千葉県がんセンター 脳神経外科 部長

日本脳神経外科学会 脳神経外科専門医・脳神経外科指導医 日本神経内視鏡学会 技術認定医 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医

井内 俊彦 いうち としひこ 先生



  • 脳神経外科
  • 井内先生の転移性脳腫瘍の専門領域
    • 画像誘導鍵穴手術
    • 分子標的薬
    • 定位的放射線治療
    • IMRT
  • 神経膠芽腫



日本脳神経外科学会 脳神経外科専門医・脳神経外科指導医
日本神経内視鏡学会 技術認定医
日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医
  • 千葉県がんセンター 脳神経外科 部長
  • 日本脳神経外科コングレス 会員
  • 日本脳腫瘍学会 会員
  • 日本脳腫瘍病理学会 会員
  • 日本脳腫瘍の外科学会 会員
  • 日本放射線腫瘍学会 会員
  • 日本定位放射線治療学会 世話人
  • ニューロ・オンコロジィの会 世話人
  • 東京脳腫瘍治療懇話会 世話人
  • American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology(ASTRO) 会員
  • European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 会員
  • European Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology(ESTRO) 会員
  • Society for Neuro-Oncology(SNO) 会員



  • 内科 血液内科 精神科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 整形外科 形成外科 泌尿器科 婦人科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 緩和ケア内科 腫瘍内科 消化器内科 内視鏡内科 胃腸外科 肝胆膵外科 頭頸部外科 病理診断科
  • 千葉県千葉市中央区仁戸名町666-2
  • JR外房線 鎌取 北口 千葉中央バス 1番乗り場 JR千葉駅行 千葉県がんセンター下車 バス13分 JR外房線 蘇我 東口 千葉中央バス 3番乗り場 鎌取駅行 千葉県がんセンター下車  東入口 小湊バス 千葉県がんセンター、千葉南高高校行 千葉県がんセンター下車 バス16分 JR中央・総武線 千葉 東口 千葉中央バス 2番乗り場 誉田駅、鎌取駅、千葉リハビリセンター、大宮団地(星久喜台経由)行 千葉県がんセンター下車 バス25分
  • 043-264-5431




1988年 岡山大学医学部 卒業
1988年 岡山大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 研修医
1988年 国立福山病院 脳神経外科 研修医
1990年 千葉大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 研修医
1992年 君津中央病院 脳神経外科 医員
1995年 千葉大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 医員
1997年 国保成東病院 脳神経外科 医長
1998年 千葉県がんセンター 脳神経外科 医長
2003年 医学博士(千葉大学医学部) 取得
2008年 千葉県がんセンター 脳神経外科 部長


  • Clinical significance of the 2016 WHO classification in Japanese patients with gliomas. Brain Tumor Pathology. 2018;35;71-80.

    Toshihiko Iuchi, Takahiro Sugiyama, Miki Ohira, Hajime Kageyama, Sana Yokoi, Tsukasa Sakaida, Yuzo Hasegawa, Taiki Setoguchi, Makiko Itami.

  • Methionine uptake and the required radiation dose to control glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2015; 93: 133-140.

    Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Yoshio Uchino, Makiko Itami, Yuzo Hasegawa, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida, Ryusuke Hara.

  • Levetiracetam versus phenytoin for seizure prophylaxis during and early after craniotomy for brain tumours: A phase II, prospective, randomised study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015;86:1158-62.

    Toshihiko Iuchi, Kiyoto Kuwabara, Minako Natsumoto, Koichiro Kawasaki, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida.

  • Frequency of brain metastases in non-small-cell lung cancer and their association with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations. Int J Clin Oncol 2015;20:674-679.

    Toshihiko Iuchi, Masato Syngyoji, Meiji Itakura, Sana Yokoi, Yasumitsu Moriya, Hajime Tamura, Yasushi Yoshida, Hironori Ashinuma, Koichiro Kawasaki, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida.

  • Epilepsy in patients with gliomas: incidence and control of seizures. J Clin Neurosci. 2015; 22: 87-91.

    Toshihiko Iuchi, Yuzo Hasegawa, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida.

  • Phase II trial of hypofractionated high-dose intensity-modurated radiation therapy with concurrent and adjuvant temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2014; 88: 793-800.

    T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, T. Kodama, T. Sakaida, S. Yokoi, K. Kawasakai, Y. Hasegawa, R. Hara.

  • Phase II trial of gefitinib alone without radiation therapy for Japanese patients with brain metastases from EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Lung Cancer. 2013; 82: 282-287.

    T. Iuchi, M. Shingyoji, T. Sakaida, K Hatano, O. Nagano, M. Itakura, H. Kageyama, S. Yokoi, Y. Hasegawa, K. Kawasaki, T. Iizasa.

  • Hypofractionated high-dose irradiation for the treatment of malignant astrocytomas using simultaneous integrated boost technique by IMRT. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006;64:1317-24.

    Iuchi T, Hatano K, Narita Y, Kodama T, Yamaki T, Osato K.

  • Identification of the small interstitial deletion at chromosome band 1p34-p35 and its association with poor outcome in oligodendroglial tumors. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2002 Oct;35(2):170-5.

    Iuchi T, Namba H, Iwadate Y, Shishikura T, Kageyama H, Nakamura Y, Ohira M, Yamaura A, Osato K, Sakiyama S, Nakagawara A.

  • Proliferation, vascular endothelial growth factor expression and cavernous sinus invasion in growth hormone secreting pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2000;142(12):1345-51.

    Iuchi T, Saeki N, Osato K, Yamaura A.

  • Cavernous sinus invation and tumor proliferative potential of growth hormone-producing pituitary tumors. Endocr J. 2000 Mar;47 Suppl:S77-9.

    Iuchi T. Saeki N. Y. Uchino, Y. Higuchi, I. Tatsuno, S. Nakamura, T. Yasuda, A. Yamaura.

  • Topographical analysis of proliferating cells in meningiomas. Regional heterogeneity of the ability of tumors to proliferate. Neurol Res. 1999 Dec;21(8):721-6.

    Iuchi T, Saeki N, Osato K, Yamaura A.

  • Glucose and methionine uptake and proliferative activity in meningiomas. Neurol Res. 1999 Oct;21(7):640-4.

    Iuchi T, Iwadate Y, Namba H, Osato K, Saeki N, Yamaura A, Uchida Y.

  • MRI prediction of fibrous pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1998;140(8):779-86.

    Iuchi T, Saeki N, Tanaka M, Sunami K, Yamaura A.

  • Feasibility study of finalizing the extended adjuvant temozolomide based on methionine positron emission tomography (Met-PET) findings in patients with glioblastoma. Sci Rep. 2019;9:17794.

    Hirono S, Y Hasegawa, T. Sakaida, Uchino Y, Hatano K, Iuchi T,

  • Integrated Clinical, Histopathological, and Molecular Data Analysis of 190 Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors from the iGCT Consortium. Neuro-Oncology, Epub ahead

    Takami H, Fukuoka K, Fukushima S, Nakamura T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K, Kanamori M, Tominaga T, Maehara T, Nakada M, Kanemura Y, Asai A, Takeshima H, Hirose Y, Iuchi T, Nagane M, Yoshimoto K, Matsumura A, Kurozumi K, Nakase H, Sakai K, Tokuyama T, Shibui S, Nakazato Y, Narita Y, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K.

  • Intratumoural Immune Cell Landscape in Germinoma Reveals Multipotent Lineages and Exhibits Prognostic Significance. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, Epub ahead

    Takami H, Fukushima S, Aoki K, Satomi K, Narumi K, Hama N, Matsushita Y, Fukuoka K, Yamasaki K, Nakamura T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Suzuki T, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K, Tamura K, Maehara T, Nakada M, Nonaka M, Asai A, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Iuchi T, Kanemura Y, Kobayashi K, Nagane M, Kurozumi K, Yoshimoto K, Matsuda M, Matsumura A, Hirose Y, Tokuyama T, Kumabe T, Ueki K, Narita Y, Shibui S, Totoki Y, Shibata T, Nakazato Y, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K.

  • Prognostic factors and survival in Japanese patients with brain metastasis from renal cell cancer. Int J Clin Oncol. 2019;24:1231-1237

    Takeshita N, Otsuka M, Kamasako T, Somoto T, Uemura T, Shinozaki T, Kobayashi M, Kawana H, Itami M, Iuchi T, Komaru A, Fukasawa S.

  • Genome-wide methylation profiles in primary intracranial germ cell tumors indicate a primordial germ cell origin for germinomas. Acta Neuropathol. 2017; 133:445-462

    Fukushima S, Yamashita S, Kobayashi H, Takami H, Fukuoka K, Nakamura T, Yamasaki K, Matsushita Y, Nakamura H, Totoki Y, Kato M, Suzuki T, Mishima K, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Kanamori M, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Nagane M, Iuchi T, Yoshimoto K, Mizoguchi M, Tamura K, Sakai K, Sugiyama K, Nakada M, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Kanemura Y, Matsuda M, Matsumura A, Kurozumi K, Ueki K, Nonaka M, Asai A, Kawahara N, Hirose Y, Takayama T, Nakazato Y, Narita Y, Shibata T, Matsutani M, Ushijima T, Nishikawa R, Ichimura K.

  • Diagnostic performance and safety of positron emission tomography using 18F-fluciclovine in patients with clinically suspected high- or low-grade gliomas: A multicenter Phase IIb trial. Asia Ocean J Nucl Med Biol. 2017; 5:10-21

    Toshihiko Wakabayashi, Toshihiko Iuchi, Naohiro Tsuyuguchi, Ryo Nishikawa, Yoshiki Arakawa, Takashi Sasayama, Keisuke Miyake, Tadashi Nariai, Yoshitaka Narita, Naoya Hashimoto, Osamu Okuda, Hiroshi Matsuda, Kazuo Kubota, Kimiteru Ito, Yoichi Nakazato, Kan Kubomura.

  • Recurrent neomorphic mutations of MTOR in central nervous system and testicular germ cell tumors may be targeted for therapy. Acta Neuropathol. 2016;131:889-901

    Koichi Ichimura · Shintaro Fukushima · Yasushi Totoki · Yuko Matsushita · Ayaka Otsuka · Arata Tomiyama · Tohru Niwa · Hirokazu Takami · Taishi Nakamura · Tomonari Suzuki · Kohei Fukuoka · Takaaki Yanagisawa · Kazuhiko Mishima · Yoichi Nakazat6 · Fumie Hosoda · Yoshitaka Narita · Soichiro Shibui · Akihiko Yoshida · Akitake Mukasa · Nobuhito Saito · Toshihiro Kumabe · Masayuki Kanamori · Teiji Tominaga · Keiichi Kobayashi · Saki Shimizu · Motoo Nagane · Toshihiko Iuchi · Masahiro Mizoguchi · Koji Yoshimoto · Kaoru Tamura · Taketoshi Maehara · Kazuhiko Sugiyama · Mitsutoshi Nakada · Keiichi Sakai · Yonehiro Kanemura · Masahiro Nonaka · Akio Asai · Kiyotaka Yokogami · Hideo Takeshima · Nobutaka Kawahara · Tatsuya Takayama · Masahiro Yao · Mamoru Kato · Hiromi Nakamura · Natsuko Hama · Ryuichi Sakai · Toshikazu Ushijima · Masao Matsutani · Tatsuhiro Shibata · Ryo Nishikawa.

  • A prospective multicenter single-arm clinical trial of bevacizumab for patients with surgically untreatable symptomatic brain radiation necrosis. Neuro-Oncology Practice. 2016; 3:272-280

    Motomasa Furuse, Naosuke Nonoguchi, Toshihiko Kuroiwa, Susumu Miyamoto, Yoshiki Arakawa, Jun Shinoda, Kazuhiro Miwa, Toshihiko Iuchi, Koji Tsuboi, Kiyohiro Houkin, Shunsuke Terasaka, Yusuke Tabei, Hideo Nakamura, Motoo Nagane, Kazuhiko Sugiyama, Mizuhiko Terasaki, Tatsuya Abe, Yoshitaka Narita, Nobuhito Saito, Akitake Mukasa, Kuniaki Ogasawara, Takaaki Beppu.

  • The influence of carmustine wafer implantation on the enlargement of tumor bed cyst and peritumoral brain edema. J Clin Neurosci. 2016 ;31:67-71.

    Yuzo Hasegawa, Toshihiko Iuchi, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is Expressed Virtually in All Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors. J Neurooncol. 2015; 124:23-32

    Takami H, Fukushima S, Fukuoka K, Suzuki T, Yanagisawa T, Matsushita Y, Nakamura T, Arita H, Mukasa A, Saito N, Kanamori M, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Kobayashi K, Nagane M, Iuchi T, Tamura K, Maehara T, Sugiyama K, Nakada M, Kanemura Y, Nonaka M, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Narita Y, Shibui S, Nakazato Y, Nishikawa R, Ichimura K, Matsutani M.

  • Considerations on the management of EGF receptor-TKIs for brain metastases in EGFR-mutant lung carcinoma patients. Lung Cancer Manag. 2015; 4: 43-49

    Masato Shingyoji and Toshihiko Iuchi,

  • Temozolomide suppresses MYC via activation of TAp63 to inhibit progression of human glioblastoma. Sci Rep.2013;3:1160

    Yamaki T, Suenaga Y, Iuchi T, Alagu J, Takatori A, Itami M, Araki A, Ohira M, Inoue M, Kageyama H, Yokoi S, Saeki N, Nakagawara A.

  • Comparison of intensity modulated radiotherapy and dynamic three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy with regard to dose distribution and sparing of organs at risk. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2011;51(5):349-55

    Hasegawa Y, Iuchi T, Osato K, Kodama T, Toyama N, Hatano K.

  • Detection of epithelial growth factor receptor mutations in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with lung adenocarcinoma suspected of neoplastic meningitis. J Thorac Oncol. 2011 Jul;6(7):1215-20

    Shingyoji M, Kageyama H, Sakaida T, Nakajima T, Matsui Y, Itakura M, Iuchi T, Yokoi S, Kimura H, Iizasa T.

  • Modified expression of Mts1/S100A4 protein in C6 glioma cells or surrounding astrocytes affects migration of tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Neurobiol Dis. 2007 Mar;25(3):455-63.

    Takenaga K, Nygren J, Zelenina M, Ohira M, Iuchi T, Lukanidin E, Sjöquist M, Kozlova EN.

  • Gamma knife surgery for metastatic brain tumors from lung cancer without prophylactic whole brain radiation therapy. Radiosurgery. 2006;6:1865-198

    T. Serizawa, Y. Higuchi, J. Ono, S. Matsuda, T. Iuchi, O. Nagano, N. Saeki.

  • Gamma knife surgery for brain metastases: indications for and limitations of a local treatment protocol. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2005 Jul;147(7):721-6

    Serizawa T, Saeki N, Higuchi Y, Ono J, Iuchi T, Nagano O, Yamaura A.

  • Diagnostic value of thallium-201 chloride single-photon emission computerized tomography in differentiating tumor recurrence from radiation injury after gamma knife surgery for metastatic brain tumors. J Neurosurg. 2005 Jan;102 Suppl:266-71.

    Serizawa T, Saeki N, Higuchi Y, Ono J, Matsuda S, Sato M, Yanagisawa M, Iuchi T, Nagano O, Yamaura A.

  • A rare case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma resembling a nerve sheath tumor of the cauda equina. J Clin Neurosci. 2004 Jun;11(5):530-2.

    Kubota M, Saeki N, Yamaura A, Iuchi T, Ohga M, Osato K.

  • Extraosseous accumulation of bone scanning agents in malignant brain tumors: comparison to semi-quantitative evaluation with 99mTc SPECT/201Tl SPECT and histological findings. Ann Nucl Med. 2003 Jul;17(5):387-92.

    Suzuki A, Togawa T, Kuyama J, Nakahara T, Iuchi T, Oga M, Osato K, Takenouchi T.

  • Posterior pituitary bright spot in large adenomas: MR assessment of its disappearance or relocation along the stalk. Radiology. 2003 Feb;226(2):359-65.

    Saeki N, Hayasaka M, Murai H, Kubota M, Tatsuno I, Takanashi J, Uno T, Iuchi T, Yamaura A.

  • Extraosseous accumulation of 99mTc phosphonate complexes in primary brain tumor evaluated with SPECT. Ann Nucl Med. 2002 Nov;16(7):495-8.

    Suzuki A, Togawa T, Kuyama J, Nakahara T, Yui N, Iuchi T, Oga M, Osato K.

  • Correlation of high signal intensity of the pituitary stalk in macroadenoma and postoperative diabetes insipidus. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2002 May;23(5):822-7.

    Saeki N, Hoshi S, Sunada S, Sunami K, Murai H, Kubota M, Tatsuno I, Iuchi T, Yamaura A.

  • Heavily T2 weighted MR images of anterior optic pathways in patients with sellar and parasellar tumours - prediction of surgical anatomy. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2002 Jan;144(1):25-35.

    Saeki N, Murai H, Kubota M, Fujimoto N, Iuchi T, Yamaura A, Sunami K.

  • Heavily T2-weighted MR imaging of white matter tracts in the hypothalamus: normal and pathologic demonstrations. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2001 Sep;22(8):1468-75.

    Saeki N, Sunami K, Kubota M, Murai H, Takanashi J, Iuchi T, Yamaura A.

  • Bacillus cereus brain abscesses occurring in a severely neutropenic patient: successful treatment with antimicrobial agents, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and surgical drainage. Intern Med. 2001 Jul;40(7):654-7.

    Sakai C, Iuchi T, Ishii A, Kumagai K, Takagi T.

  • Gamma knife treatment for multiple metastatic brain tumors compared with whole-brain radiation therapy. J Neurosurg. 2000 Dec;93 Suppl 3:32-6.

    Serizawa T, Iuchi T, Ono J, Saeki N, Osato K, Odaki M, Ushikubo O, Hirai S, Sato M, Matsuda S.

  • Bone window CT evaluation on nasal cavity for transsphenoidal reoperations: a sequel to a previous publication. Br J Neurosurg. 2000 Aug;14(4):379-81.

    Saeki N, Yamaura A, Iuchi T, Sunami K.

  • Bone CT evaluation of nasal cavity of acromegalics--its morphological and surgical implication in comparison to non-acromegalics. Endocr J. 2000 Mar;47 Suppl:S65-8.

    Saeki N, Iuchi T, Higuchi Y, Uchino Y, Murai H, Isono S, Yasuda T, Minagawa M, Yamaura A, Sunami K.

  • Pre-and post-operative respiratory assessment of acromegalics with sleep apnea--bedside oximetric study for transsphenoidal approach. Endocr J. 2000 Mar;47 Suppl:S61-4.

    Saeki N, Isono S, Tanaka A, Nishino T, Higuchi Y, Uchino Y, Iuchi T, Murai H, Tatsuno I, Yasuda T, Yamaura A.

  • Incidence of malignant tumors in patients with acromegaly. Endocr J. 2000 Mar;47 Suppl:S57-60.

    Higuchi Y, Saeki N, Iuchi T, Uchino Y, Tatsuno I, Uchida D, Tanaka T, Noguchi Y, Nakamura S, Yasuda T, Yamaura A, Sunami K, Oka Y, Uozumi A.

  • Recurrence of sellar and suprasellar tumors in children treated with hGH--relation to immunohistochemical study on GH receptor. Endocr J. 2000 Mar;47 Suppl:S33-6.

    Uchino Y, Saeki N, Iwadate Y, Yasuda T, Konda S, Watanabe T, Wada K, Kazukawa I, Higuchi Y, Iuchi T, Tatsuno I, Yamaura A.

  • Sleep-disordered breathing in acromegalics--relation of hormonal levels and quantitative sleep study by means of bedside oximeter. Endocr J. 1999 Aug;46(4):585-90.

    Saeki N, Isono S, Nishino T, Iuchi T, Yamaura A.

  • MRI of growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas: factors determining pretreatment hormone levels. Neuroradiology. 1999 Oct;41(10):765-71.

    Saeki N, Iuchi T, Isono S, Eda M, Yamaura A.

  • Quantitative determination of arterial wall mechanics with pulse oximetric finger plethysmography. J Anesth. 1999 Oct 30;13(4):197-204.

    Kato R, Sato J, Iuchi T, Higuchi Y.

  • 分子標的薬時代における転移性脳腫瘍に対する治療戦略 脳神経外科ジャーナル 2019;28:91-107 総説


  • 悪性グリーマに対する高精度放射線治療:脳神経外科ジャーナル2012; 21:207-215 総説

    井内俊彦 幡野和男


  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Ryusuke Hara, Kazuo Hatano, Takahiro Sugiyama, Gentaro Togasaki, Taiki Setoguchi, Yuzo Hasegawa, Makiko Itami, Tsukasa Sakaida. Concurrent and adjuvant effect of bevacizumab on hypofractionated tailor-made IMRT for glioblastomas. ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 38 annual meeting 2019.04.26.-30. Milan, Italy. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Ryusuke Hara, Hajime Kageyama, Kazuo Hatano, Takahiro Sugiyama, Gentaro Togasaki, Taiki Setoguchi, Hasegawa Yuzo, Tsukasa Sakaida, Makiko Itami. Changes of gene expression profiles in glioblastomas before and immediately after hypo-fractionated IMRT with concurrent temozolomide. ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology)’s 61st. Annual Meeting. 2019.09.15.-18. Chicago, USA. Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Masato Shingyoji, Hironori Ashinuma, Satoko Mizuno, Yasushi Yoshida, Junji Hosono, Taiki Setoguchi, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida. Effect and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors for brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer. ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) Congress 2019. 2019.9.27-10.1. Barcellona, Spain. Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Tsukasa Sakaida, Yuzo Hasegawa, Yasushi Yoshida, Hironori Ashinuma, Satoko Mizuno, Taiki Setoguchi, Masto Shingyoji, Brain metastases from EGFR-mutated NSCLC which had acquired resistance to EGFR-TKI.~Less-frequent T790M and preserved response to other TKIs~. Society of NeuroOncology (SNO) 23rd. Annual Meeting. 2018.11.16.-18. New Orleans, USA, Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】 Toshihiko Iuchi1, Kazuo Hatano3, Ryusuke Hara2, Makoto Saito2, Daiki Setoguchi1, Yuzo Hasegawa1, Tsukasa Sakaida. Tailor-made setting of radiation doses owing to the MGMT gene promoter methylation for the treatment of IDH-wildtype primary glioblastoma. The 14th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology. Osaka, Japan. 2017.10.29.-31. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Ryusuke Hara, Makoto Saito, Daiki Setoguchi, Shiro Ikegami, Yuzo Hasegawa. Tailor-made setting of radiation doses owing to the MGMT gene promoter methylation for the treatment of IDH-wildtype primary glioblastoma. ASTRO(American Society for Radiation Oncology) 2017 Annual Meeting. San Diego, USA, 2017.09.24.-27. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Masato Shingyoji, Taiki Setoguchi, Yasushi Yoshida, Hironori Ashinuma, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida. Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer. ESMO(European society for Medical Oncology) 2017 Congress. Madrid, Spain, 2017.09.08.-12. Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, M. Shingyoji M. Itakura, Y. Hasegawa, Y. Yoshida, S. Ikegami, T. Setoguchi, H. Ashinuma Tyrosine kinase inhibitors alone as a first-line treatment for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer harboring mutant epidermal growth factor receptor ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology) 2016 Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark 2016.10.07.-10.11 Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, T. Sakaida, K. Hatano, M. Saito, Y. Hasegawa, S. Hirono, D. Ito, R. Hara. Changes in apparent diffusion coefficient by bevacizumab as a prognostic factor of patients with progressed GBMs after irradiation - a comparative study with methionine-uptake on PET-. ASTRO (American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 2016 58th Annual Meeting Boston, USA 2016.09.25-09.28 Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Ryusuke Hara, Sana Yokoi, Daisuke Ito, Siichiro Hirono, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida., Hypofractionated IMRT for GBMs ~ Tailor-made setting of treatment doses owing to MGMT-methylation status~ The 21st International Conference on Brain Tumor Research and Therapy. Okinawa. Japan 2016.04.10.-13. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, M. Ohira, K. Hatano, M. Itami, M. Saito, T. Sakaida, Y. Hasegawa, S. Hirono, R. Hara Chromosomal aberrations and expression levels of genes involved in DNA damage repair and their associations with survival of patients with glioblastoma after irradiation. ASTRO2015 57th Annual Meeting San Antonio Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Ryusuke Hara, Kazuo Hatano, Sana Yokoi, Makiko Itami, Seiichiro Hirono, Yuzo Hasegawa, Tsukasa Sakaida Synergic effect of high-dose irradiation and temozolomide on local control of MGMT unmethylated glioblastomas European Cancer Congress 2015.9.25~29. Vienna Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, S. Yokoi, M. Ohira, R. Shimada, Y. Hasegawa, K. Kawasaki, T. Sakaida. Prognostic value of pyrosequencing of MGMT promoter methylation in patients with glioblastoma treated by temozolomide and hypofractionated high-dose IMRT. ESMO(European Society for Medical Oncology) Congress. 2014.09.26-09.30. Madrid, Spain. Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, T. Kawachi, T. Kodama, T. Sakaida, K. Kawasaki, Y. Hasegawa, R. Hara.Risk and Benefit of Irradiation for Subventricular Zone in the Treatment of Patients With Glioblastoma. ASTRO (American Society of Radiation Oncology) 56th. Annual Meeting. San Francisco, USA, 2014.09.14.-09.17. Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, M. Shingyoji, T. Sakaida, M. Itakura, H. Kageyama, S. Yokoi, Y. Hasegawa, K. Kawasaki, T. Iizasa. The incidence and clinical feature of brain metastasis from non-small cell lung cancer, and their associations with EGFR mutation. European Cancer Congress (ECCO-ESMO-ESTRO) 2013, Sep. 27-Oct.01 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, Y. Uchino, T. Kodama, N. Toyama, T. Kawachi, Y. Hasegawa, K. Kawasaki, T. Sakaida. Methionine-uptake, delivered dose and control of the lesion after irradiation of malignant astrocytomas. 2nd. ESTRO FORUM, April 19-23, 2013, Geneva, Swizerland. Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Miki Ohira, Sana Yokoi, Hajime Kageyama, Yuzo Hasegawa, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida, Akira Nakagawara. Gene expression signature of malignant astrocytomas and its association with MGMT promoter methylation status. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2013, April 6-10, 2013, Washington DC, USA, Poster

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, H. Kageyama, T. Imagunbai, T. Kodama, Y. Tohyama, S. Yokoi, T. Sakaida, K. Kawasaki, Y. Hasegawa.:Hypo-fractionated IMRT with TMZ for GBMs. -Tailor-made setting of treatment doses owing to MGMT-methylation status-.:ASTRO (American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 54th. Annual Meeting:10/28-10-31, 2012:Boston, MA, USA:Oral presentation

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, M. Shingyoji, T. Sakaida, S. Yokoi, M. Itakura, K. Kawasaki, Y. Hasegawa, H. Kageyama, T. Iizasa.:Tyrosine kinase inhibitors without radiation therapy for brain metastases from EGFR-mutant adencarinoma of lung.:37th. ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) Congress:9/28/2012-10/2/2012:Vienna, Austria:Oral presentation

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Sana Yokoi, Miki Ohira, Hajime Kageyama, Makiko Itami, Yuzo Hasegawa, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida, Akira Nakagawara.:Sox8 as a molecular marker of ogliodendroglial tumors.:AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Annual Meeting 2012:3/31/2012-4/4/2012:Chicago, IL, USA:Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Sana Yokoi, Miki Ohira, Hajime Kageyama, Makiko Itami, Yuzo Hasegawa, Koichiro Kawasaki, Tsukasa Sakaida, Akira Nakagawara. SOX8 as a molecular marker of oligodendroglial tumors. 16th.ECCO-36th.ESMO Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress 2011.09.23-27. Stockholm, Sweden. Oral Presentation.

  • 【学会発表】T Iuchi, K Hatano, T Imagunbai, T Kodama, Y Uchino, N Tohyama, T Sakaida, K Kawasaki, Y Hasegawa. Para-ventricular Radiation Necrosis after Radiation Therapy for Malignant Astrocytomas. ASTRO (American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 53th. Annual Meeting 2011.10.2-6. Miami Beach, FLA, USA. Poster

  • 【学会発表】T Iuchi, K Hatano, T Kodama, N Tohyama, T Kojima, T Sakaida, K Kawasaki, Y Hasegawa. Brain Deformation after Planning for IMRT may Affect the Outcome of Patients with Glioblastoma. ASTRO (American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 53th. Annual Meeting 2010.10.31-11.2. San Diego, USA. Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Takashi Kodama, Naoki Tohyama, Tohru Kojima, Tsukasa Sakaida, Koichiro Kawasaki, Yuzo Hasegawa. Brain deformation after surgery of glioblastoma~When should we take MRI for planning of irradiation ?~ ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 20 annual meeting 2010.09.12.-16. Barcellona, Spain. Poster

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Tsukasa Sakaida, Seiichiro Kawasaki, Yuzo Hasegawa. Clinical effect of prophylactic intrathecal chemotherapy on survival of patients with glioblastoma multiforme after hypo-fractionated high-dose IMRT. The 7th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology. Seoul, Korea. 2010.6.10.-12. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, T. Kodama, S. Hirono, T. Sakaida. Hypofractionated high-dose irradiation concurrent with prophylactic intrathecal chemotherapy for the treatment of glioblastoma. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology. Yokohama, Japan. 2009.5.11.-14. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】Toshihiko Iuchi, Kazuo Hatano, Hajime Kageyama, Tsukasa Sakaida, Koichiro Kawasaki, Akira Nakagawara. Clinical effect of hypo-fractionated high-dose irradiation on local control of glioblastoma owing to the status of MGMT promotor methylation. ECCO15-ESMO34th Multidisciplinary Congress. Berlin, Germany. 2009.09-20-24. Oral Presentation

  • 【学会発表】T. Iuchi, K. Hatano, M. Ohira, T. Sakaida, A. Nakagawara. Identification of candidate genes which regulate radiation-induced leukoencephalopathy by cDNA microarray analysis. ASTRO (American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology) 50th. Annual Meeting 2009.9.21-25. Boston, USA. Poster

  • 【受賞】2000年 千葉核医学会賞

  • 【受賞】2014年 第32日本脳腫瘍学会 優秀発表賞

  • 【受賞】2016年 ESMO(欧州臨床腫瘍学会) Best Poster Award

  • 【受賞】2019年 日本脳腫瘍病理学会 学会賞

