長野県立こども病院 病院長、信州大学医学部新生児学・療育学講座 特任教授

中村 友彦 なかむら ともひこ 先生



  • 小児科
  • 新生児学(新生児呼吸管理)
  • 新生児慢性呼吸疾患



  • 長野県立こども病院 病院長
  • 信州大学医学部新生児学・療育学講座 特任教授
  • 日本小児科学会 代議員
  • 日本新生児成育医学会 理事長
  • 日本周産期・新生児医学会 副理事長
  • 第55回日本周産期・新生児医学会 学術集会長



  • アレルギー科 血液内科 精神科 脳神経外科 循環器科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 麻酔科 腫瘍内科 感染症内科 内分泌内科 代謝内科
  • 長野県安曇野市豊科3100
  • 北アルプス線 南豊科 車6分 北アルプス線 豊科 車15分 JR篠ノ井線 田沢 車15分
  • 0263-73-6700




1984年 信州大学医学部 卒業
1995年 トロント大学呼吸生理学部門 トロント小児病院新生児研究部門留学
2001年 信州大学 医学博士取得
2002年 長野県立こども病院 新生児科部長
2004年 長野県立こども病院 総合周産期母子医療センター長
2015年 信州大学医学部新生児学・療育学講座 特任教授
2018年 長野県立こども病院 病院長


  • NIV-NAVA versus NIPPV in preterm infants born before 30 weeks of GA. Pediatr Int 2018; 60: 957-961 Yanagisawa T, Nakamura T. Survey of hospitalized patients with RS virus in Nagano, Japan. Pediatr Int. 2018;60:835-838.

    Yonehara K, Ogawa R, Kamei Y, Oda A, Kokubo M, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Neurally adjusted ventilator assist in extremely low birth weight infants. Pediatr Int. 2018;60:844-848

    Oda A, Kamei Y, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Presepsin as a predictor of positive blood culture in suspected neonatal sepsis. Pediatr Inter 2018;60:157-161

    Miyosawa Y, Akazawa Y, Kamiya M, Nakamura C, Takeuchi Y, Kusakari M, Nakamura T.

  • Cardiovascular remodeling and dysfunction across a range of growth restriction severity in small for gestational age infants –Implication for fetal programming. Circ J. 2016;80:2212-20

    Akazawa Y, Hachiya A, Yamazaki S, Kawasaki Y, Nakamura C, Takeuchi Y, Hachiya A, Kusakari M, Miyosawa Y, Kamiya M, Motoki N, Koike K, Nakamura T.

  • Impact of decreased serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels on central aortic compliance in small-for-gestational-age infants. Neonatology. 2016;111:30-36

    Akazawa Y, Kamiya M, Yamazaki S, Kawasaki Y, Nakamura C, Takeuchi Y, Hachiya A, Kusakari M, Miyosawa Y, Motoki N, Koike K, Nakamura T.

  • Nationalwide survey of neonatal transportation practices in Japan. Pediar Int 2016;58:311-313

    Hiroma T, Ichiba H, Wada K, Shiraishi J, Sugiura H, Nakamura T.

  • Early inhaled steroid use in extremely low birth weight infants: a radomised controlled study. Arch Dis Child Fetal neonatal Ed. 2016;101:F552-F556

    Nakamura T, Yonemoto N, Nakayama M, Hirano S, Aotani H, Kusuda S, Fujimura M, Tamura M,

  • Early standard development assessment characteristics in very low birth weight infants later classified with autism spectrum disorder. Early Hum Dev 2015; 91:357-359

    Kihara H, Nakamura T.

  • Population-based study of esophageal and small intestinal atresia/stenosis. Pediatr Int 2014; 56:838-44

    Takahashi D, Hiroma T, Takamizawa S, Nakamura T.

  • Preoperative left ventricular internal dimension in end-diatole as earlier identification of early patent ductus arteriosus operation and postoperative intensive care in very low birth weight infants. Early Hum Dev 2013; 89:821-823

    Saida K, Nakamura T, Hiroma T, Takigiku K, Yasukochi S.

  • Extremely low flow tracheal gas insufflation of helium-oxygen mixture improves gas exchange in a rabbit model of piston-type high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2013; 12:29

    Baba A, Nakamura T, Aikawa T, Koike K.

  • Successful treatment of two cases of urorectal septum malformation sequence with oligohydramnios and severe respiratory failure. Research and Reports in Neonatology 2013; 3:1-4

    Sekiguchi K, Takahashi D, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • A lightweight mainstream capnometer with very low dead space volume is useful monitor for neonates with spontaneous and mechanical ventilation; Pilot study. OJPED 2012; 2:127-132

    Takahashi D, Matsui M, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Evaluation of Factors Influencing Stable Microbubble Test Results in Preterm Neonates at 30-33 Weeks of Gestation. Research and Reports in Neonatology 2012; 2: 5-10

    Teslova O, Hiroma T, Baranovskaya B, Nakamura T.

  • PETCO2 measured by a new lightweight mainstream capnometer with very low dead space volume offers accurate and reliable noninvasive estimation of PaCO2. Research and Reports in Neonatology 2011; 1:61-66

    Takahashi D, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Non-pathogenic bacterial flora and IgA in oral cavity inhibit the colonization of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in very low birth weight infants. Research and Reports in Neonatology 2011; 1:21–24

    Nakamura T.

  • Effect of heliox as carrier gas on ventilation and oxygenation in an animal model of piston-type HFOV: a crossover experimental study. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2010; 9:71

    Zeynalov FB, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Intratracheal catheter suction removes the same volume of meconium with less impact on desaturation compared with mecoium aspirator in meconium aspiration syndrome. Early Hum Dev. 2010; 86:499-502

    Akazawa Y, Ishida T, Baba A, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • A Case of early neonatal onset carbamoyl-phosphate synthase 1 deficiency treated with continuous hemodiafiltration and early living-related liver transplantation. Pediatr Int 2009; 51:409-410

    Ishida T, Hiroma T, Hashikura Y, Horiuchi M, Kobayashi K, Nakamura T.

  • Two cases of infants who needed cardiopulmonary resuscitation during early skin-to-skin contact with mother. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2008; 34:603-604

    Nakamura T, Sano Y.

  • Non-pathogenic bacterial flora may inhibits colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in extremely low birth weight infants. Neonatology 2008; 93:158-161

    Shimizu A, Shimizu K, Nakamura T.

  • Continuous negative extrathoracic pressure combined with high-frequency oscillation improves oxygenation with less impact on blood pressure than high-frequency oscillation alone in rabbit model of surfactant depletion. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2007; 6:40

    Naito S, Hiroma T, Nakamura T.

  • Liquid incubator with perfluorochemical for extremely premature infants. Biol Neonate 2006; 90:162-167

    Hiroma T, Baba A, Tamura M. Nakamura T*.

  • Partial Liquid Ventilation with Low-Dose Perfluorochemical and High-Frequency Oscillation Improves Oxygenation and Lung Compliance in a Rabbit Model of Surfactant Depletion. Biol Neonate 2006; 89:177-182

    Wakabayashi T, Tamura M, Nakamura T.

  • Airway Lavage with Exogenous Surfactant with or without Chest Physiotherapy in an Animal Model of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Pediatr Int. 2005; 47:237-41

    Erquan Z, Hiroma T, Sahashi T, Taki A, Yoda T, Nakamura T.

  • Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration in Neonatal Onset Hyperammonemia. Am. J. Perinatol 2002; 19:221-224

    Hiroma T, Nakamura T, Tamura M, Kaneko T: Komiyama A

  • Low-dose continuous indomethacin in early days of age reduce the incidence of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus without adverse effects. Am. J. Perinatol 2000;17: 271-275

    Nakamura T, Tamura M, Kadowaki S, Sasano T

  • A randomised control study of partial liquid ventilation after airway lavage with exogenous surfactant in a meconium aspiration syndrome animal model. Arch Dis child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2000; 82:F160-F162

    Nakamura T* Matsuzawa S, Sugiura M, Tamura M

  • Mechanical strain and dexamethasone selectively increase surfactant protein C and tropoelastin gene expression. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2000; 278:L974-L980

    Nakamura T, Liu M, Mourgeon E, Slutsky A, Post M.


  • 【監修】長野県立こども病院方式 超低出生体重児の管理マニュアル、メジカルビュー社、2019年

