An Osteochondral Lesion of the Lateral Femoral Condyle with Arthroscopic Appearance Resembling a Fried Egg. A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect, 2014 Nov 26;4(4):e110. http://dx.doi.org/10.2106/JBJS.CC.M.00306
9. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Takayama Y, Haro H.: A case of cuboid bone stress fracture in a senior high school rugby athlete. Asia Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society。2014 , Volume 1 , Issue 4 , 132 - 135
10. Sato E, Ando T, Ichikawa J, Okita G, Sato N, Wako M, Ohba T, Ochiai S, Hagino T, Jacobson R, Haro H.: High molecular weight hyaluronic acid increases the differentiation potential of the murine chondrocytic ATDC5 cell line. J Orthop Res. 2014 Dec;32(12):1619-27.
11. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Wako M, Ando T, Sato E, Haro H.: Complications after arthroscopic knee surgery. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2014 Nov;134(11):1561-4.
12. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Senga S, Saito M, Haro H: Prospective evaluation of patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a patient-based health-related survey: comparison of acute and chronic cases. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2014 Jun;134(6):813-9.
13. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Saito M, Wako M, Ando T, Sato E, Haro H: Usefulness of knee arthroscopy for diagnosis of knee pain in pediatric patients: comparison with preoperative clinical diagnosis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 May; 133(5): 669-73.
14. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Saito M, Takayama Y, Wako M, Ando T, Sato E, Haro H: Hyponatremia at admission is associated with in-hospital death in patients with hip fracture. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 Apr;133(4):507-11.
15. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Wako M, Ando M, Sato E, Haro H.: Clinical results of arthroscopic all-inside lateral meniscal repair using the Meniscal Viper Repair System. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2014 Jan; 24(1): 99-104.
16. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Saito M, Naganuma H, Sato E, Haro H.: Acute onset of intracranial subdural hemorrhage five days after spinal anesthesia for knee arthroscopic surgery: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2012 Mar 6;6(1):75.
17. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Senga S, Saito M, Haro H.: Prospective evaluation of patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a patient-based health-related survey: comparison of single-bundle and anatomical double-bundle techniques. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012 Mar;132(3):393-8.
18. Hagino T, Wako M, Ochiai S.: Arthroscopic washout of the ankle for septic arthritis in a three-month-old boy. Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2011 Oct 1;3(1):21.
19. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Haro H: A rare case of meniscal hematoma with hemarthrosis of the knee: a case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Sep 21;93(18):e1041-4
20. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Haro H: One Strategy for Arthroscopic Suture Fixation of Tibial Intercondylar Eminence Fractures Using the Meniscal Viper Repair System. Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol 2011 Aug 10;3(1):17.
21. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Sato E, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Haro H: Prognostic prediction in patients with hip fracture: risk factors predicting difficulties with discharge to own home. J Orthop Traumatol 2011 Jun;12(2):77-80.
22. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Sato E, Watanabe Y, Senga S: Footballer's lateral meniscus: Anterior horn tears of the lateral meniscus with a stable knee. ISRN Surgey 2011;2011:170402. Epub 2011 May 5.
23. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Sato E, Watanabe Y, Senga S, Kondo T, Haro H: Intraarticular nodular fasciitis causing limitation of knee extension: A case report. Knee 2010 Dec;17(6):424-7.
24. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Tonotsuka H, Haro H: Health-related quality of life in patients with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2010 Mar;130(3):397-9.
25. Ochiai S, Hagino T, Wako M, Anayama S, Kohno H, Hamada Y: Meniscal ganglion cysts without accompanying meniscal tears: A report of 2 cases. Yamanashi Med J 24(3): 83-8, 2009.
26. Hagino T, Tonotsuka H, Ochiai S, Hamada Y: Fracture of the anterior extremity of calcaneus together with calcaneocuboid joint dislocation. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2009 Dec; 129(12): 1673-6.
27. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Sato E, Maekawa S, Wako M, Haro H: The relationship between anemia at admission and outcome in patients older than 60 years with hip fracture. J Orthop Traumatol 2009 Sep;10(3):119-22.
28. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Wako M, Sato E, Maekawa S, Hamada Y: Twin hook fixation for proximal femoral Fractures. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 16(2):50-53, 2008
29. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Wako M, Sato E, Maekawa S, Hamada Y: Comparison of the prognosis among different age groups in elderly patients with hip fracture. Indian J Orthop 42: 29-32, 2008
30. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Wako M, Sato E, Maekawa S, Senga S, Sugiyama H, Hamada Y: A simple scoring system to predict ambulation prognosis after hip fracture in the elderly. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 127: 603-606, 2007
31. Hagino T, Ochiai S, Tonotsuka H, Tokai M, Senga S, Hamada Y: Fracture of the atlas through a synchondrosis of the anterior arch complicated by atlantoaxial rotatory fixation in a four-year-old child. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 88: 1093-1095, 2006
32. Hagino T, Sato E, Tonotsuka H, Ochiai S, Tokai M, Hamada Y: Prediction of ambulation prognosis in the elderly after hip fracture. Int Orthop 30: 315-319, 2006
33. Hagino T, Maekawa S, Sato E, Bando K, Hamada Y: Prognosis of proximal femoral fracture in patients aged 90 years and older. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 14: 122-6, 2006
34. Hagino T, Sato E, Maekawa S, Bando K, Tonotsuka H, Tokai M, Hamada Y: Poor prognosis in elderly patients receiving nonoperative treatment for hip fracture: A study of 224 cases at Kofu National Hospital. Yamanashi Med J 20: 37-41,2005
35. Hagino T, Ishizuka K, Sato E, Kohno H, Hamada Y: Mobile sub-muscular mass resembling a hard-boiled egg: case report. J Orthop Science 8: 613-615, 2003
36. Hagino T, Ono T, Hamada Y: Unusual double clavicle fracture complicated by ipsilateral scapular neck fracture. J Orthop Science 7:417-419,2002
37. Hagino T, Hamada Y, Nakajima I, Kimori K, Bando K, Ishizuka K, Arizono Y, Yamada S: Septic arthritis of the shoulder during the first six months of life. J Pakistan Orthop Assoc 13:106-109,2001
38. Hagino T, Hamada Y, Amemiya T: Fibroblast growth factor-2 stimulates new bone formation on allografts of demineralized bone matrix in segmental bone defects in rabbits. Yamanashi Med J 16:9-14,2001
39. Hagino T, Hokari Y, Masuyama H, Amemiya T, Sato E, Inoue S, Ono T, Hamada Y: Treatment of tibial Pilon fractures. Yamanashi Med J 16:25-30,2001
40. Hagino T, Hamada Y: Accelerating bone formation and earlier healing after using demineralized bone matrix for limb lengthening in rabbits. J Orthop Res 17:232-237,1999
41. Hamada Y, Toshima T, Amano R, Hagino T, Iwakubo T, Inoue S, Najam A Siddiqi: Therapeutic experience with transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation for reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Yamanasi med J 6:45-53,1991
42. Sato H, Hagino T, Yokoyama Y, Akamatsu N: An experimental study on allograft of cryopreserved articular cartilage. Yamanashi Med J 5:111-119,1990


Ochiai, S., Hagino, T., & Haro, H. Springer Japan. Complications of ACL Reconstruction. In ACL Injury and Its Treatment (pp. 507-519).2016年


  • 【受賞】 山梨医科大学医師会奨励賞、2001年

