おんが病院 がんケアセンター長、国立病院機構九州がんセンター 名誉院長

日本外科学会 指導医・外科専門医 日本消化器外科学会 消化器外科指導医・消化器外科専門医 日本食道学会 監事 日本医療マネジメント学会 評議員

藤 也寸志 とう やすし 先生




  • 消化器外科
  • 消化器外科全般


日本外科学会 指導医・外科専門医
日本消化器外科学会 消化器外科指導医・消化器外科専門医
日本食道学会 監事
日本医療マネジメント学会 評議員
  • おんが病院 がんケアセンター長
  • 国立病院機構九州がんセンター 名誉院長
  • 日本学術会議 連携会員
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 日本食道学会 2019年学術集会会長
  • 日本気管食道科学会 副理事長、2021年気管食道科認定医大会 会長、2023年総会ならびに学術講演会 会長
  • 日本がん治療認定医機構 副理事長
  • 日本医療マネジメント学会 2021年 第19回九州・山口連合大会 会長
  • 厚生労働省 がん診療提供体制のあり方に関する検討会 構成員(2016年~現在)
  • 厚生労働省 がん診療連携拠点病院等の指定に関する検討会 座長(2019年~現在)
  • 厚生労働省 がん診療連携拠点病院等の指定要件に関するWG 座長(2021年~現在)  等



  • 内科 リウマチ科 外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 小児科 整形外科 皮膚科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 麻酔科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 消化器内科 糖尿病内科 総合診療科
  • 福岡県遠賀郡遠賀町尾崎1725-2
  • JR鹿児島本線(下関・門司港~博多) 海老津 コミュニティバス おんが病院下車 バス16分
  • 093-281-2810




1984年 九州大学医学部卒業
1989年 九州大学大学院修了 医学博士取得
1989年 九州大学医学部ウイルス学 助手
1992年 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Tumor Biology, Research Associate
1995年 九州大学第2外科 助手
1997年 国立病院(現 国立病院機構)九州がんセンター
2017年 日本学術会議 連携会員(第24期、臨床医学委員会腫瘍分科会)


1. Toh,Y., Yamamoto,M., Endo,H., Misumi,Y. and Ikehara,Y. (1989) Isolation and characterization of a rat liver alkaline phosphatase gene: A single gene with two promoters. Eur. J. Biochem. 182, 231-237.
2. Toh,Y., Yamamoto,M., Endo,H., Misumi,Y., Fujita,A. and Ikehara,Y. (1989) Sequence divergence of 5' extremities in rat liver alkaline phosphatase mRNAs. J. Biochem. 105, 61-65.
3. Toh,Y., Yamamoto,M., Endo,H., Misumi,Y. and Ikehara,Y. (1990) Duplicate leader exons in the mouse liver-type alkaline phosphatase gene. Biochem. Int. 22, 213-218.
4. Toh,Y., Kuwano,H., Tanaka,S., Baba,K., Matsuda,H., Sugimachi,K. and Mori,R. (1992) Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in esophageal carcinoma in Japan by polymerase chain reaction. Cancer 70, 2234-2238.
5. Toh,Y., Baba,K., Ikebe,M., Adachi,Y., Kuwano,H. and Sugimachi,K. (1993) Endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of an early esophageal carcinoma. Hepato-Gastroenterol. 40, 212-216.
6. Toh,Y., Tanaka,S., Liu,Y., Hidaka,Y. and Mori,R. (1993) Molecular characterization of naturally occurring glycoprotein C (gC)-negative herpes simplex virus type 1. Arch. Virol. 129, 119-130.
7. Toh,Y., Liu,Y., Tanaka,S. and Mori,R. (1993) Nucleotide sequence of the major DNA-binding protein gene of herpes simplex virus type 2 and comparison with the type 1 counterpart. Arch. Virol. 129, 183-196
8. Toh,Y., Hidaka,Y., Kumano,Y. and Mori,R. (1994) Chapter 3: Pathogenicity of glycoprotein C negative herpes simplex virus type 1 in herpetic keratitis. In: Pathogenicity of human herpesviruses due to specific pathogenicity genes. Frontiers of Virology 3, 33-42.
9. Toh,Y., Pencil,S.D., and Nicolson,G.L. (1994) The novel candidate metastasis-associated gene, mta1, differentially expressed in highly metastatic mammary adenocarcinoma cell line. J.Biol. Chem. 269, 22958-22963.
10. Toh,Y., Pencil,S.D. and Nicolson,G.L. (1995) Analysis of the complete sequence of the novel metastasis- associated candidate gene, mta1, differentially expressed in mammary adenocarcinoma and breast cancer cell lines. Gene 159, 97-104.
11. Toh,Y., Oki,E., Oda,S., Tomoda,M., Tomisaki,S., Ichiyoshi,Y., Ohno,S. and Sugimachi,K. (1996) An integrated microsatellite length analysis using an automated fluorescent DNA sequencer. Cancer Res. 56, 2688-2691.
12. Toh,Y., Saeki,H., Kawaguchi,H., Sonoda,K., Kitamura,K., Nakashima,H., Kuwano,H. and Sugimachi,K. (1997) Correlation between reduced p21WAF1/CIP1 expression and abnormal p53 expression in esophageal carcinomas. Int. J. Oncol. 11, 703-708.
13. Toh,Y., Oki,E., Oda,S., Tokunaga,E., Ohno,S., Maehara,Y., Nicolson,G.L. and Sugimachi,K. (1997) Overexpression of the MTA1 gene in gastrointestinal carcinomas: Correlation with invasion and metastasis. Int. J. Cancer 74, 459-463.
14. Toh,Y., Kuwano,H., Mori,M., Nicolson,G.L. and Sugimachi,K. (1999) Overexpression of metastasis-associated MTA1 mRNA in invasive oesophageal carcinomas. Br. J. Cancer 79, 1723-1726.
15. Toh,Y., Kuninaka,S., Endo,K., Oshiro,T., Ikeda,Y., Nakashima,H., Baba,H., Kohnoe,S., Okamura,T., Nicolson,G.L. and Sugimachi,K. (2000) Molecular analysis of a candidate metastasis-associated gene, MTA1: possible interaction with histone deacetylase 1. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 19, 105-111.
16. Toh,Y., Kuninaka,S., Oshiro,T,. Ikeda,Y,. Nakashima,H,. Baba,H,. Kohnoe,S,. Okamura,T., Mori,M. and Sugimachi,K. (2000) Reduced expression of manganese superoxide dismutase mRNA may correlate with invasiveness in esophageal carcinoma. Oncology 59, 223-228.
17. Toh,Y., Kuninaka,S., Mori,M., Oshiro,T., Ikeda,Y., Nakashima,H., Baba,H., Kohnoe,S., Okamura,T. Mori,M. and Sugimachi,K. (2000) Overexpression of manganese superoxide dismutase mRNA may correlate with aggressiveness in gastric and colorectal adenocarcinomas. Int. J. Oncol. 17, 107-112.
18. Toh,Y., Yamamoto,M., Endo,K., Ikeda,Y., Baba,H., Kohnoe,S., Yonemasu,H., Hachitanda,Y. Okamura,T. and Sugimachi,K. (2003) Histone H4 acetylation and histone deacetylase 1 expressison in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol. Rep. 10, 333-338.
19. Toh,Y., Ohga,T., Endo,K., Adachi,E., Kusumoto,H., Haraguchi,M., Okamura,T. and Nicolson,G.L. (2004) Expression of the metastasis-associated mta1 protein and its relationship to deacetylation of the histone H4 in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Int. J. Cancer 110, 362-367.
20. Toh, Y., Nicolson,G.L. (2009) The roles of MTA (metastasis-associated gene/protein) family in Human Cancers: the Molecular Functions and Clinical Implications. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 26:215-227.
21. Toh, Y., Oki, E., Minami, K., Okamura K. (2009) Evaluation of the feasibility and safety of immediate extubation after esophagectomy with extended radical three-field lymph node dissection for thoracic esophageal cancers. Esophagus, 6:167-172.
22. Toh, Y., Oki, E., Minami, K., Okamura K. (2010) Follow-up and recurrence after a curative esophagectomy for patients with esophageal cancer: the first indicators for recurrence and their prognostic values. Esophagus, 7:37-43.
23. Toh, Y. Oki, E., Ohgaki, K., Sakamoto, Y., Ito, S., Egashira, A., Saeki, H., Kakeji, Y., Morita, M., Okamura, T., Maehara, Y. (2010) Review article: Alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking and development of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus: Molecular mechanisms for carcinogenesis. Int. J. Clin. Oncol. 15:135-144.
24. Toh, Y., Egashira, A., Yamamoto, M. (2013) Epigenetic alterations and their clinical implications in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Gen. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 61:262-269.
25. Toh, Y., Egashira, A., Yamamoto, M. Yamaguchi、S. (2014) Interplay among epigenetic alterations and crosstalk between genetic and epigenetic alterations in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Esophagus, 11:162-172.
26. Toh, Y., Nicolson, G.L. (2014) Identification and characterization of metastasis-associated gene/protein 1 (MTA1). Cancer Metastasis Review 33:837-842.
27. Toh, Y., Nicolson, G.L. (2014) Properties and clinical relevance of MTA1 protein in human cancer. Cancer Metastasis Review 33:891-900.
28. Toh Y, Kitagawa Y, Kuwano H, Kusano M, Oyama T, Muto M, Kato H, Takeuchi H, Doki Y, Naomoto Y, Nemoto K, Matsubara H, Miyazaki T, Nanagisawa A, Uno T, Kato K, Yoshida M, Kawakubo H, Booka E. (2016) A Nation-wide Survey of Follow-up Strategies for Esophageal Cancer Patients after a Curative Esophagectomy or a Complete Response by Definitive Chemoradiotherapy in Japan. Esophagus 13:173-181
29. Toh, Y., Yamamoto, H., Miyata, H., Gotoh, M., Watanabe, M., Matsubara, H., Kakeji, Y., Seto, Y. (2019) Significance of the board certified surgeon systems and clinical practice guideline adherence to surgical treatment of esophageal cancer in Japan: a questionnaire survey of departments registered in the National Clinical Database. Esophagus 16:362–370.
30. Toh, Y., Numasaki, H., Tachimori, Y., Uno, T., Jingu, K., Nemoto, K., Matsubara, H. (2020) Current status of radiotherapy for patients with thoracic esophageal cancer in Japan, based on the Comprehensive Registry of Esophageal Cancer in Japan from 2009 to 2011 by the Japan Esophageal Society. Esophagus. 17:25-32.
31. Toh, Y., Hagihara, A., Shiotani, M., Onozuka, D., Yamak,i C., Shimizu, N., Morita, S., Takayama, T. (2021) Employing multiple-attribute utility technology to evaluate publicity activities for cancer information and counseling programs in Japan. J Cancer Policy. 27:100261.
32. Toh, Y., Inoue, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yamaki, C., Takeuchi, H., Ohira, M., Matsubara, H., Doki, Y., Wakao, F., Takayama, T. (2021) Creation and provision of a question and answer resource for esophageal cancer based on medical professionals' reports of patients' and families' views and preferences. Esophagus. 18:872-879.
33. Toh, Y., Morita, M., Yamamoto, M., Nakashima, Y., Sugiyama, M., Uehara, H., Fujimoto, Y., Shin, Y., Shiokawa, K., Ohnishi, E., Shimagaki, T., Mano, Y., Sugimachi, K. (2022) Health-related quality of life after esophagectomy in patients with esophageal cancer. Esophagus. 19:47-56.


  • 【受賞】 1997年 高松宮妃癌研究助成金

  • 【受賞】1998年 上原記念助成金

  • 【受賞】2002年 貝原守一医学振興財団・優秀研究表彰







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