医療法人 保仁会 泉ヶ丘病院 顧問
日本脳神経外科学会 脳神経外科指導医・脳神経外科専門医
日本脳神経外科学会 | 脳神経外科指導医・脳神経外科専門医 |
1977年 金沢大学医学部卒業
1981年 金沢大学大学院卒業 医学博士取得
1984年 福井医科大脳神経外科 助手
1997年 福井医科大学医学部付属病院手術部 助教授
2000年 福井医科大学脳神経外科 助教授
2003年 福井大学医学部脳脊髄神経外科 助教授
2009年 福井大学医学部脳脊髄外科 准教授
2011年 国立病院機構福井病院 副院長
2014年 国立病院機構敦賀医療センター(病院名改称) 院長
1. Handa Y, Weir BK, Nosko M, Mosewich R, Tsuji T, Grace M: The effect of timing of clot removal on chronic vasospasm in a primate model. J Neurosurg. 67: 558-564, 1987
2. Handa Y, Caner H, Hayashi, M, Tamamaki N, Nojyo Y: The distribution pattern of the sympathetic nerve fibers to the cerebral arterial system in rat as revealede by anterograde labeling with WGA-HRP. Exp Brain Res 82: 493-498
3. Handa Y, Hayashi M, Takeuchi H, Kobayashi H, Kawano H, Kabuto M: Effect of cyclosporine on the development of cerebral vasospasm in a primate model. Neurosurgery. 28: 380-386, 1991
4. Handa Y, Kabuto M, Kobayashi H, Kawano H, Takeuchi H, Hayashi M: The correlation between immunological reaction in the arterial wall and the time course of the development of cerebral vasospasm in a primates model. Neurosurgery. 28: 542-549, 1991.
5. Handa Y, Nojyo Y, Hayashi M: Patterns of preinnervation of deneravated cerebral arteries by sympathetic nerve fibers after unilateral ganglionectomy in rats. Exp Brain Res 86: 82-89, 1991.
6. Handa, Y., Hayashi, M., Takeuchi, H., Kubota, T., Kobayashi, H., Kawano, H.: Time course of the impairment of cerebral autoregulation during chronic cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in primates. J Neurosurg. 76, 493-501, 1992, 3.
7. Handa Y, Nojyo Y, Ishiguro H, Nagatsu I: Plasticity of the sympathetic nervous system innervating the cerebral arteries in rats. Exp Neurol 118: 324-331, 1992
8. Handa Y, Kubota Te, Tsuchida A, Kaneko M, Caner H, Kobayashi H, Kubota T: Effect of systemic hypotension on cerebral energy metabolism during chronic cerebral vasospasm in primates. J Neurosurg. 78: 112-119, 1993
9. Handa Y, Kubota Te, Kaneko M, Tsuchida A, Kobayashi H, Kawano H, Kubota T: Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1(ICAM-1) on the cerebral artery following subarachnoid haemorrhage in rats. Acta Neurochir 132: 92-97, 1995
10,.Handa Y, Kaneko M, Matsuda T, Kobayashi H, Kubota T: In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for metabolic changes in brain during chronic cerebral vasospasm in primates. Neurosurgery 40: 773-781, 1997
11. Handa Y, Kubota T, Ishii H, Sato K, Tsuchida A, Arai Y: Evaluation of prognostic factors and clinical outcome in elderly patients in whom expansive laminoplasty is performed for cervical myelopathy due to multisegmental spondylotic canal stenosis. A retrospective comparison with younger patients. J Neurosurg (Spine 2) 96: 173-179, 2002
1. Cerebrovascular Disease, Basic Research. 佐藤 潔, 福井仁士, 山浦 晶(編)、脳神経外科レビュー 7、三輪書店, 1999.
2. 脳神経外科アドバンス(共著)診断と治療社、2008