富山大学 学術研究部医学系 消化器・腫瘍・総合外科 教授

日本外科学会 外科専門医・指導医・代議員 日本消化器外科学会 理事・評議員・消化器外科指導医・消化器外科専門医・消化器がん外科治療認定医・広報委員会 委員長 日本肝胆膵外科学会 理事・評議員・肝胆膵外科高度技能専門医・高度技能専門医書類審査委員会 委員長・技術認定委員会 副委員長(膵臓) 日本消化器病学会 学会評議員・消化器病専門医・指導医・北陸支部 評議員・北陸支部 幹事 日本膵臓学会 監事・認定指導医・評議員・膵癌取扱い規約検討委員会 委員長・膵癌診療ガイドライン改訂委員会・膵疾患臨床研究推進委員・膵疾患臨床研究推進委員会 副委員長・財務委員 十二指腸癌診療ガイドライン作成委員会 会員 日本腹膜播種研究会 腹膜播種診療ガイドライン策定委員会 委員 日本胆道学会 認定指導医 日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医・指導医 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医 日本癌治療学会 代議員 日本臨床外科学会 評議員・富山県支部 支部長 International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists Member 日本内視鏡外科学会 会員 日本外科系連合学会 会員 日本胃癌学会 会員 American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) 会員 American College of Surgeons Fellow American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 会員 European Society for Medical Oncology(ESMO) 会員 International Association of Pancreatology(IAP) 会員 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association(IHPBA) 会員 Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association(A-PHPBA) 会員

藤井 努 ふじい つとむ 先生




  • 消化器外科
  • 肝胆膵外科 



日本外科学会 外科専門医・指導医・代議員
日本消化器外科学会 理事・評議員・消化器外科指導医・消化器外科専門医・消化器がん外科治療認定医・広報委員会 委員長
日本肝胆膵外科学会 理事・評議員・肝胆膵外科高度技能専門医・高度技能専門医書類審査委員会 委員長・技術認定委員会 副委員長(膵臓)
日本消化器病学会 学会評議員・消化器病専門医・指導医・北陸支部 評議員・北陸支部 幹事
日本膵臓学会 監事・認定指導医・評議員・膵癌取扱い規約検討委員会 委員長・膵癌診療ガイドライン改訂委員会・膵疾患臨床研究推進委員・膵疾患臨床研究推進委員会 副委員長・財務委員
十二指腸癌診療ガイドライン作成委員会 会員
日本腹膜播種研究会 腹膜播種診療ガイドライン策定委員会 委員
日本胆道学会 認定指導医
日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医・指導医
日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医
日本癌治療学会 代議員
日本臨床外科学会 評議員・富山県支部 支部長
International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists Member
日本内視鏡外科学会 会員
日本外科系連合学会 会員
日本胃癌学会 会員
American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) 会員
American College of Surgeons Fellow
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 会員
European Society for Medical Oncology(ESMO) 会員
International Association of Pancreatology(IAP) 会員
International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association(IHPBA) 会員
Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association(A-PHPBA) 会員
  • 富山大学 学術研究部医学系 消化器・腫瘍・総合外科 教授
  • 医学博士 取得



  • 内科 血液内科 リウマチ科 外科 精神科 神経内科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 消化器内科 免疫・膠原病内科
  • 富山県富山市杉谷2630
  • JR高山本線 富山 富山地鉄バス 富山大学附属病院行き バス30分
  • 076-434-2315




1993年 名古屋大学医学部卒業
1993年 小牧市民病院 勤務
2000年 名古屋大学第二外科勤務
2006年 名古屋大学大学院卒業 医学博士取得
2006年 マサチューセッツ総合病院(ハーバード大学)、Research Fellow
2008年 名古屋大学消化器外科学 病院助手
2009年 名古屋大学消化器外科学 助教
2013年 名古屋大学消化器外科学 講師
2015年 名古屋大学消化器外科学 准教授
2017年 富山大学消化器・腫瘍・総合外科(第二外科) 教授


  • Focal adhesion kinase is overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and can be served as an independent prognostic factor. Journal of Hepatology, 41: 104-111, 2004 (IF:11.336)

    Fujii T, Koshikawa K, Nomoto S, Okochi O, Kaneko T, Inoue S, Yatabe Y, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Decreased expression and frequent allelic inactivation of the RUNX3 gene at 1p36 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver International, 25: 380-388, 2005 (IF:4.85)

    Mori T, Nomoto S, Koshikawa K, Fujii T, Sakai M, Nishikawa Y, Inoue S, Takeda S, Kaneko T, Nakao A.

  • Overexpression of pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 in HCC is associated with angiogenesis and poor prognosis. Hepatology, 43: 1267-1275, 2006 (IF:11.055)

    Fujii T, Nomoto S, Koshikawa K, Yatabe Y, Okochi O, Teshigawara O, Mori T, Inoue S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Indications and techniques of extended resection for pancreatic cancer. World Journal of Surgery, 30: 976-982, 2006 (IF:2.642)

    Nakao A, Takeda S, Inoue S, Nomoto S, Kanazumi N, Sugimoto H, Fujii T.

  • Correlation between copy number of mitochondrial DNA and clinico-pathologic parameters of hepatocellular carcinoma. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 32: 303-307, 2006 (IF:3.009)

    Yamada S, Nomoto S, Fujii T, Kaneko T, Takeda S, Inoue S, Kanazumi N, Nakao A.

  • Analysis of clinicopathological features and predictors of malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. Hepato-gastroenterology, 54: 272-277, 2007 (IF:0.928)

    Fujii T, Ishikawa T, Kanazumi N, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Inoue S, Nagasaka T, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • A proposal of an appropriate surgical approach for cancer of the ampulla of Vater: Retrospective analysis of 73 resected cases. Hepato-gastroenterology, 54: 10-14, 2007 (IF:0.928)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Inoue S, Nomoto S, Kanazumi N, Nakao A.

  • Clinical implications of peritoneal cytology in potentially resectable pancreatic cancer -Positive peritoneal cytology may not confer an adverse prognosis. Annals of Surgery, 246: 254-258, 2007 (IF:8.327)

    Yamada S, Takeda S, Fujii T, Nomoto S, Kanazumi N, Sugimoto H, Kasuya H, Kodera Y, Nagasaka T, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Frequent promoter methylation of M-cadherin in hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with poor prognosis. Anticancer Research, 27: 2269-2274, 2007 (IF:1.826)

    Yamada S, Nomoto S, Fujii T, Takeda S, Kanazumi N, Sugimoto H, Nakao A.

  • Suitability of a US3-inactivated HSV mutant (L1BR1) as an oncolytic virus for pancreatic cancer therapy. Cancer Gene Therapy, 14: 533-542, 2007 (IF:2.416)

    Kasuya H, Nishiyama Y, Nomoto S, Goshima F, Takeda S, Watanabe I, Nomura N, Shikano T, Fujii T, Kanazumi N, Nakao A.

  • Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and integrin-linked kinase mediate sensitivity to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition in human hepatoma cells. Cancer Research, 68: 2391-2399, 2008 (IF:9.329)

    Fuchs BC, Fujii T (co-first author), Dorfman JD, Goodwin JM, Zhu AX, Lanuti M, Tanabe KK.

  • Invasion of the splenic artery is a crucial prognostic factor in carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas. Annals of Surgery, 251: 483-487, 2010 (IF:8.327)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Sahin TT, Kanzaki A, Nagai S, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Epidermal growth factor gene functional polymorphism and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis. JAMA, 299: 53-60, 2008 (IF:35.289)

    Tanabe KK, Lemoine A, Finkelstein DM, Kawasaki H, Fujii T, Chung RT, Lauwers GY, Kulu Y, Muzikansky A, Kuruppu D, Lanuti M, Goodwin JM, Azoulay D, Fuchs BC.

  • Nonfunctioning neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors: our experience and management. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, 16: 639-647, 2009 (IF:2.994)

    Nomura N, Fujii T, Kanazumi N, Takeda S, Nomoto S, Kasuya H, Sugimoto H, Yamada S, Nakao A.

  • Pancreatic cancer with distant metastases: A contraindication for radical surgery? Hepato-Gastroenterology, 56: 881-885, 2009 (IF:0.928)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kanazumi N, Kasuya H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1, EFEMP1, a novel tumor-suppressor gene detected in hepatocellular carcinoma using double combination array analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 17: 923-93, 2010 (IF:3.93)

    Nomoto S, Kanda M, Okamura Y, Nishikawa Y, Qiyong L, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Pancreatic cancer with paraaortic lymph node metastasis -A contraindication for radical surgery? Pancreas, 38: e13-e17, 2009 (IF:2.959)

    Yamada S, Nakao A, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kanazumi N, Nomoto S, Kodera Y, Takeda S.

  • Comparison of intravenous versus intraperitoneal administration of oncolytic herpes simplex virus 1 for peritoneal carcinomatosis in mice. Cancer Gene Therapy, 16: 291-297, 2009 (IF:2.416)

    Kulu Y, Dorfman JD, Kuruppu D, Fuchs BC, Goodwin JM, Fujii T, Kuroda T, Lanuti M, Tanabe KK.

  • Middle pancreatectomy: Safety and long-term results. Surgery, 147: 21-29, 2010 (IF:3.38)

    Shikano T, Nakao A, Kodera Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kanazumi N, Nomoto S, Takeda S.

  • Pancreatic head resection with segmental duodenectomy for pancreatic neoplasms. Journal of Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Science, 17: 788-791, 2010 (IF:2.994)

    Nakao A, Takeda S, Nomoto S, Kanazumi N. Kasuya H, Sugimoto H, Fujii T, Yamada S.

  • Prognostic impact of pancreatic margin status in the intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. Surgery, 148: 285-290, 2010 (IF:3.38)

    Fujii T, Kato K, Kodera Y, Kanda M, Nagai S, Yamada S, Kanzaki A, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakamura S, Nakao A.

  • Gray-scale ultrasonography shows serial changes of the congestive area after living donor liver transplantation using right lobe graft. Hepato-gastroenterology, 57: 903-907, 2010 (IF:0.928)

    Sugimoto H, Kamei H, Nakamura T, Fujii T, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kiuchi T, Nakao A.

  • Mouse model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis: Histopathological changes and expression of CD133 and epidermal growth factor. BMC Gastroenterology, 10: 79, 2010 (IF:2.365)

    Fujii T, Fuchs BC, Yamada S, Lauwers GY, Kulu Y, Goodwin JM, Lanuti M, Tanabe KK.

  • Comparison of pancreatic head resection with segmental duodenectomy and pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy for benign and low-grade malignant neoplasms of the pancreatic head. Pancreas, 40: 1258-1263, 2011 (IF:2.959)

    Fujii T, Kanda M, Kodera Y, Nagai S, Sahin TT, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Morita S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Prognostic implications of lymph node metastases in carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas. Pancreas, 40: 1029-1033, 2011 (IF:2.959)

    Sahin TT, Fujii T(co-first author), Kanda M, Nagai S, Kodera Y, Kanzaki A, Yamamura K, Sugimoto H, Kasuya H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Nutritional predictors of postoperative outcome in pancreatic cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 98: 268-274, 2011 (IF:5.542)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Nagai S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Pattern of lymph node metastasis spread in pancreatic cancer. Pancreas, 40: 951-955, 2011 (IF:2.959)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Nagai S, Kodera Y, Kanzaki A, Sahin TT, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Recurrence pattern and prognosis of pancreatic cancer after pancreatic fistula. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 18: 2329-2337, 2011 (IF:3.93)

    Nagai S, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Kanda M, Sahin TT, Kanzaki A, Hayashi M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Impact of operative blood loss on survival in invasive ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Pancreas, 40: 3-9, 2011 (IF:2.959)

    Nagai S, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Kanda M, Sahin TT, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Prognostic implications of intraoperative radiotherapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology, 11: 68-75, 2011 (IF:2.837)

    Nagai S, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Kanda M, Sahin TT, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Prognostic significance of postoperative complications after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 104: 814-821, 2011 (IF:3.244)

    Okamura Y, Takeda S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakao A.

  • Impact of the thoracoabdominal approach on peri- and postoperative outcomes of hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. World Journal of Surgery, 35: 1042-1049, 2011 (IF:2.642)

    Okamura Y, Takeda S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakao A.

  • Identification of the bleomycin hydrolase gene as a methylated tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma using a novel triple-combination array method. Cancer Letters, 312: 150-157, 2011 (IF:5.621)

    Okamura Y, Nomoto S, Hayashi M, Hishida M, Nishikawa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Reduced expression of Reelin (RELN) gene is associated with high recurrence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 18: 572-579, 2011 (IF:3.93)

    Okamura Y, Nomoto S, Kanda M, Hayashi M, Nishikawa Y, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Promoter hypermethylation of fibulin 1 gene is associated with tumor progression in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Carcinogenesis, 50: 571-579, 2011 (IF:4.808)  

    Kanda M, Nomoto S, Okamura Y, Hayashi M, Hishida M, Fujii T, Nishikawa Y, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • High therapeutic potential for systemic delivery of a liposome-conjugated herpes simplex virus. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 11: 111-122, 2011 (IF:3.522)

    Shikano T, Kasuya H, Sahin TT, Nomura N, Kanzaki A, Misawa M, Nishikawa Y, Shirota T, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kanazumi N, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • A phase I dose-escalation clinical trial of intraoperative direct intratumoral injection of HF10 oncolytic virus in non-resectable patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Cancer Gene Therapy, 18: 167-175, 2011 (IF:2.416)

    Nakao A, Kasuya H, Sahin TT, Nomura N, Kanzaki A, Misawa M, Shirota T, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Shikano T, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nishiyama Y.

  • Oncolytic herpes virus induces effective anti-cancer immunity against murine colon cancer. Hepato-gastroenterology, 58: 1482-1489, 2011 (IF:0.928)

    Shirota T, Kasuya H, Kodera Y, Nishikawa Y, Shikano T, Sahin TT, Tan G, Yamamura K, Fukuda S, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Preservation of the pyloric ring has little value in surgery for pancreatic head cancer: A comparative study comparing three surgical procedures. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 19: 176-183, 2012 (IF:3.93)

    Fujii T, Kanda M, Kodera Y, Nagai S, Sahin TT, Hayashi M, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A.

  • Classification of the celiac axis stenosis owing to median arcuate ligament compression, based on severity of the stenosis with subsequent proposals for management during pancreatoduodenectomy. Surgery, 151: 543-549, 2012 (IF:3.38)

    Sugae T, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Kanzaki A, Yamamura K, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Clinicopathologic assessment of pancreatic ductal carcinoma located at the head of the pancreas, in relation to embryonic development. Pancreas, 41: 582-588, 2012 (IF:2.959)

    Okamura Y, Fujii T, Kanzaki A, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Nakao A.

  • Risk factors for hepatic steatosis after pancreatectomy -A retrospective observational cohort study of the importance of nutritional management. Pancreas, 41: 1067-1072, 2012 (IF:2.959)

    Okamura Y, Sugimoto H, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Correlation between radiographic classification and pathological grade of portal vein wall invasion in pancreatic head cancer. Annals of Surgery, 255: 103-108, 2012 (IF:8.327)

    Nakao A, Kanzaki A, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakamura S, Morita S, Takeda S.

  • Clinicopathologic study intrapancreatic cancer spread in carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas. Pancreas, 41: 753-758, 2012 (IF:2.959)

    Yamamura K, Nakao A, Fujii T, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Kasuya H, Nomoto S, Kodera Y, Nakamura S, Morita S, Takeda S.

  • Identification of the A Kinase Anchor Protein 12 (AKAP12) gene as a candidate tumor suppressor of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 105: 381-386, 2012 (IF:3.244)

    Hayashi M, Nomoto S, Kanda M, Okamura Y, Nishikawa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Takeda S, Kodera Y.

  • The efficacy and safety of bevacizumab beyond first progression in patients treated with first-line mFOLFOX6 followed by second-line FOLFIRI in advanced colorectal cancer: a multicenter, single-arm, phase II trial (CCOG-0801). Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 70: 575-581, 2012 (IF:2.769)

    Nakayama G, Uehara K, Ishigure K, Yokoyama H, Ishiyama A, Eguchi T, Tsuboi K, Ohashi N, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Ando Y, Kodera Y.

  • Antethoracic pedicled jejunum reconstruction with the supercharge technique for esophageal cancer. World Journal of Surgery, 36: 2622-2629, 2012 (IF:2.642)

    Iwata N, Koike M, Kamei Y, Tanaka C, Ohashi N, Nakayama G, Nomoto S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Antitumor efficacy of oncolytic herpes simplex virus adsorbed onto antigen-specific lymphocytes. Cancer Gene Therapy, 19: 292-298, 2012 (IF:2.416)

    Kanzaki A, Kasuya H, Yamamura K, Sahin TT, Nomura N, Shikano T, Shirota T, Tan G, Fukuda S, Misawa M, Nishikawa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Impact of novel oncolytic virus HF10 on cellular components of the tumor microenviroment in patients with recurrent breast cancer. Cancer Gene Therapy, 19: 229-237, 2012 (IF:2.416)

    Sahin TT, Kasuya H, Nomura N, Shikano T, Tan G, Kanzaki A, Fujii T, Sugae T, Imai T, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Sugimoto H, Kikumori T, Kodera Y, Nishiyama Y, Nakao A.

  • Combination of the tumor angiogenesis inhibitor bevacizumab and intratumoral oncolytic herpes virus injections as a treatment strategy for human gastric cancers. Hepato-gastroenterology, 59: 1844-1850, 2012 (IF:0.928)  

    Deguchi T, Shikano T, Kasuya H, Nawa A, Fujiwara S, Takeda S, Tan G, Sahin TT, Yamada S, Kanzaki A, Yamamura K, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fukuda S, Nishikawa Y, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Value of peritoneal cytology in potentially resectable pancreatic cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 100: 1791-1796, 2013 (IF:5.542)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Aggressive surgery for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer evaluation of NationComprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. Pancreas, 42: 1004-1010, 2013 (IF:2.959)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition predicts prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Surgery, 154: 946-954, 2013 (IF:3.38)

    Yamada S, Fuchs BC, Fujii T, Shimoyama Y, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Tanabe KK, Kodera Y, Nakao A.

  • Detection of doublecortin domain-containing 2 (DCDC2), a new candidate tumor suppressor gene of hepatocellular carcinoma, by triple combination array analysis. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 32: 65-75, 2013 (IF:4.429)

    Inokawa Y, Nomoto S, Hishida M, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Takeda S, Sugimoto H, Fujii T, Yamada S, Kodera Y.

  • Dynamin 3: a new candidate tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma detected by triple combination array analysis. OncoTargets and Therapy, 2013: 1417-1424, 2013 (IF:2.311)

    Inokawa Y, Nomoto S, Hishida M, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Takeda S, Fujiwara M, Koike M, Sugimoto H, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Yamada S, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Kodera Y.

  • Evaluation of MAGE-D4 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma in Japanese patients. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 108: 557-562, 2013 (IF:3.244)

    Takami H, Kanda M, Oya H, Hibino S, Sugimoto H, Suenaga M, Yamada S, Nishikawa Y, Asai M, Fujii T, Nomoto S, Kodera Y.

  • Tumor budding as a useful prognostic marker in T1-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 108: 42-46, 2013 (IF:3.244)

    Teramoto H, Koike M, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Suzuki Y, Kodera Y.

  • Estrogen receptor 1 gene as a tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma detected by triple-combination array analysis. International Journal of Oncology, 43: 88-94, 2013 (IF:3.025)

    Hishida M, Nomoto S, Inokawa Y, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Okamura Y, Nishikawa Y, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Takeda S, Kodera Y.

  • A functional polymorphism in the epidermal growth factor gene predicts hepatocellular carcinoma risk in Japanese hepatitis C patients. OncoTargets and Therapy, 2013: 1805-1812, 2013 (IF:2.311)

    Suenaga M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Fuchs BC, Okumura N, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Takeda S, Hayashi K, Tanabe KK, Goto H, Kodera Y.

  • Modified Blumgart anastomosis for pancreaticojejunostomy: Technical improvement in matched historical control study. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 18: 1108-1115, 2014 (IF:2.798)

    Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Yamada S, Kanda M, Suenaga M, Takami H, Hattori M, Inokawa Y, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition attenuates liver fibrosis and development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology, 59: 1577-1590, 2014 (IF:11.055)

    Fuchs BC, Hoshida Y, Fujii T (co-first author), Wei L, Yamada S, Lauwers GY, McGinn CM, DePeralta DK, Chen X, Kuroda T, Lanuti M, Schmitt AD, Gupta S, Crenshaw A, Onofrio R, Taylor B, Winckler W, Bardeesy N, Caravan P, Golub TR, Tanabe KK.

  • Clinical implication of morphological subtypes in management of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21: 2444-2452, 2014 (IF:3.93)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Shimoyama Y, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Estimated pancreatic parenchymal remnant volume accurately predicts clinically relevant pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy. Surgery, 156: 601-610, 2014 (IF:3.38)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Suenaga M, Takami H, Hattori M, Inokawa Y, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Kodera Y.

  • Pancreatoduodenectomy with portal vein resection is feasible and potentially beneficial for elderly patients with pancreatic cancer. Pancreas, 43: 951-958, 2014 (IF:2.959)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Suenaga M, Takami H, Inokawa Y, Yamada S, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Novel diagnostics for aggravating pancreatic fistulas at the acute phase after pancreatectomy. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20: 8535-8544, 2014 (IF:2.369)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Takami H, Suenaga M, Inokawa Y, Yamada S, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • The combination of the serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen is a simple and accurate predictor of mortality in pancreatic cancer patients. Surgery Today, 44: 1692-1701, 2014 (IF:1.526)

    Kanda M, Fujii T, Takami H, Suenaga M, Inokawa Y, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Kodera Y.

  • Preservation of the pyloric ring confers little benefit in patients undergoing total pancreatectomy. World Journal of Surgery, 38: 1807-1813, 2014 (IF:2.642)

    Takami H, Fujii T, Kanda M, Suenaga M, Yamamura K, Kodera Y.

  • Pattern of first recurrent lesions in pancreatic cancer: hepatic relapse is associated with dismal prognosis and portal vein invasion. Hepato-gastroenterology, 61: 1756-1761, 2014 (IF:0.928)

    Suenaga M, Fujii T, Kanda M, Takami H, Okumura N, Inokawa Y, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Decreased expression of prenyl diphosphate synthase subunit 2 correlates with reduced survival of patients with gastric cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 33: 88, 2014 (IF:4.429)

    Kanda M, Nomoto S, Oya H, Hashimoto R, Takami H, Shimizu D, Sonohara F, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Murotani K, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 facilitates malignant behavior of gastric cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 33: 66, 2014 (IF:4.429)

    Kanda M, Nomoto S, Oya H, Shimizu D, Takami H, Hibino S, Hashimoto R, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Clinical significance of expression and epigenetic profiling of TUSC1 in gastric cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 110: 136-144, 2014 (IF:3.244)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Nomoto S, Hibino S, Oya H, Takami H, Kobayashi D, Yamada S, Inokawa Y, Tanaka C, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Downregulation of DENND2D by promoter hypermethylation is associated with early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.International Journal of Oncology, 44: 44-52, 2014 (IF:3.025)

    Kanda M, Nomoto S, Oya H, Takami H, Hibino S, Hishida M, Suenaga M, Yamada S, Inokawa Y, Nishikawa Y, Asai M, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • Clinical utility of PDSS2 expression to stratify patients at risk for recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 45: 2005-2012, 2014 (IF:3.025)  

    Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Oya H, Shimizu D, Takami H, Hashimoto R, Sonohara F, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Overexpression of L1CAM is associated with tumor progression and prognosis via ERK sgnaling in gastric cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21: 560-568, 2014 (IF:3.93)

    Ito T, Yamada S, Tanaka C, Ito S, Murai T, Kobayashi D, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Expression analysis of THOP1 in background liver, a prognostic predictive factor in hepatocellular carcinoma, extracted by multiarray analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21: 443-450, 2014 (IF:3.93)

    Nomoto S, Hishida M, Inokawa Y, Takano N, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Fujii T, Koike M, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • Epithelial to mesenchymal transition is associated with shorter disease-free survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21: 3882-3890, 2014 (IF:3.93)

    Yamada S, Okumura N, Wei L, Fuchs BC, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Tanabe KK, Kodera Y.

  • Combination treatment of human pancreatic cancer xenograft models with the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor Erlotinib and oncolytic herpes simplex virus HF10. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21: 691-698, 2014 (IF:3.93)

    Yamamura K, Kasuya H, Sahin TT, Tan G, Hotta Y, Tsurumaru N, Fukuda S, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Tanaka M, Kodera Y.

  • Comparison of inflammation-based prognostic scores as predictors of tumor recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences, 21: 682-688, 2014 (IF:2.994)

    Yamamura K, Sugimoto H, Kanda M, Yamada S, Nomoto S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Identification of the collagen type 1 alpha 1 gene (COL1A1) as a candidate survival-related factor associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC Cancer, 14: 108-117, 2014 (IF:3.362)

    Hayashi M, Nomoto S, Hishida M, Inokawa Y, Kanda M, Okamura Y, Nishikawa Y, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Takeda S, Kodera Y.

  • Epithelial to mesenchymal transition correlates with tumor budding and predicts prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 110: 764-769, 2014 (IF:3.244)

    Niwa Y, Yamada S, Koike M, Kanda M, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Epithelial to mesenchymal transition might be induced via CD44 isoform switching in colorectal cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 110: 745-751, 2014 (IF:3.244)

    Mashita N, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Tanaka C, Iwata N, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition predicts prognosis in clinical gastric cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 109: 684-689, 2014 (IF:3.244)

    Murai T, Yamada S, Fuchs BC, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Tanabe KK, Kodera Y.

  • Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hemophilia. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences, 21: 824-828, 2014 (IF:2.994)

    Inokawa Y, Sugimoto H, Kanda M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nomoto S, Takeda S, Suzuki N, Matsushita T, Kodera Y.

  • The impact of dose/time modification in irinotecan- and oxaliplatin-based chemotherapies on outcomes in metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 73: 847-855, 2014 (IF:2.769)

    Nakayama G, Tanaka C, Uehara K, Mashita N, Hayashi N, Kobayashi D, Kanda M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Ando Y, Kodera Y.

  • Reduced expression of DENND2D through promoter hypermethylation is an adverse prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Oncology Reports, 31: 693-700, 2014 (IF:2.301)

    Hibino S, Kanda M, Oya H, Takami H, Shimizu D, Nomoto S, Hishida M, Niwa Y, Koike M, Yamada S, Nishikawa Y, Asai M, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Identification of intragenic methylation in the TUSC1 gene as a novel prognostic marker of hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology Reports, 31: 1305-1313, 2014 (IF:2.301)

    Shimizu D, Kanda M, Nomoto S, Oya H, Takami H, Hibino S, Suenaga M, Inokawa Y, Hishida M, Takano N, Nishikawa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Effect of landiolol haydrochloride on tachyarrhythmi after esophagectomy. Hepato-gastroenterology, 61: 1546-1551, 2014 (IF:0.928)

    Niwa Y, Koike M, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • Oral food intake versus fasting on postoperative pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy: A multi-institutional randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore), 94: e2398, 2015 (IF:5.723)

    Fujii T, Yamada S, Murotani K, Okamura Y, Ishigure K, Kanda M, Takeda S, Morita S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Inverse probability of treatment weighting analysis of upfront surgery versus neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery for pancreatic adenocarcinoma with arterial abutment. Medicine (Baltimore), 94: e1647, 2015 (IF:5.723)

    Fujii T, Yamada S, Murotani K, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Vein resections >3 cm during pancreatectomy are associated with poor 1-year patency rates. Surgery, 157: 708-715, 2015 (IF:3.38)

    Fujii T, Nakao A, Yamada S, Suenaga M, Hattori M, Takami H, Inokawa Y, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Murotani K, Kodera Y.

  • Preoperative internal biliary drainage increases the risk of bile juice infection and pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy: A prospective observational study. Pancreas, 44: 465-470, 2015 (IF:2.959)

    Fujii T, Yamada S, Suenaga M, Kanda M, Takami H, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Excess weight adversely influences treatment length of postoperative pancreatic fistula: A retrospective study of 900 patients. Pancreas, 44: 971-976, 2015 (IF:2.959)

    Fujii T, Kanda M, Nagai S, Suenaga M, Takami H, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Excess weight adversely influences treatment length of postoperative pancreatic fistula: A retrospective study of 900 patients. Pancreas, 44: 971-976, 2015 (IF:2.959)

    Fujii T, Kanda M, Nagai S, Suenaga M, Takami H, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Modified Blumgart suturing technique for remnant closure after distal pancreatectomy: a propensity score-matched analysis. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 20: 374-384, 2015 (IF:2.798)

    Fujii T, Yamada S, Murotani K, Sugimoto H, Hattori M, Kanda M, Takami H, Nakayama G, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Significance of the splenic vein and its branches in pancreatoduodenectomy with resection of the portal vein system. Digestive Surgery, 32: 382-388, 2015 (IF:2.162)

    Hattori M, Fujii T(co-first author), Yamada S, Inokawa Y, Suenaga M, Takami H, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Murotani K, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • SMAD4 expression predicts local spread antreatment failure in resected pancreatic cancer. Pancreas, 44: 660-664, 2015 (IF:2.959)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Shimoyama Y, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Serosal invasion strongly associated with recurrence after curative hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective study of 214 consecutive cases. Medicine (Baltimore), 94: e602, 2015 (IF:5.723)

    Sonohara F, Nomoto S, Inokawa Y, Kanda M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • High expression of Janus kinase 2 in background normal liver tissue of resected hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with worse prognosis. Oncology Reports, 33: 767-773, 2015 (IF:2.301)

    Sonohara F, Nomoto S, Inokawa Y, Hishida M, Takano N, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Fujii T, Koike M, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • Postoperative infectious complications after pancreatic resection. British Journal of Surgery, 102: 1551-1560, 2015 (IF:5.542)

    Okano K, Hirao T, Unno M, Fujii T, Yoshitomi H, Suzuki S, Satoi S, Takahashi S, Kainuma O, Suzuki Y.

  • Combination therapy of oncolytic herpes simplex virus HF10 and bevacizumab against experimental model of human breast carcinoma xenograft. International Journal of Cancer, 136: 1718-1730, 2015 (IF:5.085)

    Tan G, Kasuya H, Sahin TT, Yamamura K, Wu Z, Koide Y, Hotta Y, Shikano T, Yamada S, Kanzaki A, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Nishikawa Y, Tanaka M, Tsurumaru N, Kuwahara T, Fukuda S, Ichinose T, Kikumori T, Takeda S, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 is a putative hepatocellular carcinoma tumor suppressor. Journal of Gastroenterology, 50: 590-600, 2015 (IF:4.523)

    Oya H, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Shimizu D, Takami H, Hibino S, Hashimoto R, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Feeding duodenostomy decreases the incidence of mechanical obstruction after radical esophageal cancer surgery. World Journal of Surgery, 35: 1105-1110, 2015 (IF:2.642)

    Oya H, Koike M, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Torii K, Niwa Y, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Overexpression of melanoma-associated antigen D4 is an independent prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Diseases of Esophagus, 28: 188-195, 2015 (IF:1.782)

    Oya H, Kanda M, Takami H, Hibino S, Shimizu D, Niwa Y, Koike M, Nomoto S, Yamada S, Nishikawa Y, Asai M, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Overexpression of melanoma-associated antigen D4 is an independent prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Diseases of Esophagus, 28: 188-195, 2015 (IF:1.782)

    Oya H, Kanda M, Takami H, Hibino S, Shimizu D, Niwa Y, Koike M, Nomoto S, Yamada S, Nishikawa Y, Asai M, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Detection of serum melanoma-associated antigen D4 in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Diseases of the Esophagus, 29: 663-669, 2015 (IF:1.782)

    Oya H, Kanda M, Koike M, Iwata N, Niwa Y, Shimizu D, Takami H, Sueoka S, Hashimoto R, Ezaka K, Nomoto S, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Reduced expression of adherens junctions associated protein 1 predicts recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after curative hepatectomy. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 22 Suppl 3: S1499-1507, 2015 (IF:3.93)

    Ezaka K, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Shimizu D, Oya H, Nomoto S, Sueoka S, Tanaka Y, Takami H, Hashimoto R, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Suppression of SAMSN1 Expression is Associated with the Malignant Phenotype of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 22 Suppl 3: S1453-1460, 2015 (IF:3.93)

    Sueoka S, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Shimizu D, Nomoto S, Oya H, Takami H, Ezaka K, Hashimoto R, Tanaka Y, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Prognostic impact of expression and methylation status of DENN/MADD domain-containing protein 2D in gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer, 18: 288-296, 2015 (IF:3.719)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Nomoto S, Takami H, Hibino S, Oya H, Hashimoto R, Suenaga M, Inokawa Y, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 alters recurrence patterns and prognostic factors among patients with stage II/III gastric cancer: A propensity score matching analysis. Surgery, 158: 1573-1580, 2015 (IF:3.38)

    Kanda M, Murotani K, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • B- cell translocation gene 1 serves as a novel prognostic indicator of hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 46: 641-648, 2015 (IF:3.025)

    Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Oya H, Hibino S, Shimizu D, Takami H, Hashimoto R, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Diversity of clinical implication of B-Cell translocation gene 1 expression by histopathologic and anatomic subtypes of gastric cancer. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 60: 1256-1264, 2015 (IF:2.613)

    Kanda M, Oya H, Nomoto S, Takami H, Shimizu D, Hashimoto R, Sueoka S, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Effectiveness of plasma treatment on gastric cancer cells. Gastric Cancer, 18: 635-643, 2015 (IF:3.719)

    Torii K, Yamada S, Nakamura K, Tanaka H, Kajiyama H, Tanahashi K, Iwata N, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Atsushi Natsume, Fujiwara M, Mizuno M, Hori M, Saya H, Kodera Y.

  • Factors related to occurrence and aggravation of pancreatic fistula after radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 112: 381-386, 2015 (IF:3.244)

    Kobayashi D, Iwata N, Tanaka C, Kanda M, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • CD44 single nucleotide polymorphism and isoform switching may predict gastric cancer recurrence. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 112: 622-628; 2015 (IF:3.244)

    Suenaga M, Yamada S, Fuchs BC, Fujii T, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Tanabe KK, Kodera Y.

  • Effectiveness of plasma treatment on pancreatic cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology, 62: 1655-1662, 2015 (IF:3.025)

    Hattori N, Yamada S, Torii K, Takeda S, Nakamura K, Tanaka H, Kajiyama H, Kanda M, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Mizuno M, Hori M, Kodera Y

  • CCNJ detected by triple combination array analysis as a tumor-related gene of hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 46: 1963-1970, 2015 (IF:3.025)

    Takano N, Hishida M, Inokawa Y, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y, Nomoto S.

  • Adherens junctions associated protein 1 serves as a predictor of recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. International Journal of Oncology, 47: 1811-1818, 2015 (IF:3.025)

    Tanaka H , Kanda M, Koike M, Iwata N, Shimizu D, Ezaka K, Sueoka S, Tanaka Y, Takami H, Hashimoto R, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Translational implication of Kallmann syndrome-1 gene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 46: 2546-2554, 2015 (IF:3.025)

    Tanaka Y, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Shimizu D, Sueoka S, Takami H, Ezaka K, Hashimoto R, Okamura Y, Iwata N, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Multicenter comparative study of laparoscopic and open distal pancreatectomy using propensity score-matching. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences, 22: 731-736, 2015 (IF:2.994)

    Nakamura M, Wakabayashi G, Miyasaka Y, Tanaka M, Morikawa T, Unno M, Tajima H, Kumamoto Y, Satoi S, Kwon M, Toyama H, Ku Y, Yoshitomi H, Nara S, Shimada K, Yokoyama T, Miyagawa S, Toyama Y, Yanaga K, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Study Group of JHBPS, JSEPS, Tomiyama Y, Miyata H, Takahara T, Beppu T, Yamaue H, Miyazaki M, Takada T.

  • Method of bilateral pleural drainage by single blake drain after esophagectomy. World Journal of Surgery, 39: 727-731, 2015 (IF:2.642)

    Niwa Y, Koike M, Oya H, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Salvage pharyngolaryngectomy with total esophagectomy following definitive chemoradiotherapy. Diseases of the Esophagus, 29: 598-602, 2015 (IF:1.782)

    Niwa Y, Koike M, Fujimoto Y, Oya H, Iwata N, Nishio N, Hiramatsu M, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • A vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism predicts malignant potential in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Pancreas, 44: 608-614, 2015 (IF:2.959)

    Yabusaki N, Yamada S, Shimoyama Y, Fujii T, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Clinical significance of zinc-finger E-box binding homeobox 1 mRNA levels in peritoneal washing for gastric cancer. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 3: 435-441, 2015 (IF:0)

    Yabusaki N, Yamada S, Murai T, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Protein tyrosine kinase 7: a hepatocellular carcinoma-related gene detected by triple-combination array. Journal of Surgical Research, 195: 444-453, 2015 (IF:1.936)

    Hishida M, Inokawa Y, Takano N, Nishikawa Y, Iwata N, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y, Nomoto S.

  • Aberrant expression of melanoma-associated antigen-D2 serves as a prognostic indicator of hepatocellular carcinoma outcome following curative hepatectomy. Oncology Letters, 9: 1201-1206, 2015 (IF:1.554)

    Hashimoto R, Kanda M, Takami H, Shimizu D, Oya H, Hibino S, Okamura Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Multicenter phase II study of intravenous and intraperitoneal paclitaxel with S-1 for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients with peritoneal metastasis. Annals of Surgery, doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001705. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:8.327)

    Satoi S, Fujii T (co-first author), Yanagimoto H, Motoi F, Kurata M, Takahara N, Yamada S, Yamamoto T, Mizuma M, Honda G, Isayama H, Michiaki Unno, Kodera Y, Ishigami H, Kon M.

  • Journal of Gastroenterology, doi: 10.1007/s00535-016-1217-x. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:4.523)

    Fujii T, Satoi S, Yamada S, Murotani K, Yanagimoto H, Takami H, Yamamoto T, Kanda M, Yamaki S, Hirooka S, Kon M, Kodera Y. Clinical benefits of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head: an observational study using inverse probability of treatment weighting.

  • Clinical implication of inflammation-based prognostic score in pancreatic cancer: Glasgow prognostic score is the most reliable parameter. Medicine (Baltimore). 95: e3582, 2016 (IF:5.723)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Yabusaki N, Murotani K, Iwata N, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Comparison of the international consensus guidelines for predicting malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. Surgery, 159: 878-884, 2016 (IF:3.38)  

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Murotani K, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Preoperative identification of a prognostic factor for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors using multiphase contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Pancreas, 45: 198-203, 2016 (IF:2.959)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Suzuki K, Inokawa Y, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Nakao A, Kodera Y.

  • Lymph node ratio as parameter of regional lymph node involvement in pancreatic cancer. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, 401: 1143-1152, 2016 (IF:2.191)

    Yamada S, Fujii T, Hirakawa A, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y.

  • Adverse impact of low skeletal muscle index on the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatic resection. International Journal of Surgery, 30: 136-42, 2016 (IF:1.531)  

    Yabusaki N, Fujii T, Yamada S, Suzuki K, Sugimoto H, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Metastatic pathway-specific transcriptome analysis identifies MFSD4 as a putative tumor suppressor and biomarker for hepatic metastasis in patients with gastric cancer. Oncotarget, doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7269. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:6.359)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Tanaka H, Shibata M, Iwata N, Hayashi M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Function and diagnostic value of Anosmin-1 in gastric cancer progression. International Journal of Cancer, 138: 721-730, 2016 (IF:5.085)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Fujii T, Sueoka S, Tanaka Y, Ezaka K, Takami H, Tanaka H, Hashimoto R, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Tumor infiltrative pattern predicts sites of recurrence after curative gastrectomy for stages 2 and 3 gastric cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 23: 1934-1940, 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Kanda M, Mizuno A, Fujii T, Shimoyama Y, Yamada S, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Koike M, Iwata N, Niwa Y, Hayashi M, Takami H, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • The expression of melanoma-associated antigen D2 both in surgically resected and serum samples serves as clinically relevant biomarker of gastric cancer progression. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 23 Suppl 2: 214-221, 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Kanda M, Nomoto S, Oya H, Takami H, Shimizu D, Hibino S, Hashimoto R, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Adverse prognostic impact of perioperative allogeneic transfusion on patients with stage II/III gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer, 19: 255-263, 2016 (IF:3.719)

    Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Iwata N, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Nomoto S, Murotani K, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Predictive value of drain amylase content for peripancreatic inflammatory fluid collections after laparoscopic (assisted) distal gastrectomy. Surgical Endoscopy, doi: 10.1007/s00464-016-4753-9. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:3.256)

    Kanda M, Fujiwara M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Iwata N, Mizuno A, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Kodera Y.

  • The prognostic relevance of subcarinal lymph node dissection in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 23: 611-618, 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Niwa Y, Koike M, Hattori M, Iwata N, Takami H, Hayashi M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Kanda M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Short-term outcomes after conventional transthoracic esophagectomy. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science, 78: 69-78, 2016 (IF:0.75)

    Niwa Y, Koike M, Hattori M, Iwata N, Takami H, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Surgery, 159: 1333-1341, 2016 (IF:3.38)

    Okada K, Kawai M, Hirono S, Fujii T, Kodera Y, Sho M, Nakajima Y, Satoi S, Kwon AH, Shimizu Y, Ambo Y, Kondo N, Murakami Y, Ohuchida J, Eguchi H, Nagano H, Oba MS, Morita S, Sakamoto J, Yamaue H, the JAPAN-PD Investigators Evaluation of the efficacy of daikenchuto (TJ -100) for the prevention of paralytic ileus after pancreaticoduodenectomy:

  • S-1 plus nab-paclitaxel is a promising regimen for pancreatic cancer in a preclinical model. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 113: 413-419, 2016 (IF:3.244)

    Suenaga M, Yamada S, Fujii T, Tanaka C, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Committee of Clinical Research, Japan Pancreas Society. Clinicopathological Characteristics of Young Patients With Pancreatic Cancer: An Analysis of Data From Pancreatic Cancer Registry of Japan Pancreas Society. Pancreas, doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000636. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:2.959)

    Eguchi H, Yamaue H, Unno M, Mizuma M, Hamada S, Igarashi H, Kuroki T, Satoi S, Shimizu Y, Tani M, Tanno S, Hirooka Y, Fujii T, Masamune A, Mizumoto K, Itoi T, Egawa S, Kodama Y, Tanaka M, Shimosegawa T;

  • Adverse effects of intraoperative blood loss on long-term outcomes after curative gastrectomy of patients with stage II/III gastric cancer. Digestive Surgery, 33: 121-128, 2016 (IF:2.162)

    Mizuno A, Kanda M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Iwata N, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • NRAGE promotes the malignant phenotype of hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology Letters, 11: 1847-1854, 2016 (IF:1.554)

    Shimizu D, Kanda M, Sugimoto H, Sueoka S, Takami H, Ezaka K, Tanaka Y, Hashimoto R, Okamura Y, Iwata N, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Koike M, Nomoto S, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Epigenetic suppression of the immunoregulator MZB1 is associated with the malignant phenotype of gastric cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 139: 2290-8, 2016 (IF:5.085)

    Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Tanaka H, Shimizu D, Shibata M, Takami H, Hayashi M, Iwata N, Niwa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • FAM46C Serves as a Predictor of Hepatic Recurrence in Patients with Resectable Gastric Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, DOI: 10.1245/s10434-016-5636-y. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Tanaka H, Kanda M, Shimizu D, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hayashi M, Iwata N, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Niwa Y, Kodera Y.

  • Usefulness of preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate to predict complications after curative gastrectomy in patients with clinical T2-4 gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer, DOI: 10.1007/s10120-016-0657-6. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:3.719)

    Tanaka Y, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Mizuno A, Iwata N, Hayashi M, Niwa Y, Takami H, Yamada S, Fujii T, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Modified two-dimensional response as surrogate marker of overall survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Science, 107: 1492-1498, 2016 (IF:3.443)

    Nakayama G, Fujii T, Murotani K, Uehara K, Hattori N, Hayashi M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Kanda M, Yamada S, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Ando Y, Kodera Y.

  • Proposal of the Coagulation Score as a Predictor for Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Resectable Gastric Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, DOI: 10.1245/s10434-016-5544-1. [Epub ahead of print], 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Mizuno A, Tanaka Y, Takami H, Iwata N, Hayashi M, Niwa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Murotani K, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 is associated with malignant phenotype and peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer. International Journal of Oncology, 49: 1195-202, 2016 (IF:3.025)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Fujii T, Tanaka H, Shibata M, Iwata N, Hayashi M, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Neurotrophin Receptor-Interacting Melanoma Antigen-Encoding Gene Homolog is Associated with Malignant Phenotype of Gastric Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 23: 532-539, 2016 (IF:3.93)

    Kanda M, Shimizu D, Fujii T, Tanaka H, Tanaka Y, Ezaka K, Shibata M, Takami H, Hashimoto R, Sueoka S, Iwata N, Kobayashi D, Tanaka C, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • The significance of relative dose intensity in adjuvant chemotherapy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma-including the analysis of clinicopathological factors influencing relative dose intensity. Medicine (Baltimore). 95:e4282, 2016 (IF:5.723)

    Yabusaki N, Fujii T, Yamada S, Murotani K, Sugimoto H, Kanda M, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujiwara M, Kodera Y.

  • Nutritional predictors for postoperative short-term and long-term outcomes of patients with gastric cancer. Medicine (Baltimore), 95:e3781, 2016 (IF:5.723)

    Kanda M, Mizuno A, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Iwata N, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Koike M, Takami H, Niwa Y, Murotani K, Kodera Y.

  • Association of Inflammasome Components in Background Liver with Poor Prognosis After Curatively-resected Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Anticancer Research, 37: 293-300, 2017 (IF:1.826)

    Sonohara F, Inokawa Y, Kanda M, Nishikawa Y, Yamada S, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Kodera Y, Nomoto S.


がん化学療法チームハンドブック がん患者の栄養管理、南江堂、2009年
膵癌治療 up-to-date 2015、医学図書出版、2014年


  • 【受賞】2004年 日本膵臓病研究財団研究奨励賞

  • 【受賞】2013年 The Best Paper Prize of All Categories (10th European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Congress, Belgrade, Serbia)

  • 【受賞】2014年 Merit award(11th international conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society, Taipei, Taiwan)

  • 【受賞】2014年 ポスター優秀演題賞(JDDW 2014 KOBE, 日本)


