Poor enhancement pattern of left atrial appendage in cardiac computed tomography is associated with stroke in persistent atrial fibrillation patients. J Thorac Dis. 2019 Aug;11(8):3315-3324. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.08.42.
Inoue T, Suematsu Y.
Single men have a higher morbidity risk of acute coronary syndrome at a younger age than married men. Journal of The Japanese Coronary Association. 2019;25:98-101
Yasushi Watanabe, Yoshihiro Suematsu.
Simultaneous left atrial appendage occlusion via mini-thoracotomy and thoracic endovascular aortic repair in a patient with chronic atrial fibrillation and thoracic aortic aneurysm. 茨城循環器研究会雑誌
Daisuke Arima, Yoshihiro Suematsu, Kanan Kurahashi, Takaharu Shimizu, Satoshi Nishi, Akihiro Yoshimoto
Recurrence of Aortoenteric Fistula after Endovascular Aortic Repair. Annals of Vascular Diseases
Daisuke Arima, Yoshihiro Suematsu, Satoshi Nishi, Kanan Kurahashi, Takaharu Shimizu, Akihiro Yoshimoto.
Zone 0 thoracic endovascular aortic repair using reverse extra-anatomical aortic arch debranching technique for an anastomotic pseudoaneurysm and acute aortic dissection that developed after Bentall’s surgery combined with Sjögren’s syndrome. Annals of Vascular Diseases
Daisuke Arima, Yoshihiro Suematsu, Satoshi Nishi, Kanan Kurahashi, Takaharu Shimizu,Akihiro Yoshimoto.
A case of thoracic endovascular aortic repair for acute retrograde type A aortic dissection with paraplegia. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Satoshi Nishi, Daisuke Arima, Akihiro Yoshimoto, Yoshihiro Suematsu.
A Case of Cardiogenic Stroke After Thoracoscopic Left Atrial Appendectomy. Int Heart J. 2018 Jul 31;59(4):854-856. doi: 10.1536/ihj.17-432. Epub 2018 Jun 22.
Numata R, Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
The European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
Satoshi Nishi, Kanan Kurahashi, Takaharu Shimizu, Daisuke Arima, Akihiro Yoshimoto,Yoshihiro Suematsu.
心原性脳梗塞を繰り返すWATCHMAN不適応症例に胸腔鏡下左心耳切除術を施行した1例 茨城循環器研究会雑誌
Early results of left atrial appendage exclusion with a novel epicardial clip device. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Yoshimoto Akihiro, Yoshihiro Suematsu, Kanan Kurahashi, Takaharu Shimizu,Daisuke Arima, Satoshi Nishi.
Analysis of the perioperative change in cognitive function of patients with risk factors for cognitive impairment in cardiovascular surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Aug 24 (in press)
Yoshimoto A, Inoue T, Morizumi S, Nishi S, Shimizu T, Kurahashi K, Suematsu Y.
Left atrial appendectomy combined with thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Jul;156(1):154-155.
Inoue T, Suematsu Y.
Thoracoscopic left atrial appendectomy and thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) in a patient with cardiogenic stroke combined with acute aortic dissection. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Dec;65(12):717-719. doi: 10.1007/s11748-017-0840-7. Epub 2017 Sep 22.
Inoue T, Kurahashi K, Nishi S, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
Left atrial appendage resection can be performed minimally invasively with good clinical and echocardiographic outcomes without any severe risk. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2018 Jul 1;54(1):78-83.
Inoue T, Suematsu Y.
Relapse of Mitral Regurgitation Due to Tethering after Valve Plasty with Edge-to-edge Repair;Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2017 Jun;70(6):461-463.
Sasaki K, Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
Retrograde Type A Aortic Dissection after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair;Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2017 May;70(5):369-372.
Morizumi S, Inoue T, Nishi S, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Suematsu Y.
心臓外科手術時の術野視認補助としての, 術者ヘッドカメラの活用日本手術医学会誌 37: 131-131,2016
井上堯文, 吉本明浩, 藤崎正之, 森住誠, 末松義弘.
Erdheim-Chester Disease With Cardiovascular Involvement and BRAF V600E Mutation. Circ J. 2016;80:1657-9.
Okamura K, Suematsu Y, Morizumi S, Kawata M, Dai Y, Yamakawa M, Ono M.
Change of coagulation after NovoSeven® use for bleeding during cardiac surgery. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2017;25:99-104.
Tomita E, Takase H, Tajima K, Suematsu Y.
Efficacy of vacuum-assisted closure therapy on rehabilitation during the treatment for surgical site infection after cardiovascular surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;64:464-9.
Yoshimoto A, Inoue T, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
心臓大血管手術後の認知機能の経時的変化の検討 - 早期リハビリテーション介入プログラムの有効性について. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;64: 1192-1192.
井上堯文, 吉本明浩, 藤崎正之, 森住誠, 末松義弘.
Efficacy of Recombinant Activated Factor VII for Intractable Bleeding after Cardiovascular Surgery. Kyobu Geka. 2015 Aug;68(9):735-9
Tomita E, Takase H, Tajima K, Suematsu Y.
心大血管術後の創感染に対する陰圧創傷治療システム(VAC療法)導入の効果. 日本医療マネジメント学会雑誌 2014;15: 240-240.
大和田道代, 川崎歩, 小林純子, 末松義弘, 小関迪.
当院における75歳以上の高齢者冠動脈バイパス術症例の理学療法の現状. 心臓リハビリテーション 2014;20: 671-671.
秋山大, 田中直樹, 金森毅繁, 末松義弘, 長澤俊郎, 小関迪.
心大血管症例における術中凝固障害に対する統括的凝固治療戦略の検討 - リコンビナント活性型第VII因子製剤 (rFVIIa) の有用性から. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;62: 507-507.
末松義弘, 森住誠, 岡村賢一, 河田光弘.
Conservative Therapy as a Primary Treatment for Spontaneous Isolated Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery. Ann Vasc Surg. 2014;28(8):1939-45. (Corresponding author, IF 1.393)
K Okamura, S Morizumi, M Kawata, Y Suematsu.
補助人工心臓装着患者に対する当院での心臓リハビリテーションの取り組み. Therapeutic Research 2013;34: 88-90
近野宏知, 鈴木賢, 田中直樹, 斉藤秀之, 小関淑子, 西功, 榎本強志, 権重好, 末松義弘.
Effect of external counterpulsation on cardiac work following cardiac surgery: Implications of the mechanism responsible for clinical benefits. J Cardiol. 59(1):84-90, 2012 (IF 2.566)
T Shimizu, S Kyo, S Morizumi, T Ando, S Gon, Y Suematsu.
Inhibition of Neointimal Hyperplasia With a Novel Tacrolimus-Eluting Suture. J Am Coll Cardiol. 58;441-442, 2011 (Corresponding author, IF 15.343)
S Morizumi, Y Suematsu, S Gon, T Shimizu.
Experience of a patient with an extracorporeal ventricular assist system who participated in a sleepover program. J Artifi Organs 14; 257-260, 2011 (IF 1.393)
S Gon, Y Suematsu, S Morizumi, T Shimizu
体外設置型補助人工心臓装着患者の外泊支援. 胸部外科64:216-219, 2011 (Corresponding author)
権 重好、末松義弘、森住誠、清水剛
若き心臓血管外科医の労働環境に関する意識調査. 日本外科学会誌112(1):63-69, 2011
Development of a pulsatile flow-generating circulatory-assist device. J Artif Organs. 13:67-70, 2010 (IF 1.393)
S Inamori, Y Fujii, T Oshita, Y Kobayashi, M Minamiyama, S Sasaki, T Murakami, I Sakuma, M Gunshin, Y Suematsu, Yahagi N.
A new strategy for prevention of anastomotic stricture by using tacrolimus eluting biodegradable nanofiber. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 137:703-9, 2009 (IF 3.991)
M Mutsuga, Y Narita, Y Yamawaki, Y Suematsu, A Oshima, A Usui, Y Ueda.
Image-guided surgical repair of ventricular septal rupture using self-expanding device. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 8:602-5, 2009 (Corresponding author, IF 1.109)
M Hisagi, Y Suematsu, A Masuzaw, M Ono, N Motomura, S Takamoto.
心臓外科領域でのリアルタイム三次元経食道エコー 胸部外科 61(13),1119-1122, 2008
A new technique of aortic occlusion in patient with severe aortic calcification. Kyobu Geka. 61:1032-4, 2008
S Morizumi, T Konishi, H Furukawa, M Fukata, Y Suematsu.
Simultaneous integrated coronary artery revascularization with long-term angiographic follow-up. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 136:702-8, 2008 (IF 3.991)
B Kiaii, RS McClure, P Stewart, R Rayman, SA Swinamer, Y Suematsu, S Fox, J Higgins, C Albion, WJ Kostuk, D Almond, K Sridhar, P Teefy, G Jablonsky, P Diamantouros, WB Dobkowski, P Jones, D Bainbridge, I Iglesias, J Murkin, D Cheng, RJ Novick.
Imaging artifacts of medical instruments in ultrasound-guided interventions. J Ultrasound Med. 26(10),1303-22, 2007 (IF 1.532)
J Huang, JK Triedman, NV Vasilyev, Y Suematsu, RO Cleveland, PE Dupont.
Robotic assisted closure of atrial septal defect under real-time 3-dimensional echo guide: in vitro study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 32:573-6, 2007 (Corresponding author, IF 2.814)
Y Suematsu, B Kiaii, D Bainbridge, RJ Novick.
Live 3-dimensional echocardiography guidance for the insertion of a retrograde cardioplegic catheter through the coronary sinus. Heart Surg Forum. 10:E188-90, 2007 (IF 0.562)
Y Suematsu, B Kiaii, D Bainbridge, RJ Novick.
Retrograde cerebral perfusion with intermittent pressure augmentation provides adequate neuroprotection: diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study in an experimental canine model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 132:933-40, 2006 (IF 3.991)
M Kawata, M Sekino, S Takamoto, S Ueno, S Yamaguchi, K Kitahori, H Tsukihara, Y Suematsu, M Ono, N Motomura, T Morota, A Murakami.
Three-dimensional echo and videocardioscopy-guided atrial septal defect closure. Ann Thorac Surg. 82:1322-6, 2006 (IF 3.631)
NV Vasilyev, JF Martinez, FP Freudenthal, Y Suematsu, GR Marx, PJ del Nido.
Intermittent pressure augmentation during retrograde cerebral perfusion under moderate hypothermia provides adequate neuroprotection: an experimental study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 132:80-8, 2006 (Corresponding author, IF 3.991)
M Kawata, S Takamoto, K Kitahori, H Tsukihara, T Morota, M Ono, N Motomura, A Murakami, Y Suematsu.
Erythropoietin protects the central nervous system during prolonged hypothermic circulatory arrest: An experimental study in a canine model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 131:1331-7, 2006 (Corresponding author, IF 3.991)
M Kawata, S Takamoto, K Kitahori, H Tsukihara, T Morota, M Ono, N Motomura, A Murakami, Y Suematsu.
Prevention of postoperative pericardial adhesions with a novel regenerative collagen sheet. Ann Thorac Surg. 81:650-7, 2006 (Corresponding author, IF 3.631)
H Tsukihara, Y Suematsu, K Kitahori, K Matsuda, Y Kotsuka, RJ Novick, S Takamoto.
Is the guideline the cause of structural failure in current polyester vascular prostheses? An experimental study. Artif Organs. 29:820-5, 2005 (Corresponding author, IF 1.87)
M Kawata, S Takamoto, T Morota, M Ono, N Motomura, A Murakami, Y Suematsu.
A novel protocol of retrograde cerebral perfusion with intermittent pressure augmentation for brain protection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 130:363-70, 2005 (IF 3.991)
K Kitahori, S Takamoto, H Takayama, Y Suematsu, M Ono, N Motomura, T Morota, A Murakami, K Takeuchi.
Age-Associated Aortic Stenosis in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice. J Am Coll Cardiol. 46;134-141,2005 (IF 15.343)
K Tanaka, M Sata, D Fukuda, Y Suematsu, N Motomura, S Takamoto, Y Hirata, R Nagai.
3-Dimensional Echo Guided Beating-Heart Surgery without Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Atrial Septum Defect Closure in Swine Model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 130:1348-57, 2005 (IF 3.991)
Y Suematsu, GR Marx, JK Triedman, PJ del Nido.
Totally Endoscopic Robotic Assisted Repair of Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Vascular Ring in Children. Ann Thorac Surg. 80:2309-13, 2005 (IF 3.631)
Y Suematsu, T Mihaljevic, BN Mora, PJ del Nido.
Human umbilical cord blood cells improve cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 327:609-14, 2005 (IF 2.281)
Y Hirata, M Sata, N Motomura, M Takanashi, Y Suematsu, M Ono, S Takamoto.
Robotic pediatric cardiac surgery. present and future. Am J Surg. 188:98S-103S, 2004 (IF 2.406)
Y Suematsu, PJ del Nido.
3-Dimensional Echo-Guided Beating-Heart Surgery without Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Feasibility Study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 128:579-87, 2004 (IF 3.991)
Y Suematsu, GR Marx, JK Triedman, T Mihaljevic, BN Mora, PJ del Nido.
3-Dimensional Echo Guided Atrial Septectomy: An Experimental Study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 128:53-9, 2004 (IF 3.991)
Y Suematsu, GR Marx, JK Triedman, T Mihaljevic, BN Mora, S Takamoto, PJ del Nido.
Cardioprotection afforded by ischemic preconditioning interferes chronic β- blocker treatment. Scand Cardiovasc J. 38:293-9,2004 (Corresponding author,IF 1.104)
Y Suematsu, V Anttila, S Takamoto, PJ del Nido P.
Protective Effects of Endogenous Adrenomedullin on Cardiac Hypertrophy, Fibrosis, and Renal Damage. Circulation. 109(14):1789-94, 2004 (IF 14.948)
P Niu, T Shindo, H Iwata, S Iimuro, N Takeda, Y Zhang, A Ebihara, Y Suematsu, K Kangawa, Y Hirata, R Nagai.
Semi-automatic suturing device for minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Kyobu geka. 56:203-6, 2003 (Corresponding author)
Y Suematsu.
Accelerated cardiac hypertrophy and renal damage induced by angiotensin II in adrenomedullin knockout mice. Hypertens Res. 26:731-6, 2003 (IF 2.936)
P Niu, T Shindo, H Iwata, A Ebihara, Y Suematsu, Y Zhang, N Takeda, S Iimuro, Y Hirata, R Nagai.
Future technologic innovations for intraoperative visualization of native coronary artery and graft anastomoses. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 126:304, 2003 (Corresponding author,IF 3.991)
Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Video-assisted cardioscopy for infectious endocarditis. Pediatr Cardiol. 23(5):562-3, 2002 (IF 1.55)
K Miyaji, A Murakami, Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Protective effect of adrenomedullin against cardiac hypertrophy and renal damage. Journal of Cardiac Failure 8, Suppl5: S221, 2002. (IF 3.065)
P Niu, T Shindo, A Ebihara, Y Zhang, D Kawanami, Y Imai, T Amaki, Y Suematsu, R Nagai
A simple distal coronary perfusion technique in off-pump coronary artery bypass. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 22: 443-444, 2002 (IF 2.814)
T Ohtsuka, N Motomura, Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Brief report of activity on University of Tokyo Tissue Bank. Hone kansetsu jinntai 14:1125-8, 2002
N Motomura, N Yoneda, T Murakawa, S Shibusawa, Y Suematsu, K Maeda, A Murakami, J Nakajima, Y Kotsuka, S Takamoto.
Short-term result of aortic valve replacement with cryopreserved homograft valve in the university of Tokyo tissue bank. Artif Organs 2002;26:449-52. (IF 1.87)
N Motomura, S Takamoto, T Murakawa, N Yoneda, S Shibusawa, K Maeda, Y Suematsu, A Murakami, J Nakajima, Y Kotsuka.
Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography Evaluation of Graft Anastmoses During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 1:52-54, 2002 (Corresponding author,IF 1.109)
Y Suematsu, S Takamoto, T Ohtsuka.
Elevated sympathetic nervous activity in mice deficient in alphaCGRP. Circ Res 2001 23;89:983-90 (IF 11.089)
Y Oh-hashi, T Shindo, Y Kurihara, T Imai, Y Wang, H Morita, Y Imai, Y Kayaba, H Nishimatsu, Y Suematsu, Y Hirata, Y Yazaki, R Nagai, T Kuwaki, H Kurihara.
Ultrasonic Evaluation Of Graft Anastmoses During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Ann Thorac Surg 74:273-5, 2002 (Corresponding author,IF 3.631)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, T Miyairi, N Motomura, S Takamoto.
逆行性臓器灌流研究会 S100蛋白による逆行性脳灌流後脳障害の予測 心臓 2000年 32 巻 Supplement3 号 12-13
宮入 剛, 高本 眞一, 小塚 裕, 窪田 博, 大塚 俊哉, 柴田 講, 上野 克仁, 末松 義弘, 竹谷 剛, 二宮 幹雄, 江連 雅彦, 師田 哲郎
逆行性臓器灌流研究会 脳障害性蛋白S100による逆行性脳灌流法の評価 心臓 1999年 31 巻 Supplement3 号 17-18
宮入 剛, 高本 眞一, 小野 稔, 窪田 博, 田中 慶太, 柴田 講, 上野 克仁, 末松 義弘, 川内 基裕, 小塚 裕
The application of Emax measurement in an isolated crystalloid solution perfused working rat heart model. J Mol Cell Cardiol 30:A59, 1998 (Corresponding author,IF 5.218)
Y Suematsu, F Yamamoto, H Sasaki, J Okawara, Y Hino, S Hirose, T Yagihara, S Kitamura.
Beating atrial septal defect closure monitored by epicardial real-time three-dimensional echocardiography without cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 107:785-90, 2003 (Corresponding author,IF 14.948)
Y Suematsu, S Takamoto, Y Kaneko, A Murakami, T Ohtsuka, M Akahane, T Mochizuki, Y Kondo, R Amagai.
Power Doppler Imaging of the Internal Mammary Artery during CABG without Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 10: 89-91, 2002 (Corresponding author)
Y Suematsu, S Takamoto, T Ohtsuka, K Maeda, Y Kotsuka.
Glove Retractor for Left Circumflex Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Heart Surgery Forum 5:46-8, 2002 (Corresponding author,IF 0.562)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, Y Kaneko, N Motomura, Y Kotsuka, S Takamoto.
Conventional coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with total occlusion of the internal carotid artery. Heart Vessels. 15:256-262, 2001 (Corresponding author,IF 2.109)
Y Suematsu, K Nakano, Y Sasako, J Kobayashi, S Kitamura, S Takamoto.
Chronic Treatment with Nipradilol, a Nitric Oxide-Releasing β-Adrenergic Blocker, Enhances Postischemic Recovery and Limits Infarct Size. Ann Thorac Surg 73: 173-179, 2002 (Corresponding author,IF 3.631)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, H Horimoto, K Maeda, Y Nakai, S Mieno, S Takamoto.
Intraoperative Echocardiographic Imaging of Coronary Arteries and Graft Anastmoses during Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting without Cardiopulmonary Bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 122:1147-54, 2001 (Corresponding author,IF 3.991)
Y Suematsu, S Takamoto, T Ohtsuka.
L-Arginine given after ischaemic preconditioning can enhance cardioprotection in isolated rat hearts. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 19:873-9, 2001 (Corresponding author,IF 2.814)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, Y Hirata, K Maeda, K Imanaka, S Takamoto.
Transxiphoid approach for intracardiac repair using video-assisted cardioscopy. Ann Thorac Surg. 71:1716-8, 2001 (IF 3.631)
K Miyaji, A Murakami, J Kobayashi, Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Predictive risk factors for pulmonary oxygen transfer in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Jpn Heart J. 42:143-53, 2001 (Corresponding author)
Y Suematsu, H Sato, T Ohtsuka, Y Kotsuka, S Araki, S Takamoto.
Strategies for CABG patients with carotid artery disease and perioperative neurological complications. Heart Vessels. 15:129-34, 2000 (Corresponding author,IF 2.109)
Y Suematsu, K Nakano, Y Sasako, J Kobayashi, S Takamoto.
Predictive risk factors for delayed extubation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Vessels. 15:214-20, 2000 (Corresponding author,IF 2.109)
Y Suematsu, H Sato, T Ohtsuka, Y Kotsuka, S Araki, S Takamoto.
Right heart bypass for left circumflex coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Vessels. 15:86-9, 2000 (Corresponding author,IF 2.109)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, K Miyaji, A Murakami, T Miyairi,Z Eyileten, Y Kotsuka, S Takamoto.
Allogenicity of cryopreserved human fibroblasts: cryopreservation does not downregulate the allogenicity of fibroblasts making up the matrices of allografts. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 120:712-9, 2000 (IF 3.991)
T Murakawa, J Nakajima, M Ono, A Murakami, Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Right heart mini-pump bypass for coronary artery bypass grafting: experimental study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 18:276-81, 2000 (Corresponding author,IF 2.814)
Y Suematsu, T Ohtsuka, K Miyaji, A Murakami, T Miyairi,Z Eyileten, Y Kotsuka, S Takamoto.
同種弁,異種弁,自己弁置換の臨床 同種心臓弁・血管の提供および臨床使用の検討. 胸部外科53:281-5, 2000 (Corresponding author)
末松義弘, 高本眞一, 村上新, 中島淳, 小野稔, 村川知弘, 前田克英, 小塚裕.
僧帽弁前尖領域に対する新しい僧帽弁形成術(スパイダーS法)の経験 茨城循環器研究会雑誌 2018 (in press)
大動脈分岐部狭小・両側腸骨動脈狭窄を伴う腹部大動脈瘤に対する腹部ステントグラフト内挿術-AFX®使用経験例の報告 茨城循環器研究会雑誌 2017;24:45-51
A Case of Cardiogenic Stroke After Thoracoscopic Left Atrial Appendectomy. Int Heart J. 2018 Jul 31;59(4):854-856.
Numata R, Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
特発性大動脈破裂の胸部ステントグラフト内挿術の治療経験3例の検討 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 2017年 46 巻 3 号 143-147
藤﨑 正之, 末松 義弘, 井上 堯文, 西 智史, 吉本 明浩, 森住 誠, 森下 清文
Thoracoscopic left atrial appendectomy and thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) in a patient with cardiogenic stroke combined with acute aortic dissection. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Dec;65(12):717-719.
Inoue T, Kurahashi K, Nishi S, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
Relapse of Mitral Regurgitation Due to Tethering after Valve Plasty with Edge-to-edge Repair; Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2017;70:461-463.
Sasaki K, Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Suematsu Y.
Retrograde Type A Aortic Dissection after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair; Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2017;70:369-372.
Morizumi S, Inoue T, Nishi S, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Suematsu Y.
急性大動脈解離術後の小腸穿孔に対し至適時期の開腹手術により救命した一例. 胸部外科
倉橋果南 井上堯文 吉本明浩 藤崎正之 森住誠 末松義弘.
Thoracoscopic Left Atrial Appendectomy for a Patient with Thrombus in the Left Atrial Appendage after Anticoagulation Therapy; Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2016;69:1041-1044.
Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morizumi S, Ohtsuka T, Suematsu Y.
パッチ閉鎖術にて救命した嚢状腹部大動脈瘤破裂の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 2016年 77 巻 10 号 2429-2432
沼田 るり子, 井上 堯文, 藤崎 正之, 末松 義弘
人工血管置換術を行った便秘・排尿障害を呈した両側内腸骨動脈瘤の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 2016年 77 巻 7 号 1618-1621
岡村 賢一, 末松 義弘, 河田 光弘
Total Endoscopic Left Atrial Appendectomy for Valvular Atrial Fibrillation; Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2017;70:461-463.
Kurahashi K, Inoue T, Yoshimoto A, Fujisaki M, Morisumi S, Ohtsuka T, Suematsu Y.
Combined Open and Endovascular Repair of Multiple Aortic Aneurysms due to Syphilitic Aortitis. Kyobu Geka. 2015 Jun;68(6):426-30.
Shima S, Okamura K, Morizumi S, Kawata M, Suematsu Y.
Vacuum-assisted Closure (VAC) Treatment for Sternal Infection in a Patient after Cardiovascular Surgery; Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2015 Mar;68(3):225-8.
Shima S, Okamura K, Morizumi S, Kanamori T, Ichihara T, Kawata M, Suematsu Y.
DeBakey type 2 Aortic Dissection Failed to Diagnose by Enhanced Computed Tomography;Report of a Case. Kyobu Geka. 2015;68(5):375-8.
Numata R, Shima S, Okamura K, Morizumi S, Kawata M, Suematsu Y.
慢性非弁膜性心房細動, 心原性脳梗塞に対して低侵襲外科的左心耳切除術を施行した1例 心臓 2015年 47 巻 7 号 829-834
島 正太郎, 岡村 賢一, 森住 誠, 河田 光弘, 大塚 俊哉, 末松 義弘
Hybrid stenting therapy for dysphagia aortica with Rokitansky's diverticulum concomitant with thoracic aortic aneurysm. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 May;47(5):e229-31.
Okamura K, Suematsu Y, Morizumi S, Kawata M.
Coronary artery aneurysm occurring very late after drug-eluting stent implantation. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2014 [Epub ahead of print] (IF 1.109)
K Okamura, Y Suematsu, S Morizumi, M Kawata.
胸骨ワイヤー抜去時に出血をきたした仮性動脈瘤の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(6), 1523-1526,2014 (Corresponding author)
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with neurofibromatosis I. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print] (Corresponding author, IF 2.814)
Y Suematsu, S Morizumi, T Enomoto.
ヘパリン起因性血小板減少症を合併した心拍動下冠動脈バイパス術の1例 臨床外科学会 75(1),54-59,2014
左室補助人工心臓によるbridge to recoveryが可能であった好酸球性心筋炎の1例 胸部外科 67, 587-591,2014 (Corresponding author)
ステント内挿術アクセスルートに難渋した胸部下行大動脈瘤破裂の1例 胸部外科 67, 831-834,2014(Corresponding author)
末松義弘、河田光弘、岡村賢一、森住誠、竹谷 剛
Stanford type A aortic dissection after urgent prosthetic valve replacement: two case report J Cardiothorac Surg. 7;9(1):9, 2014 (Corresponding author,IF 1.618)
Y Suematsu, S Morizumi, K Okamura, M Kawata.
A rare case of axillobifemoral bypass graft infection caused by Helicobacter cinaedi. J Vasc Surg. 5. 1602-9, 2013 (Corresponding author,IF 2.98)
Y Suematsu, S Morizumi, K Okamura, M Kawata.
左内胸動脈グラフトの再開通を認めた成人川崎病冠動脈瘤の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 74(8), 2106-2110,2013 (Corresponding author)
腹部分枝再建を伴うステント内挿術により救命した胸腹部大動脈瘤破裂の1例 緊急OPCAB術後の冠動脈CTにて偶然発見された乳癌の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 74(9), 2412-2416,2013 (Corresponding author)
緊急OPCAB術後の冠動脈CTにて偶然発見された乳癌の1例 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 74(9), 2375-2379,2013 (Corresponding author)
Concomitant off-pump coronary artery bypass and left lower lobectomy for lung cancer. Kyobu Geka. 66(12): 1101-4, 2013
K Okamura, K Kamiyama, M Kimura, S Morizumi, M Kawata, Y Suematsu.
VAD患者に対する外出プログラムの効果~安全な渡航(移植)に功を奏した一症例. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;59: 220-220.
城戸秀佳, 末松義弘, 権重好, 助川節, 近野宏知.
Thromboelastometry to guide recombinant activated factor VII therapy for postoperative refractory intracranial bleeding. Anesth Analg. 110(1):261-2, 2010 (IF 3.422)
Y Hirasaki, Y Suematsu, T Yasuda, K Tajima.
右室原発悪性リンパ腫の1例 茨城循環器研究会雑誌 2010;17:41-44
Adventitial cystic disease of the femoral vein. Ann Vasc Surg. 24(8):1135.e5-7, 2010 (IF 1.393)
S Morizumi, Y Suematsu, S Gon, T Shimizu, T Iwai.
病的上行大動脈に対する大動脈遮断方法の工夫.日本心外会誌 39:159-161, 2010
心臓原発悪性リンパ腫に対して内視鏡下腫瘍生検が有効であった1例.心臓 42(3):365-368, 2010
Destination therapyを目的としたLVAD装着患者の外出プログラムの1例. 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌39(2):65-68,2010
経皮的腸骨動脈形成術後に大動脈内バルーンパンピングを留置し、緊急冠動脈バイパス術を施行した急性冠症候群の1例 心臓 41(10), 1126-1130, 2009
多発骨折を伴った急性肺塞栓症の1例 Therapeutic Research 29(8), 1393 –1395, 2008
Live 3D Echo Guided Beating-Heart Surgery. Annual Report of UMF. 20:438-42, 2006
Y Suematsu.
新しい低侵襲心臓内手術の開発―ライブ3Dエコーによる拍動下心内修復術の試み―上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集 20,438-442, 2007
The application of Emax measurement in an isolated crystalloid solution perfused working rat heart model. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;68:2004 (Corresponding author, IF 3.631)
Y Suematsu, F Yamamoto, H Sasaki, J Okawara, Y Hino, S Hirose, S Takamoto.
Development of regenerative anti-adhesive patch as pericardial substitute. Annual Report of JRPS for cardiovascular diseases. 17:27-34, 2003
Y Suematsu, H Tsukihara, S Takamoto, T Ohtsuka, Y Kaneko, A Murakam, K Matsuda, Y Morinaga, R Kamimura.
Opcab in patients with malignant neoplasms. Heart Surg Forum. 6:S45, 2003 (IF 0.562)
T Ohtsuka, O Motomura, Y Suematsu, S Takamoto.
Video-assisted transseptal cryoablation of left atrium in nonmitral cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 125: 1537-8, 2003 (IF 3.991)
T Ohtsuka, H Kubota, Y Suematsu, N Motomura, S Takamoto.
Valve-sparing operation for the aortic root aneurysm in patients with bicuspid aortic valve. Ann Thorac Surg 74: 907-908, 2002 (Corresponding author,IF 3.631)
Y Suematsu, T Morota, H Kubota, M Ninomiya, S Takamoto.
Superior vena cava.left atrial connection for Eisenmenger syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 122: 634-635, 2001 (IF 3.991)
Y Kaneko, Y Suematsu, K Maeda, A Murakami, S Takamoto.
酸素・tolazoline hydrochloride負荷試験に反応しない高度肺高血圧症を有する心室中隔欠損症の外科治療経験. 胸部外科 54:374-8, 2001 (Corresponding author)
末松義弘, 柳生邦良, 江上純 与田仁志, 土屋恵司.
Salvage of right gastroepiploic artery graft before pancreatoduodenectomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 121:1013-4, 2001 (IF 3.991)
T Ohtsuka, Y Suematsu, H Kubota, S Takamoto, M Makuuchi.
同種弁,異種弁,自己弁置換の臨床 同種心臓弁・血管の提供および臨床使用の検討. 胸部外科53:281-5, 2000 (Corresponding author)
末松義弘, 高本眞一, 村上新, 中島淳, 小野稔, 村川知弘, 前田克英, 小塚裕.
Coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus: role of perioperative active anti-retroviral therapy. Jpn Circ J. 63:423-4, 1999
K Imanaka, S Takamoto, S Kimura, Y Morisawa, T Ohtsuka, Y Suematsu, T Shirai, K Inoue.
Surgery for ruptured inflammatory aortic aneurysm. Medical Postgraduates. 35:73-4, 1997 (Corresponding author)
Y Suematsu , T Morota, M Ando, Y Okita, S Takamoto.