独立行政法人 地域医療機能推進機構(JCHO) 北海道病院 病院長
日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・内科指導医 日本消化器病学会 消化器病指導医・消化器病専門医 日本消化器内視鏡学会 消化器内視鏡指導医・消化器内視鏡専門医 日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医 日本臨床栄養代謝学会 認定医
日本内科学会 | 総合内科専門医・内科指導医 |
日本消化器病学会 | 消化器病指導医・消化器病専門医 |
日本消化器内視鏡学会 | 消化器内視鏡指導医・消化器内視鏡専門医 |
日本肝臓学会 | 肝臓専門医 |
日本臨床栄養代謝学会 | 認定医 |
1985年4月 北海道大学医学部卒業、第一内科学教室入局
1996年4月 天使病院内科医長
1996年10月 国家公務員共済連合会幌南病院消化器科医長
2001年4月 北海道社会保険病院消化器科主任部長
2007年4月 北海道社会保険病院消化器センター長.
2014年4月 独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 (JCHO) 北海道病院 副院長兼消化器センター長
2016年10月 独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構(JCHO)北海道病院 病院長
Itoh A, Yamaguchi E, Kuzumaki N, Okazaki N, Furuya K, Abe S, Kawakami Y.
Expression of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor mRNA by inflammatory cells in the sarcoid lung. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1990 Sep;3(3):245-9.
Yamaguchi E, Hizawa N, Itoh A, Furuya K, Kawakami Y. Genetic factors and smoking. habits. Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi. 1991 Feb;29(2):186-9. Japanese.
Hizawa N, Yamaguchi E, Ohe M, Itoh A, Furuya K, Ohnuma N, Kawakami Y.
Lack of linkage between atopy and locus 11q13. Clin Exp Allergy. 1992 Dec;22(12):1065-9.
Yamaguchi E, Itoh A, Furuya K, Miyamoto H, Abe S, Kawakami Y. Release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha from human alveolar macrophages is decreased in smokers. Chest. 1993 Feb;103(2):479-83.
Itoh A, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Hizawa N, Ohnuma N, Kawakami Y, Kuzumaki N. Correlation of GM-CSF mRNA in bronchoalveolar fluid with indices of clinical activity in sarcoidosis. Thorax. 1993 Dec;48(12):1230-4.
Furuya K, Yamaguchi E, Hirabayashi T, Itoh A, Hizawa N, Ohnuma N, Kawakami Y. Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and susceptibility to cough. Lancet. 1994 Feb 5;343(8893):354.
Furuya K, Yamaguchi E, Kawakami Y. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) polymorphism and serum ACE activities in sarcoidosis. Nihon Rinsho. 1994 Jun;52(6):1561-6.
Hizawa N, Ohe M, Yamaguchi E, Ito A, Furuya K, Ohnuma N, Kawakami Y. Immunoregulatory role of gamma delta T cell receptor in atopic asthma--association with the IgE response to molds antigen. Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi. 1994 Dec;32(12):1136-41.
Hizawa N, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Ohnuma N, Kodama N, Kojima J, Ohe M, Kawakami Y. Association between high serum total IgE levels and D11S97 on chromosome 11q13 in Japanese subjects. Med Genet. 1995 May;32(5):363-9.
Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Kawakami Y. Research trends in molecular genetics of respiratory medicine. Nihon Rinsho. 1996 Feb;54(2):292-8.
Furuya K, Yamaguchi E, Itoh A, Hizawa N, Ohnuma N, Kojima J, Kodama N, Kawakami Y. Deletion polymorphism in the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) gene as a genetic risk factor for sarcoidosis. Thorax. 1996 Aug;51(8):777-80.
Kawakami Y, Yamaguchi E, Munakata M, Dosaka-Akita H, Furuya K. Genetic factors in lung disease: atopy and bronchial asthma. Respirology. 1997 Mar;2(1):7-15.
Kawakami Y, Yamaguchi E, Munakata M, Dosaka-Akita H, Furuya K. Genetic factors in lung disease. Part II: Lung cancer and angiotensin converting enzyme gene. Respirology. 1997 Jun;2(2):81-90.
Satoh-Kamachi A, Munakata M, Kusaka Y, Amishima M, Furuya K, Takahashi T, Kawakami Y. A case of sarcoidosis that developed three years after the onset of hard metal asthma. Am J Ind Med. 1998 Apr;33(4):379-83.
Kodama N, Yamaguchi E, Hizawa N, Furuya K, Kojima J, Oguri M, Takahashi T, Kawakami Y. Expression of RANTES by bronchoalveolar lavage cells in nonsmoking patients with interstitial lung diseases. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1998 Apr;18(4):526-31.
Kawakami Y, Munakata M, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Matsuda T. Molecular studies of bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor-induced cough. Respirology. 1998 Mar;3(1):45-9.
Itoh A, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Kawakami Y. Secretion of GM-CSF by inflammatory cells in the lung of patients with sarcoidosis. Respirology. 1998 Dec;3(4):247-51.
Hizawa N, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Jinushi E, Ito A, Kawakami Y. The role of the C-C chemokine receptor 2 gene polymorphism V64I (CCR2-64I) in sarcoidosis in a Japanese population. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999 Jun;159(6):2021-3.
Pietinalho A, Furuya K, Yamaguchi E, Kawakami Y, Selroos O. The angiotensin-converting enzyme DD gene is associated with poor prognosis in Finnish sarcoidosis patients. Eur Respir J. 1999 Apr;13(4):723-6.
Takahashi T, Yamaguchi E, Furuya K, Kawakami Y. The ACE gene polymorphism and cough threshold for capsaicin after cilazapril usage. Respir Med. 2001 Feb;95(2):130-5.
Matsuda T, Suzuki J, Furuya K, Masutani M, Kawakami Y. Serum angiotensin I-converting enzyme is reduced in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis irrespective of genotype. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Sep;96(9):2705-10.
Akimoto S, Mori H, Fujii T, Furuya K. Optimal scan timing for Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced liver dynamic MR imaging. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi. 2009 May 20;65(5):626-30.
Mori H, Furuya K, Akimoto S, Ajioka R, Emoto T. Examination of the means of measuring liver function in the hepatobiliary phase. Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi. 2009 Nov 20;65(11):1502-11.
Baba M, Furuya K, Bandou H, Kasai K, Sadaoka K. Discrimination of individuals in a general population at high-risk for alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease based on liver stiffness: a cross section study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011 Jun 13;11:70. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-11-70.
Suda G, Yamamoto Y, Nagasaka A, Furuya K, Kudo M, Chuganji Y, Tsukuda Y, Tsunematsu S, Sato F, Terasita K, Nakai M, Horimoto H, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Ogawa K, Ohnishi S, Chuma M, Fujita Y, Abe R, Taniguchi M, Nakagawa M, Asahina Y, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Serum granulysin levels as a predictor of serious telaprevir-induced dermatological reactions. Hepatol Res. 2015 Aug;45(8):837-45.
Koizumi T, Furuya K, Baba M, Sadaoka K, Sekiya C, Hattori A, Goto R, Aoyagi T, Yamashita K, Shimamura T. Case Report; A case of subacute fulminant hepatitis induced by methyldopa. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 2015 Mar 10;104(3):586-9.
Koizumi T, Furuya K, Baba M, Sadaoka K, Sekiya C, Hattori A. Case Report; Olmesartan associated enteropathy: A case of severe watery diarrhea with weight loss and acute renal failure. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 2015 Jun 10;104(6):1167-72.
Suda G, Kudo M, Nagasaka A, Furuya K, Yamamoto Y, Kobayashi T, Shinada K, Tateyama M, Konno J, Tsukuda Y, Yamasaki K, Kimura M, Umemura M, Izumi T, Tsunematsu S, Sato F, Terashita K, Nakai M, Horimoto H, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N. Efficacy and safety of daclatasvir and asunaprevir combination therapy in chronic hemodialysis patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jul;51(7):733-40.
Ito J, Suda G, Yamamoto Y, Nagasaka A, Furuya K, Kumagai K, Kikuchi H, Miyagishima T, Kobayashi T, Kimura M, Yamasaki K, Umemura M, Izumi T, Tsunematsu S, Sato F, Tsukuda Y, Terashita K, Nakai M, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Prevalence and characteristics of naturally occurring sofosbuvir resistance-associated variants in patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b infection. Hepatol Res. 2016 Dec;46(13):1294-1303.
Nagata K, Endo S, Honda T, Yasuda T, Hirayama M, Takahashi S, Kato T, Horita S, Furuya K, Kasai K, Matsumoto H, Kimura Y, Utano K, Sugimoto H, Kato H, Yamada R, Yamamichi J, Shimamoto T, Ryu Y, Matsui O, Kondo H, Doi A, Abe T, Yamano HO, Takeuchi K, Hanai H, Saida Y, Fukuda K, Näppi J, Yoshida H. Accuracy of CT Colonography for Detection of Polypoid and Nonpolypoid Neoplasia by Gastroenterologists and Radiologists: A Nationwide Multicenter Study in Japan.Am J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jan;112(1):163-171.
Suda G, Nagasaka A, Yamamoto Y, Furuya K, Kumagai K, Kudo M, Terashita K, Kobayashi T, Tsunematsu I, Yoshida J, Meguro T, Kimura M, Ito J, Umemura M, Izumi T, Tsunematsu S, Sato F, Tsukuda Y, Nakai M, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Safety and efficacy of daclatasvir and asunaprevir in hepatitis C virus-infected patients with renal impairment. Hepatol Res. 2017 Oct;47(11):1127-1136.
Suda G, Ogawa K, Yamamoto Y, Katagiri M, Furuya K, Kumagai K, Konno J, Kimura M, Kawagishi N, Ohara M, Umemura M, Ito J, Izumi T, Nakai M, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Tsubota A, Shimada N, Iio E, Tanaka Y, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Retreatment with sofosbuvir, ledipasvir, and add-on ribavirin for patients who failed daclatasvir and asunaprevir combination therapy. J Gastroenterol. 2017 Oct;52(10):1122-1129.
Suda G, Furusyo N, Toyoda H, Kawakami Y, Ikeda H, Suzuki M, Arataki K, Mori N, Tsuji K, Katamura Y, Takaguchi K, Ishikawa T, Tsuji K, Shimada N, Hiraoka A, Yamsaki S, Nakai M, Sho T, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Kudo M, Nagasaka A, Furuya K, Yamamoto Y, Kato K, Ueno Y, Iio E, Tanaka Y, Kurosaki M, Kumada T, Chayama K, Sakamoto N. Daclatasvir and asunaprevir in hemodialysis patients with hepatitis C virus infection: a nationwide retrospective study in Japan. J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jan;53(1):119-128.
Suda G, Ito J, Nagasaka A, Yamamoto Y, Furuya K, Okamoto M, Terashita K, Kobayashi T, Tsunematsu I, Yoshida J, Meguro T, Ohara M, Kawagishi N, Kimura M, Umemura M, Izumi T, Tsukuda Y, Nakai M, Sho T, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Add-on effects of fluvastatin in simeprevir/pegylated-interferon/ribavirin combination therapy for patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus infection: A randomized controlled study. Hepatol Res. 2018 Feb;48(3):E146-E154. doi: 10.1111/hepr.12938. Epub 2017 Aug 10.
Miyakawa S, Ohe M, Shida H, Horita T, Furuya K, Hashino S.
A case of adult-onset Still's disease accompanied by pseudo-gray platelet syndrome.Blood Res. 2017 Sep;52(3):231-233.
Sho T, Suda G, Nagasaka A, Yamamoto Y, Furuya K, Kumagai K, Uebayashi M, Terashita K, Kobayashi T, Tsunematsu I, Onodera M, Meguro T, Kimura M, Ito J, Umemura M, Izumi T, Kawagishi N, Ohara M, Ono Y, Nakai M, Natsuizaka M, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Sakamoto N; NORTE Study Group. Safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir and ribavirin for genotype 2 hepatitis C Japanese patients with renal dysfunction. Hepatol Res. 2018 Jan 9. doi: 10.1111/hepr.13056. [Epub ahead of print]