伊藤 弘人 さんのプロフィール

伊藤 弘人 さん

いとう ひろと

伊藤 弘人 さん

元 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 精神保健研究所 社会精神保健研究部 部長


身体疾患と精神疾患に関する研究(内分泌代謝 糖尿病・循環器疾患とうつ病)、医療政策・管理学




1991年 東京大学大学院医学系研究科(精神衛生学)修了
1991年-1995年 東京大学医学部研究員
1995年-1996年 日本医科大学医療管理学教室 助手
1996年-1998年 日本医科大学医療管理学教室 講師
1998年-1999年 ハーバード大学医学部精神医学教室 客員共同研究者
1998年-2002年 国立医療・病院管理研究所 主任研究官
2002年-2004年 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所社会保障応用分析研究部第4室長
2004年-2006年 厚生労働省大臣官房厚生科学課科学技術調整官
2006年-2010年 国立精神・神経センター 精神保健研究所 社会精神保健部 部長
2010年-2017年 独立行政法人 国立精神・神経医療研究センター 精神保健研究所 社会精神保健研究部 部長




Thornicroft G, Semrau M, Alem A, Drake RE, Ito H, Mari J, McGeorge P, Thara R. Community Mental Health. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 (BMA Medical Book Award受賞).
奥村泰之、野田寿恵、伊藤弘人.日本全国の統合失調症患者への抗精神病薬の処方パターン: ナショナルデータベースの活用.臨床精神薬理 16: 1201-1215, 2013(日本精神臨床薬理学会誌賞2014).
1. Ito H, Hattori H, Kazui H, Taguchi M, Ikeda M. Integrating psychiatric services into comprehensive dementia care in the community. Open J Psychiatry 5: 129-136, 2015.
2. Kamimura H, Ito H. Glycemic control in a 79-year-old female wi

Thornicroft G, Semrau M, Alem A, Drake RE, Ito H, Mari J, McGeorge P, Thara R. Community Mental Health. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 (BMA Medical Book Award受賞).
奥村泰之、野田寿恵、伊藤弘人.日本全国の統合失調症患者への抗精神病薬の処方パターン: ナショナルデータベースの活用.臨床精神薬理 16: 1201-1215, 2013(日本精神臨床薬理学会誌賞2014).
1. Ito H, Hattori H, Kazui H, Taguchi M, Ikeda M. Integrating psychiatric services into comprehensive dementia care in the community. Open J Psychiatry 5: 129-136, 2015.
2. Kamimura H, Ito H. Glycemic control in a 79-year-old female with mild cognitive impairment using a medication reminder device: a case report. International Psychogeriatrics 26: 1045-1048, 2014.
3. Ishii M, Okumura Y, Sugiyama N, Hasegawa H, Noda T, Hirayasu Y, Ito H. Efficacy of shared decision making on treatment satisfaction for patients with first-admission schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC psychiatry 14: 111, 2014.
4. Ikeno T, Kugiyama K, Ito H. Antipsychotic Medication and Risk of QTc Prolongation: Focus on Multiple Medication and Role of Cytochrome P450 Isoforms. Open Journal of Psychiatry 4: 381, 2014.
5. Hatta K, Ito H. Strategies for Early Non-response to Antipsychotic Drugs in the Treatment of Acute-phase Schizophrenia. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 12: 1-7, 2014.
6. Hatta K, Otachi T, Fujita K, Morikawa F, Ito S, Tomiyama H, Abe T, Sudo Y, Takebayashi H, Yamashita T, Katayama S, Nakase R, Shirai Y, Usui C, Nakamura H, Ito H, Hirata T, Sawa Y, JAST study group. Antipsychotic switching versus augmentation among early non-responders to risperidone or olanzapine in acute-phase schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research 158: 213-222, 2014.
7. Ito H, Frank RG, Nakatani Y, Fukuda Y. Regional healthcare strategic plan: growing impact of mental disorder in Japan. Psychiatric Services 64: 617-619, 2013.
8. Ito H. What Should We Do to Improve Patients’ Adherence? Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 5: 127e130, 2013.
9. Ito H, Okumura Y, Yokoyama H. Heart disease and depression. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 27: 22-32, 2013.
10. Nakamura S, Kato K, Yoshida A, Fukuma N, Okumura Y, Ito H, Mizuno K. Prognostic value of depression, anxiety, and anger in hospitalized cardiovascular disease patients for predicting adverse cardiac outcomes. American Journal of Cardiology 111: 1432-1436, 2013.
11. Okumura Y, Ito H. Out-of-pocket expenditure burdens in patients with cardiovascular conditions and psychological distress: a nationwide cross-sectional study. General Hospital Psychiatry 35: 233-238, 2013.
12. Fujita J, Nishida A, Sakata M, Noda T, Ito H . Excessive dosing and polypharmacy of antipsychotics caused by p.r.n. in agitated patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 67: 345-351, 2013.
13. Hirata M, Kawanishi C, Oyama N, Miyake Y, Otsuka K, Yamada T, Kishi Y, Ito H, Arakawa R. Training workshop on caring for suicide attempters implemented by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 67: 64-64, 2013.
14. Ito H, Okumura Y, Higuchi T, Tan CH, Shinfuku N: International variation in antipsychotic prescribing for schizophrenia: Pooled results from the research on East Asia psychotropic prescription (reap) studies. Open Journal of Psychiatry 2: 340-346, 2012.
15. Okumura Y, Shimizu S, Ishikawa KB, Matsuda S, Fushimi K, Ito H: Comparison of emergency hospital admissions for drug poisoning and major diseases: a retrospective observational study using a nationwide administrative discharge database. BMJ Open 2: e001857-, 2012.
16. Okumura Y, Shmizu S, Ishikawa KB, Matsuda S, Fushimi K, Ito H: Characteristics, procedural differences, and costs of inpatients with drug poisoning in acute care hospitals in Japan. General Hospital Psychiatry 34: 681-685, 2012.
17. Ito H, Setoya Y, Suzuki Y:Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in East and South East Asia. World Psychiatry 11: 186-190, 2012.
18. Noda T, Nijman H, Sugiyama N, Tsujiwaki K, Putkonen H, Sailas E, Kontio R, Ito H, Joffe G: Factors Affecting Assessment of Severity of Aggressive Incidents: Using the Staff Observation Aggression Scale-Revised (SOAS-R) in Japan. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 19: 770-775, 2012.
19. Noda T, Sugiyama N, Ito H, Soininen P, Putkonen H, Sailas E, Joffe G: Secluded/restrained patients’ perception of their treatment: validity and reliability of a questionnaire. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 66 : 397-404, 2012.
20. Ito H.: Changes in the remuneration system for psychiatric care in Japan. Die Psychiatrie 8: 16-22, 2011.
21. Misawa F, Shimizu K, Fujii Y, Miyata R, Koshiishi F, Kobayashi M, Shida H, Oguchi Y, Okumura Y, Ito H, Kayama M, Kashima H: Is antipsychotic polypharmacy associated with metabolic syndrome even after adjustment for lifestyle effects? : a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry 11:118,2011.
22. Thornicroft G, Alem A, Dos Santos RA, Barley E, Drake RE, Gregorio G, Hanlon C, Ito H, Latimer E, Law A, Mari J, McGeorge J, Padmavati R, Razzouk D, Semrau M, Setoya Y, Thara R, Wondimagegn D. WPA guidance on steps, obstacles and mistakes to avoid in the implementation of community mental health care. World Psychiatry 9: 67-77, 2010.
23. Okumura Y, Ito H, Kobayashi M, Mayahara K, Matsumoto Y, Hirakawa J. Prevalence of diabetes and antipsychotic prescription patterns in patients with Schizophrenia: a nationwide retrospective cohort study. Schizophrenia Research 119: 145-152, 2010.
24. Kobayashi M, Ito H, Okumura Y, Mayahara K, Matsumoto Y, Hirakawa J. Hospital readmission and first-time admitted patients with schizophrenia: Smoking patients had higher hospital readmission rate than non-smoking patients. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 40: 247-257, 2010.
25. Miyamoto Y, Tachimori H, Ito H. Formal caregiver burden in dementia: impact of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and activities of daily living. Geriatric Nursing 31: 246-253, 2010.
26. Sawamura K, Ito H, Koyama A, Tajima M, Higuchi T.: The effect of an educational leaflet on depressive patients’ attitudes toward treatment. Psychiatry Research 177:184-187, 2010.
27. Spaeth-Rublee B, Pincus HA, Huynh PT; IIMHL Clinical Leaders Group, Mental Health Quality Indicator Project. Measuring quality of mental health care: a review of initiatives and programs in selected countries. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55: 539-548, 2010.
28. Ito H: Quality and performance improvement for mental health care in Japan.Current Opinion in Psychiatry 22: 619-622, 2009.
29. Koyama A, Ito H, Nakanishi M, Sawamura K, Higuchi T. Addition of antipsychotics to medication regimens during schizophrenic inpatient care. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 62: 56-64, 2008.
30. Kawanishi C, Kawano K, Ito H. Guide to guideline preparation for suicide attempters in Japan. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 62: 754, 2008.
31. Ito H, Kawano K, Kawashima D, Kawanishi C. Responses to patients with suicidal ideation among different specialties in general hospitals. General Hospital Psychiatry 30: 578-80, 2008.
32. Nakanishi M, Koyama A, Ito H, Kurita H, Higuchi T. Nurses' collaboration with physicians in managing medication improves patient outcome in acute psychiatric care. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 60: 196-203, 2006.
33. Ito H, Koyama A, Higuchi T: Polypharmacy and excessive dosing: psychiatrists’ perceptions of antipsychotic drug prescription. British Journal of Psychiatry 187: 243-247, 2005.
34. Ito H, Kono T, Ishida S, Maeda H: Gender difference in QTc prolongation of people with mental disorders. Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry 3: 3, 2004.
35. Ito H, Sugawara H: Relationship between accreditation scores and the public disclosure of accreditation reports: a cross sectional study. Quality and Safety in Health Care 14: 87-92, 2005
36. Ito H, Miyamoto Y: Impact of long-term care insurance on institutional dementia care in Japan. Health Policy 64: 325-333, 2003.
37. Ito H, Yamazumi S: Common Types of Medication Errors on Long-term Psychiatric Care Units. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 15: 207-212, 2003.
38. Matsuoka K, Miyamoto Y, Ito H, Kurita H. Relationship between behavioral disturvances and characteristics of patients in special units for dementia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 57: 569-574, 2003.
39. Ito H. A preliminary study of impact of managed care on psychotherapy in Massachusetts. JMAJ 45: 396-402, 2002.
40. Mayahara K, Ito H: Readmission of discharged schizophrenic patients with and without day care in Japan. International Medical Journal 9: 121-123, 2002.
41. Miyamoto Y, Ito H, Otsuka T, Kurita H: Caregiver burden in mobile and non-mobile demented patients: A comparative study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 17: 765-773, 2002.
42. Ito H, Eisen SV, Sederer LI: Acute Care Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, Massachusetts. International Medical Journal 8: 91-96, 2001.
43. Ito H, Eisen SV, Sederer LI: Yamada O, Tachimori H. Psychiatric Nurses’ Intentions to Leave Their Jobs. Psychiatric Services 52: 232-234, 2001.
44. Ito H, Sederer LI: Are Publicly-Insured Psychiatric Outpatients in Japan satisfied? Health Policy 56: 205-213, 2001.
45. Ito H, Tachimori H, Miyamoto Y, Morimura Y: Are the care levels of people with dementia correctly assessed for eligibility of the Japanese long-term care insurance? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 1078-1084, 2001.
46. Ito H, Eisen SV, Sederer LI, Tachimori H: Involuntary Admission in Japanese Psychiatric Hospitals. International Medical Journal 7: 109-112, 2000.
47. Ito H. The Now Future of Mental Health Care in Japan. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 9: 1-5, 2000.
48. Ito H, Sederer LI: Mental Health Services Reform in Japan. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 7: 208-215, 1999.
49. Ito H, Kishi Y, Kurosawa H, Iwasaki S: A Preliminary Study of Staff Perception on Psychiatric Services in General Hospitals. General Hospital Psychiatry 21: 57-61, 1999.
50. Ito H, Kurita H, Shiiya J: Burnout Among Direct-Care Staff Members of Facilities for Persons with Mental Retardation in Japan. Mental Retardation 37: 477-481, 1999.
51. Ito H, Shingai N, Yamazumi S, Sawa Y, Iwasaki S: Non-responders of Patients Satisfaction Study at their Discharges of Psychiatric Hospitals. Psychiatric Services 50: 410-412, 1999.
52. Ito H, Iwasaki S, Nakano Y, Imanaka Y, Kawakita H, Gunji A: Directions of quality improvement activities of health care organizations in Japan. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 10: 361-363, 1998.
53. Ito H, Iwasaki S, Komine K: Quality Improvement in Japanese Hospitals. Psychiatric Services 48:107, 1997.
54. Ito H: Illness behavior and mental health in Japan. Mental Health Research 16: 42-49, 1997.
55. Ito H, Mori T, Kumagai N, Miyauchi M, Harada S, Yamamura M, Nakano R, Kurita H, Sasaki Y: Changing pattern of mental health utilization in Hachijojima. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 49: 185-187, 1995.


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