
日本皮膚科学会 認定皮膚科専門医・代議員 日本アレルギー学会 アレルギー専門医 日本美容皮膚科学会 理事 日本小児皮膚科学会 運営委員 日本レーザー治療学会 評議員 日本美容医療協会 理事

尾見 徳弥 おみ とくや 先生




  • 皮膚科
  • アレルギー科
  • 美容皮膚科



日本皮膚科学会 認定皮膚科専門医・代議員
日本アレルギー学会 アレルギー専門医
日本美容皮膚科学会 理事
日本小児皮膚科学会 運営委員
日本レーザー治療学会 評議員
日本美容医療協会 理事
  • クイーンズスクエアメディカルセンター皮膚科



  • アレルギー科 皮膚科
  • 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい2丁目3-5 クイーンズタワーC8F
  • みなとみらい線 みなとみらい 徒歩3分 JR根岸線 桜木町 徒歩8分 ブルーライン 桜木町 徒歩8分
  • 045-682-4112




1992年 日本医科大学大学医院 研究科内科系皮膚科学 終了
1992年 日本医科大学附属第二病院 医員助手
1992年 日本医科大学附属第二病院 医局長
1996年 Denmark,Aarhus大学 Research Fellow
1996年 Denmark,Aarhus大学 Visiting Research Professor
1997年 クイーンズスクエアメディカルセンター皮膚科・アレルギー科 部長
2000年 日本医科大学 講師(兼任)
2006年 日本医科大学 客員助教授
2007年 クイーンズスクエアメディカルセンター センター長兼任
2010年 日本医科大学 連携教授(併任)
2012年 日本医科大学 客員教授(併任)
2012年 東京医科大学 兼任教授(併任)


  • An ultrastructural-based comparative study on the effects of lightbased skin rejuvenation modalities:Aesthetic Dermatology.28(2):31-42 .2018

    Omi T,Sato S.

  • Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Use of a Home-Use High-Frequency Facial Treatment Appliance.Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications.8(1):25-34.2018

    Omi T.

  • Static and dynamic mode of 810nm diode laser hair removal compared: A clinical and histological study.LASER THERAPY 26(1):31-37.2017

    Omi T.

  • The role of the CO2 laser and fractional CO2 laser in dermatology. Laser Therapy. 23:49-60.2014

    Omi T, Numano K.

  • A histological study on the treatment of acne scars with fractional radiofrequency: preliminary findings. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res. 5.2014

    Omi T, Sato S, Kaminaka C, Yamamoto Y, Kawana S, Naito Z.

  • Evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic wounds. J Nippon Med Sch. 81:4-11.2014

    Ueno T, Omi T, Uchida E, Yokota H, Kawana S.

  • IgA Vasculitis Complicated by Cytomegalovirus Enteritis: A Case Report:J Nippon Med Sch: 81(1) 48-52.2013

    Omi T.

  • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) with microscopic eosinophilic thromboembolism and cardiac involvement: report of two cases.Eur J Dermatol : 23(5) 677-680.2013

    Omi T.

  • Clinical significance of blood coagulation factor XIII activity in adult Henoch-Schonlein purpura. J Nippon Med Sch. 80:268-278.2013

    Matayoshi T, Omi T, Sakai N, Kawana S.

  • Adverse effects of permanent waving and hair relaxation-assessment by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). J Cosmet Dermatol Sci Appl. 3:45-48.2013

    Omi T, Kawana S.

  • Histological study on the treatment of vascular malformations resistant to pulsed dye laser. Laser Therapy. 22:181-186.2013

    Omi T, Kawana S, Sato S, Naito Z.

  • Evaluation of the efficacy and safety for atopic dry skin of a medicinal moisturizing lotion (Mentholatum AP soft medicinal moisture lotion) prepared by a high-pressure emulsification method. J Cosmet Dermatol Sci Appl. 3:145-150.2013

    Omi T, Ochiai Y.

  • Reduction and block staining of human hair shafts and insect cuticles by ammonium thioglycolate to enhance transmission electron microscopic observations. J Cosmet Dermatol Sci Appl. 3:157-161.2013

    Sato S, Sasaki Y, Adachi A, Omi T.

  • Ultrastructural assessment of cellulite morphology: clues to a therapeutic strategy. Laser Therapy. 22:131-136.2013

    Omi T, Sato S, Kawana S.

  • Pigmentation: selective photothermolysis or non-specific skin necrosis using different intense pulsed light systems. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 15:133-142.2013

    Emerson R, Ash C, Town G, Donne K, Omi T, Daniel G.

  • Recalcitrant molluscum contagiosum successfully treated with the pulsed dye laser. Laser Therapy. 22:51-54.2013

    Omi T, Kawana S.

  • TiO2 nanoparticles induced genotoxicity in cultured cells using atmospheric scanning electron microscopy (ASEM). J Cosmet Dermatol Sci Appl. 3:121-123.2013

    Sato S, Takaki T, Nishiyama H, Omi T.

  • Photopneumatic technology in acne treatment and skin rejuvenation: Histological assessment. Laser Therapy. 21:113-123.2012

    Omi T.

  • Low fluence Q-switched Nd: YAG laser toning and Q-switched Ruby laser in the treatment of melasma: a comparative split-face ultrastructural study. Laser Therapy. 21:15-21.2012

    Omi T, Yamashita R, Kawana S, Sato S, Naito Z.

  • Fractional CO2 laser for the treatment of acne scars. J Cosmet Dermatol. 10:294-300.2011

    Omi T, Kawana S, Sato S, Bonan P, Naito Z.

  • Iontophoretic photosensitization of the skin re-evaluated by colorimetric imaging in senile patients. Bioimages. 19:1-6.2011

    Nishimura T, Akimoto M, Miyazaki M, Maeda K, Miyakawa M, Nomoto M, Omi T.

  • Photodynamic therapy in the dermatological field and enhanced cutaneous absorption of photosensitizer. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings. 583-587.2010

    Akimoto M, Maeda K, Omi T, Nishimura T, Miyakawa M.

  • Histological evidence for skin rejuvenation using a combination of pneumatic energy, broadband light, and growth factor therapy. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 12:222-226.2010

    Omi T, Kawana S, Sato S, Naito Z.

  • Effect of smooth pulsed light at 400 to 700 and 870 to 1,200 nm for acne vulgaris in Asian skin. Dermatol Surg. 36:52-57.2010

    Kawana S, Tachihara R, Kato T, Omi T.

  • Efficacy of a 5-HT1a receptor agonist in atopic dematitis. Clin Exp Dermatol. 35:835-840.2010

    Kawana S, Kato Y, Omi T.

  • Ultrastructural observations of chemical peeling for skin rejuvenation. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 12:21-24.2010

    Omi T, Sato S, Numano K, Kawana S.

  • Iontophoresis-enhanced cutaneous absorption of 5-aminolevulinic acid shortens the incubation period in photodynamic therapy. Laser Therapy. 18:143-149.2009

    Omi T, Akimoto M, Miyazaki M, Kawana S.

  • Ultrastructural evidence for thermal injury to pilosebaceous units during the treatment of acne using photopneumatic (PPX) therapy. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 10:7-11.2008

    Omi T, Munavalli GS, Kawana S, Sato S.

  • Ultrastructural observations of human skin following irradiation with visible red light-emitting diodes(LEDs): A preliminary in vivo report. Laser Therapy. 14:153-160.2006

    Takezaki S, Omi T, Sato S, Kawana S.

  • Light-emitting diode phototherapy at 630±3mm increases local levels of skin homing T cells in human subjects. J Nippon Med Sch. 73:75-81.2006

    Takezaki S, Omi T, Sato S, Kawana S.

  • The use of a conatant spectrum, uniform temporal profile intense pulsed light source for long-term hair removal in asian skin. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 8:138-145.2006

    Omi T, Clement RM.

  • Cutaneous immunological activation elicited by a low-fluence pulsed dye laser. Br J Dermatol. 153:57-62.2005

    Omi T, Kawana S, Sato S, Takezaki S, Honda M, Igarashi T, Hankins RW, Bjerring P, Thestrup-Pedersen K.

  • 420nm intense continuous light therapy for acne. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 6:156-162.2004

    Omi T, Bjerring P, Sato S, Kawana S, Hankins RW, Honda M.

  • Histological hair removal study by ruby or alexandrite laser with comparative study on the effects of wavelength and fluence. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 6:32-37.2004

    Kato T, Omi T, Naito Z, Kawana S.

  • Culture of skin homing T cells from lesional skin of atopic dermatitis patents using IL-2 and IL-4. Jpn J Pediatric Dermatol. 21:33-39.2002

    Omi T, Kawana S, Asano G, Honda M, Thestrap-Pedersen K, Hawkins RW.

  • Histological changes elicited by hair removal lasers. J Nippon Med Sch. 69:564-570.2002

    Kato T, Omi T, Asano G, Kawana S.

  • Histological effects of ruby laser hair removal in Japanese patients. Lasers Surg Med. 25:451-455.1999

    Omi T, Honda M, Yamamoto K, Hata M, Akimoto M, Asano G, Kawana S.

  • Histological characteristics of the healing process of frozen skin allograft used in the treatment of burns. Burns. 22:206-211.1996

    Omi T, Kawanami O, Matsuda K, Tsujii A, Kawai A, Henmi H, Ferrans VJ.


  • Omi T「Light-Emitting Diode Phototherapy」.Handbook of Laser in Dermatolog.(2014)

  • Omi T, Sato S. 「Skin Rejuvenation-Ultrastructural Study」. In Skin Aging: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2013)

  • Omi T. 「Photopneumatic Technology in Dermatology」. In Synopsis of Aesthetic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2013)

  • Omi T. 「 Acne-Treatment and Care」. Gabon Medical Book. (2009)

  • Omi T, Kawana S, Sato S, Honda M.「 Acute changes elicited by a non-ablative wrinkle reduction laser : an ultrastructual study」. In Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging. SPIE . (2001)

  • 尾見徳弥.「サプリメントの法的位置づけと現状」.美容皮膚医学BEAUTY.3(2)株式会社医学出版(2020)

  • 尾見徳弥.「青色母斑」.ジェネラリスト必携!この皮膚疾患のこの発疹」.株式会社医学書院(2019)

  • 尾見徳弥.「レーザー・ホワイトライト(光)脱毛:最近の話題」.美容皮膚医学BEAUTY.2(3)株式会社医学出版(2019)

  • 尾見徳弥.「第36回日本美容皮膚科学会総会・学術大会開催にあたって」.Bella Pelle.株式会社メディカルレビュー社.3(2)(2018)

  • 尾見徳弥.「シミ・しわ・頬のたるみ.女性が見た目を気にするcommon disease.女性医療のすべて」.株式会社メディカルレビュー社.(2016)

