認定医療法人社団憲仁会 牧田病院 理事長

日本呼吸器学会 呼吸器専門医・呼吸器指導医 日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・認定内科医 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会 会員

牧田 比呂仁 まきた ひろに 先生




  • 呼吸器内科



日本呼吸器学会 呼吸器専門医・呼吸器指導医
日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・認定内科医
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会 会員
  • 認定医療法人社団憲仁会 牧田病院 理事長
  • 一般社団法人 北海道呼吸器疾患研究所 所長
  • 北海道大学大学院医学研究院 客員研究員
  • 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会 代議員



  • 内科 アレルギー科 呼吸器内科
  • 北海道札幌市北区新琴似一条2丁目6-25
  • JR札沼線 新川 徒歩7分 札幌市営地下鉄南北線 北24条 新川営業所または手稲高校行き 新琴似1条2丁目下車 徒歩1分 バス 札幌市営地下鉄南北線 麻生 地下鉄琴似駅前または琴似営業所行き 新琴似1条1丁目下車 徒歩5分 バス
  • 011-761-4835




1992年 岩手医科大学医学部 卒業
1992年 北海道社会保険病院 内科
1993年 砂川市立病院 内科
1994年 国立札幌病院循環器 内科
1999年 国立療養所札幌南病院 内科
1999年 北海道大学医学部大学院 内科学第一講座 卒業
2000年 米国オハイオ州クリーブランド、ケース・ウェスタン・リザーブ大学 研究員
2002年 医療法人社団憲仁会 牧田病院 副院長
2002年 (株)エクサム 主席研究員、開発推進部 部長
2003年 呼吸器疾患コホート研究所(現・北海道呼吸器疾患研究所) 所長(兼任)
2005年 医療法人社団 憲仁会 牧田病院 理事長 兼任
2007年 北海道大学大学院医学研究科 客員研究員 兼任


  • Per cent low attenuation volume and fractal dimension of low attenuation clusters on CT predict different long-term outcomes in COPD. Thorax. 2020 Feb;75(2):116-122.

    Shimizu K, Tanabe N, Tho NV, Suzuki M, Makita H, Sato S, Muro S, Mishima M, Hirai T, Ogawa E, Nakano Y, Konno S, Nishimura M

  • Serum Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Levels and the Clinical Course of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2019 Dec 10;14:2885-2893.

    Takei N, Suzuki M, Makita H, Konno S, Shimizu K, Kimura H, Kimura H, Nishimura M

  • Annual change in FEV(1) in elderly 10-year survivors with established chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 14;9(1):2073.

    Makita H, Suzuki M, Konno S, Shimizu K, Nasuhara Y, Nagai K, Akiyama Y, Fuke S, Saito H, Igarashi T, Takeyabu K, Nishimura M

  • Impact of Abdominal Visceral Adiposity on Adult Asthma Symptoms. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 Nov 24.

    Goudarzi H, Konno S, Kimura H, Makita H, Matsumoto M, Takei N, Kimura H, Shimizu K, Suzuki M, Ito YM, Nishimura M; Hi-CARAT investigators.

  • Prospective predictors of exacerbation status in severe asthma over a 3-year follow-up. Clin Exp Allergy. 2018 Sep;48(9):1137-1146.

    Kimura H, Konno S, Makita H, et al

  • Transfer coefficients better reflect emphysematous changes than carbon monoxide diffusing capacity in obstructive lung diseases. J Appl Physiol. 2018 Jul 1;125(1):183-189.

    Shimizu K, Konno S, Makita H, et al

  • Serum periostin is associated with body mass index and allergic rhinitis in healthy and asthmatic subjects. Allergol Int. 2018 Jul;67(3):357-363.

    Kimura H, Konno S, Makita H, Taniguchi N, Kimura H, Goudarzi H, Shimizu K, Suzuki M, Shijubo N, Shigehara K, Ono J, Izuhara K, Ito YM, Nishimura M

  • Relationship of annual change in bone mineral density with extent of emphysematous lesions and pulmonary function in patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018 Feb 20;13:639-644.

    Goto K, Ogawa E, Shimizu K, Makita H, Suzuki H, Kawata Y, Niki N, Nishimura M,Nakano Y

  • Distinct Phenotypes of Smokers with Fixed Airflow Limitation Identified by Cluster Analysis of Severe Asthma. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Jan;15(1):33-41.

    Konno S, Taniguchi N, Makita H, Nakamaru Y, Shimizu K, Shijubo N, Fuke S, Takeyabu K, Oguri M, Kimura H, Maeda Y, Suzuki M, Nagai K, Ito YM, Wenzel SE, Nishimura M; HiCARAT Investigators.

  • Acute bronchodilator responses to β2-agonist and anticholinergic agent in COPD: Their different associations with exacerbation. Respir Med. 2017 Jun;127:14-20.

    Konno S, Makita H, Suzuki M, Shimizu K, Kimura H, Kimura H, Nishimura M,Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Investigators.

  • Computed tomography (CT)-assessed bronchodilation induced by inhaled indacaterol and glycopyrronium/indacaterol in COPD. Respir Med. 2016 Oct;119:70-77.

    Shimizu K, Seto R, Makita H, Suzuki M, Konno S, Ito YM, Kanda R, Ogawa E, Nakano Y, Nishimura M

  • Asthma-like Features and Clinical Course of COPD: An Analysis From the Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Dec 1;194(11):1358-1365.

    Suzuki M, Makita H, Konno S, Shimizu K, Kimura H, Kimura H, Nishimura M; Hokkaido COPD cohort study investigators.

  • Differential changes in quality of life components over 5 years in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2015 Apr 13;10:745-57.

    Nagai N, Makita H, Suzuki M, Shimizu K, Konno S, Ito YM, Nishimura M, On behalf of the Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Investigators

  • Regional bronchodilator response assessed by computed tomography in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur J Radiol. 2015 Jun;84(6):1196-201.

    Shimizu K, Makita H, Hasegawa M, Kimura H, Fuke S, Nagai K, Yoshida T, Suzuki M, Konno S, Ito YM, Nishimura M

  • Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial Investigators. Lower leptin/adiponectin ratio and risk of rapid lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2014 ;11:1511-9.

    Suzuki M, Makita H, Östling J, Thomsen LH, Konno S, Nagai K, Shimizu K, Pedersen JH, Ashraf H, Bruijnzeel PL, Maciewicz RA, Nishimura M; Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study

  • The effects of a Gly16Arg ADRB2 polymorphism on responses to salmeterol or montelukast in Japanese patients with mild persistent asthma. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2014 May;24(5):246-55.

    Konno S, Hizawa N, Makita H, Shimizu K, Sakamoto T, Kokubu F, Saito T, Endo T, Ninomiya H, Iijima H, Kaneko N, Ito YM, Nishimura M; J-Blossom Study Group

  • Clinical features and determinants of COPD exacerbation in the Hokkaido COPD cohort study. Eur Respir J. 2014 May;43(5):1289-97.

    Suzuki M, Makita H, Ito YM, Nagai K, Konno S, Nishimura M; Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Investigators

  • Effect of lung volume on airway luminal area assessed by computed tomography in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e90040.

    Kambara K, Shimizu K, Makita H, Hasegawa M, Nagai K, Konno S, Nishimura M

  • Characteristics of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in the pulmonology clinics of seven Asian cities. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2013;8:31-9.

    Oh YM, Bhome AB, Boonsawat W, Gunasekera KD, Madegedara D, Idolor L, Roa C, Kim WJ, Kuo HP, Wang CH, Lan le TT, Loh LC, Ong CK, Ng A, Nishimura M, Makita H, Silverman EK, Lee JS, Yang T, Lin Y, Wang C, Lee SD

  • Annual change in pulmonary function and clinical phenotype in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012, 185(1):44-52.

    Makita H, Nishimura M, Nagai K, Konno S, Nasuhara Y, Hasegawa M, Shimizu K, Betsuyaku T, Ito Y, Fuke S, Igarashi T, Akiyama Y, Ogura S; Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Investigators

  • Konno S, Makita H, Hasegawa M, Nasuhara Y, Nagai K, Betsuyaku T, Hizawa N, Nishimura M

    Konno S, Makita H, Hasegawa M, Nasuhara Y, Nagai K, Betsuyaku T, Hizawa N, Nishimura M

  • Comparison of airway remodelling assessed by computed tomography in asthma and COPD. Respir Med. 2011 Sep;105(9):1275-83.

    Shimizu K, Hasegawa M, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Konno S, Nishimura M

  • Airflow limitation and airway dimensions assessed per bronchial generation in older asthmatics. Respir Med. 2010 Dec;104(12):1809-16.

    Shimizu K, Hasegawa M, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Konno S, Nishimura M

  • Relationship between improved airflow limitation and changes in airway calibre induced by inhaled anticholinergic agents in COPD. Thorax. 2009 Apr;64(4):332-8.

    Hasegawa M, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Odajima N, Nagai K, Ito Y, Betsuyaku T, Nishimura M

  • Functional single nucleotide polymorphisms of the CCL5 gene and nonemphysematous phenotype in COPD patients. Eur Respir J. 2008 Aug;32:372-8. Epub 2008 Apr 2.

    Hizawa N, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Hasegawa M, Nagai K, Ito Y, Betsuyaku T, Konno S, Nishimura M; Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Group

  • Characterization of phenotypes based on severity of emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax. 2007 Nov;62(11):932-7.

    Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Betsuyaku T, Onodera Y, Hizawa N, Nishimura M

  • Beta2-adrenergic receptor genetic polymorphisms and short-term bronchodilator responses in patients with COPD. Chest. 2007 Nov;132(5):1485-92. Epub 2007 Sep 21.

    Hizawa N, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Betsuyaku T, Itoh Y, Nagai K, Hasegawa M, Nishimura M

  • Airflow limitation and airway dimensions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Jun 15;173(12):1309-15.

    Hasegawa M, Nasuhara Y, Onodera Y, Makita H, Nagai K, Fuke S, Ito Y, Betsuyaku T, Nishimura M

  • Effects of IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and macrophage migration inhibitory factor on prostacyclin synthesis in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Respirology. 2003 Dec;8(4):467-72.

    Itoh A, Nishihira J, Makita H, Miyamoto K, Yamaguchi E, Nishimura M

  • Tissue hypoxia in sleep apnea syndrome assessed by uric acid and adenosine. Chest. 2002 Nov;122(5):1686-94.

    Saito H, Nishimura M, Shibuya E, Makita H, Tsujino I, Miyamoto K, Kawakami Y

  • Plasma concentration of adenosine during normoxia and moderate hypoxia in humans.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999 ;159(3):1014-1018.

    Saito H, Nishimura M, Shinano H, Makita H, Tsujino I, Shibuya E, Sato F, Miyamoto K, Kawakami Y

  • Effect of anti-macrophage migration inhibitory factor antibody on lipopolysaccharide-induced pulmonary neutrophil accumulation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998 Aug;158(2):573-9.

    Makita H, Nishimura M, Miyamoto K, Nakano T, Tanino Y, Hirokawa J, Nishihira J, Kawakami Y

  • Production of nitric oxide (NO) in intrathoracic airways of normal humans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1996 Nov;154(5):1370-4.

    Tsujino I, Miyamoto K, Nishimura M, Shinano H, Makita H, Saito S, Nakano T, Kawakami Y

  • Association between dietary iodine intake and prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in the coastal regions of Japan. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1994; 78: 393-397

    Konno N, Makita H, Yuri K, Iizuka N, Kawasaki K

  • Chronological change in pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia in hepatopulmonary syndrome. Respiration. 2012;84(3):242-5.

    Tanino Y, Makita H, Tsujino I, Shinano H, Nishimura M

  • [A case of sarcoidosis complicated by primary Sjogren's syndrome] Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi. 2002 Aug;40(8):686-91.

    Fuke S, Yamaguchi E, Makita H, Morikawa T, Nishimura M

  • Exhaled nitric oxide--is it really a good marker of airway inflammation in bronchial asthma? Respiration. 2000;67(6):645-51.

    Tsujino I, Nishimura M, Kamachi A, Makita H, Munakata M, Miyamoto K, Kawakami Y

  • Continuous versus bilevel positive airway pressure in a patient with idiopathic central sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1997 Apr;155(4):1482-5.

    Hommura F, Nishimura M, Oguri M, Makita H, Hosokawa K, Saito H, Miyamoto K, Kawakami Y

  • A family with complete deficiency of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein activities. Intern. Med. 1994; 33: 432-436.

    Makita H, Tsuji M, Furuya Y, Tsutsihashi K, Akita H, Chiba H


  • 【受賞】2005年 ベルツ賞 2等賞(西村正治北海道大学名誉教授、故 別役智子 元慶応大学呼吸器内科学教授、檜澤伸之筑波大学呼吸器内科学教授、南須原康行北海道大学医療安全管理部教授と共同受賞)

  • 【受賞】2016年 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会 第5回 学会賞(西村正治 北海道大学名誉教授、齋藤拓志 KKR札幌医療センター呼吸器内科診療部次長と共同受賞)

