1. 高齢発症関節リウマチ(EORA)ならびに若年発症関節リウマチ(YORA)における低疾患活動性獲得の際の薬剤使用量の比較
熊谷 康佑, 奥村 法昭, 天野 泰孝他 日本整形外科学会雑誌 96(3) S1163-S1163 2022年3月
2. Cytokine Profile From the Ligamentum Flavum in Patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament in the Cervical Spine.
Takafumi Yayama, Kanji Mori, Hideki Saito, Hitomi Fujikawa, Masahiro Kitagawa, Noriaki Okumura, Kazuya Nishizawa, Akira Nakamura, Kosuke Kumagai, Tomohiro Mimura, Shinji Imai Spine 47(3) 277-285 2022年2月1日
3. Surgical Treatment of Wrist Joint Dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Report of Two Cases.
Kosuke Kumagai, Yoshinori Takemura, Noriaki Okumura, Yasutaka Amano, Takafumi Yayama, Tomohiro Mimura, Kanji Mori, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Shinji Imai Modern rheumatology case reports 6(2) 163-166 2021年11月18日
4. 膝関節滑膜線維芽細胞を用いた変形性関節症および関節リウマチにおける疾患別サイトカイン発現解析
熊谷 康佑, 豊田 太, 奥村 法昭他 日本整形外科学会雑誌 95(8) S1647-S1647 2021年8月
5. Consideration of differences in drug usage between young-onset and elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis with target of low disease activity.
Kosuke Kumagai, Noriaki Okumura, Yasutaka Amano, Takafumi Yayama, Tomohiro Mimura, Tsutomu Maeda, Mitsuhiko Kubo, Kanji Mori, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Shinji Imai Modern rheumatology 31(6) 1-10 2021年2月22日
6. β-Angles of hips with femoroacetabular impingement versus asymptomatic normal hips in a Japanese population: A CT-based observational clinical study.
Mimura T, Mori K, Okumura N, Kumagai K, Maeda T, Kagei Y, Yayama T, Imai S Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 25(2) 261-266 2020年3月
7. Effects of malalignment and disease activity on osteophyte formation in knees of rheumatoid arthritis patients
Noriaki Okumura, Taku Kawasaki, Mitsuhiko Kubo, Takafumi Yayama, Tomohiro Mimura, Kosuke Kumagai, Tsutomu Maeda, Shinji Imai. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 28(1) 2020年1月
8. Is the ischiofemoral space value of Japanese hip joints equal to that of Western populations?
Tomohiro Mimura, Kanji Mori, Noriaki Okumura, Kosuke Kumagai, Tsutomu Maeda, Takafumi Yayama, Shinji Imai. Journal of hip preservation surgery 6(4) 390-397 2019年12月
9. FAIをpincerやcamで考えない仰臥位β-angleという新たなパラメーターの有用性
三村 朋大, 奥村 法昭, 熊谷 康佑他 日本整形外科学会雑誌 93(3) S667-S667 2019年3月
10. Ischiofemoral impingement between the ischium and the posterior facet of the greater trochanter: A case report.
Tomohiro Mimura, Kohei Shibata, Sho Tamura, Noriaki Okumura, Kosuke Kumagai, Tsutomu Maeda, Kanji Mori, Shinji Imai Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 26(3) 500-504 2018年10月20日
11. リウマトイド因子の変化率と疾患活動性との関係
奥村 法昭, 川崎 拓, 菊地 克久他 日本関節病学会誌 37(3) 304-304 2018年10月
12. P2X7 ionotropic receptor is functionally expressed in rabbit articular chondrocytes and mediates extracellular ATP cytotoxicity.
Hitoshi Tanigawa, Futoshi Toyoda, Kosuke Kumagai, Noriaki Okumura, Tsutomu Maeda, Hiroshi Matsuura, Shinji Imai. Purinergic signalling 14(3) 245-258 2018年9月
13. RA膝関節での骨棘サイズに影響する因子の検討
奥村 法昭, 川崎 拓, 久保 充彦他 日本関節病学会誌 37(2) 87-92 2018年7月
14. Wnt signaling pathway correlates with ossification of the spinal ligament: A microRNA array and immunohistochemical study.
Takafumi Yayama, Kanji Mori, Noriaki Okumura, Kazuya Nishizawa, Kosuke Kumagai, Akira Nakamura, Shinji Imai Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 23(1) 26-31 2018年1月
15. Total knee arthroplasty for treatment of osteoarthritis with prolonged patellar dislocation.
Kosuke Kumagai, Mitsuhiko Kubo, Tsutomu Maeda, Susumu Araki, Suguru Shioji, Noriaki Okumura, Hitomi Fujikawa, Taku Kawasaki, Shinji Imai, Yoshitaka Matsusue Arthroplasty today 3(1) 25-28 2017年3月
16. Activation of a chondrocyte volume-sensitive Cl(-) conductance prior to macroscopic cartilage lesion formation in the rabbit knee anterior cruciate ligament transection osteoarthritis model.
Kumagai K, Toyoda F, Staunton CA, Maeda T, Okumura N, Matsuura H, Matsusue Y, Imai S, Barrett-Jolley R. Osteoarthritis and cartilage 24(10) 1786-1794 2016年10月
17. Evaluation of the quality of CT images acquired with the single energy metal artifact reduction (SEMAR) algorithm in patients with hip and dental prostheses and aneurysm embolization coils (vol 33, pg 710, 2015)
Akinaga Sonoda, Norihisa Nitta, Noritoshi Ushio, Yukihiro Nagatani, Noriaki Okumura, Hideji Otani, Kiyoshi Murata JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 33(11) 717-717 2015年11月
18. The COX-2 selective blocker etodolac inhibits TNFα-induced apoptosis in isolated rabbit articular chondrocytes.
Kumagai K, Kubo M, Imai S, Toyoda F, Maeda T, Okumura N, Matsuura H, Matsusue Y. International journal of molecular sciences 14(10) 19705-15 2013年9月30日
19. 17β-Oestradiol inhibits doxorubicin-induced apoptosis via block of the volume-sensitive Cl(-) current in rabbit articular chondrocytes.
Kumagai K, Imai S, Toyoda F, Okumura N, Isoya E, Matsuura H, Matsusue Y British journal of pharmacology 166(2) 702-20 2012年5月