菊名記念病院 循環器センター センター長
日本循環器学会 循環器専門医 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 名誉専門医 日本内科学会 会員 日本心臓病学会 FJCC 日本心血管画像動態学会 評議員 日本心臓血管内視鏡学会 評議員
日本循環器学会 | 循環器専門医 |
日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 | 名誉専門医 |
日本内科学会 | 会員 |
日本心臓病学会 | FJCC |
日本心血管画像動態学会 | 評議員 |
日本心臓血管内視鏡学会 | 評議員 |
日本大学医学部附属板橋病院 第2内科(CCU担当)
University of California, Irvine, Division of Cardiology
日本大学医学部附属板橋病院 救命救急センター
東京大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科
東京大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科
日本大学医学部内科学講座 循環器内科部門
湘南鎌倉総合病院 循環器科
菊名記念病院 循環器センター
菊名記念病院 循環器センター
1. Intravascular ultrasound imaging. Trends Cardiovascr Med 1991; 1: 305-311
Honye J, Mahon DJ, Tobis JM.
2. Laser-assisted versus mechanical recanalization of femoral arterial occlusions. Am J Cardiol 1991; 68: 1079-1086
Tobis JM, Conroy R, Deutsch L-S, Gordon I, Honye J, Andrews J, Profeta G, Chatzkel S, Berns M.
3. Morphological effects of coronary balloon angioplasty in vivo assessed by intravascular ultrasound imaging. Circulation 1992; 85: 1012-1025
Honye J, Mahon DJ, Jain A, White CJ, Ramee SR, Wallis JB, Al-Zarka A, Tobis JM.
4. Clinical application of intravascular ultrasound imaging. Jpn Circ J 1994; 58 (Suppl 4): 1172-1176
Honye J, Saito S, Moriuchi M, Takayama T, Fukui T, Horiuchi K, Ozawa Y, Kanmatsuse K.
5. Intravascular ultrasound imaging after excimer laser angioplasty. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1994; 32: 213-222
Honye J, Mahon MJ, Nakamura S, Wallis J, Al-Zarka A, Saito S, Berns M, Tobis JM.
6. Clinical Utility of Negative Contrast Intravascular Ultrasound to Evaluate Plaque Morphology before and after Coronary Interventions. Am J Cardiol 1999; 83: 687-690
Honye J, Saito S, Takayama T, Yajima J, Shimizu T, Chiku M, Mizumura T, Takaiwa Y, Horiuchi K, Moriuchi M, Komaki K, Ozawa Y, Kanmatsuse K, Tobis JM.
7. Intracoronary electrocardiogram for early detection of myocardial viability during coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiology 2001; 79: 293-299
Yajima J, Saito S, Honye J, Takayama T, Ozawa Y, Kanmatsuse K.
8. Viriability in quantitative measurement of the same segment with two different intravascular ultrasound systems: in vivo and in vitro studies. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2004; 62: 175-180
Li Y, Honye J, Saito S, Takayama T, Yokoyama S, Saruya T, Kotani M, Harasawa K, Ando H, Endo M, Kanmatsuse K.
9. Intravascular ultrasound evaluation of ruptured plaque in the left main coronary artery misinterpreted as an aneurysm by angiography. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2004; 63: 314-316
Li Y, Honye J, Takayama T, Saito S.
10. A potential complication of directional coronary atherectomy for in-stent restenosis. Texas Heart J 2005; 32: 108-109
Li Y, Honye J, Takayama T, Yokoyama S, Saito S.
11. Compositional analysis of angioscopic yellow plaques with intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency data. Int J Cardiol 2008; 125: 74-78
Kawano T, Honye J, Takayama T, Yokoyama S, Chiku M, Ando H, Endo M, Ichikawa M, Ishii N, Watanabe Y, Watanabe I, Saito S.
12. New modality for evaluating plaque characteristics of the culprit lesion in a patient with acute coronary syndrome and no reflow phenomenon. Intl Heart J 2010; 51: 207-210
Lin CP, Honye J, Saito S.
13. SCAI consensus document on occupational radiation exposure to the pregnant cardiologist and technical personnel. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2011; 77: 232-241
Best PJ, Skelding KA, Mehran R, Chieffo A, Kunadian V, Madan M, Mikhail GW, Mauri F, Takahashi S, Honye J, Her?ndez-Antolin R, Weiner BH; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions’ Women inInnovations (WIN) Group.
14. Plaque-stabilizing effect of atorvastatin is stronger for plaques evaluated as more unstable by angioscopy and intravenous ultrasound. Circ J 2011; 75: 1448-1445
Hirayama A, Saito S, Ueda Y, Takayama T, Honye J, Komatsu S, Yamaguchi O, Li Y, Yajima J, Nanto S, Takazawa K, Komada K.
15. Prediction of progression of coronary artery disease andclinical outcomes using vascular profiling of endothelial shear stress and arterial plaque characteristics: the PREDICTION Study. Circulation 2012; 126: 172-181
Stone PH, Saito S, Takahashi S, Makita Y, Nakamura S, Kawasaki T, Takahashi A, Katsuki T, Nakamura S, Namiki A, Hirohata A, Matsumura T, Yamazaki S, Yokoi H, Tanaka S, Otsuji S, Yoshimachi F, Honye J, Harwood D, Reitman M, Coskun AU, Papafaklis MI, Feldman CL: PREDICTION Invetigators.
16. Intravascular ultrasound imaging following coronary angioplasty. In: Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging (ed by Tobis JM and Yock PG, Churchill Livingstone Inc., 1992, pp199-218)
Tobis JM, Honye J, Mahon DJ.
17. Intravascular ultrasound imaging. In: Cardiovascular disease, state of art (ed by Yazaki Y, et al., Ishiyaku Shuppan, 1996, pp231-234)
Honye J, Saito S.
18. Kawasaki disease, aortitis syndrome and ischemic heart disease. In: Current Internal Medicine 5 (ed by Taniguchi K, Kanehara Shuppan, 1996, pp305-313)
Takayama T, Honye J, Saito S.
19. Intracoronary ultrasound: criticism against lumenology. In: Visual Pathophysiology of coronary artery disease: a new insight (ed by Hiramori K, Medical View, 1996, pp139-145
Honye J, Saito S.
20. What can you measure by intravascular ultrasound imaging. In: Cardiovascular Imaging (ed by Yamaguchi T, Igakushoin, 1996, pp53-58)
Honye J, Moriuchi M, Saito S.
21. Intravascular Ultrasound: An Interactive Learning Tool With CME Credit (Ed: Hodgson JM, DiMario C, Fitzgerald P, Koschyk DH, Mintz G, Nissen S, Yock P), Technology Solutions Group, Ltd. Cleveland, 1998
Honye J.
1. IVUSマニュアル 中山書店 2006年
2. PCIで使い倒す IVUS徹底活用術 メジカルビュー社 2015年
3. 血管内イメージングパーフェクトガイド 日本医事新報社 2018年
1. 1999年 鈴木謙三記念医科学応用研究財団 助成金
2. 2000年 日本大学医学部小澤研究費
3. 2004年 日本大学医学会 同窓会学術奨励賞