藤田医科大学 学長

日本内科学会 認定内科医 日本腎臓学会 腎臓専門医 日本透析医学会 透析専門医 日本医師会 認定産業医

湯澤 由紀夫 ゆざわ ゆきお 先生

1981年に名古屋大学医学部卒業後、名古屋第一赤十字病院にて卒後臨床研修を行い、同病院の内科に勤務。米国ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校 病理学教室への留学、名古屋大学大学院病態内科学講座腎臓内科学准教授などを経て、2010年に藤田保健衛生大学医学部腎内科学 教授に就任。2014年より藤田保健衛生大学病院の病院長も兼務。教授として後進の指導に熱心に取り組むとともに、病院長としてよりよい病院づくりに尽力している。



  • 腎臓内科
  • 腎臓内科学



日本内科学会 認定内科医
日本腎臓学会 腎臓専門医
日本透析医学会 透析専門医
日本医師会 認定産業医
  • 藤田医科大学 学長
  • 藤田保健衛生大学 医学部腎内科学 教授
  • 日本腎臓学会 理事/評議員
  • 日本糖尿病学会 会員
  • 日本リウマチ学会 会員
  • 腎と脂質研究会 代表世話人
  • ASN (American Society of Nephrology) 会員
  • ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association) 会員
  • ISN (International Society of Nephrology,) 会員



  • 内科 アレルギー科 血液内科 リウマチ科 外科 精神科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 老年科 放射線科 歯科 矯正歯科 小児歯科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 緩和ケア内科 腫瘍内科 感染症内科 消化器内科 糖尿病内科 内分泌内科 代謝内科 膠原病内科 脳神経内科 内分泌外科 脊椎脊髄外科 放射線治療科 頭頸部外科 病理診断科 リウマチ・膠原病内科
  • 愛知県豊明市沓掛町田楽ケ窪1-98
  • 名鉄名古屋本線 前後 名鉄バス 藤田医科大学病院行き、赤池駅(藤田医科大学病院・地下鉄徳重経由)行き バス15分 名古屋市営地下鉄桜通線 徳重 名古屋市営バス(徳重13系統)、または名鉄バス バス16分
  • 0562-93-2111




1981年 名古屋大学医学部
1987年 米国ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校 病理学教室に留学
1990年 名古屋大学医学部附属病院第三内科(現・腎臓内科)
2002年 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科病態内科学講座免疫応答内科学(現・腎臓内科学) 講師
2009年 名古屋大学大学院病態内科学講座腎臓内科学 准教授
2010年 藤田保健衛生大学医学部腎内科学 教授
2011年 藤田保健衛生大学病院 副院長を兼務
2014年 藤田保健衛生大学病院 病院長
2021年 藤田医科大学 学長


1. Shimizu M, Furuichi K, Toyama T, Funamoto T, Kitajima S, Hara A, Ogawa D, Koya D, Ikeda K, Koshino Y, Kurokawa Y, Abe H, Mori K, Nakayama M, Konishi Y, Samejima KI, Matsui M, Yamauchi H, Gohda T, Fukami K, Nagata D, Yamazaki H, Yuzawa Y, Suzuki Y, Fujimoto S, Maruyama S, Kato S, Naito T, Yoshimura K, Yokoyama H, Wada T; Research Group of Diabetic Nephropathy, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. Decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate is associated with risk of end-stage renal disease in type 2 diabetes with macroalbuminuria: an observational study from JDNCS. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2018 Apr;22(2):377-387
2. Inaguma D, Ito E, Koide S, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y. Combination Therapy with Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers and Vitamin D Receptor. Activators for Predialysis Patients Is Associated with the Incidence of Cardiovascular Events after Dialysis Initiation: A Multicenter Nonrandomized Prospective Cohort Study. Cardiorenal Med. 2017 Dec;8(1):71-81.
3. Mori Y, Masuda T, Kosugi T, Yoshioka T, Hori M, Nagaya H, Maeda K, Sato Y, Kojima H, Kato N, Ishimoto T, Katsuno T, Yuzawa Y, Kadomatsu K, Maruyama S. The clinical relevance of plasma CD147/basigin in biopsy-proven kidney diseases. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Dec 12. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Kitaguchi N, Kawaguchi K, Yamazaki K, Kawachi H, Sakata M, Kaneko M, Kato M, Sakai K, Ohashi N, Hasegawa M, Hiki Y, Yuzawa Y. Adsorptive filtration systems for effective removal of blood amyloid β: a potential therapy for Alzheimer's disease. J Artif Organs. 2017 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print]
5. Furuichi K, Shimizu M, Yuzawa Y, Hara A, Toyama T, Kitamura H, Suzuki Y, Sato H, Uesugi N, Ubara Y, Hoshino J, Hisano S, Ueda Y, Nishi S, Yokoyama H, Nishino T, Kohagura K, Ogawa D, Mise K, Shibagaki Y, Kimura K, Haneda M, Makino H, Matsuo S, Wada T; Research Group of Diabetic Nephropathy and Nephrosclerosis, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. Nationwide multicenter kidney biopsy study of Japanese patients with hypertensive nephrosclerosis. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print]
6. Nakajima K, Kizuka Y, Yamaguchi Y, Hirabayashi Y, Takahashi K, Yuzawa Y, Taniguchi N. Identification and characterization of UDP-mannose in human cell lines and mouse organs: Differential distribution across brain regions and organs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print]
7. Furuichi K, Shimizu M, Yuzawa Y, Hara A, Toyama T, Kitamura H, Suzuki Y, Sato H, Uesugi N, Ubara Y, Hohino J, Hisano S, Ueda Y, Nishi S, Yokoyama H, Nishino T, Kohagura K, Ogawa D, Mise K, Shibagaki Y, Makino H, Matsuo S, Wada T; Research Group of Diabetic Nephropathy, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. Clinicopathological analysis of biopsy-proven diabetic nephropathy based on the Japanese classification of diabetic nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Oct 27. [Epub ahead of print]
8. Wada T, Muso E, Maruyama S, Hara A, Furuichi K, Yoshimura K, Miyazaki M, Sato E, Abe M, Shibagaki Y, Narita I, Yokoyama H, Mori N, Yuzawa Y, Matsubara T, Tsukamoto T, Wada J, Ito T, Masutani K, Tsuruya K, Fujimoto S, Tsuda A, Suzuki H, Kasuno K, Terada Y, Nakata T, Iino N, Kobayashi S. Rationale and study design of a clinical trial to assess the effects of LDL apheresis on proteinuria in diabetic patients with severe proteinuria and dyslipidemia. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Oct 27. [Epub ahead of print]
9. Ishizaki J, Takemori A, Suemori K, Matsumoto T, Akita Y, Sada KE, Yuzawa Y, Amano K, Takasaki Y, Harigai M, Arimura Y, Makino H, Yasukawa M, Takemori N, Hasegawa H; Research Committee of Intractable Vasculitis Syndrome and the Research Committee of Intractable Renal Disease of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. Targeted proteomics reveals promising biomarkers of disease activity and organ involvement in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2017 Sep 29;19(1):218.
10. Inaguma D, Koide S, Ito E, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y; AICOPP group. Ratio of blood urea nitrogen to serum creatinine at initiation of dialysis is associated with mortality: a multicenter prospective cohort study. lin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print]
11. Kugita M, Nishii K, Yamaguchi T, Suzuki A, Yuzawa Y, Horie S, Higashihara E, Nagao S. Beneficial effect of combined treatment with octreotide and pasireotide in PCK rats, an orthologous model of human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. PLoS One. 2017 May 18;12(5) :e0177934
12. Trimarchi H, Barratt J, Cattran DC, Cook HT, Coppo R, Haas M, Liu ZH, Roberts IS, Yuzawa Y, Zhang H, Feehally J; IgAN Classification Working Group of the International IgA Nephropathy Network and the Renal Pathology Society.; Conference Participants.. Oxford Classification of IgA nephropathy 2016: an update from the IgA Nephropathy Classification Working Group. Kidney Int. 2017 May;91(5):1014-1021.
13. Furuichi K, Yuzawa Y, Shimizu M, Hara A, Toyama T, Kitamura H, Suzuki Y, Sato H, Uesugi N, Ubara Y, Hisano S, Ueda Y, Nishi S, Yokoyama H, Nishino T, Kohagura K, Ogawa D, Mise K, Shibagaki Y, Kimura K, Haneda M, Makino H, Matsuo S, Wada T. Nationwide multicentre kidney biopsy study of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]
14. Inaguma D, Koide S, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y; AICOPP group.. Association between resting heart rate just before starting the first dialysis session and mortality: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2017 Mar 23.
15. Inaguma D, Koide S, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y. Relationship between history of coronary heart disease at dialysis initiation and onset of events associated with heart disease: a propensity-matched analysis of a prospective cohort study. BMC Nephrol. 2017 Feb 28;18(1):79.
16. Masuda T, Maeda K, Sato W, Kosugi T, Sato Y, Kojima H, Kato N, Ishimoto T, Tsuboi N, Uchimura K, Yuzawa Y, Maruyama S, Kadomatsu K. Growth Factor Midkine Promotes T-Cell Activation through Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells Signaling and Th1 Cell Differentiation in Lupus Nephritis. Am J Pathol. 2017 Apr;187(4):740-751.
17. Okuyama R, Ishii J, Takahashi H, Kawai H, Muramatsu T, Harada M, Yamada A, Motoyama S, Matsui S, Naruse H, Sarai M, Hasegawa M, Watanabe E, Suzuki A, Hayashi M, Izawa H, Yuzawa Y, Ozaki Y. Combination of high-sensitivity troponin I and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide predicts future hospital admission for heart failure in high-risk hypertensive patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Heart Vessels. 2017 Feb 2.
18. Yashima A, Mizuno M, Yuzawa Y, Shimada K, Suzuki N, Tawada H, Sato W, Tsuboi N, Maruyama S, Ito Y, Matsuo S, Ohno T. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis in murine malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi AS, infected NC mice. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2016 Aug; 21(4):589-596.
19. Kondo A, Takahashi K, Mizuno T, Kato A, Hirano D, Yamamoto N, Hayashi H, Koide S, Takahashi H, Hasegawa M, Hiki Y, Yoshida S, Miura K, Yuzawa Y. The Level of IgA Antibodies to Endothelial Cells Correlates with Histological Evidence of Disease Activity in Patients with Lupus Nephritis. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 27;11(10):e0163085.
20. Inaguma D, Shinjo H, Tanaka A, Ito E, Kamegai N, Kato A, Mizutani M, Shimogushi H, Otsuka Y, Takeda A, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y. Association between 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and left atrial diameter in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients?. Clin Nephrol. 2016 Nov;86 (2016)(11):229-235.
21. Haas M, Verhave JC, Liu ZH, Alpers CE, Barratt J, Becker JU, Cattran D, Cook HT, Coppo R, Feehally J, Pani A, Perkowska-Ptasinska A, Roberts IS, Soares MF, Trimarchi H, Wang S, Yuzawa Y, Zhang H, Troyanov S, Katafuchi R. A Multicenter Study of the Predictive Value of Crescents in IgA Nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Feb;28(2):691-701.
22. Hayashi H, Sato W, Kosugi T, Nishimura K, Sugiyama D, Asano N, Ikematsu S, Komori K, Nishiwaki K, Kadomatsu K, Matsuo S, Maruyama S, Yuzawa Y. Efficacy of urinary midkine as a biomarker in patients with acute kidney injury. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2017 Aug;21(4):597-607.
23. Mizuno T, Hayashi T, Shimabukuro Y, Murase M, Hayashi H, Ishikawa K, Takahashi K, Yuzawa Y, Yamada S, Nagamatsu T. Hypoperfusion Promotes Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity. Oncology. 2016;90(6):313-20.
24. Yuzawa Y, Yamamoto R, Takahashi K, Katafuchi R, Tomita M, Fujigaki Y, Kitamura H, Goto M, Yasuda T, Sato M, Urushihara M, Kondo S, Kagami S, Yasuda Y, Komatsu H, Takahara M, Harabuchi Y, Kimura K, Matsuo S. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for IgA nephropathy 2014. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2016 Aug;20(4):511-35. Review.
25. Kato S, Lindholm B, Yuzawa Y, Tsuruta Y, Nakauchi K, Yasuda K, Sugiura S, Morozumi K, Tsuboi N, Maruyama S. High Ferritin Level and Malnutrition Predict High Risk of Infection-Related Hospitalization in Incident Dialysis Patients: A Japanese Prospective Cohort Study. Blood Purif. 2016;42(1):56-63.
26. Hasegawa M, Ishii J, Kitagawa F, Takahashi H, Sugiyama K, Tada M, Kanayama K, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Koide S, Nakai S, Ozaki Y, Yuzawa Y. Plasma Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:8761475.
27. Kato S, Shiels PG, McGuinness D, Lindholm B, Stenvinkel P, Nordfors L, Qureshi AR, Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S, Maruyama S. Telomere Attrition and Elongation after Chronic Dialysis Initiation in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. Blood Purif. 2016;41(1-3):25-33
28. Sakai K, Senda T, Hata R, Kuroda M, Hasegawa M, Kato M, Abe M, Kawaguchi K, Nakai S, Hiki Y, Yuzawa Y, Kitaguchi N. Patients that have Undergone Hemodialysis Exhibit Lower Amyloid Deposition in the Brain: Evidence Supporting a Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer's Disease by Removal of Blood Amyloid. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;51(4):997-1002.
29. Sada KE, Harigai M, Amano K, Atsumi T, Fujimoto S, Yuzawa Y, Takasaki Y, Banno S, Sugihara T, Kobayashi M, Usui J, Yamagata K, Homma S, Dobashi H, Tsuboi N, Ishizu A, Sugiyama H, Okada Y, Arimura Y, Matsuo S, Makino H; for Research Committee of Intractable Vasculitis Syndrome and Research Committee of Intractable Renal Disease of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan. Comparison of severity classification in Japanese patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in a nationwide, prospective, inception cohort study. Mod Rheumatol; 12:1-28. 2016
30. Doke T, Sato W, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Koide S, Sasaki H, Kusaka M, Shiroki R, Hoshinaga K, Takeda A, Yuzawa Y, Hasegawa M. Post-Transplant Membranous Nephropathy Associated with Chronic Active Antibody-Mediated Rejection and Hepatitis C Infection after Deceased Donor Renal Transplantation. Intern Med; 55(4):375-80. 2016
31. Kawaguchi K, Saigusa A, Yamada S, Gotoh T, Nakai S, Hiki Y, Hasegawa M, Yuzawa Y, Kitaguchi N. Toward the treatment for Alzheimer's disease: adsorption is primary mechanism of removing amyloid β protein with hollow-fiber dialyzers of the suitable materials, polysulfone and polymethyl methacrylate. J Artif Organs; 2015 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]. 2015
32. Serino G, Pesce F, Sallustio F, De Palma G, Cox SN, Curci C, Zaza G, Lai KN, Leung JC, Tang SC, Papagianni A, Stangou M, Goumenos D, Gerolymos M, Takahashi K, Yuzawa Y, Maruyama S, Imai E. Schena FP, In a retrospective international study, circulating miR-148b and let-7b were found to be serum markers for detecting primary IgA nephropathy. Kidney Int; 2016 Mar;89(3):683-92
33. Hasegawa M, Hattori K, Sugiyama S, Asada H, Yamashita H, Takahashi K, Hayashi H, Koide S, Sato W, Yuzawa Y. A retrospective study on the outcomes of MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis in dialysis-dependent patients. Mod Rheumatol; 27:1-5. 2015
34. Mizuno T, Sato W, Ishikawa K, Terao Y, Takahashi K, Noda Y, Yuzawa Y, Nagamatsu T. Significance of downregulation of renal organic cation transporter(SLC47A1) in cisplatin-induced proximal tubular injury. Onco Targets Ther; 8:1701-6. 2015
35. Kitaguchi N, Hasegawa M, Ito S, Kawaguchi K, Hiki Y, Nakai S, Suzuki N, Shimano Y, Ishida O, Kushimoto H, Kato M, Koide S, Kanayama K, Kato T, Ito K, Takahashi H, Mutoh T, Sugiyama S, Yuzawa Y. A prospective study on blood Aβ levels and the cognitive function of patients with hemodialysis: a potential therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer's disease. J Neural Transm (Vienna); 122(11):1593-607. 2015
36. Maeda K, Kosugi T, Sato W, Kojima H, Sato Y, Kamimura D, Kato N, Tsuboi N, Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S, Murakami M, Maruyama S. Kadomatsu K. CD147/basigin limits lupus nephritis and Th17 cell differentiation in mice by inhibiting the interleukin-6/STAT-3 pathway. Arthritis Rheumatol; 2015 May;67(8). 2015
37. Hayashi T, Nagamatsu T, Matsushita A, Mizuno T, Nishibe S, Noguchi A, Kato R, Toda T, Tanaka J, Takahashi H, Hayashi H, Yuzawa Y, Yamada S. Comparison between Long- and Short-Acting Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents in the Period Required for Haemoglobin Stabilisation in Treatment of Anaemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Biol Pharm Bull; 38(5):740-5. 2015
38. Ishii J, Takahashi H, Kitagawa F, Kuno A, Okuyama R, Kawai H, Muramatsu T, Naruse H, Motoyama S, Matsui S, Hasegawa M, Aoyama T, Kamoi D, Kasuga H, Izawa H, Ozaki Y, Yuzawa Y. Multimarker approach to risk stratification for long-term mortality in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Circ J; 2015 Feb 25;79(3):656-63. 2015


1. Japanese Clinical Practece Guideliens for IgA Nephropathy: Difference from KDIGO Guidelines. Editor: Yasuhiko Tomino, Pathogenesis and Treatment in IgA nephropathy -An Inernational Comparison- "Chapter 5"Japanease Clinical Practice Guidelines for IgA Nephropathy: Difference from KDIGO Guidelines, Springer Nature; 2016. p251-62
2. 糖尿病性腎症病期分類に基づいた腎病理診断の手引き執筆項目4. バイオマーカー, 東京医学社; p28, 2017
3. Management of Heart Failure 心腎連関を深め 体液管理を極める執筆項目Ⅲ病態-CRS分類に基づく心腎連関の理解:臨床シナリオから考える- 1 CRS type1 (acute cardiac dysfundition leading to acute kidney injury),文光堂; p64-72,2016
4. CKD・透析患者の食事療法と運動療法執筆項目2.たんぱく質摂取をめぐって 1)CKDに対するたんぱく質制限の開始時期と制限量①, 医薬ジャーナル社; p.65-70, 2016
5. 今日の治療指針 私はこう治療している 「慢性腎炎症候群(無症候性蛋白尿・血尿を含む)」,医学書院;p631-634, 2016
6. AKI (急性腎障害)診療ガイドライン2016,(AKI (急性腎障害)診療ガイドライン作成委員会として執筆),東京医学社, 2016
7. 腎臓内科レジデントマニュアル 第7 「16 Fabry病」 診断と治療社発行, p278-281, 2015
8. エビデンスに基づくIgA腎症診療ガイドライン2014,「I 疾患概念・定義(病因・病態生理)」, 東京医学社; 2014. p1-20, 2015
9. CKDの最新食事療法のなぜに答える 「たんぱく質摂取について」, 医歯薬出版; P70-73, 2015
10. 糖尿病性腎症と高血圧性腎硬化症の病理診断への手引き, 監修:和田隆志/湯澤由紀夫, 編集:糖尿病性腎症ならびに腎硬化症の診療水準向上と重症化防止にむけた調査・研究 研究班/佐藤博/鈴木芳樹/北村博司, 東京医学社;2015

