総合東京病院 脳神経外科 脳卒中センター長
日本脳神経外科学会 脳神経外科専門医 日本臨床腫瘍学会 暫定指導医
総合東京病院 脳神経外科 脳卒中センター長。鍵穴手術を導入する数少ない医師の中の1人。これまでに行った鍵穴手術の症例数は268例以上。術前の徹底的なシミュレーションと低侵襲な手術をモットーに治療に取り組んでいる。また鍵穴手術を広めるべく学会活動にも力を注いでいる。日本脳神経外科学会認定専門医、日本脳卒中学会認定専門医、日本臨床腫瘍学会暫定指導医・教育医。
日本脳神経外科学会 | 脳神経外科専門医 |
日本臨床腫瘍学会 | 暫定指導医 |
1982年3月 群馬大学医学部卒業
1982年4月 医師国家試験合格
1982年4月 順天堂大学医学部脳神経外科(石井 昌三教授)専攻生
1982年7月~1987年7月 米国国立衛生研究所(NIH)留学、Visiting Fellow ( Laboratory of Cerebral Metabolism, NIMH, NIH )
1987年8月 順天堂大学医学部脳神経外科助手
1989年8月 日本脳神経外科学会認定医取得
1989年8月 田方保険医療対策協会附属病院脳神経外科科長
1990年2月 順天堂大学静岡病院脳神経外科助手
1990年3月 医学博士号取得
1992年12月 順天堂大学静岡病院脳神経外科講師
1998年12月 順天堂大学静岡病院脳神経外科助教授
2005年4月 順天堂大学静岡病院 救命救急センター長
2005年5月 日本脳卒中学会専門医取得
2006年 6月 順天堂大学医学部脳神経外科(静岡病院)教授
2012年4月 防衛医科大学校脳神経外科教授
2012年5月 順天堂大学医学部脳神経外科学講座 客員教授
(1) Lucignani G, Mori K, Jay T, Palombo E, Nelson T, Schmidt K, Kennedy C, Sokoloff L: Effects of diffusion limitation on kinetics of deoxyglucose-6-phosphate dephosphorylation in brain. J Nucl Med 27:955-956, 1986
(2) Nelson T, Dienel GA, Mori K, Cruz NF, and Sokoloff L: Deoxyglucose-6-Phosphate Stability In Vivo and the Deoxy-glucose Method: Response to Comments of Hawkins and Miller. J Neurochem 49(6):1949-1960, 1987
(3) Domer FR, Mori K, Dinarello CA, and Sokoloff L: Effects of Leukocytic Pyrogen (Interleukin-1) on Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization in Rat with and without Premedication with Indomethacin or Dexamethasone. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 8(2):173-178, 1988
(4) Mori K, Cruz NF, Dienel GA, Nelson T, Sokoloff L: Direct Chemical Measurement of the λ of the Lumped constant of the [14C]Deoxyglucose Method in Rat Brain: Effects of Arterial Plasma Glucose Level on the Distribution Spaces of [14C]Deoxyglucose and Glucose and on λ. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9(3):304-314, 1989
(5) Schmidt K, Lucignani G, Mori K, Jay TM, Palombo E, Nelson T, Pettigrew K, Sokoloff L: Refinement of the 2-[14C]Deoxyglucose Method to Incorporate Effects of Intracellar Compartmentation in Brain. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9(3):290-303, 1989
(6) Mori K, Schmidt K, Jay TM, Palombo E, Nelson T, Lucignani G, Pettigrew K, Kennedy C, and Sokoloff L: Optimal Duration of Experimental Period in Measurment of Local Cerebral Glucose Utilization with the Deoxyglocose Method. J Neurochem 54(1):307-319, 1990
(7) Dienel GA, Cruz NF, Mori K, and Sokoloff L: Acid Lability of Metabolites of 2-Deoxyglucose in Rat Brain: Implications for Estimates of Kinetic Parameters of Deoxyglucose Phosphorylation and Transport between Blood and Brain. J Neurochem 54(4):1440-1448, 1990
(8) Jay TM, Dienel GA, Cruz NF, Mori K, Nelson T, and Sokoloff L: Metabolic Stability of 3-O-Methyl-D-glucose in Brain and Other Tissues. J Neurochem 55(3):989-1000, 1990
(9) Holden JE, Mori K, Dienel GA, Cruz NF, Nelson T, and Sokoloff L: Modeling the Dependence of Hexose Distribution Volumes in Brain on Plasma Glucose concentration: Imlications for Estimations of Estimation of the Local 2- Deoxyglucose Lumped Constant. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11(2):171-182, 1990
(10) Mori K, Ishii H, Tomita Y, Nakajima K, Morimoto K, Maeda M: Intradural-extramedurally spinal cavernous angioma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 31(9):593-596, 1991
(11) Dienel GA, Cruz NF, Mori K, Holden JE, and Sokoloff L: Direct Measurement of the λ and Lumped Constant from Tissure Glucose Concentration or Equilibration Brain/PlasmaDistribution Ratio for Methylglucose. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11(1):25-34, 1991
(12) Mori K, Nakajima K and Maeda M: Theoretical and Experimental Assessment of the Kinetic Properties of N-isopropyl-p-[123I]iodoamphetamine in the Human Brain. Neurol Med chir (Tokyo) 33(12):809-814, 1993
(13) Mori K, Nakajima K, and Maeda M: Long-Term Monitoring of CSF Lactate Levels and Lactate/Pyruvate Ratios Following Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 125(1-4):20-26, 1993
(14) Mori K, Arai H, Nakajima K, Tajima A, Maeda M: Hemorheological and Hemodynamic Analysis of Hypervolemic Hemodilution Therapy for Cerebral Vasospasm After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Stroke 26(9):1620-1626, 1995
(15) Mitsuoka H, Tsunoda A, Mori K, Tajima A, Maeda M: Hypertrophic Anterior Falx Artery Associated with Interhemispheric Subdural Empyema. Neurologia medico-chirurgica, 35(11):830-832, 1995
(16) Kusumoto M, Arai H, Mori K, Sato K: Resistance to Cerebral Ischemia in Developing Gerbils. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 15(5):886-891, 1995
(17) Mori K, Mitsuoka H, Cho K, Tajima A, Maeda M: Rate constant of gadolinium (Gd)-DTPA transfer into chronic subdural hematomas. Neurol Res 18(2):126-134, 1996
(18) Mori K, Maeda M, Asegawa S, Masuda Y, Takeoka K: A New Technique for Quantitative Imaging of Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity Using a Double Injection Method with N-Isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine. Neuroimage 3:89-96, 1996
(19) Mori K, Maeda M: Use of [3H]methylglucose and [14C]iodoantipyrine to determine kinetic parameters of glucose transport in rat brain. Am J Physiol 272:163-171, 1997
(20) Takara K, Cho K, Mori K, Maeda M: Intraventricular, Cystic, Atypical Meningioma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 37(11):856-860, 1997
(21) Nakanishi H, Sun Y, Nakamura RK, Mori K, Ito M, Suda S, Namba H, Storch FI, Dang TP, Mendelson W, Mishkin M, Kennedy C, Gillin JC, Smith CB and Sokoloff L: Positive Correlations Between Cerebral Protein Synthesis Rates and Deep Sleep in Macaca mulatta. Eur J Neurosci 9:271-279, 1997
(22) Mori K, Cho K, Suda K, Ishimaru S, Maeda M: Thallium-201 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Imaging of Meningioma Cells in Hyperostosis. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 37(8):594-599, 1997
(23) Mori K, Yamaguchi T, Maeda M: Mechanism of 201Thallium-chloride uptake in tumor cells and its relationship to potassium channels. Neurol Res 20(1):19-22, 1998
(24) Nakayama T, Mori K, Maeda M: Giant pyocele in the anterior intracranial fossa. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 38(8):499-502, 1998
(25) Mori K, Nakayama T, Cho K, Hirano A, Maeda M: Dissecting aneurysms limited to the basilar artery. J of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 7(3):213-221, 1998
(26) Mori K, Maeda M, Miyazaki M, Iwase H: Effects of mild and moderate hypothermia on cerebral metabolism and glutamate in an experimental head injury. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 71:222-224, 1998
(27) Mori K, Maeda M, Miyazaki M, Iwase H: Effects of mild (33℃) and moderate (29℃) hypothermia on cerebral blood flow and metabolism, and extracellular glutamate in experimental head injury. Neurol Res 20(8): 719-726, 1998
(28) Mori K, Adachi K, Cho K, Ishimaru S, Maeda M: Quantitative Kinetic analysis of blood vessels in the outer membranes of chronic subdural hematomas. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 38(11): 697-703, 1998
(29) Mori K, Ishimaru S, Maeda M: Unco-parahippocampectomy for direct surgical treatment of downward transtentorial herniation. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 140(12): 1239-1244, 1998
(30) Mori K, Maeda M, Miyazaki M, Iwase H: Misery perfusion caused by cerebral hypothermia improved by vasopressor administration. Neurol Res 21(6): 585-592, 1999
(31) Shimoji K, Yasuma Y, Mori K, Eguchi M, Maeda M: Unique radiological appearance of a microcystic meningioma. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 141(10):1119-1121, 1999
(32) Abe K, Oyama K, Mori K, Ishimaru S, Eguchi M, Maeda M: Neurenteric cyst of the craniocervical junction. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 39(11):875-880, 1999
(33) Aoki A, Mori K, Tajima A, Maeda M: Sellar Chondroma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 39(11):870-874, 1999
(34) Endo T, Mori K, Maeda M : Multiple arteriosclerotic fusiform aneurysms of the superficial temporal artery. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 40(6):321-323,2000
(35) Mori K, Maeda M: Delayed magnetic resonance imaging with Gd-DTPA differentiates subdural hygroma and subdural effusion. Surg Neurol 53(4):303-311,2000
(36) Nonaka Y, Kusumoto K, Mori K , Maeda M: Pure acute subdural haematoma without subarachnoid haemorrhage caused by rupture of internal carotid artery aneurysm. Actia Neurochir (Wien) 142(8):941-944, 2000
(37) Tange Y, Aoki A, Mori K, Niijima S , Maeda M : Interhemispheric glioependymal cyst assosiated with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 40(10):536-542,2000
(38) Mori K, Aoki A, Yamamoto T, Horinaka N, Maeda M: Aggressive decompressive surgery in patients with massive hemispheric embolic cerebral infarction associated with severe brain swelling. Acta Neurochir (Wien)143(5): 483-492,2001
(39) Mori K, Maeda M: Surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma in 500 consecutive cases: Clinical characteristics, surgical outcome, complication, and recurrence rate. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 41(8): 371-381, 2001
(40) Yoshida K, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Maeda M: Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in a patient with hypertensive encephalopathy. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 41(7):364-369, 2001
(41) Tsutsumi S, Horinaka N, Mori K, Maeda M: Metastatic brain stem tumor manifesting as unilateral hearling disturbance. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 41(11): 561-564, 2001
(42) Mitsuhashi T, Mori K, Wada R, Maeda M: Primary phabdomyosarcoma associated with tumoral hemorrhage. Neurol Chir Med (Tokyo)42(2): 73-77, 2002
(43) Mori K, Maeda M, Asegawa S, Iwata J: Quantitative local cerebral blood flow change after cerebrospinal fluid removal in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus measured by a double injection method with N-isopropyl-p-[123I]iodoamphetamine, Acta Neurochir(Wien) 144(3):255-263, 2002
(44) Aoki A, Mori K, Maeda M, Miyazaki M, Iwase H: Adequate cerebral perfusion pressure during rewarming to prevent ischemic deterioration after therapeutic hypothermia. Neurol Res 24(3):271-280, 2002
(45) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Maeda M: Dissecting aneurysm confined to the anterior cerebral artery. Brt J Neurosurg 16(2):158-164,2002
(46) Aoki A, Mori K, Maeda M, Miyazaki M, Iwase H: Appropriate cerebral perfusion pressure during rewarming after therapeutic hypothermia. Acta Neurochir 81:237-239, 2002
(47) Seta N, Shimizu T, Nawata M, Wada R, Mori K, Sekikawa I, Maeda M, Hashimoto H: A possible novel mechanism of opportunistic infection in systemic lupus erythematosus, based on a case of toxoplasmic encephalopathy. Rheumatology 41: 1072-1073, 2002
(48) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Horinaka N, Maeda M: Arachnoid cyst is a risk factor for chronic subdural hematoma in juveniles: Twelve cases of chronic subdural hematoma associated with arachnoid cyst. J Neurotrauma 19(9): 1017-1027, 2002
(49) Mori K, Miyazaki M, Iwase H, Meada M: Temporal profile of changes in brain extracellular space and extracellular ion (Na+,K+) concentrations after cerebral ischemia and the effects of mild cerebral hypothermia. J Neurotrauma 19(10): 1261-1270, 2002
(50) Yamamoto T, Mori K, Meada M: Assessment of prognostic factors in severe traumatic brain injury patients treated by mild theraputic cerebral hypothermia therapy. Neurol Res 24(12): 789-795, 2002
(51) Horinaka N, Nonaka Y, Nakayama T, Mori K, Wada R, Maeda M: Dural arteriovenous fistula of the transverse sinus with concomitant ipsilateral meningioma. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145(6):501-504, 2003
(52) Mori K, nakao Y, Horinaka N, Wada R, Hirano A, Maeda M: Cerebral aneurysm regrowth and coil unraveling after imcomplete Guglielmi detachable coil embolization: Serial angiographical and histological findings. Neul Med Chir(Tokyo) 43(6): 293-297, 2003
(53) Mori K, Maeda M: Risk factors pf the occurrence of chronic subdural haematomas after neurosurgical procedures. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145(7):33-540, 2003
(54) Mori K, Nakajima M, Maeda M: Simple reconstruction of frontal sinus opened during craniotomy using small autogenous bone piece. Surg Neurol 60(4): 326-328, 2003
(55) Tokugawa J, Nakao Y, Mori K, Maeda M: Orbital cystic neurinoma. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145(7): 605-606, 2003
(56) Yoshida K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Maeda M: Germinoma in the fourth ventricle. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145(9): 789-792, 2003
(57) Mori K, Kasuga C, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M: Intracranial pseudoaneurysm due to rupture of a saccular aneurysm mimicking a large partially thrombosed aneurysm (“ghost aneurysm”): Radiological findings and therapeutic implications. Neurosurg Rev 27(4):289-293, 2004
(58) Mori K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M: Early external decompressive craniectomy with duroplasty improves functional recovery in patients with massive hemispheric embolic infarction. Timing and indication of decompressive surgery for malignant cerebral infarction. Surg Neurol 62(5): 420-429, 2004
(59) Nakao Y, Watanabe T, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Maeda M: Dissecting aneurysm of the posterior communicating artery. Acta Neurochir (Wien)146(12):1365-1367, 2004
(60) Mori K, Iwata J, Miyazaki M, Maeda M: Therapy of injured neuronal pathway by transplantation of bone marrow stromal cells (Study of local cerebral glucose utilization and basic fibroblastic growth factor). Neurotrauma Research 16:1-5,2004
(61) Mori K, Iwata J, Miyazaki M, Nakao Y, Maeda m: Functional recovery of neuronal activity in rat whisker-barrel cortex sensory pathway from freezing injury after transplantation of adult bone marrow stromal cells. J Cereb Blood Flow & Metab 25(7):887-898, 2005
(62) Mori K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M: Intradural jugular tuberclectomy in a case of inadequate extradural removal. Surg Neurol 64(4): 347-350,2005
(63) Mori K: Future prospects of transplantation therapy for neurological diseases using adult bone marrow stromal cells. Future Neurology 1(2): 217-228, 2006
(64) Kondo A, Mori K, Iwata J, Tamura M, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Maeda M: Caseous necrotic granuloma in the pituitary stalk due to mycobacteria (Mycobacterium Tokaiense) infection. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 46(2):80-83, 2006
(65) Osada H, Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Wada R, Maeda M: Chorid plexus carcinoma secreting carbohydrate antigen 19-9 in an adult. Neuol Med Chir (Tokyo), 46(5): 249-252, 2006
(66) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Maeda M: Cervical spondylotic amyotrophy treated by anterior decompression. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 46(7):366-370, 2006
(67) Miyamoto N, Kagohashi M, Nishioka K, Fujishima K, Kitada T, Tomita Y, Mori K, Maeda M, Wada R, Matsumoto M, Mori H, Mizuno Y, Okuma Y: An autopsy case of Schilder’s variant of multiple sclerosis (Schilder’s disease). Eur Neurol, 55(2):103-107,2006
(68) Tomura S, Mori K, Osada H, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M: Spinal magnetic resonance imaging of spontaneous intracranial hypotension in the early phase. Neuol Med Chir (Tokyo), 46(8):408-411, 2006
(69) Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Mori K, Maeda M: Endoscopic hematoma evacuation for hypertensive cerebellar hemorrhage. Minim Invas Neurosurg 49(3):173-178, 2006
(70) Mori K, Osada H, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Maeda M: Pterional keyhole approach to middle cerebral artery aneurysms through outer canthal skin incision. Minim Invas Neurosurg,50(4); 195-201, 2007
(71) Arai T, Fujishima K, Kobayashi H, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Maeda M, Mizuno Y, Okuma Y: Pseudoathetosis caused by migrated cervical disc. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 13(1):59-61, 2007
(72) Teranishi K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Osada H, Wada R, Mori K: Recurrent solitary fibrous tumor of the falx cerebri with intraventricular extension. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 47(6):269-272, 2007
(73) Mori K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Okuma Y, Osada H, Esaki T: Partial (One Third) Side-to-End Hypoglossal-Facial Anastomosis Ensures Facial Reanimation Without Tongue Dysfunction. Neurosurg Quart 17(3):180-184, 2007
(74) Esaki T, Osada H, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M, Miyazaki T, Sumiyoshi M, Mori K: Surgical management for glossopharyngeal neuralgia associated with cardiac syncope: two case reports. Brt J Neurosurg 21(6): 599-602, 2007
(75) Mori K, Miyazaki M, Iwata J, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y: Intra-cisternal infusion of magnesium sulfate solution improved reduced cerebral blood flow induced by experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in the rat. Neurosurg Rev 31(2): 197-203, 2008
(76) Hirayama T, Fukue J, Noda K, Fujishima K, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Maeda M, Hattori N, Shiroma N, Tsurui S, Okuma Y: Adult-onset Alexander disease with palatal myoclonus and intraventricular tumour. Eur J Neurol 15(2): e16-e17, 2008
(77) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Oyama K, Esaki T, Watanabe T, Nonaka S, Hara T, Honma K: Lateral supraorbital keyhole approach to clip unruptured anterior communicating aneurysm. Minim Invas Neurosurg 51: 292-297, 2008
(78) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Oyama K, Ueno H, Nakao Y, Honma K: Modified three-dimensional skull base model with artificial dura mater, cranial nerves, and venous sinuses for training in skull base surgery. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 48(12):582-588, 2008
(79) Watanabe M, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Mori K, Wada R: Intra-axial brainstem malignant melanoma mimicking cavernous angioma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 48(11): 519-521, 2008
(80) Mori K, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y: Novel vasodilatory effect of intra-cisternal injection of magnesium sulfate solution on spastic cerebral arteries in the canine two-hemorrhage model of subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 110(1):73-78、2009
(81) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Osada H, Hara Y, Oyama K, Esaki T: Initial clinical experience of vasodilatory effect of intra-cisternal infusion of magnesium sulfate for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm after aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49(4): 139-144, 2009
(82) Mori K: Dissectable modified three-dimensional temporal bone and whole skull base models for training in skull base approaches. SKULL BASE 19(5): 333-343, 2009
(83) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Oyama K, Nakao Y: Modification of three-dimensional prototype temporal bone model for training in skull-base surgery. Neurosurg Rev 32: 233-239, 2009
(84) Tange Y, Miyazaki M, Iwata J, Aiko Y, Sakamoto S, Mori K: Novel antitumor effect of carboplatin delivered by intracerebral microinfusion in a rat malignant glioma model. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49(12):572-579, 2009
(85) Iseki S, Ito Y, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Mori K: Proprtosis caused by partially thrombosed orbital varix of the superior orbital vein associated with traumatic carotid-cavernous sinus fistula. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50(1):33-36, 2010
(86) Nakao Y, Nonaka S, Yamamoto T, Oyama K, Esaki T, Tange Y, Mori K, Wada R: Malignant transformation 20 years after partial removal of intracranial epidermoid cyst. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50(3):236-239, 2010
(87) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T: Surgical simulation of extradural anterior clinoidectomy through the trans-superior orbital fissure approach using a dissectable three-dimensional skull base model with artificial cavernous sinus. SKULL BASE 20(4): 229-236, 2010
(88) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T: Development of artificial skull base model with soft tissues for practical education. Neurosurgery 66(6)[ONS Suppl 2] 339-341, 2010
(89) Mori K, Iwata J, Miyazaki M, Osada H, Tange Y, Yamamoto T, Aiko Y, Tamura M, Shiroishi T: Bystander killing effect of tymidine kinase gene-transduced adult bone marrow stromal cells with ganciclovir on malignant glioma cells. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50(7): 560-567, 2010
(90) Yamamoto T, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Mori K: Efficacy of low-dose tissue-plasminogen activator intracisternal administration for the prevention of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. World Neurosurg 73(6): 675-682, 2010
(91) Akiba C: Possible neuro-Sweet disease mimicking brain tumor in the medulla oblongata. Neuro Med Chir (Tokyo) 51(2):140-143, 2011
(92) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T: Surgical simulation of cerebral revascularization via skull base approaches in the posterior circulation using three-dimensional skull model with artificial brain and blood vessels. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 51(2), 93-96, 2011
(93) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Koike N, Sakamoto S, Nakao Y, Esaki: Optimal cerebrospinal fluid magnesium ion concentration for vasodilatory effect and duration after intracisternal injection of magnesium sulfate solution in the canine subarachnoid hemorrhage model. J Neurosurg 114(4):1168-1175, 2011
(94) Noda K, Fukae J, Fujishima K, Mori K, Urabe T, Hattori N, Okuma Y: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome presenting as subarachnoid hemorrhage, reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy, and cerebral infarct. Internal Medicine 50: 1227-1233, 2011
(95) Mori K, Esaki T, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y: Individualized pterional keyhole clipping surgery based on preoperative three-dimensional virtual osteostomy technique for unruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 54(5-6):207-213, 2011
(96) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Koike N, Sakamoto S, Nakao Y, Esaki T: Effect of intrathecal magnesium sulfate solution injection via a microcatheter in the cisterna magna on cerebral vasospasm in the canine subarachnoid haemorrhage model. Br J Neurosurg 26(1):64-68, 2012
(97) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Miyazaki M, Iwata J, Tamura M, Shiroishi T: Novel neuroprotective effect of cisternal and intra-cerebral magnesium sulfate solution infusion on delayed cerebral death in rat hippocampal neurons after transient global ischemia. Brain Res 1480:72-80, 2012
(98) Takeuchi S, Takasato Y, Suzuki G, Maeda T, Masaoka H, Hayakawa T, Otani N, Yatsushige H, Shigeta K, Momose T, Nawashiro, Mori K: Postoperative computed tomography after surgery for head trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012 73(5):1254-60, 2012
(99) Takeuchi S, Wada K, Nagatani K, Otani N, Mori K: Magnesium for aneurysmal subarchnoid hemorrhage. Lancet 380:1381, 2012
(100) Takeuchi S, Wada K, Sakakibara F, Mori K: A surgical case of paraclinoid carotid aneurysm associated with ipsilateral cervical internal carotid artery dissection. Neurol India 60(5): 517-519, 2012
(101) Yamamoto T, Suzuki M, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Mori K: Trigeminal neuralgia caused by venous angioma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 53(1):40-43, 2013
(102) Esaki K, Harada Y, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Mori K: Unusual case of trigeminal neuralgia caused by remote effect of dermoid cyst in the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 115(3): 339-341, 2013
(103) Mori K, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Koike N, Nakao Y: Potential risk of artificial cerebrospinal fluid solution without magnesium ion for cerebral irrigation and perfusion in neurosurgical practice. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 53(9):596-600, 2013
(104) Nagatani K, Nawashiro H, Takeuchi S, Tomura S, Otani N, Osada H, Wada K, Katoh H, Tsuzuki N, Mori K: Safety of intravenous administration of hydrogen-enriched fluid in patients with acute cerebral ischemia: initial clinical studies. Medical Gas Research 3:13, 2013 (doi:10.1186/2045-9912-3-13)
(105) Takeuchi S, Wada K, Uozumi Y, Otani N, Osada H, Nagatani K, Mori K: Adiponectine receptor 1 expression is associated with carotid plaque stability. Neurol India 61(3):249-53, 2013
(106) Takeuchi S, Wada K, Nagatani K, Otani N, Mori K: Decompressive hemicraniectomy for spontaneous inracerebral hemorrhage. Neurosurg Focus 34(5):E5, 2013
(107) Mori K, Ohishi H, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T, Kudo K, Teranishi K: Preliminary experiences with near-infrared fluorescence image-guided meningioma removal after embolization with indocyanine green and eudragit in ethanol solution: Green embolization technique. Innovative Neurosurg 1(2):109-113, 2013
(108) Otani N, Wada K, Sakakibara F, Takeuchi S, Nagatani K, Kobayashi H, Osada H, Suzuki T, Mori K: A ruptured aneurysm located at a collateral artery that extended from the proximal A2 segment to the M1 segment, associated with an anomalouis branch of the anterior choroidal artery and middle cerebral artery hypoplasia: Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) , 2013
(109) Nagatani K, Osada H, Takeuchi S, Otani N, Wada K, Mori K. Surgical resection of developmental venous anomaly causing massive intracerebral haemorrhage: A case report. Br J Neurosurg. 2013
(110) Nagatani K, Otani N, Seno S, Takeuchi S, Wada K, Mori K. Diagnostic pitfalls associated with a large true posterior communicating artery aneurysm: a case report. Br J Neurosurg. 2013 Oct;27(5):687-9.
(111) Otani N, Wada K, Sakakibara F, Takeuchi S, Nagatani K, Kobayashi H, Osada H, Suzuki T, Mori K. A Ruptured Aneurysm Located at a Collateral Artery That Extended From the Proximal A2 Segment to the M1 Segment, Associated With an Anomalous Branch of the Anterior Choroidal Artery and Middle Cerebral Artery Hypoplasia: Case Report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2013 Oct 21.
(112) Takeuchi S, Wada K, Sakakibara F, Nawashiro H, Mori K. Anterior cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm associated with untreated craniopharyngioma. Br J Neurosurg. 2013 Feb; 27 (1): 102-4
(113) Nagatani K, Osada H, Sakakibara F, Takeuchi S, Otani N, Wada K, Mori K: Aneurysm-induced oculomotor palsy in neurofibromatosis Type 1.(Case report)Austin J Neurosurg 1(1):2, 2014
(114) Etminan N, Beseoglu K, Barrow DL, Bederson J, Brown RD Jr, Connolly ES Jr, Derdeyn CP, Hänggi D, Hasan D, Juvela S, Kasuya H, Kirkpatrick PJ, Knuckey N, Koivisto T, Lanzino G, Lawton MT, LeRoux P, McDougall CG, Mee E, Mocco J, Molyneux A, Morgan MK, Mori K, Morita A, Murayama Y, Nagahiro S, Pasqualin A, Raabe A, Raymond J, Rinkel GJ, Rüfenacht D, Seifert V, Spears J, Steiger HJ, Steinmetz H, Torner JC, Vajkoczy P, Wanke I, Wong GK, Wong JH, Macdonald RL: Multidisciplinary consensus on assessment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: proposal of an international research group. Stroke 45(5):1523-1530, 2014
(115) Tokugawa J, Nakao Y, Kudo K, Iimura K, Esaki T, Yamamoto t, Mori K: Posterior auricular artery-middle cerebral artery bypass: a rare superficial temporal artery variant with well-developed posterior auricular artery-case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 54(10):841-844, 2014
(116) Otani N, Ishihara M, Fujita M, Wada K, Mori K: Uncooled infrared camera for the noninvasive visualization of the vascular flow in an anastomotic vessel during neurological surgery: Technical note. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)54:502-506, 2014
(117) Tomiyama A, Uekita T, Kamata R, Sasaki K, Takita J, Ohira M, Nakagawara A, Kitanaka C, Mori K, Yamaguchi H, Sakai R: Flotillin-1 regulates oncogenic signaling in neuroblastoma cells by regulating ALK membrane association. Cancer Research 74(14), 2014
(118) Otani N, Ishihara M, Fujita M, Wada K, Mori K: Noninvasive thermographic visualization of the extent of carotid plaque distribution during carotid endoarterectomy using an uncooled infrated camera. Surg Neurol Int 5:144, 2014
(119) Takeuchi S, Mori K, Arimoto H, Fujii K, Nagatani K, Tomura S, Otani N, Osada H, Wada K: Effects of intravenous infusion of hydrogen-rich fluid combined with intra-cisternal infusion of magnesium sulfate in severe aneurysmal subarchnoid hemorrhage: study protocol for a randomized control trial. BMC Neurology 14:176, 2014
(120) Otani Naoki, Wada K, Kumagai K, Takeuchi S, Nagatani K, Tomura S, Osada H, Asakuma J, Mori K: Surgical removal of the solitary metastasis of renal cell cartinoma in the third ventricle using an interhemisheric transcallosal trans-choroidal approach. Asian J Neurosurg 10(1):138-140, 2015
(121) Nagatani K, Takeuchi S, Wada K, Mori K, Shima K: Treatment of spontaneous intracranial hypotension with intravenous factor ⅩⅢ administration: Initial clinical experience. Turk Neurosurg 25(1):69-72, 2015
(122) Wada K, Mori K, Toyooka T, Otani N, Fujii K, Ueno H, Tomura S, Tomiyama A: Safe fronto-orbito-zygomatic osteotomy using a diamond –coated threadwire saw in orbito-zygomatic craniotomy. Asian J Neurosurg 10(3):250-252, 2015
(123) Etminan N, Brown RD, Beseoglu K, Juvela S, Raymond J, Morita A, Torner JC, Derdeyn CP, Raabe A, Mocco J, Korja M, Abdulazim A, Amin-Hanjani S, Al-Shahi Salman R, Barrow DL, Bederson J, Bonafe A, Dumont AS, Fiorella DJ, Gruber A, Hankey GJ, Hasan DM, Hoh BL, Jabbour P, Kasuya H, Kelly ME, Kirkpatrick PJ, Knuckey N, Koivisto T, Krings T, Lawton MT, Marotta TR, Mayer SA, Mee E, Pereira VM, Monyneux A, Morgan MK, Mori K, Murayama Y, Nagahiro S, Nakayama N, Niemelä M, Ogilvy CS, Pierot L, Rabinstein AA, Roos YBWEM, Rinne J, Rosenwasser RH, Ronkainen A, Schaller K, Seifert V, Vergouwen MDI, Wanke I, Wermer MJH, Wong GKC, Zipfel GJ, Connolly Jr ES, Steinmertz H, Lanzino G, Pasqualin A, Rüfenacht D, Vajkoczy P, Hänggi D, LeRoux P, Rinkel GJE, Mcdonald RL: The unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment score. Neurology 85(9): 1-9, 2015
(124) Yamamoto T, Mori K, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Tokugawa J, Watanabe M: Preventive effect of continuous irrigation with artificial magnesium solution against angiographic vasospasm associated with subarchnoid hemorrhage: a randomized controlled trial. J Neurosurg 31(7): 1-9, 2015
(1) 森 健太郎, 三科 秀人, 下地 武義, 前田 稔, 石井 昌三: 絨毛上皮腫の血管内移転により発生した破裂脳動脈瘤の1例. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 30(11):858-862, 1990
(2) 安間 芳秀, 森 健太郎, 前田 稔: 脳室内嚢胞性髄膜腫の1例. 脳神経外科 21(12):1131-1135, 1993
(3) 前田 稔, 森 健太郎, 中島 啓次: 内頚動脈硬膜輪近傍動脈瘤に対するCombined Epi-and Subdural Approach(Dolenc). 脳卒中の外科 21:105-112, 1993
(4) 森 健太郎, 前田 稔, 阿瀬川 敏, 増田洋子: N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine double injection法によるacetazolamide負荷試験への応用とその検討. 脳神経外科ジャーナル 3(1):37-44, 1994
(5) 森 健太郎, 張 嘉仁, 田島 厚、村石 世志野、前田 稔: Iliac bone graftを用いた前頭蓋底再建術. 脳神経外科ジャーナル 4(3):307-310, 1995
(6) 前田 稔, 森 健太郎, 田島 厚志: 傍正中椎骨動脈瘤に対する低侵襲アプローチ−lateral suboccipital transcondylar approach−. 脳卒中の外科 23:435-444, 1995
(7) 前田 稔, 張 嘉仁, 須田 喜久夫, 森 健太郎, 田島 厚志: 脳血管攣縮に対するhypervolemic hemodilution療法−血液レオロジーならびに血行動態改善効果の解析−. 脳卒中の外科 24:57-64, 1996
(8) 足立 圭司, 森 健太郎, 前田 稔: 中大脳動脈のdolichoectasiaの2例—3D-CT angiographyの有用性—. 脳神経外科ジャーナル 5(6):460-464, 1996
(9) 森 健太郎, 張 嘉仁, 須田 喜久夫, 田島 厚志, 前田 稔: クモ膜下出血後に見られる赤血球凝集能の経時的変化について. 脳神経外科 24(6):541-548, 1996
(10) 江崎 孝徳, 三橋 立, 森 健太郎, 前田 稔: 眼窩内動静脈奇形(Intraorbital AVM)の1例. 脳神経外科ジャーナル 6(7):484-487, 1997
(11) 森 健太郎, 前田 稔: 急性期脳血栓症治療における選択的Thromboxane A2 (TXA2)合成酵素阻害剤オザグレルナトリウムの作用とその治療効果—特にSPECTによる定量的局所脳血流量とCrossed Cerebellar Diaschisisよりみた改善効果からの検討—. 現代医療 28: 3149-3159, 1996
(12) 前田 稔, 森 健太郎, 石丸 純夫, 田島 厚志: 内頚動脈硬膜輪近傍巨大動脈瘤に対する手術手技の工夫—Dolenc's 硬膜外・内操作法と頚部内頚動脈経由瘤内血液吸引法の併用—. 脳卒中の外科 25:463-471, 1997
(13) 森 健太郎:動物実験からみた脳低温療法の問題点とその対策. Neurosurg Emerg 11(2): 127-132, 2006
(14) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、長田 秀夫、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、渡辺 瑞也、本間 圭一郎:未破裂脳動脈瘤に対するOvernighty手術を目標としたKeyhole clipping術の開発。脳卒中の外科 36: 50-57, 2008
(15) 森 健太郎:3次元立体側頭骨モデルを用いた頭蓋底手術練習法の開発. 脳神経外科ジャーナル 17(8): 615-621, 2008
(16) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、本間 圭一郎、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、丹下 祐一: Pterional keyholeによる未破裂脳動脈瘤clipping術 -3次元CT angiographyとosteostomy techniqueによる術前planningの重要性―。脳卒中の外科 36: 475-481, 2008
(17) 長田 秀夫、森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、渡辺 瑞也: 塞栓性大脳半球梗塞に対する早期外減圧術の有効性。脳卒中30(5): 374-681, 2008
(18) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、大山 一孝、中尾 保秋:海綿静脈洞部手術に必要な解剖を理解するための3次元立体海綿静脈洞モデル。脳神経外科ジャーナル 17(12): 940-945, 2008
(19) 江崎 孝徳、長田 秀夫、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、大山 一孝、丹下 祐一、森 健太郎:脳血管障害におけるドクターヘリの役割。Neurosurg Emerg 13(2): 143-150, 2008
(20) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江崎 孝徳、三留 有美子: 翻転可能な人工硬膜付き3次元立体頭蓋底モデル。脳神経外科ジャーナル 18(10): 758-764, 2009
(21) 伊藤 敬孝、井関 征祐、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、森 健太郎:脊髄空洞症を伴うChiari 1奇形に対し、大後頭孔減圧及びSyrinks shunt術施行後に急性閉塞性水頭症を来たした1例。小児の脳神経 34(8):341-344, 2009
(22) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江崎 孝徳:人工硬膜付き3次元立体頭蓋底モデルを用いたFar lateral approach, 顆窩経由法(transcondylar fossa approach), 後頭顆経由法(transcondylar approach)の比較検討。脳神経外科 38(3): 243-250, 2010
(23) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江崎 孝徳:Lateral supraorbital keyhole を用いた前交通動脈瘤のclipping術。脳卒中の外科 38:161-167, 2010
(24) 山本 拓史、江崎 孝徳、中尾 保秋、森 健太郎:被核出血における内視鏡下血腫除去術。脳卒中32(6): 595-601, 2010
(25) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江崎 孝徳:Tailor-made keyhole clipping術による安全な未破裂脳動脈瘤の治療。脳卒中の外科 39: 89-95, 2011
(26) 森 健太郎:削開可能な頭蓋底骨モデルを用いた頭蓋底外科手術練習用モデルの作製方法。脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(7): 524-530, 2011
(27) 江崎 孝徳、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、森 健太郎:Hinge型減圧開頭術の有効性および適応についての考察。神経外傷33(2):233-240, 2010
(28) 山本 拓史、江崎 孝徳、中尾 保秋、森 健太郎:被核出血における機能予後改善を目指す内視鏡下血腫除去術。脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(10):734-740, 2011
(29) 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江崎 孝徳:経上眼窩裂硬膜外前床突起切除術―3次元立体頭蓋底モデルを用いた解説を中心に―。脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(12): 914-921, 2012
(30) 榊原 史啓、竹内 誠、長田 秀夫、大谷 直樹、和田 孝次郎、長谷 公洋、森 健太郎:海綿静脈洞に空気像を認めた眼窩部外傷の1例。BRAIN and NERVE 65(3): 300-301, 2013
(31) 大谷直樹、和田孝次郎、竹内誠、熊谷光佑、榊原史啓、瀬野宗一郎、長谷公洋、戸村哲、長田秀夫、有本裕彦、大川英徳、森 健太郎: 急性期脳梗塞に対する経静脈的血栓溶解療法後に緊急STA-MCAバイパス術を要した症例の臨床像と治療成績。Neurosurg Emerg 18(2): 168-172, 2013
(32) 榊原 史啓、大谷 直樹、藤井和也、竹内 誠、和田孝次郎、長田秀夫、鈴木隆元、森 健太郎、島崎英幸、前川和也:急性脳ヘルニアをきたしたchordoid meningiomaの1手術例:防衛医科大学校雑誌第37号(3)227-231, 2013.4月
(33) 榊原 史啓、大谷 直樹、竹内 誠、森 健太郎:一過性運動麻痺を生じた被殻出血の1例:脳卒中雑誌 第35号(3) 200-202, 2013.7月
(34) 吉浦徹、竹内 誠、瀬野宗一郎、榊原 史啓、熊谷光佑、大谷 直樹、長田秀夫、鈴木隆元、和田孝次郎、森 健太郎:著明なくも膜下出血を伴わない被殻出血で発症した破裂内頚動脈瘤の1例:防衛医科大学校雑誌第38号(2)142-147, 2013.8月
(35) 榊原 史啓、竹内 誠、長田秀夫、大谷 直樹、和田孝次郎、森 健太郎:オトヌクレオチド投与により視野欠損が改善した先端巨大症の1例:防衛医科大学校雑誌第38号(2)156-158, 2013.8月
(36) 榊原 史啓、竹内 誠、、大谷 直樹、瀬野宗一郎、熊谷光佑、長谷公洋、戸村 哲、長田秀夫和田孝次郎、森 健太郎: 腫瘍内出血を来した聴神経腫瘍の1例。防衛医科大学校雑誌第38号(3)249-253, 2013
(37) 松本 崇、瀬野宗一郎、和田孝次郎、竹内 誠、大谷直樹、鈴木隆元、穂刈太、森 健太郎:潰瘍性大腸炎に合併した脳静脈洞血栓症の1例。防衛医科大学校雑誌第38号(1)61-67、2013.3月
(38) 瀬野宗一郎、大谷直樹、竹内 誠、熊谷光佑、榊原史啓、長田秀夫、鈴木隆元、和田孝次郎、森 健太郎: フソバクテリウム属菌感染による脳膿瘍の1手術例。防衛医科大学校雑誌第37号(1)292-297、2013.3月
(39) 和田孝次郎、熊谷光佑、大谷 直樹、長田秀夫、富山新太、戸村哲、上野英明、竹内誠、長谷公洋、藤井和也、森健太郎:超音波凝固切開装置(ハーモニックスカルペル®)を用いた頸動脈内膜切除術の安全性と有用性。Neurosonology 26(2):94-97, 2014
(40) 和田孝次郎、大谷 直樹、長田 秀夫、富山 新太、戸村 哲、上野 英明、竹内 誠、長谷 公洋、藤井 和也、森 健太郎:固着を軽減したポリウレタンラミネート加工綿片を利用した脳表静脈および静脈洞からの止血。脳神経外科ジャーナル 23(7): 589-596, 2014
(41) 森 健太郎、和田孝次郎、大谷直樹、長田秀夫、戸村哲、山本拓二、中尾保秋:Extradural temporopolar approachによる未破裂脳底動脈瘤や傍床部内頚動脈瘤のclipping術。脳卒中の外科 42(2):, 116-121, 2014
(42) 戸村哲、藤井和也、上野英明、富山新太、大谷直樹、長田秀夫、和田孝次郎、森健太郎:マグネシウム溶液脳槽内投与および水素水静脈内投与の併用療法がラットの生理的パラメーターに及ぼす影響について。防衛医科大学校雑誌第39号(2):96-102, 2014
(43) 大谷直樹、高里良男、正岡博幸、早川隆宣、八ツ繁寛、竹内誠、和田孝次郎、森健太郎:けいれん発作にて発症した椎骨脳底動脈閉塞症5症例の検討。Neurosurg Emerg 19(1):76-81, 2014
(44) 大谷 直樹、和田 孝次郎、小林 靖、熊谷 光佑、上野 英明、長田 秀夫、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、森 健太郎:Extradural temporopolar approachを用いた傍鞍部脳腫瘍に対する外科的治療戦略。脳神経外科42(10): 907-916, 2014
(45) 井中 康史、大谷 直樹、西田 翔、熊谷 光佑、藤井 和也、上野 英明、戸村 哲、長田 秀夫、和田 孝次郎、森 健太郎:蝶形骨縁から眼窩骨に発生したprimary intraosseus cavernous hemangiomaの1手術例。脳神経外科 42(11): 1051-1056, 2014
(46) 西田 翔、大谷 直樹、井中 康史、森永 裕介、木村 尚平、戸村 哲、長田 秀夫、播本 幸三、竹内 大、和田 孝次郎、森 健太郎:硬膜外前床突起切除と視神経管開放により著明な視力改善が得られた外傷性視神経損傷の1手術例。脳神経外科 42(11): 1035-1038, 2014
(47) 冨田 浩子、小須田 茂、川口 裕之、野々山 恵章、佐野 信也、古谷 健一、森 健太郎、山村 メイ子:当院における児童虐待の症例と画像診断。埼玉県医学雑誌49(1):389-392, 2014
(48) 森永 裕介、大谷 直樹、西田 翔、井中 康史、木村 尚平、戸村 哲、和田 孝次郎、森 健太郎: 片側傍脳室白質に散在するenlarged Virchow-Robin spaceの1小児例。小児の脳神経39(2): 198-202, 2014
(49) 森 健太郎、和田 孝次郎、長田 秀夫、大谷 直樹、富山 新太、戸村 哲、上野 英明、藤井 和也、山本 卓司、中尾 保秋:未破裂脳動脈瘤治療に関する新たな提案―Keyhole clipping連続240例の手術成績から-。 脳卒中の外科43(1): 5-11,2015
(50) 大谷直樹、和田 孝次郎、井中 康史、西田 翔、熊谷 光佑、藤井 和也、豊岡 輝繁、戸村 哲、長田 秀夫、中尾 保秋、山本拓史、森健太郎: 傍鞍部を含む内頚動脈瘤に対する頸動脈直接穿刺によるsuction decompression法の有用性。脳卒中の外科43(1): 18-25,2015
(51) 藤井 隆司、大谷 直樹、瀬野 宗一郎、竹内 誠、長田秀夫、和田 孝次郎、森 健太郎:食道癌原発転移性脳腫瘍の3手術例。脳神経外科43(3):221-225, 2015
(52) 長谷 公洋、竹内 誠、Dongxia Feng、森 健太郎、J Diaz Day: 高精細exoscope systemを用いた脳神経外科手術―exoscope, tubular retractor, 脳神経外科手術用ナビゲーションシステムを併用した脳深部病変へのアプローチを含めて―。脳神経外科43(7):611-617, 2015
(53) 和田 孝次郎、大谷直樹、豊岡 輝繁、長田 秀夫、富山 新太、戸村 哲、上野英明、藤井 和也、森健太郎:STA本幹をドナーとしグラフト血管を用いた端側吻合による頭蓋内血行再建術。脳卒中の外科43(3):201-206, 2015
(54) 中川政弥、大谷直樹、井中康史、西田翔、藤井和也、戸村哲、豊岡輝繁、和田孝次郎、森健太郎:突然の不全麻痺で急性発症し、脳梗塞が疑われた頸椎症の1手術例。防衛医科大学校雑誌40(2): 135-139, 2015
(55) 長田 秀夫、長谷 公洋、豊岡 輝繁、和田孝次郎、大谷直樹、富山新太、戸村 哲、上野英明、森 健太郎:深在性脳実質内腫瘍摘出術におけるexoscopeの有用性。脳神経外科ジャーナル、24(9):623-631, 2015
(1) Mori K, Arai H, and Maeda M: Hemorheological and Hemodynamic Analysis of Hypervolemic Hemodilution Therapy for Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Developments in Neurology 8, Cerebral Vasospasm (ed., J. M. Findlay), Elsevier, 349-352, 1993
(2) Maeda M, Mori K, Horinaka N, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Mitsuhashi T: Extreme lateral suboccipital partial transcondylar approach for midline vertebral artery aneurysms and lower clivus tumors. (Eds : Mc Culloch & Peter Reilly) Proceedings 12th World Congress of Neurosurgery Openbook publishers, South Australia ; 608-611, 2001
(3) 森 健太郎:慢性硬膜下血腫の病態と治療。脳神経外科速報 14(5): 461-470, 2004
(4) Maeda M, Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y: Transpetrosal transtentorial approach for skull base tumor. Ed. : Abdeslam El Khamlichi 13th World congress of Neurological Surgery, International Proceedings, Medimond p167-173, 2005
(5) 山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、森 健太郎、前田 稔:内視鏡下血腫除去術。日本臨床 64: 352-360, 2006
(6) 森 健太郎:Keyhole conceptに基づく脳動脈瘤クリッピング術 –前方循環脳動脈瘤に対する3種類のkeyhole-。脳神経外科 36(5): 393-406、2008
(7) 山本 拓史、森 健太郎:脳内出血に対する内視鏡手術。脳神経外科 36: 861-872, 2008
(8) 森 健太郎:Supraorbital approach (eyebrow skin incision)。NS MOW No7 低侵襲時代の頭蓋底手術。過度な露出を避けるために。(2009) 大畑建治編集, MEDICAL VIEW, p49-58
(9) 森 健太郎:減圧開頭術。NS NOW No8 脳神経外科基本手術。レジデント時代のオペ:君はもう卒業したか?(2009) 新井 一編集、MEDICAL VIEW, p81-92
(10) 森 健太郎:大脳梗塞に対して減圧開頭術の適応とエビデンスは?(2010) 宮本 亨、中外医学社, p32-37
(11) 森 健太郎:グリオーマの新規治療。Clinical Neuroscience 29(11):1308-1311, 2011
(12) Kentaro Mori: Extradural temporopolar approach: Operative technique and application to aneurysm clipping surgery. In Kalangu KKN, Kato Y, Dechambenoit G (eds): Essential Practice of Neurosurgery (2nd edition). Nagoya, Access Publishing Co., Ltd. 2013, p1614-1623
(13) 森 健太郎: 軍陣医学と日本の脳神経外科。脳神経外科(扉)41(9): 753-754, 2013
(14) 森 健太郎: 硬膜動静脈瘻。神経症候群(第2版)(Ⅰ)-その他の神経疾患を含めて-(2013)、日本臨床社 p259-263
(15) 和田孝次郎、森健太郎: 頸動脈内膜剥離術。「脳神経外科手術と看護ポイント」(2013)、小笠原邦昭等編集、メディカ出版 p23~29
(16) 森 健太郎: 中大脳動脈瘤のkeyhole clipping術。「中大脳動脈瘤のすべて」、(2014)井川房夫、宮地茂編、メディカ出版 p55~62
(17) 森 健太郎:脳神経外科に王道なし。私の手術論「脳神経外科速報」2014年vol24 (7)、小笠原邦昭編集、メディカ出版 p716~726
(18) 森 健太郎: Orbitozygomatic approachとExtradural temporopolar approach。特集「アプローチの基本と応用」脳神経外科ジャーナル、23(10):785-793, 2014
(19) Kentaro Mori: Dolenc’s Skull Base Approach, Cadavaric Study. In Iype Cherian and Karuna Tamrakar Karki (eds): ACNS Surgical Manual, 2014,p143-152
(20) 森 健太郎:慢性硬膜下血腫よもやま話、教授と研修医の対話「脳神経外科速報」2014年vol24 (11)、メディカ出版 p1212~1220
(21) Mori K, Fujii K, Tomura S, Ueno H, Wada K, Otani N, Osada H, Tomiyama A: Canine double hemorrhage model of experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurovascular Events After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Fandino J et al.(eds.) Acta Neurochir Suppl 120, 2015 pp347-351
【受賞】2007年 日本脳神経外科救急学会 学術奨励賞
【受賞】2015年 熊谷警察署長 感謝状
【総説】(1) Sokoloff L, Dienel GA, Cruz NF, and Mori K: Autoradiographic methods in pathology and pathophysiology. Pharamacology of Cerebral Ischemia 3-21, 1990
【総説】(2) 前田 稔, 森 健太郎: 脳血管攣縮に対するhypervolemic hemodilution therapy, Hypervolemic hemodilution therapy for clinical vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 日本臨床 CT, MRI時代の脳卒中学 51:412-419, 1993
【総説】(3) 森 健太郎: 脳低温療法の現況 -2001年Clifton shockのそれから-。 脳と神経 57(1): 14-24, 2005
【総説】(4) 山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、長田 秀夫、森 健太郎、前田 稔:脳内血腫に対する内視鏡下血腫除去術 -合併症とその回避法-、脳神経ジャーナル16(7):533-540, 2007
【総説】(5) 森 健太郎:Keyhole clipping術 (Supraorbital keyholeとPterional keyhole). 脳神経外科ジャーナル 16(12): 944-953, 2007
【総説】(6) Otani N, Wada K, Mori K: Decompressive craniotomy for poor-graded aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Austin J Neurosurg 1(2):5, 2014
【総説】(7) Mori K: Keyhole concept in cerebral aneurysm clipping and tumor removal by supraciliary lateral supraorbital approach. Asian J Neurosurg 9(1):14-20, 2014
【総説】(8) Mori K: Double cisterna magna blood injection model of experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in dogs. Transl Stroke Res 5(6): 647-652, 2014
【総説】(9) 森 健太郎:混迷する脳血管攣縮の研究と治療。脳卒中の外科