社会医療法人愛仁会明石医療センター 副院長/循環器内科 主任部長
日本循環器学会 循環器専門医
日本循環器学会 | 循環器専門医 |
1983年 神戸大学医学部附属病院第1内科研修医
1984年 高砂市民病院内科医師
1990年 神戸大学医学部附属病院第一生化学助手
1992年 千船病院循環器科医長
1995年 国立神戸病院循環器科医師
2000年 国立神戸病院循環器科医長
2002年 明石医療センター循環器科医長
2006年 明石医療センター循環器科部長
2012年 明石医療センター副院長、循環器内科部長
2015年 明石医療センター副院長、循環器内科部長、心臓血管不整脈センター長
1.Kawata, M., Matsui, Y., Kondo, J., Hishida, T., Teranishi, Y., and Takai, Y. A novel small molecular weight GTP-binding protein with the same putative effector domain as the ras proteins in bovine brain membranes-purification, determination of primary structure, and characterization. J. Biol. Chem. 263, 13965-1897l
2.Kawata, M., Kikuchi, A., Hoshijima, M., Yamamoto, K., Hashimoto, E., Yamamura, H., and Takai, Y. Phosphorylation of smg p21, a ras p21-1ike GTP-binding protein, by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in a cell-free system and in response to prostaglandin E1 in intact human platelets. J. Biol. Chem. 1989 264, 15688-15695
3.Kawata, M., Kawahara, Y., Araki, S., Sunako, M., Tsuda, T., Fukuzaki, H., Mizoguchi, A., and Takai, Y, Identification of a major GTP-binding protein in bovine aortic smooth muscle mernbranes as smg p21, a GTP-binding protein having the same effector domain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1989 163, 1418-1427
4.Kawata, M., Farnsworth, C.C., Yoshida, Y., Gelb, M.H., Glomset, J.A., and Takai, Y. Posttranslationally processed structure of the human platelet protein smg p2lB: Evidence for geranyl geranylat i on and carboxyl methylation of the C-terminal cysteine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1990 87, 8960-8964
5.Kawata, M., Kawahara, Y., Sunako, M., Araki, S., Koide, M., Tsuda, T., Fukuzaki, H., and Takai, Y. The molecular heterogeneity of smg p21, a GTP-binding proteins having the same effector domain as ras p2ls, in aortic smooth muscle membranes. Circulation, 1990 82, Suppl.III-573, 2275
6.Kawata, M., Kawahara, Y., Sunako, M., Araki, S., Koide, M., Tsuda, T., Fukuzaki, H., and Takai, Y. The molecular heterogeneity of the smg-21/Krev-l/rapl proteins, a GTP-binding protein having the same effector domain as ras p2ls, in bovine aortic smooth muscle membranes. Oncogene. 1991 6, 841-348
7.Kawata, M.., Araki, S., Adachi, K., Mukai, T., and Ikoma, T. Follow-up observation of a patient with left ventricular thrombus by echocardiography. Kobe J. Med. Sci., 1995 41, 63-70
8.Kawata, M.., Okada, T., Igarashi, N., Okajima, K., Domoto, Y., and Mizutani, T. Assessment of intravascular ultrasound bearing balloon catheter guided percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting. Heart Vessels, 1997 12, 185-187
9.Kawata, M.., Mizutani, T., Shimizu, M., Takenaka, K., Kobayashi, S., Okada, T., Miyamoto, Y., Kanazawa, K., Akita, H., Yokoyama, M. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene mutation and human leukocyte antigen analyzed in three cases of familial vasospastic angina pectoris. Jap Circ J, 2000 64, 524-527
10.Kawata, M.., Kataoka, T., Kuramoto, E., Adachi, K., Matsuura, A., Sakamoto, S., Tobe, S., Yamaji, S. Pulmonary artery stenosis due to external compression by a calcified pericardial band Jap Heart J, 2004 45, 527-533
11.Kawata, M.., Kuramoto, E., Kataoka, T., Saito, A., Adachi, K.,Matsuura A., Sakamoto, S. Comparative inhibitory effects of cilostazol and ticlopidine on subacute stent thrombosis and platelet function in acute myocardial infarction patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Int Heart J, 2005 46, 13-22
12.Kawata, M.., Ozawa, K., Matsuura, T., Kuroda, M., Hirayama, Y., Adachi, K., Matsuura, A., Sakamoto, S. Percutaneous interventional techniques to remove embolized silicone port catheters from heart and great vessels. Cardiovasc Interv and Ther, 2012 27, 196-200
13.Kawata, M.., Nakanishi, T., Uzu, K., Takada, H., Matsuura, T., Kuroda, M., Hirayama, Y., Adachi, K., Matsuura, A., Sakamoto, S. Randomized comparison of zotarolimus-, paclitaxel- and sirolimus-eluting stents in stable angina pectoris (ZIPS trial). Aijinkai Medical J, 2012 44, 23-29
14.Kawata, M., Kato, Y.,Takada, H., Kamemura, K., Matsuura, A., Sakamoto, S. Successful rotational atherectomy for a repetitive restenosis lesion with underexpansion of double layer drug-eluting stents due to heavily calcified plaque Cardiovasc Interv and Ther, 2016 31, 65-69
1. Takai, Y., Kikuchi, A., Yamashita, T., Yamamoto, K., Kawata, M., and Hoshijima, M. Multiple small molecular weight GTP-binding proteins in bovine brain membranes. Progress in Endocrinology (Yoshida, S., eds) Elsevier Science Publishers , Amsterdam 1988 Vol. 2 pp, 995-1000
2. Takai. Y., Kikuchi, A., Yamamoto, K., Kawata, M., Hoshijima, M., and Yamashita, T. Small molecular weight GTP-binding proteins in bovine brain. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Calcium Regu!ating System VIth Fuji Hormone Conference (Fujita, T., Morii, H., and Kurokawa K., Topuko Publishers, Tokyo 1988 pp. 217-225
3. Takai, Y., Kaibuchi, K., Kikuchi, A., Kawata, M., and Kawahara, Y. Possible functions and mode of action of smg p2l in signal transduction. In Molecular Biology of the Myocardium (Tada, M., ed.) Japan Scientific Societies press, Tokyo & CRC press, Boca Raton 1992 pp. 15-26