東京慈恵会医科大学 名誉教授、あたご皮フ科 院長

日本皮膚科学会 認定皮膚科専門医

中川 秀己 なかがわ ひでみ 先生







  • 皮膚科
  • 皮膚科学



日本皮膚科学会 認定皮膚科専門医
  • 東京慈恵会医科大学 名誉教授
  • あたご皮フ科 院長
  • 日本皮膚科学会  理事(2011年5月~2016年6月2日)・乾癬診療ガイドライン作成委員長
  • 日本性感染症学会 監事
  • 日本乾癬学会 理事長(2010年~2014年)
  • 日本色素細胞学会 理事
  • 日本皮膚かたち学会 功労会員
  • 日本香粧品学会 理事
  • 日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会 会員
  • 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 会員
  • 日本研究皮膚科学会 会員
  • 日本臨床皮膚科医会 特別会員
  • 日本アレルギー学会 会員
  • Society for Investigative Dermatology 会員
  • European Academy for Dermatology and Venereology 会員



  • 皮膚科
  • 東京都港区芝大門1丁目1-35 サンセルモ大門ビル1F
  • 都営三田線 御成門 出口A3b 徒歩2分 都営大江戸線 大門 出口A6 徒歩7分
  • 03-6402-3636




1977年 東京大学医学部卒業
1977年 東京大学皮膚科学教室助手
1981年~1983年 米国ハーバード大学マサチューセッツ総合病院皮膚科基礎研究院
1986年 東京大学皮膚科学教室講師
1988年 東京大学皮膚科学教室助教授
1997年 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室主任教授
2004年 東京慈恵会医科大学皮膚科教室主任教授
2018年 東京慈恵会医科大学 名誉教授


Initial Experience of Using Dual-Energy CT with an Iodine Overlay Image for Hand Psoriatic Arthritis: Comparison Study with Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging. Fukuda T, Umezawa Y, Tojo S, Yonenaga T, Asahina A, Nakagawa H, Fukuda K. Radiology. 2016 Dec 29:161671. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2016161671. [Epub ahead of print]
Aberrant DNA Methylation in Keratoacanthoma. Nobeyama Y, Nakagawa H. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 27;11(10):e0165370. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165370.
Integration-free T cell-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from a patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) carrying two compound heterozygous mutations in the COL7A1 gene. Itoh M, Kawagoe S, Tamai K, Okano HJ, Nakagawa H. Stem Cell Res. 2016 17(1):32-35.
MAGEA3 methylation status is associated with prognosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor and with neurofibroma type in neurofibromatosis type 1. Nobeyama Y, Nakagawa H. J Dermatol Sci. 2016 Oct;84(1):101-104.
Integration-free T cell-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from a patient with lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome (LDS) carrying an insertion-deletion complex mutation in the FOXC2 gene. Itoh M, Kawagoe S, Okano HJ, Nakagawa H. Stem Cell Res. 2016;16(3):611-3.
Less-invasive analysis of DNA methylation using psoriatic scales. Nobeyama Y, Umezawa Y, Nakagawa H. J Dermatol Sci. 2016 ;83(1):70-3.
Serum C-reactive protein levels in Japanese patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: Long-term differential effects of biologics. Asahina A, Umezawa Y, Yanaba K, Nakagawa H. J Dermatol. 2016;43(7):779-84.
Aberrant demethylation and expression of MAGEB2 in a subset of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors from neurofibromatosis type 1. Nobeyama Y, Nakagawa H. J Dermatol Sci. 2016;81(2):118-23.
IL-10-producing regulatory B cells are decreased in patients with psoriasis. Hayashi M, Yanaba K, Umezawa Y, Yoshihara Y, Kikuchi S, Ishiuji Y, Saeki H, Nakagawa H. J Dermatol Sci. 2016 ; 81(2):93-100.
Brodalumab, a human anti-interleukin-17-receptor antibody in the treatment of Japanese patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: Efficacy and safety results from a phase II randomized controlled study. Nakagawa H, Niiro H, Ootaki K; Japanese brodalumab study group. J Dermatol Sci. 2016 ;81(1):44-52.
Tumor-suppressive effects of natural-type interferon-β through CXCL10 in melanoma. Kobayashi H, Nobeyama Y, Nakagawa H. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015; 21;464(2):416-21.
Synergistic effect of PDGF and FGF2 for cell proliferation and hair inductive activity in murine vibrissal dermal papilla in vitro. Kiso M, Hamazaki TS, Itoh M, Kikuchi S, Nakagawa H, Okochi H. J Dermatol Sci. 2015;79(2):110-8
Epidemiology of psoriasis and palmoplantar pustulosis: a nationwide study using the Japanese national claims database.Kubota K, Kamijima Y, Sato T, Ooba N, Koide D, Iizuka H, Nakagawa H. BMJ Open. 2015 14;5(1):e006450. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006450.
Impact of obesity on the efficacy of ustekinumab in Japanese patients with psoriasis: a retrospective cohort study of 111 patients. Yanaba K, Umezawa Y, Ito T, Hayashi M, Kikuchi S, Fukuchi O, Saeki H, Nakagawa H. Arch Dermatol Res. 2014;306:921-5.
Secukinumab in plaque psoriasis--results of two phase 3 trials. Langley RG, Elewski BE, Lebwohl M, Reich K, Griffiths CE, Papp K, Puig L, Nakagawa H, Spelman L, Sigurgeirsson B, Rivas E, Tsai TF, Wasel N, Tyring S, Salko T, Hampele I, Notter M, Karpov A, Helou S, Papavassilis C; ERASURE Study Group.; FIXTURE Study Group.. N Engl J Med. 2014 24;371(4):326-38.
Impact of ustekinumab on health-related quality of life in Japanese patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 / 3 trial. Nakagawa H, Schenkel B, Kato M, Kato T, Igarashi A; Japanese Ustekinumab Study Group. J Dermatol. 2012;39(9):761-9.
Infliximab monotherapy in Japanese patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial. Torii H, Nakagawa H; Japanese Infliximab Study investigators. J Dermatol Sci. 2010 ;59(1):40-9.
Nuclear localization of Merkel cell polyomavirus large T antigen in Merkel cell carcinoma. Nakamura T, Sato Y, Watanabe D, Ito H, Shimonohara N, Tsuji T, Nakajima N, Suzuki Y, Matsuo K, Nakagawa H, Sata T, Katano H. Virology. 2010 15; 398(2):273-9.
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detection of human papillomavirus type 6, 11, 16, and 18. Hagiwara M, Sasaki H, Matsuo K, Honda M, Kawase M, Nakagawa H. J Med Virol. 2007;79(5):605-15.
Comparison of the efficacy and safety of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment with topical corticosteroids in adult patients with atopic dermatitis: review of randomised, double-blind clinical studies conducted in Japan. Nakagawa H. Clin Drug Investig. 2006;26(5):235-46.
Two new XPD patients compound heterozygous for the same mutation demonstrate diverse clinical features. Fujimoto M, Leech SN, Theron T, Mori M, Fawcett H, Botta E, Nozaki Y, Yamagata T, Moriwaki S, Stefanini M, Momoi MY, Nakagawa H, Shuster S, Moss C, Lehmann AR. J Invest Dermatol. 2005;125:86-92.
Decreased levels of covalently bound ceramide are associated with ultraviolet B-induced perturbation of the skin barrier. Takagi Y, Nakagawa H, Kondo H, Takema Y, Imokawa G. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;123:1102-9.
Biosynthesis of acylceramide in murine epidermis: characterization by inhibition of glucosylation and deglucosylation, and by substrate specificity. Takagi Y, Nakagawa H, Matsuo N, Nomura T, Takizawa M, Imokawa G. J Invest Dermatol.2004;122:722-9.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide and cytokines enhance stem cell factor production from epidermal keratinocytes DJM-1. Kakurai M, Fujita N, Kiyosawa T, Inoue T, Ishibashi S, Furukawa Y, Demitsu T, Nakagawa H. J Invest Dermatol. 2002;119(5):1183-8.
Coding haplotype analysis supports HCR as the putative susceptibility gene for psoriasis at the MHC PSORS1 locus. Asumalahti K, Veal C, Laitinen T, Suomela S, Allen M, Elomaa O, Moser M, de Cid R, Ripatti S, Vorechovsky I, Marcusson JA, Nakagawa H, Lazaro C, Estivill X, Capon F, Novelli G, Saarialho-Kere U, Barker J, Trembath R, Kere J; Psoriasis Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 1;11(5):589-97.
Characterization of melanogenesisi in normal human epidermal melanocytes by chemical and ultrastructural analysis. Nakagawa H and Imokawa G Pigment Cell Res 1996: 9:175-178
Tacrolimus ointment for atopic dermatitis. Nakagawa H, Etoh T, Ishibashi Y, Higaki Y, Kawashima M, Torii H, Harada S. Lancet. 1994 24; 344(8926):883
Association of Cw11 in Japanese patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Nakagawa H, Asahina A, Akazaki S, Tokunaga K, Matsuki K, Ishibashi Y, Juji T. Tissue Antigens. 1990;36:241-2.
Osteosarcomatous changes in malignant melanoma. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of a case. Nakagawa H, Imakado S, Nogita T, Ishibashi Y. Am J Dermatopathol. 1990 ;12(2):162-8.
Ultrastructural changes in human skin after exposure to a pulsed laser. Nakagawa H, Tan OT, Parrish JA. J Invest Dermatol. 1985;84:396-400.
Acid phosphatase in melanosome formation: a cytochemical study in normal human melanocytes. Nakagawa H, Rhodes AR, Fitzpatrick TB, Hori Y. J Invest Dermatol. 1984;83:140-4.
The nature and origin of the melanin macroglobule. Nakagawa H, Hori Y, Sato S, Fitzpatrick TB, Martuza RL. J Invest Dermatol. 1984;83:134-9.
Morphologic alterations of epidermal melanocytes and melanosomes in PUVA lentigines: a comparative ultrastructural investigation of lentigines induced by PUVA and sunlight. Nakagawa H, Rhodes AR, Momtaz-T K, Fitzpatrick TB. J Invest Dermatol. 1984;82:101-7.


  • 【受賞】リディアオリリー記念ピアス皮膚科学振興財団 第30回安田・坂本記念賞(2017年2月)



