1. Lower effectiveness of intravenous steroid treatment for moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis in hospitalised patients with older onset: A multicentre cohort study.Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2022 Mar 11. doi: 10.1111/apt.16865. Online ahead of print.
Okabayashi S,Yamazaki H,Tominaga K,Miura M, Sagami S,Matsuoka K, Yamaguchi Y, Noake T, Ozeki K,Miyazaki R,Kamano T, Fukuda T,Yoshioka K, Ando K, Fukuzawa M,Andoh A,Yamamoto Y,Hibi T,Kobayashi T, IBD Terakoya Group.
2. Early improvement in bowel wall thickness on transperineal ultrasonography predicts treatment success in active ulcerative colitis.Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2022 Feb 25 doi:10.1111/apt.16817. Online ahead of print.
Sagami S, Kobayashi T, Aihara K, Umeda M, Odajima K, Morikubo H, Asonuma K, Miyatani Y,Fukuda T,Matsubayashi M, Kiyohara H, Nakano M, Hibi T.
3. Efficacy of biologic drugs in short-duration versus long-duration inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review and an individual-patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Gastroenterology 2022 Feb;162(2):482-494.
Ben-Horin S, Novack L, Mao R, Guo J, Zhao Y, Sergienko R, Zhang J, Kobayashi T, Hibi T, Chowers Y, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Colombel JF, Kaplan GG, Chen M.
4. Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Vedolizumab in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn's Disease: Results From the VISIBLE 2 Randomised Trial.Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.2022 Jan 28;16(1):27-38.
Vermeire S, D’Haens G, Baert F, Danese S, Kobayashi T, Loftus Jr E V, Bhatia S,Agboton C, Rosario M, Chen C, Zhang W, Kisfalvi K, Sandborn W J.
5. Therapeutic drug monitoring of biologics in inflammatory bowel disease: unmet needs and future perspectives. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022 Feb;7(2):171-185.
Papamichael K, Afif W, Drobne D, Dubinsky M, Ferrante M, Irving PM, Kamperidis N, Kobayashi T, Kotze P, Lambert J, Noor N, Roblin X, Roda G, Vande Casteele N, Yarur AJ, Arebi N, Danese S, Paul S, Sandborn WJ, Vermeire S, Cheifetz AS, Peyrin-Biroulet Lon behalf of spECTRUM.
6. Residual Short-Segment Distal Inflammation Has No Significant Impact on the Major Relapse of Extensive Ulcerative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2022 Feb 1;28(2):200-207.
Asonuma K, Kobayashi T, Nakano M, Sagami S, Kiyohara H, Matsubayashi M, Morikubo H, Miyatani Y, Okabayashi S, Yamazaki H, Kuroki Y, Hibi T.
7. International Consensus on the Prevention of Venous and Arterial Thrombotic Events in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology.2021 Dec;18(12):857-873.
Olivera P, Zuily S, Kotze P, Regnault V,Al Awadhi S,Bossuyt P, Gearry R, Ghosh S, Kobayashi T, Lacolley P, Louis E, Magro F, Ng S, Papa A, Raine T, Teixeira F, Rubin D, Danese S, and Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet.
8. Discontinuation of infliximab in patients with ulcerative colitis in remission (HAYABUSA): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2021 Jun;6(6):429-437.
Kobayashi T, Motoya S, Nakamura S, Yamamoto T, Nagahori M, Tanaka S, Hisamatsu T, Hirai F, Nakase H, Watanabe K,Matsumoto T, Tanaka M, Abe T, Suzuki Y, Watanabe M, Hibi T, on behalf of the HAYABUSA Study Group.
9. Accuracy of Ultrasound for Evaluation of Colorectal Segments in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 May;19(5):908-921.
Sagami S, Kobayashi T [corresponding author], Miyatani Y, Okabayashi S, Yamazaki H, Kinoshita K, Alocca M, Kunisaki R, Ramaswamy PK, Shiraki M, Toshifumi H, Kataoka Y.
10. Ulcerative colitis. Nature Rev Dis Primers. 2020 Sep 10;6(1):74.
Kobayashi T [corresponding author shared], Siegmund B, Le Berre C, Wei SC, Ferrante M, Shen B, Bernstein CN, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L, and Hibi T.
11. Transperineal ultrasound predicts endoscopic and histological healing in ulcerative colitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2020 51:1373-1383.
Sagami S, Kobayashi T [corresponding author], Aihara K, Umeda M, Morikubo H, Matsubayashi M, Kiyohara H, NakanoM, Ohbu M, Hibi T.
12. Practical guidelines on endoscopic treatment for Crohn’s disease strictures: a consensus statement from the Global Interventional Inflammatory Bowel Disease Group. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020 Apr;5(4):393-405.
Shen B, Kochhar G, Navaneethan U, Farraye FA, Schwartz DA, Iacucci M, Bernstein CN, Dryden G, Cross R, Bruining DH, Kobayashi T, Lukas M, Shergill A, Bortlik M, Lan N, Lukas M, Tang SJ, Kotze PG, Kiran RP, Dulai PS, El-Hachem S, Coelho-Prabhu N, Thakkar S, Mao R, Chen G, Zhang S, Su_rez BG, Lama YG, Silverberg MS, Sandborn WJ.
13. Efficacy and Safety of Vedolizumab Subcutaneous Formulation in a Randomized Trial of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterol .2020 Feb;158(3):562-572.
Sandborn WJ, Baert F, Danese S, Krznari_ Z, Kobayashi T, Yao X, Chen J, Rosario M, Bhatia S, Kisfalvi K, D’Haens G, Vermeire S.
14. Histological Risk Factors to Predict Clinical Relapse in Ulcerative Colitis with Endoscopically Normal Mucosa. J Crohns Colitis. 2018 Nov 15;12(11):1288-1294.
Ozaki R, Kobayashi T[corresponding author], Okabayashi S, Nakano M, Morinaga S, Hara A, Ohbu M, Matsuoka K, Toyonaga T, Saito E, Hisamatsu T, Hibi T.
15. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for inflammatory bowel disease. J Gastroenterol 2018 Mar;53(3):305-353.
Matsuoka K, Kobayashi T* [first authorship shared], Ueno F, Matsui T, Hirai F, Inoue N, Kato J, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi K, Koganei K, Kunisaki R, Motoya S, Nagahori M, Nakase H, Omata F, Saruta M, Watanabe T, Tanaka T, Kanai T, Noguchi Y, Takahashi K, Watanabe K, Hibi T, Suzuki Y, Watanabe M, Sugano K, Shimosegawa T.
16. Real-world Experience of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy for Internal Fistulas in Crohn’s Disease: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2017 23(12):2245-2251.
Kobayashi T [corresponding author], Hishida A, Tanaka H, Nuki Y, Bamba S, Yamada A, Fujii T, Shinzaki S, Yokoyama Y, Yoshida A, Ozeki K, Ashizuka S, Kamata N, Nanjo S, Kakimoto K, Nakamura M, Matsui A, Yamauchi R, Takahashi S, Tomizawa T, Yoshino T, Hibi T.
17. First trough level of infliximab at week 2 predicts future outcomes of induction therapy in ulcerative colitis—results from a multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial and its post-hoc analysis. J Gastroenterol. 2016 Mar;51(3):241-51.
Kobayashi T, Suzuki Y, Motoya S, Hirai F, Ogata H, Ito H, Sato N, Osaki K, Watanabe M, Hibi T.
18. Ulcerative colitis: Which makes patients happier, surgery or anti-TNF? Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 May;11(5):272-3.
Kobayashi T and Hibi T.
19. NFIL3-Deficient Mice Develop Microbiota-Dependent, IL-12/23-Driven Spontaneous Colitis. J Immunol. 2014 Feb 15;192(4):1918-27.
Kobayashi T, Steinbach EC, Russo SM, Matsuoka K, Nochi T, Maharshak N, Borst LB, Hostager B, Garcia-Martinez JV, Rothman PB, Kashiwada M, Sheikh SZ, Murray PJ, Plevy SE.
20. IL-10 regulates Il12b expression via histone deacetylation: Implications for intestinal macrophage homeostasis. J Immunol.2012; 189(4):1792-9.
Kobayashi T, Matsuoka K, Sheikh SZ, Russo SM, Mishima Y, deZoeten EF, Karp CL, Ting JP, Sartor RB, Plevy SE.
21. NFIL3 is a regulator of IL-12 p40 in macrophages and mucosal immunity. J Immunol .2011 Apr 15; 186(8):4649-55.
Kobayashi T, Matsuoka K, Sheikh SZ, Elloumi HZ, Kamada N, Hisamatsu T, Hansen JJ, Doty KR, Pope SD, Smale ST, Hibi T, Rothman PB, Kashiwada M, Plevy SE.
22. IL-23 differentially regulates the Th1/Th17 balance in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Gut. 2008;57(12):1682-89.
Kobayashi T, Okamoto S, Hisamatsu T, Kamada N, Chinen H, Saito R, Kitazume MT, Nakazawa A, Sugita A, Koganei K, Isobe K, Hibi T.
23. 特集/炎症性腸疾患(IBD)の内科的治療、最近の話題から「今後登場が予想される有効な新規薬剤の可能性」消化器の臨床 vol.19 No.6 459-462,2016.
24. Ⅱ:炎症性腸疾患と腸内細菌(3)食事の欧米化と腸内細菌の変化 INTESTINE Vol.21 No.4 2017.7 p310-314
25. 特集/IBD治療薬のポジショニングを考える〜現在と将来展望〜現在治験中の新薬とそのポジショニング IBD Research Vol.11 No.4(33-36)2017.12
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27. V. 炎症性腸疾患の検査・診断2.炎症性腸疾患の診断における血液検査及び細菌学的検査 日本臨牀 76(増刊号3): 173-177, 2018.
28. VI. 炎症性腸疾患の内科的治療3.炎症性腸疾患治療薬の使い方と特性(8)抗IL-12 p40抗体:ウステキヌマブ日本臨牀 76(増刊号3): 345-349, 2018.
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31. 特集 疾患診療のupdate V. 炎症性腸疾患の内科治療 9) 抗IL-12p40抗体:ウステキヌマブ 臨床消化器内科 34(7) 842 - 846 2019年5月
32. 特集 クローン病小腸狭窄病変に対する内視鏡的バルーン拡張術─基本からピットフォールまで Ⅳ. 海外の文献を読み解く─ クローン病狭窄病変に対する切開法は有効か? INTESTINE Vol.24(3)256-258,2020.
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34. 大腸疾患アトラスupdate 自己免疫疾患・膠原病・血管炎など Crohn病 消化器内視鏡32巻増刊号 182-183,2020.
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