和歌山県立医科大学 客員教授、NPO日本健康増進支援機構 理事長

日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会 耳鼻咽喉科専門医・和歌山県地方部会 顧問 日本アレルギー学会 功労会員・アレルギー専門医・指導医

榎本 雅夫 えのもと ただお 先生




  • 耳鼻咽喉科



日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会 耳鼻咽喉科専門医・和歌山県地方部会 顧問
日本アレルギー学会 功労会員・アレルギー専門医・指導医
  • 和歌山県立医科大学 客員教授
  • NPO日本健康増進支援機構 理事長
  • NPO花粉情報協会 副理事長
  • 近畿厚生局 保険指導医




1968年 和歌山県立医科大学 卒業, 和歌山県立医科大学耳鼻咽喉科入局
1979年 和歌山県立医科大学 非常勤講師(~2003年3月)
1980年 日本赤十字社和歌山医療センター 耳鼻咽喉科 部長(~2008年3月)
2000年 京都大学医学部(総合診療部) 非常勤講師(~2006年3月)
2002年 鳥取大学医学部 非常勤講師(~2019年3月)
2005年 鳥取大学医学部 臨床教授(~2008年3月)
2008年 鳥取大学医学部 客員教授(~2019年3月)
2008年 りんくう総合医療センター 診療局 参与(~2019年3月)
2018年 和歌山県立医科大学 客員教授


  • 1. The inverse Association between tuberuculin response and atopic disoder. Science. 1997.

    Shirakawa T, Enomoto T, Shimazu S, Hopkin JM.

  • 2. Maternal inheritance of atopy at the FcεRIβ locus in Japanese sibs. Human heredity. 1997.

    X-Q Mao, Shirakawa T, Sasaki S, Enomoto T, Morimoto K, Hopkin JM.

  • 3. Association between asthma andintragenic variants of CC10 on chromosome 11q13. Clinical Genetics . 1998.

    Mao X-O, Shirakawa T,Kawai M,Enomoto T, Sasaki S, Dake Y,Kitano H,Hagihara A,Hopkin JM, Morimoto K.

  • 4. Ile50Val variant of Interleukin-4(Il-4R)α chain upregulates IgE synthesis by B-lymphocytes and associates with atopicasthma . Nature Genetics. 1998.

    Mitsuyasu M, Izuhara K, Mao X-Q, Arinobu Y, Enomoto T, Kawai M,sasaki S, Gao P-S, Dake Y, Hamasaki N, Shirakawa T, Hopkin JM.

  • 5. Lack of associatiopn between ACE gene polymorphisms and atopy and asthma in British and Japanese populations. Clin Genet. 1998.

    Gao P-S,Mao X-Q, Kawai M, Enomoto T, Sasaki S,Shaldon SR,Dake Y, Kitano H, Coull P,Hagihara A, Shirakawa T, Hopkin JM.

  • 6. Cutting Edge: Dominant effect of Ile50Val variant of the human IL-4 receptor α-cahin in IgE synthesis. J Immunol. 1999.

    Mitsuyasu H, Yanagihara Y, Mao X-Q, Gao P-S, Arinobu Y, Ihara K, Takabayashi A, Hara T, Enomoto T, Sasaki S, Kawai M, Hamasaki N, Shirakawa T, Hopkin JM, Izuhara K.

  • 7. Variants of endothelin-1 and its receptors in atopic asthma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999.

    Mao X-Q, Gao P-S, Roberts MH, Enomoto T, Kawai M, Sasaki S, Shaldon SR, Coull P, Dake Y, Adra CN, Hagihara A, Shirakawa T, Hopkin JM.

  • 8. Nonpathogenic commmon variants of IFNGR1 and IFNGR2 in association with total serum IgE levels. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999.

    Gao P-S, Mao X-Q, Jouanguy E, Pallier A,Doffinger R, Tanaka Y, Nakashima H,Roberts MH, Enomoto T, Dake Y ,Kawai M, Sasaki S, Shaldon SR, Coull P, Adra CN, Niho Y,Casanova JL, Shirakawa T, Hopkin JM.

  • 9. Genetic variants of IL-13 signalling and human asthma and atopy. Hum Mol Genet. 2000.

    Heinzmann A, Mao XQ, Akaiwa M, Kreomer RT, Gao PS, Ohshima K, Umeshita R, Abe Y, Braun S, Yamashita T, Roberts MH, Sugimoto R, Arima K, Arinobu Y, Yu B, Kruse S, Enomoto T, Dake Y, Kawai M, Shimazu S, Sasaki S, Adra CN, Kitaichi M, Inoue H, Yamauchi K, Tomichi N, Kurimoto F, Hamasaki N, Hopkin JM, Izuhara K, Shirakawa T, Deichmann KA.

  • 10. Genetic variants of NRAMP1 and active tuberculosis in Japanese populations.International Tuberculosis Genetics Team. Clin Genet. 2000.

    Gao PS, Fujishima S,Mao XQ,Remus N,Kanda M, Enomoto T, Dake Y, Bottini N, Tabuchi M, Hasegawa N, Yamaguchi K, Tiemessen C, Hopkin JM,Shirakawa T, Kishi F.

  • 11. Imbalance production between interleukin-1beta(IL-1beta)and IL-1 antagonist(IL-1Ra) in bronchial asthama. Biohem biophys Res Commun. 2000.

    Mao XQ,Kawai M,Yamashita T, Enomoto T,Dake Y, Sasaki S,Kakaoka Y, Fukuzumi T,Endo K ,Sano H, Aoki T, Kurimoto F,Adra CN, Shirakawa T,Hopkin JM.

  • 12. Month of birth, atopicdisease, and atopic senseitization. J Invest Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001.

    Saitoh Y, Dake Y, Shimazu S, Sakoda T, Sogo T, Fujiki Y, Shirakawa T, Enomoto T.

  • 13. The correlation in the amounts of Der p(f)1 of the mite bodies and their fecal particles. Clin J Immunol Allergy Asthma Pract. 2001.

    Enomoto T, Ohnishi S, Saito Y, Sogo H, Dake Y, Sakoda T, Seno S, Fujiki Y, Fujimura S, Cheng L, Miyoshi A, Shirakawa T.

  • 14. Upregulation of IL-13 concentration in vivo by the IL-13 variant associated with bronchial asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002.

    Arima K,Umeshita-Suyama R, Sakata Y, Akaiwa M, Mao X-Q, Enomoto T, Dake Y, Shimazu S, Yamashita T, Sugawara N, Brodeur S, Geha H, Puri RK, Sayegh MH, Adra CN, Hamasaki N, Hopkin JM, Shirakawa T,Izuha K.

  • 15. Effect of lysed Enterococcus faecalis FK-23 on allergen-induced serum antibody responses and active cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice. Clin Exp Allergy. 2004.

    Shimada T, Cheng L., Ide M, Motonaga C, Yasueda H, Enomoto K, Enomoto T, Shirakawa T.

  • 16. Association between genetic variation in the gene for death-associated protein-3 (DAP3) and adult asthma. J Hum Genet. 2004.

    Hirota T, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Sekiguchi H, Kokubo M, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Suzuki Y, Saito H, Nakamura Y, Shirakawa T, Tamari M.

  • 17. Association between IFNA genotype and the risk of sarcoidosis. Hum Genet. 2004.

    Akahoshi M, Ishihara M, Remus N, Uno K, Miyake K, Hirota T, Nakashima K, Matsuda A, Kanda M, Enomoto T, Ohno S, Nakashima H, Casanova JL, Hopkin JM, Tamari M, Mao XQ, Shirakawa T.

  • 18. An asthma-associated genetic variant of STAT6 predicts low burden of ascaris worm infestation. Genes Immun. . 2004.

    Peisong G, Mao XQ, Enomoto T, Feng Z, Gloria-Bottini F, Bottini E, Shirakawa T, Sun D, Hopkin JM.

  • 19. Allergic Sensitization to Ragweed and Orchard Grass Pollens among Chinese Schoolchildren: An Epidemiological Survey in Jiangsu Province . Jpn J Palynol. 2004.

    Cheng L, Nakayama M, Shi H-B, Yin m, Yamasaki A, Sanbe T, Enomoto T,Sahashi N Shirakawa , Miyoshi A.

  • 20. Changes in thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) associated with allergen immunotherapy in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. J Invest Allerg Clin Immunol. 2005.

    Takeuchi H, Yamamoto Y, Kitano H, Enomoto T.

  • 21. Functional promoter polymorphism in the TBX21 gene associated with aspirin-induced asthma. Hum Genet. 2005.

    Akahoshi M, Obara K, Hirota T, Matsuda A, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Nakashima K, Cheng L, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Higashi N, Taniguchi M, Enomoto T, Mao XQ, Nakashima H, Adra CN, Nakamura Y, Tamari M, Shirakawa T.

  • 22. An asthma-associated genetic variant of STAT6 predicts low burden of ascaris worm infestation. Genes Immun. 2005.

    Peisong G, Mao XQ, Enomoto T, Feng Z, Gloria-Bottini F, Bottini E, Shirakawa T, Sun D, Hopkin JM.

  • 23. Cording SNP in tenascin-C Fn-lll-D domein associates with adult asthma. Hum Mol Genet. 2005.

    Matsuda A,Hirota T, Akaboshi M, Shimisu M, Tamari M, Miyatake A, Takahashi A, Nakashima K, Takahashi N, Obara K, Yuyama N, Doi S, Kamogawa Y, Enomoto T, Ohshima K, Tunoda, T, Miyatake S, Fujita K, Kusakabe M, Izuhara K, Nakamura Y, Hopkin J, Shirakawa T.

  • 24. Functional SNPs in the digital promorter the ST2 gene are associated with atopic dermatitis. Hum Mol Genet. 2005.

    Shimizu M, Matuda A, Yanagisawa K, Hirota T, Akaboshi N, Ebe K, Tanaka K, Sugiura H, Nakashima K, Tamari M, Takahashi N, Obara K, Enomoto T, Okayama Y, Gao PS, Huang SK, Tominaga S, Ikezawa Z, Shirakawa T.

  • 25. Comparative study of two Japanese rhinoconjunctivitis quality-of life questionnaires. Acta Oto-Laryngology . 2005.

    Okuda M, Ohkubo K, Goto H, Okamoto H, Konno A, Baba K, Ogino G, Enomoto T, So N, Ishikawa Y, Takenaka Y, Manndai, Crawford B.

  • 26. Association of IL12RB1 promoter polymorphisms with increased risk of atopic dermatitis and other allergic phenotypes. Hum Mol Genet. 2005.

    Takahashi N, Akahoshi M, Matsuda A, Ebe K, Inomata N, Obara K, Hirota T, Nakashima K, Shimizu M, Tamari M, Doi S, Miyatake A, Enomoto T, Nakashima H, Ikezawa Z, Shirakawa T.

  • 27. Functional haplotypes of IL-12B are associated with childhood atopic asthma. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005.

    Hirota T, Suzuki Y, Hasegawa K, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Cheng L, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Doi S, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Ebisawa M, Yoshihara S, Nakamura Y, Kishi F, Shirakawa T, Tamari M.

  • 28. Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in newborn infants: effects of ear asymmetry, gender, and age. J Otolaryngol. 2006.

    Saitoh Y, Sakoda T, Hazama M, Funakoshi H, Ikeda H, Shibano A, Yajin S, Yoda S, Dake Y, Enomoto T, Kitano H.

  • 29. Lack of association between the IL-13 variant Arg110Gli and susceptibility to cedar pollinosis in a Japanese population. Int Arch Allergy Immunol . 2006.

    Cheng L, Hirota T, Enomoto T, Tamari M, Akaboshi M, Matsuda A, Shimizu M, Takahashi N, Enomoto K, Yamasaki A, Moa X-Q,Hopkin JM, Shirakawa T.

  • 30. An association study of asthma and related phenotypes with polymorphisms in negative regulator molecules of the TLR signaling pathway. J Hum Genet. 2006.

    Nakashima K, Hirota T, Obara K, Shimizu M, Jodo A, Kameda M, Doi S, Fujita K, Shirakawa T, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Yoshihara S, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Suzuki Y, Nakamura Y, Tamari M.

  • 31. Effect of probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BBS36 in relieving clinical symptoms and modulating plasma cytokine levels of Japanese cedar pollinosis during the pollen season. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2006.

    Xiao JZ, Kondo S, Yanagisawa N , Takahashi N, Odamaki T, Iwabuchi N., Iwatsuki K., Kokubo S., Togashi H, Enomoto K, Enomoto T.

  • 32. Clinical effects of apple polyphenols on persistent allergic rhinitis: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel arm study. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2006.

    Enomoto T, Nagasako-Akazome Y, Konda T, Ikeda H, Dake Y.

  • 33. Association of the RIP2 gene with childhood atopic asthma. Allergol Int. 2006.

    Nakashima K, Hirota T, Suzuki Y, Akaboshi M, Shimizu M, Jodo A, Doi S, Fujita K, Ebisawa M, Yoshihara S, Enomoto T, Shirakawa T, Matsumoto K, Kishi F, Nakamura Y, Tamari M.

  • 34. Effect of antihistamine eye drops on a conjunctival provocation test with Japanese cedar pollen allergens. Allergol Int. 2006.

    Dake Y,Enomoto T, Cheng L, Enomoto K, Shibano A, Ikeda H, Yoda S, Yajin S, Sakoda T, Yamanishi E.

  • 35. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty decreases levels of C-reactive protein in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Am Heart J. 2006.

    Kinoshita H, Shibano A, Sakoda T, Ikeda H, Iranamai H, Hatano Y, Enomoto T.

  • 36. A functional polymorphism in MMP-9 is associated with childhood atopic asthma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006.

    Nakashima K, Hirota T, Obara K, Shimizu M, Doi S, Fujita K, Shirakawa T, Enomoto T, Yoshihara S, Ebisawa M, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Suzuki Y, Nakamura Y, Tamari M.

  • 37. Probiotics in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis: double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Clin Exp Allergy. 2006.

    Xiao JZ, Kondo S, Yanagisawa N , Takahashi N, Odamaki T, Iwabuchi N., Miyaji K., Iwatuki K., Togashi H, Enomoto K, Enomoto T.

  • 38. Functional Polymorphism in the Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Gene Associated With Adult Asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2006.

    Harada M, Nakashima K, Hirota T, Shimizu M, Doi S, Fujita K, Shirakawa T, Enomoto T, Yoshihara S, Moriyama H, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Suzuki Y, Nakamura Y, Tamari M.

  • 39. Functional Polymorphism in the Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Gene Associated With Adult Asthma.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2007.

    Harada M, Nakashima K, Hirota T, Shimizu M, Doi S, Fujita K, Shirakawa T, Enomoto T, Yoshihara S, Moriyama H, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Suzuki Y, Nakamura Y, Tamari M.

  • 40. Effect of lysed Enterococcus faecalis FK-23 on immune responses and intestinal microflora in antibiotic treated weaning mice. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2007.

    Shimada T, Cheng L, Shi H-B, Hayashi A, Motonaga C, Tang J, EnomotoK, Enomoto T.

  • 41. Fluctuation of fecal microbacteria in indivisuals with Japanese cedar pollinosis during the pollen season and influence of probiotic intake. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2007.

    Odamaki T, Xiao J-Z, Iwabuchi N, Sakamoto M, Takahashi N, Kondo S, Iwatsuki K, Kokubo S, Togashi H, Enomoto T,Benno Y.

  • 42. Development of an environmental exposure unit and investigation of the effects of cetirizine hydrochloride on symptoms of cedar pollinosis in Japan. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2007.

    Enomoto T, Ide T, Ogino S.

  • 43. Clinical efficacy of probiotic Bifidobacterium longum for symptoms of Japanese cedar pollen allergy in subjects evaluated in the Environmental Exposure Unit (EEU). Allergol Int. 2007.

    Xiao J-Z, Kondo S, Yanagisawa N, Miyaji K, Enomoto K, Sakoda S, Iwatsuki K, Enomoto T.

  • 44. An evaluation of the clinical efficacy of tomato extract for perennial allergic rhinitis. Allergol Int. 2007.

    Yoshimura M, Enomoto T, Dake Y, Okuno Y, Ikeda H, Cheng L, Obata A.

  • 45. Changes in plasma TARC levels during Japanese cedar pollen season and relationships with symptom development. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007.

    Xiao J-Z, Kondo S, Takahashi N, Odamaki T, Iwabuchi N, Miyaji K, Iwatsuki K, Enomoto T.

  • 46. The GSTP1 gene is a susceptibility gene for childhood asthma and the GSTM1 gene Is a modifier of the GSTP1gene. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007.

    Kamada F, Mashimo Y, Inoue H, Shao C, Hirota T, Doi S, Kameda M, Fujiwara H, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Sasaki S, Endo H, Takayanagi R, Nakazawa C, Morikawa T, Morikawa M, Miyabayashi S, Chiba Y, Tamura G, Shirakawa T, Matsubara Y, Hata A, Tamari M, Suzuki Y.

  • 47. Transforming growth factor-beta(2) polymorphisms are associated with childhood atopic asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 2007.

    Hatsushika K, Hirota T, Harada M, Sakashita M, Kanzaki M, Takano S, Doi S, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Ebisawa M, Yoshihara S,Sagara H, Fukuda T, Masuyama K, Katoh R, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Ogawa H, Tamari M, Nakao A.

  • 48. Clinical effects of hop water extract on Japanese cedar pollinosis during the pollen season: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2007.

    Segawa S, Takata Y, Wakita Y, Kaneko T, Kaneda H, Watari J, Enomoto T, Enomoto T.

  • 49.Influence of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 intake on fecal microbiota in individuals with Japanese cedar pollinosis during pollen season. J Med Microbiol. 2007.

    Odamaki T, Xiao J-Z, Iwabuchi N, Sakamoto M, Takahashi N, Kondo S, Iwatsuki K, Kokubo S, Togashi H, Enomoto T,Benno Y.

  • 50. Genetic polymorphism regulating ORMDL3 expression is associated with childhood atopic asthma in a Japanese population. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008.

    Hirota T, Harada M, Sakashita M, Doi S, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Ebisawa M, Yoshihara S, Noguchi E, Saito H, Nakamura Y.

