稲垣 優 先生のプロフィール

稲垣 優 先生

いながき まさる

稲垣 優 先生


肝胆膵外科 移植外科(肝・腎)


1985年 岡山大学医学部卒業
1990年 岡山大学大学院医学研究科修了 医学博士取得
1990年 米国ネブラスカ州立大学医療センター客員教授
2002年 岡山大学医学部附属病院第一外科 助手
2003年 国立福山病院(現国立病院機構福山医療センター)外科医長
2016年 国立病院機構福山医療センター診療部長
2017年 国立病院機構福山医療センター統括診療部長
2019年 国立病院機構福山医療センター 院長


The Transplantation Society Full Membership


1)Inagaki M, Baxter BT, Cisler J, Davis V, Prorok GD, and Langnas AN. Synthesis of interstitial collagen by hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells. In “Cell of the Hepatic Sinusoid (4)” Knook DL, Wisse E, eds, pp 268-270, Kupffer Cell Foundation, Netherlands, 1993
2)Oishi A, Inagaki M, and Tanaka N:Correlation between nitric oxide production and preservation injury of sinusoidal endothelial cells during cold ischemia. Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid,6: 202-204,1997
3)稲垣 優、楳田佑三、八木孝仁、藤原俊義:特集「肝内胆管癌のすべて」 リンパ節郭清の意義. 消化器外科 42:1417-1426,2019 へるす出版

1)Langnas AN, Marujo WC, Inagaki M, St

1)Inagaki M, Baxter BT, Cisler J, Davis V, Prorok GD, and Langnas AN. Synthesis of interstitial collagen by hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells. In “Cell of the Hepatic Sinusoid (4)” Knook DL, Wisse E, eds, pp 268-270, Kupffer Cell Foundation, Netherlands, 1993
2)Oishi A, Inagaki M, and Tanaka N:Correlation between nitric oxide production and preservation injury of sinusoidal endothelial cells during cold ischemia. Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid,6: 202-204,1997
3)稲垣 優、楳田佑三、八木孝仁、藤原俊義:特集「肝内胆管癌のすべて」 リンパ節郭清の意義. 消化器外科 42:1417-1426,2019 へるす出版

1)Langnas AN, Marujo WC, Inagaki M, Stratta RJ, Wood RP, and Shaw BWJr :The results of reduced‐size liver transplantation, including split livers,in patients with end‐stage liver disease.Transplantation 53(2):387-391,1992
2)Inagaki M, Yagi T, Urushibara N, Shima Y, Sadamori H, Takakura N, Tanaka N, Oda M*(Dept. of Pediatrics, Okayama Univ. Med. School):Successfully resected hepatoblastoma in a young adult with chronic hepatitis B: report of a cace.European Journal Gastroenterol Hepatology,13(8):981-984,2001
3)Oishi A, Inagaki M, Sadamori H, Yagi T, and Tanaka N:The effect of nitric oxide production by sinusoidal endothelial cells on preservation injury during cold ischemia.Hepatorogy Research,19(3): 325-335,2001
4)Inagaki M, Yagi T, Sadamori H, Urushiba N, Matsukawa H, Nakao A, Matsuno T, Takakura N, Tanaka S, and Tanaka N:Analysis of donor complications in living donor liver transplantation .Transplant Proceeding,33(1-2): 1386-1387,2001
5)Oishi A, Inagaki M, Sadamori H, Yagi T, and Tanaka N:The effect of nitric oxide production by sinusoidal endothelial cells on preservation injury during cold ischemia.Hepatorogy Research,19(3): 325-335,2001
6) Matsumi M, Takahashi T, Fujii H, Ohashi I, Kaku R, Nakatsuka H, Shimizu H, Morita K, Hirakawa M, Inagaki M, Sadamori H, Yagi T, Tanaka N, Akagi R:Increased heme oxygenase-1 gene expression in the livers of patients with portal hypertension due to severe hepatic cirrhosis.Journal of International Medical Research,30(3): 282-8,,2002
7) Shima Y, Yagi T, Inagaki M, Sadamori H,Tanaka N, Horimi T,Hamazaki S:Intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasm of pancreas with celiac artery compression syndrome and a jejunal artery aneurysm:report of a case.Surg Today,35(1): 86-90,2005
8) Miyasou H ,Iwakawa K ,Kitada K, Kimura Y,Isoda K,Nishie M, Hamano R,Tokunaga N,Tsunemitsu Y, Otsuka S, Inagaki M,Iwagaki H: Analysis of Surgical Outcomes of Diverticular Disease of the Colon. Acta Med. Okayama, 66(4):299-305,2012
9) Inagaki M,  Kitada K, Tokunaga N, Takahashi K, Hamano R, Miyaso H, Tsunemitsu Y, Otsuka S, and Iwagaki H: A Case of Resected Cholangiolocellular Carcinoma during Treatment for Lung Cancer.  Journal of Liver: Disease & Transplantation 3:2 2014
10) Miyasou H ,Iwakawa K ,Hamada Y, Yasui N, Nishii G, Akai M, Kawada K, Nonoshita T, Kajioka H, Isoda K, Kitada K, Nishie M, Hamano R,Tokunaga N,Tsunemitsu Y, Otsuka S, Inagaki M,Iwagaki H: Ten Cases of Colovesical Fistula due to Sigmoid Diverticulitis. Hiroshima J. Med. Sci., 64:9-13,2015
11) Jiro Watanabe, Sohsuke Yamada, Yasuyuki Sasaguri, Masaru Inagaki, Hiromi Iwagaki:Two Surgical Cases of Combined Hepatocellular-Cholangiocarcinoma, Intermediate-Cell Subtype: Potentially Characteristic Gross Features
Volume2018:1-4,2018 CaseReportsinPathology
12) Jiro Watanabe, Sohsuke Yamada, Yasuyuki Sasaguri,Xin Guo,Nozomu Kurose,Koji Kitada, Masaru Inagaki, Hiromi Iwagaki:A Surgical Case of Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Liver: Potentially Characteristic Gross Features
Volume13:1-3,2018 Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology


稲垣 優 先生 の記事