米国国立研究機関 博士研究員

日本病理学会 病理専門医

峰 宗太郎 みね そうたろう 先生


日本病理学会 病理専門医。病理医としての専門は血液腫瘍と感染症。



  • 病理診断科
  • リンパ腫、CAEBV、その他ウイルス感染症



日本病理学会 病理専門医
  • 米国国立研究機関 博士研究員




2005年 京都大学薬学部総合薬学科 卒業
2010年 名古屋大学医学部医学科 卒業
2010年 国立国際医療研究センター病院 初期研修・後期研修(〜2012)
2017年 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 博士(医学) 病因・病理学専攻修了
2018年 米国国立研究機関 博士研究員


  • 1. Late-stage myeloma invades kidney without significant effect on renal function: findings from 53 autopsies in a single institute. International Journal of Hematology (2019) 109(2) 147-153

    Takano J, Mine S, Mochizuki M, Tanaka N, Hagiwara S.

  • 2. Interleukin 6-dependent growth in a newly established plasmablastic lymphoma cell line and its therapeutic targets. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 31;7(1):10188.

    Mine S, Hishima, T, Suganuma A, Fukumoto H, Sato Y, Kataoka M, Sekizu T, Kuroda M, Suzuki T, Hasegawa H, Fukayama M, KatanoH.

  • 3. Establishing and characterizing a new primary effusion lymphoma cell line harboring Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. Infect Agent Cancer. 2016 Aug 17; 11:3.

    Mine S, Osawa M, Ohta S et al.

  • 4. Evidence for human herpesvirus-6B infection of regulatory T-cells in acute systemic lymphadenitis in an immunocompetent adult with the drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome: a case report. J Clin Virol. 2014; 61: 448-52.

    Mine S, Suzuki K, Sato Y, Fukumoto H, Kataoka M, Inoue N, Ohbayashi C, Hasegawa H, Sata T, Fukayama M, Katano H.

  • 5. Pathological autopsy of a patient that underwent a successful ablation of an electrical storm from the left ventricular summit. Heart Vessels. 2016; Epub ahead of print.

    Hori Y, Nakahara S, Mine S, Anjo N, Fujii A, Ueda Y, Taguchi I.

  • 6. Fumagillin, a potent angiogenesis inhibitor, induces Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus replication in primary effusion lymphoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015; 463:1267-72.

    Kanno T, Uehara T, Osawa M, Fukumoto H, Mine S, Ueda K, Hasegawa H, Katano H.

  • 7. Long-Term Trends in Esophageal Candidiasis Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors with or without HIV Infection: Lessons from an Endoscopic Study of 80,219 Patients. PLoS One. 2015; 10: e0133589.

    Takahashi Y, Nagata N, Shimbo T, Nishijima T, Watanabe K, Aoki T, Sekine K, Okubo H, Watanabe K, Sakurai T, Yokoi C, Kobayakawa M, Yazaki H, Teruya K, Gatanaga H, Kikuchi Y, Mine S, Igari T, Takahashi Y, Mimori A, Oka S, Akiyama J, Uemura N.

  • 8. IgG4-Related Disease Combined with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Steroid-Responsive Transient Hypercalcemia. Clin Med Insights Case Rep. 2015; 8:51-5.

    Hasegawa S, Mine S, Hagiwara S.

  • 9. A case of endobronchial NUT midline carcinoma with intraluminal growth. Anticancer Res. 2015; 35: 1607-12.

    Watanabe S, Hirano S, Mine S, Yoshida A, Motoi T, Ishii S, Naka G, Takeda Y, Igari T, Sugiyama H, Kobayashi N.

  • 10. Detection of trichodysplasia spinulosa-associated polyomavirus in a fatal case of myocarditis in a seven-month-old girl. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 2014; 7: 5308-12.

    Tsuzuki S, Fukumoto H, Mine S, Sato N, Mochizuki M, Hasegawa H, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Matsushita T, Katano H.

  • 11. The prevalence of opportunistic infections and malignancies in autopsied patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection in Japan. BMC Infect Dis. 2014; 14: 229.

    Katano H, Hishima T, Mochizuki M, Kodama Y, Oyaizu N, Ota Y, Mine S, Igari T, Ajisawa A, Teruya K, Tanuma J, Kikuchi Y, Uehira T, Shirasaka T, Koibuchi T, Iwamoto A, Oka S, Hasegawa H, Okada S, Yasuoka A.

  • 12. Classification of AIDS-related lymphoma cases between 1987 and 2012 in Japan based on the WHO classification of lymphomas, fourth edition. Cancer Med. 2014; 3:143-53

    Ota Y, Hishima T, Mochizuki M, Kodama Y, Moritani S, Oyaizu N, Mine S, Ajisawa A, Tanuma J, Uehira T, Hagiwara S, Yajima K, Koizumi Y, Shirasaka T, Kojima Y, Nagai H, Yokomaku Y, Shiozawa Y, Koibuchi T, Iwamoto A, Oka S, Hasegawa H, Okada S, Katano H.

  • 13. Endoscopic appearance of AIDS-related gastrointestinal lymphoma with c-MYC rearrangements: Case report and literature review. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2013; 19: 4827-31.

    Tanaka S, Nagata N, Mine S, Igari T, Kobayashi T, Sugihara J, Honda H, Teruya K, Kikuchi Y, Oka S, Uemura N.

  • 14. Effect of tamsulosin on bladder microcirculation in rat model of bladder outlet obstruction using pencil lens charge-coupled device microscopy system. Urology. 2013; 81: 155-9.

    Mine S, Yamamoto T, Mizuno H, Endo K, Matsukawa Y, Funahashi Y, Kato M, Hattori R, Gotoh M.


  • 1. 新型コロナとワクチン 知らないと不都合な真実/日本経済新聞出版/2020年

  • 2. 不明熱・不明炎症レジデントマニュアル/医学書院/2020年

  • 3. EBウイルス/診断と治療社/2015年


  • 1. 2017年 日本病理学会 病理学研究新人賞


  • 【テレビ出演】おはよう日本、日本テレビスッキリ、NEWS23など


