JCHO 東京蒲田医療センター 院長

日本内科学会 認定内科医・内科指導医 日本消化器病学会 消化器病専門医・消化器病指導医 日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医・肝臓指導医 日本消化器内視鏡学会 消化器内視鏡専門医

石井 耕司 いしい こうじ 先生



  • 消化器内科



日本内科学会 認定内科医・内科指導医
日本消化器病学会 消化器病専門医・消化器病指導医
日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医・肝臓指導医
日本消化器内視鏡学会 消化器内視鏡専門医
  • JCHO 東京蒲田医療センター 院長
  • 日本消化器病学会 評議員/関東支部評議員
  • 日本肝臓学会 東部会評議員
  • 米国消化器病学会 フェロー
  • 米国肝臓病学会 メンバー



  • 内科 外科 脳神経外科 整形外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科
  • 東京都大田区南蒲田2丁目19-2
  • 京急本線 京急蒲田 東口 徒歩10分 JR京浜東北線 蒲田 東口  京急バス:羽田空港・羽田車庫行き 南蒲田二丁目または日ノ出通り下車など 徒歩20分
  • 03-3738-8221




1981年 杏林大学医学部卒業
1983年 東邦大学医学部研究生(内科学第2講座)
1986年 東邦大学医学部助手(内科学第2講座)
1987年 恩賜財団済生会横浜市南部病院内科出向
1990年 医学博士取得(東邦大学乙第1432号)
1991年 米国 Albert Einstein College of Medicine,Liver Research Center(research fellow)へ留学 
1993年 東邦大学医学部助手(内科学第2講座)に復帰
1994年 Bolivia 国際消化器疾患研究対策プロジェクト アフタ-ケア調査団としてBoliviaに出張(3力月)
1998年 東邦大学医学部講師(内科学第2講座)
2003年 東邦大学医学部内科学講座(大森)消化器内科移籍(組織改正)
2005年 東邦大学医学部内科学講座消化器内科(大森)助教授
2007年 東邦大学医学部内科学講座消化器内科(大森)准教授
2014年 JCHO 東京蒲田医療センター副院長
2016年 同病院院長


【国際学会 シンポジウム】
Ishii K. Correlation between interferon alpha receptor 2 expression by peripheral blood monocytes, serum 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5 AS), and early viral response in patients with a high viral load of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 showing substitution of amino acid 70 in the core region. BIT's 1st Annual Inaugurate Symposium of Hepatitise Virus-2010. Busan ,Chorea. 2010.07.31

1. Ishii K, Wolkof AW: Regulation of rat hepatocyte organic anion transport activity by bile acids. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, USA. 1993, 11.
2. Ishii K, Sora T, Nagai H, Hata S, kajima T, Hatori T, Sumino Y: Proposal of a combined therapy with ursodeoxycholate and glutathione for patients with chronic hepatitis C who are non- respond ers to Interferon therapy. American Digestive disease week (AASLD), San Francisco, USA. 1996, 5
3. Ishii K, Yoshida S, Nagai H, Makino H, Yamamuro W, Hatori T, Sumino Y: The effe ct of bile acid reflux for glutathione redox cycle in the esophageal epithelium. American Digestive Disease Week (AGA), Washington, USA. 1997, 5
4. Nagai H, Ishii K, Hata S. Yam,amuro W, Hatori T, Sumino Y: Cytoprotective effect of growth factors on rat hepatocytes exposed to cytotoxic bile acids. 48th Annual Meeting of the American Associ ation for the Study of Liver Diseases. Chicago, USA. 1997, 11
5. Takamura N, Ishii K, Nishio Y, Matsumaru K, Iwasaki N, Sinohara M, noda M, Kawafune T, Sumino Y, Yamamuro W: Significance of cytokine analysis in peripheral blood CD4+ T cell of pati ent s with choronic hepatitis C. American·Digestive Disease Week (AASLD), San Diego, Calfornia, USA. 2000, 5. 20
6. Ishii K, Takamura N, Ikehara T, Nishio Y, Nagai H, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sumino Y. Effect of short-term lactoferrin for patients with chronic hepatitis. 51th Annual Meet ing of the Amer ica n Association for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Dalas, U.S.A. 2000, 10, 31
7. Shinohara M, Ishii K, Takamura N, Shin K, Hagiwara M, Mori T, Ikehara T, Nishio Y, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sumino Y. Serum i!;)vels of soluble interferon Alfa/Beta receptor in patients chronically Infected hepatitis C virus. American digestive disease week (AASLD), Atlanta, U.S.A. 2001. 5. 21
8. lshii K, Takamura N, Shinohara M, Shin H, Takeuchi Y, Nishio Y, Ikehara T, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sumino Y, Yamamuro W: Are cyokine responses promissing sustained response to int erferonalph a administered in chronic hepatitis C patients ? 52th Annual Meeting of the American Associat ion for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Dalas, U.S.A. 2001, 11.
9. lshii K, Shinohara M, T_akarimra N, Ishikawa T, Shin H, Hagiwara M, Ikehara T, Nishio Y, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sumino Y, Yamamuro W. Interferon-alpha receptor 2a correlated with proinflammat ory cytokines in the serum of patients chronically infected hepatitis C virus. 52th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Dalas, U.S.A. 2001, 11.
10. lshii K, Takamura N, Shinohara M, Shin H, Takeuchi Y, Ikehara T, Nishio Y, Hata S, Kaw afun e T, Sumino Y, Terauchi S, Yamauchi K: Effect of orally administered bovine lactoferrin on serum cyt oki r.E:.s environment of patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b. 52th Annual Meet ing 可the American Association for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Dalas, U.S.A. 2001, 11.
11.  Ikehara T, Hagiwara M, Mori T, Nishio Y, Kawafune T, Ishii K, Sumino Y: Experience of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. 52th Ann 叫 Me et ing of the American Association for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Dalas, U.S.A. 2001, 11.
12. Wakui K, Ishii K, Takamura N, Shinohara M, Shin K, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sugimoto M, Sumino Y. Effect of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate on serum levels of ALT in chronic hepatitis C pat ient s including non-responders to pr or interferon therapy. American digest ive week (AASLD), San Francisco, U.S.A. 2002. 5.19
13. Kumagai N, Tsuchimoto K, Goto K, Mirna S, Ishii K, Sumino Y, Yamauchi K, Teraguchi S. Complementary effect of lactofferin on interferon therapy for chronic he pat it is C in patients with genotype 1B and high viremia. 53th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of し iver (AASLD) Boston, U.S.A. 2002, 11.
14. Goto K, Mirna S, Kumagai N, Tsuchimoto K, Ishii K, Sumino Y, Yamauchi K, Teraguchi S. Combination therapy with interferon a -2B/ribavirin plus lactofferin for chronic hepatitis C in patients with genotype 1B and high viremia. 53th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver (AASLD) Boston, U.S.A. 2002, 11.
15. lshii K, Shinohara Mi, Takamura N, Sasao K, Wakui N, Shin H, Ikehara T, Nagai H, Watanabe lvi, Kawafune T, Sumino Y, Yamamuro W. Long-term follow-up of CD4 positive T cell subsets (Thl, Th2) in peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis C who are sustained responder and
non 寸 esponder to IFN. American digestive week, (AASLD), rlando, U.S.A. 2003. 5.19
16. Ishii K, Sumino Y, Shinohara Mi, Takamura N, Matsumaru K, Fujita M, Sasao K, Nagai H, Wat anab e M, Miki K, Yamamuro W. Changes of IFNAR-2 expression on peripheral blood leukocytes during IFN therapy for chronic hepatitis C. American digestive week, (AASLD), New rlins, U.S.A. 2004. 5.16
17.  lshii K, Sumino Y, Shinohara Mi, Takarnura N, Matsumaru K, Shinohara Na, Nagai H, Watanabe M, Miki K, Yamauchi K, Teraguchi S, Yamarnuro W. The efficacy of bovine lactoferrin and IFN-alpha 2b combination therapy following 24-week regimen of ribavirin plus IFN-alpha 26 for patients with chronic hepatitis C who did not respond to prior IFN monotherapy. American digestiv e week, (AASLD), New rleaans, U.S.A. 2004.5.17
18. Wakui K, Sumino Y, Sawa M, Kanayama M, Fujita Y, Shin H, Shinihara M, Watanabe M, Ishii K, / Miki K. Detection of histopathological differentiation with hepatocellular carcinoma by enhance;nent patterns using microbubble contrast US. American digestive week, (AASLD), New rleaans, U. S.A. 2004. 5.16
19. Nagai H, Matsumaru K, Momiyama K, Ishii K, Miki K. Surnino Y. Glutathione (GSH) depletior. by the toxic bile acid chenodeoxycholate (CDCA) sensitizes primary cultured mouse hepatocytes to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induced apoptosis. American digestive week, (AASLD), New rleaans, U.S.A. 2004. 5.16
20. Ishii K, Matsumaru K, Wakui N, Fujita Y, Sasao K, Momiyama K, Shinohara M, Nagai H, Watanabe W, Miki K., Yamamuro W, Sumino Y. Early immune - mediat e d response to ribavirin combined with IF N in patients with chronic hepatiti"s C. 55th Annual Meeting of American Association of the study of liver diseases (AASLD), Boston, U.S.A. 2004. 10.30
21. Shinohara M, Ishii K, Ikehara T, Shinohara M.I., Sasao K, Fujita Y, Miki K, Nonaka H, Sumino 又Contra st ―e nhance d color Doppler ultrasonography used to determine peripheral color signal density in difuse liver disease. 55th Annual Meeting of American Association of the st udy of liver diseases (AASLD), Boston, U.S.A. 2004. 10.30
22. Ishii K, Matsumaru K, K. Higami K, Fujita Y, Sasao K, Wakui N, Momiyama K, Shinohara M, Nagai H, Watanabe W, Miki K., Sumino Y. Differnces of host immunological background between res pon ders and non-responders to IFN therapy among patients with chronic hepatitis C. American digestive week(DDW) - AASLD, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2005. 5.15
23. Ishii K, Matsumaru K, Wakui N, Fujita Y, Shinohara M, Nagai I-I, Watanabe W, Miki K., Sano M ,Morita T, Sumino Y. Relationship between early HCV clearance from serum and interferon recep t o r (IFNAR-2) expression on leukocytes in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with various int er ferons. American digestive week (DW) - AASLD, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2005.5.15
24. Jshii K, Sumino Y, Higami K, Fujita Y, Shinohara MI, Ikehara T, Shinohara MA, M atsumaru K, Nagai H, Watanabe W, Miki K.. Differing immune effects of PEG-IFN-alpha 2b and IFN-alpha 2b co mbin ed with ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C. 56th AASLD, Sanfrancisco, LA, U.S.A. 2005. 11.15
25. Ishii K, Sumino Y, Shinohara MI, 1--Iigami K, Matsumaru K, Ikehara T, Shinohara MA, Nagai H,Watanabe W, Wakui N, Miki K, Sano M, Morita T. Relationship between sustained viral response and leukocyte interferon receptor (IFNAR-2) expression on chronic hepatitis C patients treated wit はseveral interferons. 56th AASLD, Sanfrancisco, LA, U.S.A. 2005. 11.15
26. Momiyama K, Nagai H, Higami K, Nakano S, Matsumaru K, Watanabe M, Kawafune T, Ishii K, Maruyama K, Surnino Y, Miki K. Comparison of the dynamic state of circulation among patients wit h alcoholic and viral liver cirrhosis. American digestive week, (AASLD), Los Angels, U.S.A. 2006, 5. 22
27. Kanayama M, Nagai H, Morniyama K, Nakano S, Matsumaru K, Maruyama K, Kawafune T, Ishii K ,Sumino Y, Miki K. Effect of spironolactone on rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with alcoholic and viral liver cirrhosis.. American digestive week, (AASLD), Los Angels, U.S.A . 2006 , 5.22
28. Higami K, Ishii. K. Matsumaru K, Takamura N, Ikehara T, Nagai H, Watanabe M,Sumino Y, Miki K. Relation between EVR and leukocyte IFNAR-2 in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with PEG-IFN/RIB. 17th APASL Kyoto, Japan, 2007, 3, 29,
29. lshii K, Higami K, Mtsumaru K, Takamura N, Ikehara T, Nagai H, Watanabe M, Sumino Y, Miki K. PeripheraI blood leukocyte I_FNAR-2 expression in aging patients with chronic hepatitis C and an effect ofIFN therapy. American digestive week, (AASLD), Washington, D.C. U.S.A. 2007,05, 20
30. Ishii K, Takamura N, Higami K, Mtsumaru K, Nagai H, Watanabe M, Sumino Y, Miki K. Change of serum cholesterol fractions after sustained response to IFN therapies in patients with chronic Hepatites of . American digestive week, (AASLD), Washington, D.C. U.S.A. 2007,05, 20
31. Ishii K, Higami K, Sawa M, Matsui T, Nagai H, Sumino Y. Baseline interleukin-18 / interleukin - 10 ratio is an independent predictor of SVR patients treated with IFN-based therapy. 59th AASLD ),Sanfrancisco, LA, U.S.A. 2008, 11.15
32. Hgami K, Ishii K, Sawa M, Sumino Y. Peripheral blood monocyte IFNAR-2 expression precdict s an early viral response in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with PEG-IFN plus ribavirin. 59th AASLD, Sanfrancisco, LA, U.S.A. 2008. 11.15
33. Ishii K, Higami K, Sawa M, Shinohara M, Nagai H, Sano M, Morita T, Sumino Y. Interferon alpha recaptor 2 expression by peripheral blood monocytes in patients showing high baseline viral load s of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 with substitution of amino acid 70 in the core region. 60th AASLD, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 2009. 11. 01
34. Shinohara M, Ishii K, Higami K, Sawa M, Nagai H, Sano M, Morita T, Sumino Y, Correlation between Interferon Alpha Receptor 2 Expression By Per ipheral Blood Monocytes, serum 2'-5'0ligoadenylate Synthetase (2-5 AS), Early Viral Response In P a ti e t s With A High Viral Load f Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 Showing Substitution Of In The Core Region Amino Acid 70. DDW-AASLD NewOeans, LA, U.S.A. 2010. 05. 01
35. Shinohara M, Kogame M, Kanayama K, Higami K, Ishii K, Sumino Y. Effects of Mutation number in Interferon Sensitivity Determining Region on Peripheral Blood CD4-positive cd i. Subsets(Th1, Th2) in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1b and High Viral Load. DDW-AASLD, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2011. 05. 08
36. Ishii K, Kogame M, Kanayama K, Shinohara M, Higami K, Sumino Y. Reappraisal of :he importance of Amino Acid 70 Substitution in the Core Region of Hepatitis C Virus in Serum Lipid Markers f Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1band High Viral Load Treated with Interferon And Ribavirin. DDW-AASLD, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2011. 05. 08
37. Shinohara M, Ishii K, Kogame M, Kanayama K, Sumino Y. Interferon alpha receptor 2 expression by peripheral blood monocytes in patients showing a high baseline viral loads of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 with substitution of amino acid 70 in the core region.
DDW-AASLD, Sandiego, 2012, 05 Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2011.05.08
38. Kogame M, Ishii K, Shihohara M, Kanayama K, Ikehara T, Shinohara MA, Nagai H, Watanabe M, Igarashi Y. Type 1 IFN-alpha receptor expression by peripheral Blood monocytes during tiple therapy influences rapid virological response in genotype l b-infected patients with chronic hepatitis C and high viral load. DDW-AASLD, Orlando, FL, TJ.S. A. 2013. 05.

1. 石井耕司,住野泰清.ウィルス肝炎(肝癌を含む)Medicina 41: 811-814, 2004
2. 石井耕司,住野泰清.脂肪肝(NASHを含む) Medicina vol 41:1682-1689, 2004.
3. 石井耕司:C型慢性肝炎に対する各種インターフェロン治療成績とウィルス排除の成否に関わる患者背景.東邦医会誌 53: 158-164, 2006
4. 樋上勝也、石井耕司、高村尚子、寺口進、山内恒治、住野泰清.c型肝炎ウィルス持続感染者に対する長期ウシラクトフェリン摂取の肝機能に及ぼす影響.ラクトフェリン 2007ppl 84- 190, 2007
5. 和久井紀貴,塩沢一恵,高山竜司,吉澤 香,高橋政義,中島早苗,藤田泰子,池原孝,永井英成,渡辺学, 石井耕司, 飯田和成, 住野泰清, 丸山憲一 ,神山直久肝臓の超音波診断一最近の治験ーSonazoid 造影USを用いたパラメトリックイメージによる肝疾患の評価.東邦医学会雑誌 56 : 171-177, 2009
6. 樋上勝也、石井耕司、澤 美里、寺口 進、山内恒治、住野泰清. C型肝炎ウイルス持続感染者者に対するウシラクトフェリン投与と IL- 10 産生に及ぼす影響.ラクトフェリン 2009 ppl 74- l 77, 2009
(原)1. 石井耕司,山室 渡,布施正博,水吉秀男:胆管閉塞ラットにおける Sulfobromopht halein 代謝の検討.日本消化器病学会雑誌 87 : 1423 - 1429, 1990
(原)2. Ishii K, Wolkoff AW: Inhibition of rat hepatocyte organic anion transport by bile acids .Am J Physiol 267: G458-G464, 1994
(原)3. 石井耕司,空利之,永井英成,畑宗一郎,窪田学,永井一毅,山室 渡,羽鳥知樹,住野泰清:インターフェロン無効のC型慢性肝炎に対するUDCA 療法の有効例と無効例の背景.肝臓 38: 146-151, 1997
(原)4. Ishii K, Takamura N, Shinohara M, Shin H, Ikehara T, T, Hata S, Kawafune T, Sumino Y., Intracellular cytokines analysis of CD4 positive T cells predict ive of sust ained response to interferon therapy for patients with chronic hepatis C. Dig Dis Sci 47:778-783, 2002
(原)5. Ishii K, Takamura N, Shinohara M, Wakui N, E Shin H, Sumino Y, Ohmoto Y, Teraguchi S,Yamauchi K. Long-term follow-up of chronic hepatitis C patients treated with oral lactferrin for 12 months. Hepatol Res 25: 226 - 233, 2003
(学)6. Shinohara M. Ishii K, Takamura N. Long - t erm changes of peripheral blood CD4-positive T cell subsets (Th1, Th2) in chronic hepatitis C patients with a sustained response or no response to IFN. Hepatol Res. 27: 260-265, 2003
(原)7. Ishii K, Matsumaru K, Higami K, Fujita Y, Sasao K, Wakui N, Momiy ama K, Shinohara M, NagaiH, Watanabe M, Miki K, Sumino Y. Early immu ne - mediat ed response to ribavirn combined with IFN in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatol Res 34: 15-22, 2006
(原)8. Ishii K, Sinohara M, Sawa M, Kogame M, Higami K, Sano M, Morita T, Sumino Y. l nterfer cnalpha receptor 2 expression by peripheral blood monocytes in patients with a high viral load of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 showing substitution of amono acid 70 in the core region. Interv ril ogy, 53:105-110. 2009
(原)9 石井耕司、 高亀道生、 白鳥美里、 篠原美絵、 和久井紀貴、 樋上勝也、 住野泰清 : Genotype A の急性B型肝炎の臨床的特徴. 肝臓 51 : 397- 399, 2010.
(原)10 Ishii K, Sinohara M, Kogame M,Shiratori M, Higami K, Kanaya K, Shiozawa K, Wakui N, Naga h , Watanabe M, Sumino Y. Effect of mutation number in interferon sensivity determinating region on. peripheral blood CD4+ T cell subsets (Th1, Th2) IN chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1b and high viral load. Hepatology International, 6:468-474, 2012, 03.

(学)1. 与那嶺美樹:99mTc N-pyridoxyl- 5- methylt rypt ophan を用いた肝胆道シンチグラフィーの肝機能評価法への応用 ー慢性肝炎臨床例および肝障害ラット灌流肝での検討.肝臓 37 : 427- 434 , 1996
(学)2. 高村尚子: MR velocity mapping による奇静脈,門脈血流測定の有用性.肝臓 42 : 335- 341, 2001
(学)10. 西尾泰信:Xenon CTによる肝動脈門脈分別測定法を用いた慢性肝疾患組織血流量の検討. 肝臓 45 : 239-247, 2004
(学)11. Shinohara M. Determination of peripheral color signal density using contrast ―enhanced color Doppler ultrasonography in diffuse liver disease. J Med Ultrasonics 31: 53 - 58, 2004
(学)12. 谷川佳代子,石井耕司,住野泰清.慢性肝疾患に対する超音波造影剤レボビスト®を用いた肝表近傍血管分岐形状の検討.日本超音波医学会雑誌 34 : 165-.2007.


1. 石井耕司,住野泰清(分担):一目でわかる肝臓病学(与芝真編)
一肝膿瘍― p74-75. メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,東京 ,1996.
2. 石井耕司,住野泰清(分担):非代償性肝硬変症 Medicina vol 37, No 12, ppl816 -1818, 2000, 11
3. 石井耕司(分担 ),Richard MStone (編著)、佐地勉(監訳):消化器系問題.ハリソン内科学準拠問題集 15版  メジカルビュー 社、pp241- 277, 2003, 04
4. 石井耕司, 住野泰清(分担):鑑別診断トレーニングブック:腹痛を訴える患者さん.羊土社pp 90-212. 2004, 09
5. 石井耕司,住野泰清(分担): C 型慢性肝炎のインターフェロン治療の現況. Clinician's Journal 2004 年

