NTT東日本関東病院 腫瘍内科 部長
日本内科学会 認定内科医・総合内科専門医 日本消化器病学会 消化器病専門医 日本臨床腫瘍学会 がん薬物療法専門医・指導医・協議員 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医
2002年より腫瘍診療に従事、また2010年4月より日本臨床腫瘍学会 がん薬物療法専門医として診療にあたる。化学療法によるがん治療を専門とし、臓器横断的に集学的医療での一役を担う。現在、NTT東日本関東病院にて腫瘍内科部長として地域がん診療連携拠点病院としての機能充実に尽力している。
日本内科学会 | 認定内科医・総合内科専門医 |
日本消化器病学会 | 消化器病専門医 |
日本臨床腫瘍学会 | がん薬物療法専門医・指導医・協議員 |
日本がん治療認定医機構 | がん治療認定医 |
Schedule-dependent synergistic interaction between gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in human gallbladder adenocarcinoma cell lines. Anticancer Drugs 20 (2): 123-130, 2009
Makiyama A, Qin B, Uchino K, Shibata Y, Arita S, Isobe T, Hirano G,Kusaba H, Baba E, Akashi K, Nakano S
Validation of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale as a screening tool for psychological distress in advanced cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Palliative Care Res 6 (2): 150-157, 2011
Uchino K, Kusaba H, Kishimoto J, Mitsuyasu H, Kawasaki H, Baba E, Akashi K
Phase 2 Study of Modified Irinotecan and Bolus 5-Fluorouracil/l-Leucovorin in Japanese Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients. Adv Ther 29 (3): 287-296, 2012
Baba E, Fujishima H, Makiyama A, Uchino K, Tanaka R, Esaki T, Kusaba H, Mitsugi K, Nakano S, Akashi K
Human Nanog pseudogene8 promotes the proliferation of gastrointestinal cancer cells. Exp Cell Res 318 (15): 1799-1807, 2012
Uchino K, Hirano G, Hirahashi M, Isobe T, Shirakawa T, Kusaba H, Baba E,Tsuneyoshi M, Akashi K
Reduced dose of salvage-line regorafenib monotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer in Japan. Anticancer Res 35 (1): 371-377, 2015
Hirano G, Makiyama A, Makiyama C, Esaki T, Oda H, Uchino K, Komoda M, Tanaka R, Matsushita Y, Mitsugi K, Shibata Y, Kumagai H, Arita S, Ariyama H, Kusaba H, Akashi K, Baba E
A retrospective analysis of the risk factors for allergic reactions induced by the administration of oxaliplatin. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 24 (1): 111-116, 2015
Yamauchi H, Goto T, Takayoshi K, Sagara K, Uoi M, Kawanabe C, Matsunaga M, Miyoshi T, Uchino K, Misumi N, Nishino T
Safety and tolerability of vandetanib ㏌ Japanese patients with medullary thyroid cancer: a phase I/II open-label study. Endocr Pract 23 (2): 149-156, 2017
Uchino K, Komoda M, Tomomatsu J, Okamoto T, Horiuchi K, Tsuji A, Ito Y, Todo T, Rito K, Takahashi S
Weight Loss During Initial Chemotherapy Predicts Survival in Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer. Nutr Cancer 69 (3): 408-415, 2017
Takayoshi K, Uchino K, Nakano M, Ikejiri K, Baba E
Predictive value of the modified Glasgow Prognostic Score for the therapeutic effects of molecular-targeted drugs on advanced renal cell carcinoma. Molecular and clinical oncology 6: 669-675, 2017
Ohmura H, Uchino K, Kajitani T, Sakamoto N, Baba E
Efficacy and Safety Analysis of Oxaliplatin-based Chemotherapy for Advanced Gastric Cancer. Anticancer Res 37: 2663-2671, 2017
Inadomi K, Kusaba H, Matsushita Y, Tanaka R, Mitsugi K, Arimizu K, Hirano G, Makiyama A, Ohmura H, Uchino K, Hanamura F, Shibata Y, Kuwayama M, Esaki T, Takayoshi K, Arita S, Ariyama H, Akashi K, Baba E
Five-weekly S-1 plus cisplatin therapy combined with trastuzumab therapy in HER2-positive gastric cancer: a phase II trial and biomarker study (WJOG7212G).Gastric Cancer 21: 84-95, 2018
Miura Y, Sukawa Y, Hironaka S, Mori M, Nishikawa K, Tokunaga S, Okuda H, Sakamoto T, Taku K, Nishikawa K, Moriwaki T, Negoro Y, Kimura Y, Uchino K, Shinozaki K, Shinozaki H, Musha N, Yoshiyama H, Tsuda T, Miyata Y, Sugimoto N, Shirakawa T, Ito M, Yonesaka K, Yoshimura K, Boku N, Nosho K, Takano T, Hyodo I
The risk factors for oxaliplatin-induced peripheral sensory neuropathy and thrombocytopenia in advanced gastric cancer.Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 82: 625-633, 2018
Yamaguchi K, Kusaba H, Makiyama A, Mitsugi K, Uchino K, Tamura S, Shibata Y, Esaki T, Ito M, Takayoshi K, Tsuchihashi K, Arita S, Ariyama H, Akashi K, Baba E