川崎医科大学 名誉教授、川崎医療福祉大学 医療福祉学部 子ども医療福祉学科 特任教授

日本小児科学会 監事 日本感染症学会 感染症専門医・指導医 日本化学療法学会 抗菌化学療法指導医 Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance(GPPA) 理事

尾内 一信 おうち かずのぶ 先生




  • 小児科
  • 感染症
  • 小児科学
  • 臨床微生物学(おもにクラミジア,マイコプラズマ、エルシニア)
  • 臨床アレルギー学


日本小児科学会 監事
日本感染症学会 感染症専門医・指導医
日本化学療法学会 抗菌化学療法指導医
Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance(GPPA) 理事
  • 川崎医科大学 名誉教授
  • 川崎医療福祉大学 医療福祉学部 子ども医療福祉学科 特任教授
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 日本感染症学会 認定ICD
  • 日本渡航医学会 理事
  • 日本小児感染症学会 監事
  • 日本小児呼吸器疾患学会 顧問
  • 国際臨床医学会 監事
  • 日本マイコプラズマ学会 理事
  • 日本クラミジア研究会 理事
  • 倉敷小児科専門医会 会長





1980年 山口大学医学部 卒業
1980年 国立岡山病院小児科研修医
1986年 米国オクラホマ州立大学医学部小児感染症科リサーチフェロー
1988年 国立呉病院母子医療センター小児科医師
1989年 済生会下関総合病院小児科部長
2002年 川崎医科大学 小児科学2講座 教授
2006年 川崎医科大学 小児科学 主任教授
2022年 川崎医科大学 名誉教授
2022年 川崎医療福祉大学医療福祉学部子ども医療福祉学科 特任教授



Chlamydia pneumoniae慢性感染症に関する研究

Ouchi K:“Respiratory Tract Infections Caused by C.pneumoniae in Pediatric Patients. Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection and Disease(edited by Friedman H,Yamamoto Y,Bendinelli M):263-273, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers New York 2004
Reviewed Papers, and Journal Articles written in English ( 133 )

Sato K, Ouchi K, Taki M:Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children, resembling Izumi fever and Kawasaki syndrome. Pediatr Infect Dis. 2(2):123-6,1983

Sato K, Ouchi K, Komazawa M: Ampicillin vs. placebo for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 7(10):686-9,1988

Kanamoto Y, Ouchi K, Mizui M, Ushio M, Usui T: Prevalence of antibody to Chlamydia pneumoniae TWAR in Japan. J Clin Microbiol.29(4):816-8,1991

Takigawa K, Fujita J, Negayama K, Yamagishi Y, Yamaji Y, Ouchi K, Yamada K, Abe M, Nakazawa T, Kawanishi K. Nosocomial outbreak of Pseudomonas cepacia respiratory infection in immunocompromised patients associated with contaminated nebulizer devices. Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 67(11):1115-25. 1993

Karita M, Morshed MG, Ouchi K, Okita K: Bismuth-free triple therapy for eradicating Helicobacter pylori and reducing the gastric ulcer recurrence rate. Am J Gastroenterol. 89(7):1032-5, 1994

Ouchi K, Nakazawa T, Karita M, Kanehara Y: Prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in acute lower respiratory infection in the pediatric population in Japan. Acta Paediatr Jpn. 36(3):256-60, 1994

Miyawaki H, Fujita J, Takigawa K, Negayama K, Yamagishi Y, Yamaji Y, Ouchi K, Nakazawa T, Kawanishi K, Takahara J: Investigation of nosocomial respiratory infection due to Pseudomonas cepacia by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 23(3):77-83, 1995
Ouchi K, Abe M, Karita M, Oguri T, Igari J, Nakazawa T: Analysis of strains of Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia isolated in a nosocomial outbreak by biochemical and genomic typing. J Clin Microbiol. 33(9):2353-7, 1995

Tsukahara M, Yoneda J, Azuma R, Nakashima K, Kito N, Ouchi K, Kanehara Y: Interstitial deletion of 6q21-q23 associated with split hand. Am J Med Genet. 31;69(3):268-70,1997

Yamashita K, Ouchi K, Shirai M, Gondo T, Nakazawa T, Ito H: Distribution of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in the athersclerotic carotid artery. Stroke. 29(4):773-8,1998

Ouchi K, Fujii B, Kanamoto Y, Karita M, Shirai M, Nakazawa T: Chlamydia pneumoniae in coronary and iliac arteries of Japanese patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. J Med Microbiol.47(10):907-13,1998

Hagiwara K, Ouchi K, Tashiro N, Azuma M, Kobayashi K:  An epidemic of a pertussis-like illness caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pediatr Infect Dis J.18(3):271-5,1999

Tsutsumi H, Ouchi K, Ohsaki M, Yamanaka T, Kuniya Y, Takeuchi Y, Nakai C, Meguro H, Chiba S: Immunochromatography test for rapid diagnosis of adenovirus respiratory tract infections: comparison with virus isolation in tissue culture. J Clin Microbiol. 37(6):2007-9,1999

Nishikawa M, Ichiyama T, Hayashi T, Ouchi K, Furukawa S: Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Pediatr Neurol.21(2):583-6, 1999

Matsushima H, Shirai M, Ouchi K, Yamashita K, Kakutani T, Furukawa S, Nakazawa T. Lymphotoxin inhibits Chlamydia pneumoniae growth in HEp-2 cells. Infect Immun. 67:3175-9,1999

Ouchi K, Hasegawa K, Nonaka Y, Matsushima H, Komura H, Maki T, Nakazawa T. Rapid diagnosis of adenovirus respiratory tract infections by immunochromatography. J Infect Chemother. 5:220-222,1999

Ouchi K: Common cold syndrome as an indication for antibacterial therapy. Asian Medical Journal,42:329-334,1999

Ouchi K:  Chlamydia pneumoniae and atherosclerosis. Jpn J Infect Dis. 52(6):223-7,1999

Shirai M, Hirakawa H, Ouchi K, Tabuchi M, Kishi F, Kimoto M, Takeuchi H, Nishida J, Shibata K, Fujinaga R, Yoneda H, Matsushima H, Tanaka C, Furukawa S, Miura K, Nakazawa A, Ishii K, Shiba T, Hattori M, Kuhara S, Nakazawa T: Comparison of outer membrane protein genes omp and pmp in the whole genome sequences of Chlamydia pneumoniae isolates from Japan and the United States. J Infect Dis. 181 Suppl 3:S524-7,2000

Tompkins LS, Schachter J, Boman J, Chernesky MA, Dowell S, Gaydos CA, Levison ME, Maass M, Madico G, Orfila J, Ouchi K, Peeling RW, Taylor-Robinson D, Stamm WE, Wang SP, Blasi F, Relman D:  Collaborative multidisciplinary workshop report: detection, culture, serology, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Chlamydia pneumoniae. J Infect Dis 181 Suppl 3:S460-1,2000

Shirai M, Hirakawa H, Kimoto M, Tabuchi M, Kishi F, Ouchi K, Shiba T, Ishii K, Hattori M, Kuhara S, Nakazawa T: Comparison of whole genome sequences of Chlamydia pneumoniae J138 from Japan and CWL029 from USA. Nucleic Acids Res. 28(12):2311-4, 2000

Ouchi K, Fujii B, Kudo S, Shirai M, Yamashita K, Gondo T, Ishihara T, Ito H, Nakazawa T:  Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic tissue. J Infect Dis.181 Suppl 3:S441-3, 2000

KidoS, Shirai M, Ouchi K, Nakazawa T : Analysis of the serological response to Chlamydia pneumoniae patients with ischemic heart disease by recombinant MOMP-ELISA. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 7: 180-185, 2001

Yoneda H, Miura K, Matsushima H, Sugi K, Murakami T, Ouchi K, yamashita K,Itoh H, Nakazawa T, Suzuki M, shirai M: Aspirin inhibits Chlamydia pneumoniae-induced NF-κB activation, COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis, and attenuates Chlamydial growth. J Med Microbiol 52(5):409-415, 2003

Ouchi K, Suzuki Y, Shirakaawa T, Kishi F: Polymorpfism of SLC11A1(Formerly NRAMP1) gene confers susceptibility to Kawasaki disease. J Infect Dis 187:326-329, 2003

Komura H, Matsushima H, Ouchi K, Shirai M, Nakazawa T, Furukawa S. Effects of antiasthma drugs on the growth of Chlamydophila pneumoniae in HEp-2 cells. J Infect Chemother. 9:160-4, 2003

Yamaguchi T,Yamazaki T,Inoue M,Ogawa M,Shiga S,Nakagawa Y,Kishimoto T,Ouchi K,Ohzeki T: Factors improving the propagation of Simkania negevensis strain Z in cell culture. Japan J Infect Dis.57(3):103-6, 2004

Onouchi Y,Onoue S,Tamari M,Wakui K,Fukushima Y,Yashiro M,Nakamura Y,Yanagawa H,Kishi F,Ouchi K,Terai M,Hamamoto K,Kudo F,Aotsuk H,Sato Y,Nariai A,Kaburagi Y, Miura M,Saji T,Kawasaki T: CD40 ligand gene and Kawasaki disease. Eur J Hum Genet.12(12):1062-8, 2004

Matsuoka M,Narita M,Okazaki N,Ohva H,Yamazaki T,Ouchi K,Suzuki I,Ando T,Kenri T,Sasaki Y,Horino A,Shintani M,Arakawa Y,Sasaki T: Characterization and molecular analysis of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae clinical isolates obtained in Japan. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.48(12):4624-30, 2004

Yoneda H, Ouchi K, Ogawa A, Kunitsugu I, Fujisawa H, Akimura T, Kato S, Suzuki M.:  Chlamydia pneumoniae infection as a risk factor for subarachnoid hemorrhage. Cerebrovasc Dis. 19(4):209-213, 2005

Yamazaki T, Kishimoto T, Shiga S, Sato K, Hagiwara T, Inoue M, Sasaki N, Ouchi K,Hara Y:  Biosynthesized tea polyphenols inactivate Chlamydia trachomatis in vitro. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 49(6):2501-2503, 2005

Yamaguchi T, Yamazaki T, Inoue M, Mashida C, Kawagoe K, Ogawa M, Shiga S, Nakagawa Y, Kishimoto T, Kurane I, Ouchi K, Ohzeki T Prevalence of antibodies against Simkania negevensis in a healthy Japanese population determined by the microimmunofluorescence test. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 43(1):21-7, 2005

Yamano H, Yamazaki T, Sato K, Shiga S, Hagiwara T, Ouchi K, Kishimoto T: In vitro inhibitory effects of hinokitiol on proliferation of Chlamydia trachomatis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 49(6):2519-21, 2005

Miyashita N, Ouchi K, Shoji H, Obase Y, Fukuda M, Yoshida K, Niki Y, Oka M: Outbreak of Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection in long-term care facilities and an affiliated hospital. J Med Microbiol.54(12):1243-1247, 2005

Daibata M, Nemoto Y, Togitani K, Fukushima A, Ueno H, Ouchi K, Fukushi H, Imai S,Taguchi H: Absence of Chlamydia psittaci in ocular adnexal lymphoma from Japanese patients. Br J Haematol.132(5):651-652, 2006

Yamazaki T, Yamaguchi T, Inoue M, Ohtake A, Sasaki N, Inoue I, Sato K, Ouchi K,Kishimoto T: The inhibitory effect of antihyperlipidemic drugs on the growth of Chlamydiapneumoniae in vitro. J Chemother.18(1):107-109, 2006

Kawasaki K, Komura H, Nakahara Y, Shiraishi M, Higashida M, Ouchi K: Factor XIII in Henoch-Schonlein purpura with isolated gastrointestinal symptoms. Pediatr Int.48(4):413-5, 2006

Kawasaki K, Akaike H, Miyauchi A, Ouchi K: Sivelestat relieves respiratory distress refractory to dexamethasone in all-trans retinoic acid syndrome: a report of two cases. Eur J Haematol,77(5):448-52, 2006

Nakashima K, Tanaka T, Kramer MH, Takahashi H, Ohyama T, Kishimoto T, Toshima H, Miwa S, Nomura A, Tsumura N, Ouchi K, Okabe N: Outbreak of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in a Japanese nursing home, 1999-2000.  Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol,27(11):1171-7, 2006

Miyashita N, Obase Y, Fukuda M, Shoji H, Mouri K, Yagi S, Yoshida K, Ouchi K, Oka M: Evaluation of serological tests detecting Chlamydophila pneumoniae-specific immunoglobulin M antibody. Intern Med,45(20):1127-31, 2006

Miyashita N,Obase Y,Fukuda M,Shouji H,Yoshida K,Ouchi K,Oka M: Evaluation of the diagnostic usefulness of real-time PCR for detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae in acute respiratory infections. J Infect Chemother.13(3):183-7, 2007

Miyashita Naoyuki, Obase Yasushi, Ouchi Kazunobu, Kawasaki Kozo, Kawai Yasuhiro, Kobashi Yoshihiro, Oka Mikio. Clinical features of severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in adults admitted to an intensive care unit. Journal of medical microbiology 56(Pt12):1625-1629, 2007

Onouchi Y, Gunji T, Burns JC, Shimizu C, Newburger JW, Yashiro M, Nakamura Y, Yanagawa H, Wakui K, Fukushima Y, Kishi F, Hamamoto K, Terai M, Sato Y, Ouchi K, Saji T, Nariai A, Kaburagi Y, Yoshikawa T, Suzuki K, Tanaka T, Nagai T, Cho H, Fujino A, Sekine A, Nakamichi R, Tsunoda T, Kawasaki T, Nakamura Y, Hata A. ITPKC functional polymorphism associated with Kawasaki disease susceptibility and formation of coronary artery aneurysms. Nat Genet. 40(1):35-42, 2008

Miyashita N, Ouchi K, Kawasaki K, Komura H, Kawai Y, Obase Y, Kobayashi Y, Oka M. Evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Chlamydophila pneumoniae-specific immunoglobulin M in acute respiratory tract infection. Respirology 13:299-302, 2008

Miyashita N, Shimizu H, Ouchi K, Kawasaki K, Kawai Y, Obase Y, Kobayashi Y, Oka M. Assessment of the usefulness of sputum Gram stain and culture for diagnosis of community-aquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization. Med Sci Monit 14(4):CR171-6, 2008

Miyashita N, Ouchi K, Kishi F, Tabuchi M, Tsumura N, Bannai H, Iwata S, Tanaka T, Oka M. Rapid and simple diagnosis of Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumonia by an immunochromatographic test for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies. Clinical and vaccine immunology 15(7):1128-1131, 2008

Teranisi Hideto, Kawasaki Kozo, Sasaki Atsuko, Fujimoto Hiroki, Inoue Mika, Monju Ayaka, Wakabayashi Tokio, Akaike Hideto, Yamaguchi Tetsuya, Ogita Satoko, Oda Keiko, Terada Kihei, Ouchi Kazunobu, Localized Intra-Abdominal Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease:a case Report and Review of the Literature. Kawasaki Medical Journal 34(4):285-289, 2008

Miyashita Naoyuki, Ouchi Kazunobu, Kawasaki Kozo, Oda Keiko, Kawai Yasuhiro, Shimizu Hiroki, Kobashi Yoshihiro, Oka Mikio, Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in the elderly. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 14(8):CR387-391, 2008

Terada Kihei, Kawai Yasuhiro, Monju Ayaka, Wakabayashi Tokio, Ouchi Kazunobu, Adolescent jump case in Japan associated with influenza but not oseltamivir. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 27(1):88-89, 2008

Nakagawa Yoshikiyo, Uemura Sadashige, Nakaoka Tatsuo, Yano Tsunehiro, Tanimoto Terutaka, Miyake Hiromu, Teranishi Hideto, Kawasaki Kozo, Ouchi Kazunobu, An Infant Case of Neutropenia Developed Repeated Omphalitis:A Case Report. Kawasaki Medical Journal 34(4):279-283, 2008

Miyashita N, Ouchi K, Kawasaki K, Komura H, Kawai Y, Tsumura N, Bannai H, Iwata S, Oka M.: Comparison of serological tests for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Respirology. 13(3):427-31. 2008

Sasaki A, Ouchi K, Makata H, Hashimoto K, Matsubara T, Furukawa S: Sasaki A, Ouchi K, Makata H, Hashimoto K, Matsubara T, Furukawa S. The effect of inhaled corticosteroids on Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children with bronchial asthma. J Infect Chemother. 15(2):99-103, 2009

Miyashita N, Sugiu T, Kawai Y, Oda K, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K, Kobashi Y, Oka M : Radiographic features of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia: differential diagnosis and performance timing. BMC Med Imaging. 9:7,2009

Kishimoto T, Ando S, Numazaki K, Ouchi K, Yamazaki T, Nakahama C: Assay of Chlamydia pneumoniae-specific IgM antibodies by ELISA method--reduction of non-specific reaction and resetting of serological criteria by measuring IgM antibodies--. Jpn J Infect Dis. 62(4):260-4,2009

Tabuchi M, Kawai Y, Nishie-Fujita M, Akada R, Izumi T, Yanatori I, Miyashita N, Ouchi K, Kishi F : Development of a novel functional high-throughput screening system for pathogen effectors in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 73(10):2261-7,2009

Kawai Y, Miyashita N, Kishi F, Tabuchi M, Oda K, Yamaguchi T, Kawasaki K, Yamazaki T, Ouchi K. Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 28(7):801-5, 2009

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K, Kobashi Y, Oka M : Evaluation of false-positive reaction with ELISA for the detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae-specific IgM antibody in adults. Jpn J Infect Dis. 63(2):150-1,2010

Onouchi Y, Ozaki K, Buns JC, Shimizu C, Hamada H, Honda T, Terai M, Honda A, Takeuchi T, Shibuta S, Suenaga T, Suzuki H, Higashi K, Yasukawa K, Suzuki Y, Sasago K, Kemmotsu Y, Takatsuki S, Saji T, Yoshikawa T, Nagai T, Hamamoto K, Kishi F, Ouchi K, Sato Y, Newburger JW, Baker AL, Shulman ST, Rowley AH, Yashiro M, Nakamura Y, Wakui K, Fukushima Y, Fujino A, Tsunoda T, Kawasaki T, Hata A, Nakamura Y, Tanaka T: Common variants in CASP3 confer susceptibility to Kawasaki disease. Hum Mol Genet. 19(14):2898-906,2010

Sakata H, Sato Y, Nonoyama M, Haruta T, Ouchi K, Yamaguchi S, Sunakawa K : Results of a multicenter survey of diagnosis and treatment for bacterial meningitis in Japan. J Infect Chemother. 16(6):396-406 ,2010

Namikawa K, Iida T, Ouchi K, Kimura M : Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Japanese travelers on infectious disease risks and immunization uptake. J Travel Med. 17(3):171-5,2010

Miyashita N, Oka M; Atypical Pathogen Study Group, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K : Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in adults with community-acquired pneumonia. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 36(4):384-5, 2010

Uehara S, Sunakawa K, Eguchi H, Ouchi K, Okada K, Kurosaki T, Suzuki H, Tsutsumi H, Haruta T, Mitsuda T, Yamazaki T: Japanese Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children 2007 with focus on pneumonia. Pediatr Int. 53(2):264-76, 2010

Ogino, Obase, Takahashi, Shimizu, Takigawa, Wang, Ouchi, Oka : High serum arginase I levels in asthma: its correlation with high sensitivity C-reactive protein. Journal of Asthma. 48(1):1-7, 2011

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K, Oka M; Atypical Pathogen Study Group.
HYPERLINK "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21061035" Clinical potential of diagnostic methods for the rapid diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in adults. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 30(3):439-46, 2011

Miyashita N, Maruyama T, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi H, Taguchi O, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K, Oka M: Community-acquired macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in patients more than 18 years of age. J Infect Chemother. 17(1):114-8, 2011

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ouchi K, Kurose K, Oka M. Outbreak of pertussis in a university laboratory. Intern Med. 50(8):879-85, 2011

Terada Kihei, Mika Inuoe, Tokio Wakabayasi, Hiroto Akaike, Satoko Ogita, Kozo Kawasaki, Kazunobu Ouchi:Natural alteration of antibody titers in a patient with immunoglobulin A deficiency after chickenpox over a 10-year period.Pediatrics International:53(6):1075-7, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infections Research. Chapter 1-1. Anaerobic infections (General): epidemiology of anaerobic infections. J Infect Chemother. 17 (Suppl 1):4-12, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research. Chapter 1-2. Anaerobic infections (general): testing anaerobic infections. J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):13-25, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research. Chapter 1-3. Anaerobic infections (general): drug susceptibility tests. J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):26-30, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research. Chapter 1-4. Anaerobic infections (general): selection of appropriate anti-anaerobic agents--internal medicine. J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):31-4, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 1-5. Anaerobic infections (general): selection of appropriate anti-anaerobic agents--surgery. J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):35-9, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 1-6. Anaerobic infections (general): care needed when dealing with patients who have underlying diseases or complications. J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):40-1, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-1. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): respiratory infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):42-6, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-2. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): blood stream infections with anaerobic bacteria.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):47-9, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-3. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): central nervous system infections (brain abscess, subdural abscess, epidural abscess and bacterial meningitis).J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):50-5, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-4. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): infections in the pediatric field.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):56-61, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-5-2. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): anaerobic infections of the head and neck.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):67-71, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-5-3a. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): skin and soft tissue infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):72-6, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-5-3b. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): skin and soft tissue infections--bite infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):77-9, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-5-3c. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): skin and soft tissue infections--foot infection.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):80-3, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-5-4. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): intraperitoneal infections (acute peritonitis, hepatobiliary infections, etc.).J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):84-91, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-6-1. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): female genital infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):92-8, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-6-2. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): bacterial vaginosis.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):99-101, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-7. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): urogenital infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):102-4, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-8. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): infections in the field of orthopedics (primarily bone and joint infections).J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):105-7, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-9. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): ophthalmologic infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):108-11, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-10. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): dental and oral infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):112-5, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-11. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): otorhinolaryngological infections.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):116-8, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-1. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): actinomycosis.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):119-20, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-2. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): necrotizing enterocolitis (neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis).J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):121-2, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-3. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): botulism.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):123-4, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-4. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): tetanus.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):125-32, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-5. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): necrotizing fasciitis.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):133-4, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-6. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): food poisoning due to Clostridium perfringens.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):135-6, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 2-12-7. Anaerobic infections (individual fields): antibiotic-associated diarrhea and enterocolitis.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):137-9, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 3-1. Appendix: Latest classification and nomenclature for anaerobes.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):140-58, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 3-2. Appendix: Anaerobes constituting the indigenous flora.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):159-61, 2011

Japanese Society of Chemotherapy Committee on guidelines for treatment of anaerobic infections ; Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research.Chapter 3-3. Appendix: Drug-resistant anaerobes.J Infect Chemother. 17(Suppl 1):162-4, 2011

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Yasui Y, Yanatori I, Kawai Y, Miura K, Suminami Y, Hirota T, Tamari M, Ouchi K, Kishi F:Genomic screening for Chlamydophila pneumoniae-specific antigens using serum samples from patients with primary infection.FEMS Microbiol Lett. 329(2):168-76, 2012

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Akaike H, Ouchi K, Hayashi T, Kurihara T, Okimoto N:Clinical Features and the Role of Atypical Pathogens in Nursing and Healthcare-associated Pneumonia (NHCAP): Differences between a Teaching University Hospital and a Community Hospital. Intern Med. 51(6):585-94, 2012

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Akaike H, Ouchi K, Hayashi T, Kurihara T, Kawanaka N, Okimoto N:Influence of age on the clinical differentiation of atypical pneumonia in adults. Respirology. 17(7):1073-9, 2012

Okada T, Morozumi M, Sakata H, Takayanagi R, Ishiwada N, Sato Y, Oishi T, Tajima T, Haruta T, Kawamura N, Ouchi K, Matsubara K, Chiba N, Takahashi T, Iwata S, Ubukata K:A practical approach estimating etiologic agents using real-time PCR in pediatric inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia. J Infect Chemother. 18(6):832-40, 2012

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Akaike H, Ouchi K, Hayashi T, Kurihara T, Okimoto N:Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in adolescents with community-acquired pneumonia. BMC Infect Dis. 12(1):126, 2012

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Masuno M, Watanabe A, Naing BT, Shimada T, Fujimoto W, Ninomiya S, Ueda Y, Kadota K, Kotaka T, Kondo E, Yamanouchi Y, Inoue M, Ouchi K, Kuroki Y:Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, vascular type: A novel missense mutation in the COL3A1 gene. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) . 52(4):207–210, 2012

Akaike H, Miyashita N, Kubo M, Kawai Y, Tanaka T, Ogita S, Kawasaki K, Nakano T, Terada K, Ouchi K; Atypical Pathogen Study Group. In vitro activities of 11 antimicrobial agents against macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolates from pediatric patients: results from a multicenter surveillance study. Jpn J Infect Dis.65(6):535-8, 2012

Miyashita N, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Kawai Y, Ouchi K, Kato T, Hayashi T, Okimoto N; Atypical Pathogen Study Group. :Chlamydophila pneumoniae serology:cross-reaction with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. J Infect Chemother. 19(2):256-60 ,2013

Miyashita N, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Kawai Y, Ouchi K, Kato T, Hayashi T, Okimoto N:Evaluation of serological tests for diagnosis of Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumonia in patients with nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia. J Infect Chemother. 19(2):249-55 ,2013

Kawai Y, Miyashita N, Kubo M, Akaike H, Kato A, Nishizawa Y, Saito A, Kondo E, Teranishi H, Ogita S, Tanaka T, Kawasaki K, Nakano T, Terada K, Ouchi K:Therapeutic Efficacy of Macrolides, Minocycline, and Tosufloxacin against Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.57(5):2252-8, 2013

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Atelectasis caused by macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in an adult patient. J Infect Chemother. 19(6):1161-6, 2013

Miyashita N, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Kawai Y, Ouchi K, Kato T, Hayashi T, Okimoto N:Diagnostic value of symptoms and laboratory data for pertussis in adolescent and adult patients. BMC Infect Dis. 13:129, 2013
Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Transmission of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae within a family. J Infect Chemother. 19(6):1196-201, 2013

Kawai Y, Miyashita N, Kubo M, Akaike H, Kato A, Nishizawa Y, Saito A, Kondo E, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Ogita S, Tanaka T, Kawasaki K, Nakano T, Terada K, Ouchi K:Nationwide surveillance of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in pediatric patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57(8):4046-9, 2013

Miyashita N, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Ouchi K, Okimoto N.:Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in adolescents and adults: clinical findings, drug susceptibility and therapeutic efficacy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57(10):5181-5, 2013

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Inamura N, Miyashita N, Hasegawa S, Kato A, Fukuda Y, Saitoh A, Kondo E, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Akaike H, Tanaka T, Ogita S, Nakano T, Terada K, Ouchi K. Management of refractory Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia: Utility of measuring serum lactate dehydrogenase level. J Infect Chemother.20(4):270-3 , 2014
Hideto TERANISHI, Kazunobu OUCHI :Detection of Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses by a Real-time PCR assay using universal primers and probes from Blood in Patients with Febrile Neutropenia.Kawasaki Medical Journal 40(1):1-11, 2014

Tokio WAKABAYASHI, Tetsuya YAMAGUCHI, Yoko FUKUDA, Atsushi KATOU, Hiroki SHIMIZU, Yasushi OBASE, Mikio OKA, Takashi NAKANO, Kihei TERADA, Kazunobu OUCHI:The exacerbation risk prediction by fractional exhaled nitric oxide in younger and elder children with bronchial asthma.Kawasaki Medical Journal 40(1):41-6, 2014

Miyashita N, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Nakano T, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Chest computed tomography for the
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Kusuda T, Nakashima Y, Murata K, Kanno S, Nishio H, Saito M, Tanaka T, Yamamura K, Sakai Y, Takada H, Miyamoto T, Mizuno Y, Ouchi K, Waki K, Hara T:Kawasaki disease-specific molecules in the sera are linked to microbe-associated molecular patterns in the biofilms. PLoS One. 9(11):e113054, 2014

Teranishi H, Ohzono N, Inamura N, Kato A, Wakabayashi T, Akaike H, Terada K, Ouchi K:Detection of bacteria and fungi in blood of patients with febrile neutropenia by real-time PCR with universal primers and probes. J Infect Chemother. 21(3):189-93 ,2015

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Inamura N, Tanaka T, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Nakano T, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Setting a standard for the initiation of steroid therapy in refractory or severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in adolescents and adults. J Infect Chemother. 21(3):153-60 ,2015

Terada K, Itoh Y, Fujita A, Kiagawa S, Ogita S, Ouchi K:Varicella-zoster virus-specific, cell-mediated immunity with interferon-gamma release assay after vaccination of college students with no or intermediate IgG antibody response.J Med Virol. 87(2):350-6, 2015

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Tanaka T, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Nakano T, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Antibody responses of Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumonia: Why is the diagnosis of C. pneumoniae pneumonia difficult? J Infect Chemother. [Epub ahead of print], 2015

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Tanaka T, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Nakano T, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Diagnostic sensitivity of a rapid antigen test for the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Comparison with real-time PCR. J Infect Chemother. [Epub ahead of print], 2015

Miyashita N, Kawai Y, Tanaka T, Akaike H, Teranishi H, Wakabayashi T, Nakano T, Ouchi K, Okimoto N:Detection failure rate of chest radiography for the identification of nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia. J Infect Chemother. [Epub ahead of print],2015



小児の肺炎(砂川慶介, 尾内一信 編集)医薬ジャーナル 大阪 2004

小児感染症治療ハンドブック(砂川慶介, 尾内一信 編集)診断と治療社 東京 2008

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小児感染症治療ハンドブック2011-2012(砂川慶介, 尾内一信 編集)診断と治療社 東京 2010

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保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き(尾内一信 指導)財団法人母子衛生研究会 東京 2011

保護者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種 (尾内一信 指導)財団法人母子衛生研究会 東京 2011

小児感染症治療ハンドブック2013-2014(砂川慶介, 尾内一信 編集)診断と治療社 東京 2012

保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き 第2版(尾内一信 指導)財団法人母子衛生研究会 東京 2012

保護者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種 第2版 (尾内一信 指導)財団法人母子衛生研究会 東京 2012

保育保健関係者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種ガイド(五十嵐隆, 尾内一信, 渡辺博 編集)公益財団法人 母子衛生研究会 東京 2013

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小児科診療UP-to-DATE ラジオNIKKEI放送内容集 1(五十嵐隆, 尾内一信, 清水俊明, 岡明 監修)マルホ株式会社 大阪 2013

保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き 第3版(尾内一信 指導)財団法人母子衛生研究会 東京 2013
小児科診療UP-to-DATE ラジオNIKKEI放送内容集 2(五十嵐隆, 尾内一信, 清水俊明, 岡明 監修)マルホ株式会社 大阪 2013

ワクチンジャーナル 1(1)(尾内一信, 池松秀之, 岡田賢司, 多屋馨子, 中野貴司, 宮入烈 編集)メディカルレビュー社 東京 2013

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尾内一信:“かぜ、アレルギー、生活習慣病をあなどるべからず かぜなかなか治らない? 非定型病原体によるかぜ症候群” この病院で最新治療(東嶋和子編):157-164 文藝春秋 東京 2005

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尾内一信:“小児科領域の感染症(化膿性髄膜炎を含む)” 抗菌薬の使い方第3版2007(木村哲):81-100 第一三共株式会社 東京 2007

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尾内一信:“第3章 皮膚疾患 Q51 小児の溶連菌感染症の皮膚病変はどんなもの?” 小児の皮膚トラブルFAQ(末廣豊, 宮地良樹):182-184 診断と治療社 東京 2008

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尾内一信:“第14章 感染症 E.細菌感染症” 標準小児科学(森川昭廣,内山聖,原寿郎,高橋孝雄):353-369医学書院 東京 2009

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尾内一信:“1章 適正使用のための基本的知識 小児期感染症と抗微生物薬療法の特殊性” 小児科臨床ピクシス11 抗菌薬・抗ウイルス薬の使い方(尾内一信, 五十嵐隆):10-13 中山書店 東京2009

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尾内一信, 河合泰宏:“Ⅻ 知っておく必要のある細菌 6.肺炎クラミジア” 小児の市中感染症診療パーフェクトガイド(武内 一):182-184 文光堂 東京 2009

尾内一信:“Ⅱ疾患編 23小児疾患 小児の肺炎” 今日の診断指針6 (金澤一郎, 永井良三):1827-1829 医学書院 東京 2009

尾内一信:海外渡航者のためのワクチンガイドライン2010(中野貴司, 渡邊浩, 岡田賢司, 菊池均, 田中孝明, 中山哲夫, 福島慎二, 三島伸介, 宮崎啓, 矢野公士, 尾内一信, 濱田篤郎, 西山利正(日本渡航医学会)):1-73 共和企画 東京 2010

井上美佳, 尾内一信:“6章 感染性皮膚疾患 猩紅熱、溶連菌感染による発疹” 小児科臨床ピクシス17 年代別子どもの皮膚疾患(五十嵐隆, 馬場直子):174-177 中山書店 東京 2010

赤池洋人, 尾内一信:1.総論 9.症候と鑑別診断 発疹.ナースの小児科学:156-157, 2011

赤池洋人, 尾内一信:2.各論 7.感染症 細菌感染症, 結核, 梅毒, マイコプラズマ感染症, クラミジア感染症, 真菌感染症, 原虫感染症, 寄生虫感染症.ナースの小児科学:330-339, 2011

尾内一信:各論Ⅱ 各病原体別にみた病態、診断、治療 D マイコプラズマ感染症.感染症専門医テキスト 第Ⅰ部 解説編:909-912, 2011

尾内一信:Ⅲ章 治療の落とし穴 A 抗菌薬選択と治療の落とし穴 8 ガイドラインはどこまで信じていいの?.小児の感染症診療の落とし穴:108-109, 2011

尾内一信:Ⅲ章 治療の落とし穴 G 耳鼻科感染症の落とし穴 30 中耳炎の治療は常用量から?それとも高用量から?.小児の感染症診療の落とし穴:174-176, 2011

尾内一信:Ⅰ章総論 6.抗菌薬の適正使用の意味.小児の感染症診療の落とし穴:22-24, 2011

尾内一信:Ⅲ章 治療の落とし穴 A 抗菌薬選択と治療の落とし穴 1 ペニシリン耐性菌が増えたのに、ペニシリン系も推奨されるの?.小児の感染症診療の落とし穴:88-90, 2011

尾内一信:急性中耳炎.小児科臨床ピクシス27 耳・鼻・のど・いびき:41-43, 2011

尾内一信:3)クラミジア.小児感染症学:468-473, 2011

尾内一信:経口カルバペネム系薬.小児耐性菌感染症の治療戦略:158-172, 2011

尾内一信:Ⅲ. おもな救急疾患 呼吸器疾患 1. 下気道感染症.内科医・小児科研修医のための小児救急治療ガイドライン:184-188, 2011

尾内一信:総論 子どもの感染症と予防 子どもの感染症と予防, ワクチンで予防できる感染症(VPD)と予防できない感染症, ワクチンと免疫, 集団保育・生活と感染症, 集団保育・生活における感染予防のポイント, 集団保育・生活における健康管理のポイント, 学校保健安全法と登校基準, 各論1 ワクチンで予防できる疾患とワクチン Hib感染症とは, Hibワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, Hibワクチンその他の重要ポイント, 肺炎球菌感染症とは, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンその他の重要ポイント.保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き:4-6, 23-26, 55-60, 2011

荒川創一, 岩田敏, 尾内一信, 大曲貴夫, 笠井正志, 河合伸, 真弓俊彦:Ⅰ 敗血症.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:1-7, 2012

荒川創一, 岩田敏, 尾内一信, 川村尚久, 岸田修二, 松永直久, 山岸由佳:Ⅲ 細菌性髄膜炎.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:20-33, 2012

荒川創一, 岩田敏, 尾内一信, 菊池賢, 矢野晴美, 光武耕太郎, 松永直久:Ⅴ 細菌性心内膜炎.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:42-53, 2012

三笠桂一, 青木信樹, 青木洋介, 尾内一信, 笠原敬, 関雅文, 塚田弘樹, 徳江豊, 比嘉太, 平潟洋一, 吉田耕一郎:Ⅵ 肺炎.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:55-101, 2012

三笠桂一, 青木信樹, 阿部修一, 尾内一信, 門田淳一, 岸田直樹, 小林治, 前田光一, 栁原克紀, 山中昇:Ⅶ 気道感染症.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:103-111, 2012

清田浩, 荒川創一, 石川清仁, 尾内一信, 中村匡宏, 蓮井正史, 速見浩士, 山本新吾:ⅩⅠ 尿路・性器感染症.JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド2011:152-168, 2012

尾内一信:Ⅲ.各論(IDSAガイドラインの解説と日本の相違点) 11. 新生児のMRSA感染症 1 IDSAガイドラインにおける新生児のMRSA感染症の治療 2 日本における新生児のMRSA感染症の治療に関する推奨.ガイドラインサポートハンドブック IDSAガイドラインMRSA:182-186, 2012

尾内一信:小児における抗菌薬療法.今日の治療指針 2012年版:1137, 2012

尾内一信:クラミジア・トリコマティス感染症.今日の小児治療指針:323, 2012

尾内一信:Column 抗菌薬の選択は、広域あるいは狭域のどちらがよいの? , Column 原因菌が同じでも、感染部位によって抗菌薬の選択、用法が異なる, Column 小児における肺炎の抗菌薬選択 C. 主な疾患 21 小児の細菌感染.診療に役立つ学べる感染症:123, 165, 212-226, 2012

尾内一信:Ⅰ.細菌 14.クラミジア.日常診療に役立つ小児感染症マニュアル2012:115-125, 2012
赤池洋人, 尾内一信:第8章 感染性疾患 6.海外旅行者が罹患しやすい感染症.小児の発熱 AtoZ -診断・治療のTipsとPitfalls-:96-9, 2012

尾内一信:総論 子どもの感染症と予防 子どもの感染症と予防, ワクチンで予防できる感染症(VPD)と予防できない感染症, ワクチンと免疫, 集団保育・生活と感染症, 集団保育・生活における感染予防のポイント, 集団保育・生活における健康管理のポイント, 学校保健安全法と登校基準, 各論1 ワクチンで予防できる疾患とワクチン Hib感染症とは, Hibワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, Hibワクチンその他の重要ポイント, 肺炎球菌感染症とは, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンその他の重要ポイント.保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き:4-6, 23-26, 55-60, 2012

尾内一信:「予防の時代」へのrestart ワクチンへ吹く新しい風.ポケット版 治療薬UP-TO-DATE(2013年版) 223-32, 2013

齋藤亜紀, 尾内一信:アデノウイルス感染症.感染症内科学:185-186, 2013

近藤英輔, 尾内一信:ウイルス性胃腸炎.感染症内科学:186-189, 2013

田中孝明, 尾内一信:マイコプラズマ感染症.今日の治療と看護 改訂第3版:932-4, 2013

尾内一信:小児における結核の予防と治療 今日の治療指針 2013年版:1172-1173, 2013

尾内一信:マクロライド耐性肺炎マイコプラズマ感染症.小児科診療UP-to-DATE ラジオNIKKEI放送内容集2:30-5, 2013

尾内一信, 池松秀之, 岡田賢司, 多屋馨子, 中野貴司, 宮入烈:【座談会】ワクチン新時代への対応 近年の感染症疫学の動向と予防接種法改正を中心に.ワクチンジャーナル1(1):8-17, 2013

尾内一信:第15章 C 細菌感染症, F スピロヘータ,その他, G 真菌症, I 原虫性疾患.標準小児科学 第8版(内山聖, 原寿郎, 高橋孝雄, 細井創):343-358, 360-363, 365-367, 医学書院 東京 2013

尾内一信:小児呼吸器感染症診療ガイドライン2011.Emergency Care 2014年新春増刊 看護師・研修医必携 救急・ICUですぐに役立つガイドラインこれだけBOOK(吉永和正):204-9, メディカ出版 大阪 2014

尾内一信:学校における感染症の流行と対策(学校保健安全法).今日の治療指針 2014年版:1235-6, 医学書院 東京 2014

尾内一信:第Ⅰ章 内科医に必要な予防接種のポイント 8.今後の成人ワクチン 1)髄膜炎菌ワクチン.そこが知りたい!成人の予防接種パーフェクト・ガイド:76-9, 診断と治療社 東京 2014

尾内一信:第Ⅰ章 内科医に必要な予防接種のポイント 8.今後の成人ワクチン 2)腸チフスワクチン.そこが知りたい!成人の予防接種パーフェクト・ガイド:80-3, 診断と治療社 東京 2014

尾内一信:第Ⅰ章 内科医に必要な予防接種のポイント 8.今後の成人ワクチン 7)その他(開発中のワクチンを含む).そこが知りたい!成人の予防接種パーフェクト・ガイド:97-100, 診断と治療社 東京 2014

笠井正志, 尾内一信:小児でのセプシス治療.敗血症(セプシス) 救命治療の最前線:62-74, 医薬ジャーナル社 大阪 2014

加藤敦, 尾内一信:感染対策の知識 職業感染防止対策 麻疹,水痘,風疹,ムンプス.感染制御標準ガイド(尾家重治):157-163, じほう 東京 2014

尾内一信:小児科研修医へのアドバイス 勉強のしかた 小児科関連の学会・専門医.小児科研修ノート 改訂第2版(シリーズ総監修 永井良三, 責任編集 五十嵐隆, 編集 秋山千枝子, 賀藤均, 金子一成, 田原卓浩, 渡辺博):38-40, 診断と治療社 東京 2014

尾内一信, 坂田宏, 岩田敏:Ⅲ.肺炎(小児) Ⅳ.膿胸 B)小児 Ⅴ.抗酸菌感染症 B)小児 Ⅶ.下気道感染症(小児) Ⅷ.インフルエンザ B)小児.呼吸器感染症治療ガイドライン(JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド・ガイドライン作成委員会 呼吸器感染症ワーキンググループ):63-88, 92-4, 101-4, 114-9, 122-3, 日本感染症学会、日本化学療法学会 東京 2014

尾内一信:総論 子どもの感染症と予防 子どもの感染症と予防, ワクチンで予防できる感染症(VPD)と予防できない感染症, ワクチンと免疫, 集団保育・生活と感染症, 集団保育・生活における感染予防のポイント, 集団保育・生活における健康管理のポイント, 学校保健安全法と登校基準, 各論1 ワクチンで予防できる疾患とワクチン Hib感染症とは, Hibワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, Hibワクチンその他の重要ポイント, 肺炎球菌感染症とは, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンの効果、接種法と副反応, 小児用肺炎球菌ワクチンその他の重要ポイント.保健指導者のための子どもの感染症と予防接種の手引き:4-6, 23-26, 43-48, 2014

尾内一信:小児科疾患 予防接種.今日の治療指針 2015年版(山口徹, 北原光夫(監修), 福井次矢, 高木誠, 小室一成(総編集)):1284-5, 医学書院, 東京, 2015

赤池洋人, 尾内一信:【総論】症候と鑑別診断 発疹, 感染症(細菌性感染症, 結核).ナースの小児科学 改訂6版(編著 佐地勉, 竹内義博, 原寿郎):161-163, 336-346, 中外医学社, 東京, 2015

尾内一信:【総論】海外渡航者に対する予防接種(小児).まるわかりワクチンQ&A(編著 中野貴司):65-9, 日本医事新報社, 東京, 2015

尾内一信:【各論】海外渡航時ワクチン 腸チフスワクチン.よくわかる予防接種のキホン 小児,高齢者用から渡航用ワクチンまで(編著 庵原俊昭, 寺田喜平):300-5, 中外医学社, 東京, 2015

尾内一信:おもな救急疾患 呼吸器疾患 下気道感染症.内科医・小児科研修医のための小児救急治療ガイドライン改訂第3版(市川光太郎 編集):160-5, 診断と治療社, 東京, 2015


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