秋田大学大学院医学系研究科 腎泌尿器科学 教授、秋田大学医学部附属病院 前病院長

日本泌尿器科学会 泌尿器科指導医・泌尿器科専門医

羽渕 友則 はぶち とものり 先生



  • 泌尿器科
  • 泌尿器腫瘍
  • 泌尿器腹腔鏡手術
  • ロボット支援手術


日本泌尿器科学会 泌尿器科指導医・泌尿器科専門医
  • 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科 腎泌尿器科学 教授
  • 秋田大学医学部附属病院 前病院長
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 日本泌尿器科学会 理事
  • 日本泌尿器内視鏡学会 理事 泌尿器科腹腔鏡技術認定制度委員長
  • 日本内視鏡外科学会 理事



  • 内科 血液内科 リウマチ科 外科 精神科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 腫瘍内科 消化器内科 糖尿病内科 内分泌内科 脳神経内科 老年内科 内分泌外科 放射線診断科 放射線治療科 総合診療科 病理診断科
  • 秋田県秋田市広面蓮沼44-2
  • JR奥羽本線(新庄~青森) 秋田 秋田中央交通バス 大学病院前下車  西口 手形山経由大学病院行き、赤沼、太平、松崎団地の各線  東口 赤沼線 バス
  • 018-834-1111




1961年 京都市生まれ
1980年 京都府立洛北高校卒
1986年 京都大学医学部卒業
1994年 英国マリーキュリー研究所ポスドク
1997年 京都大学医学部助手
1998年 秋田大学医学部助教授
2001年 京都大学医学研究科助教授
2003年 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科腎泌尿器科学教授


1. 羽渕友則 (2016) 泌尿器科領域の腹腔鏡下手術. 福井次矢, 高木 誠, 小室一成 (総編集) 今日の治療指針 2016, 医学書院, 東京, pp1161-1162.
2. 羽渕友則 (2016) 泌尿器腹腔鏡技術認定再度における技術認定のポイント. 第21回日本内視鏡外科学会教育セミナー: テキスト, 2-7.
3. 井上高光, 成田伸太郎, 齋藤 満, 鶴田 大, 沼倉一幸, 前野 淳, 佐藤 滋, 羽渕友則. (2016) 秋田大学におけるLESSドナー腎採取術への取り組み. 泌尿器外科, 29(臨増), 871-874.
4. 井上高光, 成田伸太郎, 土谷順彦, 沼倉一幸, 鶴田 大, 前野 淳, 齋藤 満, 佐藤 滋, 羽渕友則 (2016) 単孔式ドナー腎採取術の現況と展望. 泌尿器外科, 29(11), 1633-1639
5. 齋藤 満, 鶴田 大, 井上高光, 成田伸太郎, 土谷順彦, 羽渕友則. (2015) 特集:【ロボット支援膀胱全摘除術の導入と手術手技】ロボット支援膀胱全摘除術と拡大リンパ節郭清 Japanese Journal of Endourology, 28(1), 68-72.
6. 鶴田 大, 羽渕友則. (2015) ロボット支援膀胱全摘除術における拡大リンパ節郭清の手技と成績. 泌尿器外科. 28(3): 287-291.
7. 土谷順彦, 鶴田 大, 齋藤 満, 井上高光, 成田伸太郎, 羽渕友則. (2015) 特集ロボット時代の泌尿器科手術②—新たな術式への挑戦 Ⅱ.膀胱癌に対するロボット支援膀胱全摘除術 リンパ節郭清. 臨床泌尿器科. 69(11): 918-923.
8. 土谷順彦, 羽渕友則 (2013) 手術手技 泌尿器腹腔鏡手術 もう一歩、ステップアップするために 生体腎移植における単孔式腹腔鏡下ドナー腎摘術. 臨床泌尿器科, 67, 579-587.
9. 羽渕友則 (2012)腎癌に対する腹腔鏡下根治的腎摘除. 臨床泌尿器科、66巻、931-940

・ Takahashi M, Inoue T, Huang M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Maeno A, Nakamura E, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Inverse relationship between insulin receptor expression and progression in renal cell carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2017 May;37(5):2929-2941. doi: 10.3892/or.2017.5552. Epub 2017 Apr 5.
・ Takayama K, Inoue T, Narita S, Maita S, Huang M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Maeno A, Satoh S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T.  Inhibition of the RANK/RANKL signaling with osteoprotegerin prevents castration-induced acceleration of bone metastasis in castration-insensitive prostate cancer. Cancer Lett. 2017 Jul 1;397:103-110. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.03.034. Epub 2017 Mar 31.
・ Oya M, Tomita Y, Fukasawa S, Shinohara N, Habuchi T, Rini BI, Fujii Y, Kamei Y, Umeyama Y, Bair AH, Uemura H. Overall survival of 1st-line axitinib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Japanese subgroup analysis from phase II study.Cancer Sci. 2017 Mar 7. doi: 10.1111/cas.13232. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Ishikawa T, Yoneyama T, Tobisawa Y, Hatakeyama S, Kurosawa T, Nakamura K, Narita S, Mitsuzuka K, Duivenvoorden W, Pinthus JH, Hashimoto Y, Koie T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C. An Automated Micro-Total Immunoassay System for Measuring Cancer-Associated α2,3-linked Sialyl N-Glycan-Carrying Prostate-Specific Antigen May Improve the Accuracy of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Feb 22;18(2). pii: E470. doi: 10.3390/ijms18020470.
・ Ito R, Narita S, Huang M, Nara T, Numakura K, Takayama K, Tsuruta H, Maeno A, Saito M, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Satoh S, Habuchi T The impact of obesity and adiponectin signaling in patients with renal cell carcinoma: A potential mechanism for the "obesity paradox". v Feb 8;12(2):e0171615. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171615.
・ Clinical implications of serum N-glycan profiling as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in germ-cell tumors. Narita T, Hatakeyama S, Yoneyama T, Narita S, Yamashita S, Mitsuzuka K, Sakurai T, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Takahashi I, Nakaji S, Tobisawa Y, Yamamoto H, Koie T, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C. Cancer Med. 2017 Apr;6(4):739-748. doi: 10.1002/cam4.1035. Epub 2017 Mar 20.
・ Kurobe M, Kojima T, Nishimura K, Kandori S, Kawahara T, Yoshino T, Ueno S, Iizumi Y, Mitsuzuka K, Arai Y, Tsuruta H, Habuchi T, Kobayashi T, Matsui Y, Ogawa O, Sugimoto M, Kakehi Y, Nagumo Y, Tsutsumi M, Oikawa T, Kikuchi K, Nishiyama H. Development of RNA-FISH Assay for Detection of Oncogenic FGFR3-TACC3 Fusion Genes in FFPE Samples. PLoS One. 2016 Dec 8;11(12):e0165109. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165109.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Kagaya H, Takahashi M, Tsuruta H, Inoue T, Narita S, Huang M, Satoh S, Niioka T, Miura M, Habuchi T. Clinical effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on drug-related genes in Japanese metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients treated with sunitinib. Anticancer Drugs. 2017 Jan;28(1):97-103.
・ Narita T, Koie T, Ookubo T, Mitsuzuka K, Narita S, Yamamoto H, Inoue T, Hatakeyama S, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C. The impact of extended lymph node dissection versus neoadjuvant therapy with limited lymph node dissection on biochemical recurrence in high-risk prostate cancer patients treated with radical prostatectomy: a multi-institutional analysis. Med Oncol. 2017 Jan;34(1):1.
・ Nara T, Narita S, Mingguo H, Yoshioka T, Koizumi A, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Maeno A, Saito M, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Altered miRNA expression in high-fat diet-induced prostate cancer progression. Carcinogenesis. 2016 Dec;37(12):1129-1137.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Tsuruta H, Akihama S, Saito M, Inoue T, Narita S, Huang M, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Efficacy and safety of bladder hydrodistension for decreased bladder capacity induced by intravesical BCG therapy. Scand J Urol. 2016 Dec;50(6):429-432.
・ Imamura S, Narita S, Nishikomori R, Tsuruta H, Numakura K, Maeno A, Saito M, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Nanjo H, Heike T, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Secondary bladder amyloidosis with familial Mediterranean fever in a living donor kidney transplant recipient: a case report. BMC Res Notes. 2016 Oct 19;9(1):473.
・ Sato F, Nakagawa K, Kawauchi A, Matsubara A, Okegawa T, Habuchi T, Yoshimura K, Hoshi A, Kinoshita H, Miyajima A, Naitoh Y, Inoue S, Itaya N, Narita S, Hanai K, Okubo K, Yanishi M, Matsuda T, Terachi T, Mimata H. Laparoendoscopic single-site surgeries: A multicenter experience of 469 cases in Japan. Int J Urol. 2017 Jan;24(1):69-74. doi: 10.1111/iju.13235. Epub 2016 Oct 4.
・ Kagaya H, Niioka T, Saito M, Inoue T, Numakura K, Habuchi T, Satoh S, Miura M. Effect of hepatic drug transporter polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid in patients with severe renal dysfunction before renal transplantation. Xenobiotica. 2016 Oct 24:1-7. doi: 10.1080/00498254.2016.1235742. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Tomita Y, Fukasawa S, Oya M, Uemura H, Shinohara N, Habuchi T, Rini BI, Chen Y, Bair AH, Ozono S, Naito S, Akaza H. Key predictive factors for efficacy of axitinib in first-line metastatic renal cell carcinoma: subgroup analysis in Japanese patients from a randomized, double-blind phase II study. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print
・ Matsuda T, Yoshida K, Habuchi T, Kinoshita H, Kanayama HO, Terachi T. Scientific Skill Assessment of Basic Surgical Dissection and Overall Laparoscopic Performance. J Endourol. 2017 Apr;31(S1):S25-S29. doi: 10.1089/end.2016.0554. Epub 2016 Sep 23.
・ Kubota Y, Nakaigawa N; Committee for Establishment of the Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Bladder Cancer and the Japanese Urological Association. Essential content of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for bladder cancer: The Japanese Urological Association 2015 update. Int J Urol. 2016 Aug;23(8):640-5. doi: 10.1111/iju.13141. Epub 2016 Jul 3.
・ Inoue T, Satoh S, Obara T, Saito M, Numakura K, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Cystometric evaluation of recovery in hypocompliant defunctionalized bladder as a result of long-term dialysis after kidney transplantation. Int J Urol. 2016 Aug;23(8):694-700. doi: 10.1111/iju.13122.
・ Niioka T, Kagaya H, Saito M, Inoue T, Numakura K, Yamamoto R, Akamine Y, Habuchi T, Satoh S, Miura M. Influence of everolimus on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in Japanese renal transplant patients. Int J Urol. 2016 Jun;23(6):484-90. doi: 10.1111/iju.13081.
・ Narita S, Koie T, Yamada S, Orikasa K, Matsuo S, Aoki H, Ishidoya S, Hoshi S, Tsuchiya N, Ohyama C, Arai Y, Habuchi T. A prospective multicenter study of intermittent chemotherapy with docetaxel and prednisolone for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2016 Mar 8. pii: hyw021. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Huang M, Koizumi A, Narita S, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Nakanishi H, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Satoh S, Nanjo H, Sasaki T, Habuchi T. Diet-induced alteration of fatty acid synthase in prostate cancer progression. Oncogenesis. 2016 Feb 15;5:e195. doi: 10.1038/oncsis.2015.42.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Kyan A, Sato T, Orikasa K, Miyazato M, Aoki H, Kakoi N, Narita S, Koie T, Namima T, Toyoda S, Fukushi Y, Habuchi T, Ohyama C, Arai Y; Tohoku Evidence-Based Medicine Study Group; Michinoku Urological Cancer Study Group. Influence of 1 year of androgen deprivation therapy on lipid and glucose metabolism and fat accumulation in Japanese patients with prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2016 Mar;19(1):57-62. doi: 10.1038/pcan.2015.50.
・ Narita S, Mitsuzuka K, Tsuchiya N, Koie T, Kawamura S, Ohyama C, Tochigi T, Yamaguchi T, Arai Y, Habuchi T; Michinoku Japan Urological Cancer Study Group. Reassessment of the risk factors for biochemical recurrence in D'Amico intermediate-risk prostate cancer treated using radical prostatectomy. Int J Urol. 2015 Nov;22(11):1029-35. doi: 10.1111/iju.12898. Epub 2015 Aug 20.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Takahashi M, Tsuruta H, Akihama S, Saito M, Inoue T, Narita S, Huang M, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Clinical benefits of tubeless umbilical cutaneous ureterostomy. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015 May-Jun;9(5-6):E379-83. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.2559.
・ Kojima T, Kawai K, Tsuchiya K, Abe T, Shinohara N, Tanaka T, Masumori N, Yamada S, Arai Y, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Nishiyama H. Identification of a subgroup with worse prognosis among patients with poor-risk testicular germ cell tumor. Int J Urol. 2015 Oct;22(10):923-7. doi: 10.1111/iju.12844.
・ Numakura K, Kagaya H, Yamamoto R, Komine N, Saito M, Hiroshi T, Akihama S, Inoue T, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Niioka T, Miura M, Satoh S. Characterization of clinical and genetic risk factors associated with dyslipidemia after kidney transplantation. Dis Markers. 2015;2015:179434. doi: 10.1155/2015/179434. Epub 2015 Apr 6.
・ Kofuji S, Kimura H, Nakanishi H, Nanjo H, Takasuga S, Liu H, Eguchi S, Nakamura R, Itoh R, Ueno N, Asanuma K, Huang M, Koizumi A, Habuchi T, Yamazaki M, Suzuki A, Sasaki J, Sasaki T. INPP4B is a PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 phosphatase that can act as a tumor suppressor. Cancer Discov. 2015 Jul;5(7):730-9. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-14-1329.
・ Amin Al Olama A, Benlloch S, Antoniou AC, Giles GG, Severi G, Neal D, Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Muir K, Schleutker J, Henderson BE, Haiman C, Schumacher FR, Pashayan N, Pharoah PD, Ostrander EA, Stanford JL, Batra J, Clements JA, Chambers SK, Weischer M, Nordestgaard BG, Ingles SA, Sorensen KD, Orntoft TF, Park JY, Cybulski C, Maier C, Doerk T, Dickinson JL, Cannon-Albright L, Brenner H, Rebbeck TR, Zeigler-Johnson C, Habuchi T, Thibodeau SN, Cooney K, Chappuis PO, Hutter P, Kaneva RP, Foulkes WD, Zeegers MP, Lu YJ, Zhang HW, Stephenson R, Cox A, Southey MC, Spurdle AB, FitzGerald L, Leongamornlert D, Saunders E, Tymrakiewicz M, Guy M, Dadaev T, Little SJ, Govindasami K, Sawyer E, Wilkinson R, Herkommer K, Hopper JL, Lophatonanon A, Rinckleb AE, Kote-Jarai Z, Eeles RA, Easton DF. Risk Analysis of Prostate Cancer in PRACTICAL, a Multinational Consortium, Using 25 Known Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Loci. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Jul;24(7):1121-9. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-14-0317.
・ Koie T, Mitsuzuka K, Yoneyama T, Narita S, Kawamura S, Kaiho Y, Tsuchiya N, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C, Yoneyama T, Tobisawa Y. Neoadjuvant luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone agonist plus low-dose estramustine phosphate improves prostate-specific antigen-free survival in high-risk prostate cancer patients: a propensity score-matched analysis. Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Oct;20(5):1018-25. doi: 10.1007/s10147-015-0802-y.
・ Niioka T, Kagaya H, Saito M, Inoue T, Numakura K, Habuchi T, Satoh S, Miura M. Capability of utilizing CYP3A5 polymorphisms to predict therapeutic dosage of tacrolimus at early stage post-renal transplantation. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Jan 14;16(1):1840-54. doi: 10.3390/ijms16011840.
・ Numakura K, Satoh S, Tsuchiya N, Saito M, Nara T, Huang M, Tsuruta H, Akihama S, Inoue T, Narita S, Habuchi T. De novo renal cell carcinoma in an allograft kidney treated with nephron-sparing surgery: a case report. Prog Transplant. 2014 Dec;24(4):328-31. doi: 10.7182/pit2014372.
・ Kashima S, Inoue T, Chiba M, Komine N, Ito R, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Akihama S, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Satoh S, Onishi H, Habuchi T. Renal subcapsular fluid collection caused by penetration of a pancreatic pseudocyst. Urology. 2014 Nov;84(5):e23-4. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.07.048. Epub 2014 Oct 24.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Narita S, Koie T, Kaiho Y, Tsuchiya N, Yoneyama T, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Ohyama C, Habuchi T, Arai Y. Lymphovascular invasion is significantly associated with biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy even in patients with pT2N0 negative resection margin. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2015 Mar;18(1):25-30. doi: 10.1038/pcan.2014.40.
・ Satoh S, Niioka T, Kagaya H, Numakura K, Inoue T, Saito M, Komine N, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Miura M. Pharmacokinetic and CYP3A5 pharmacogenetic differences between once- and twice-daily tacrolimus from the first dosing day to 1 year after renal transplantation. Pharmacogenomics. 2014 Aug;15(11):1495-506. doi: 10.2217/pgs.14.98.
・ Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Tsuruta H, Akihama S, Saito M, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Successful Introduction of Laparoendoscopic Single-Site (LESS) Donor Nephrectomy after Experience with LESS Plus-One Trocar Donor Nephrectomy. J Endourol. 2015 Apr;29(4):435-42. doi: 10.1089/end.2014.0509.
・ Komine N, Narita S, Kigure T, Tsuruta H, Numakura K, Akihama S, Saito M, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Satoh S, Nanjo H, Habuchi T. Successful local control of recurrent penile cancer treated with a combination of systemic chemotherapy, irradiation, and mohs' paste: a case report. Case Rep Oncol. 2014 Jul 24;7(2):522-7. doi: 10.1159/000365809. eCollection 2014 May.
・ Koie T, Mitsuzuka K, Narita S, Yoneyama T, Kawamura S, Kaiho Y, Tsuchiya N, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C. A solitary positive prostate cancer biopsy does not predict a unilateral lesion in radical prostatectomy specimens. Scand J Urol. 2014 Aug 28:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Ishibashi Y, Tobisawa Y, Hatakeyama S, Ohashi T, Tanaka M, Narita S, Koie T, Habuchi T, Nishimura S, Ohyama C, Yoneyama T. Serum tri- and tetra-antennary N-glycan is a potential predictive biomarker for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Prostate. 2014 Nov;74(15):1521-9. doi: 10.1002/pros.22869. Epub 2014 Aug 23.
・ Koie T, Mitsuzuka K, Narita S, Yoneyama T, Kawamura S, Tsuchiya N, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C. Efficiency of pretreatment risk stratification systems for prostate cancer in a Japanese population treated with radical prostatectomy. Int J Urol. 2015 Jan;22(1):70-3. doi: 10.1111/iju.12597. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Akihama S, Inoue T, Narita S, Huang M, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Successful mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor maintenance therapy following induction chemotherapy with gemcitabine and doxorubicin for metastatic sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma. Oncol Lett. 2014 Jul;8(1):464-466. Epub 2014 May 7.
・ Matsuda T, Kanayama H, Ono Y, Kawauchi A, Mizoguchi H, Nakagawa K, Iwamura M, Shigeta M, Habuchi T, Terachi T. Reliability of laparoscopic skills assessment on video: 8-year results of the Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System in Japan. J Endourol. 2014 Nov;28(11):1374-8. doi: 10.1089/end.2014.0092.
・ Yoneyama T, Ohyama C, Hatakeyama S, Narita S, Habuchi T, Koie T, Mori K, Hidari KI, Yamaguchi M, Suzuki T, Tobisawa Y. Measurement of aberrant glycosylation of prostate specific antigen can improve specificity in early detection of prostate cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Jun 13;448(4):390-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.04.107. Epub 2014 May 9.
・ Kanda S, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Inoue T, Huang M, Chiba S, Akihama S, Saito M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Satoh S, Saito S, Ohyama C, Arai Y, Ogawa O, Habuchi T. Effects of functional genetic polymorphisms in the CYP19A1 gene on prostate cancer risk and survival. Int J Cancer. 2015 Jan 1;136(1):74-82. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28952.
・ Koie T, Mitsuzuka K, Yoneyama T, Narita S, Kawamura S, Kaiho Y, Tsuchiya N, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C, Yoneyama T, Tobisawa Y. Prostate-specific antigen density predicts extracapsular extension and increased risk of biochemical recurrence in patients with high-risk prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy. Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb;20(1):176-81. doi: 10.1007/s10147-014-0696-0
・ Park J, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Ohyama C, Inoue T, Hatakeyama S, Jeon SS, Kwon GY, Kwak C, Moon KC, Kim CS, Ahn H. Reassessment of prognostic heterogeneity in pT3 renal pelvic urothelial carcinoma: Analysis in terms of three proposed pT3 subclassification systems. J Urol. 2014 Oct;192(4):1064-71. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.04.001.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Koie T, Narita S, Kaiho Y, Yoneyama T, Tsuchiya N, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Ohyama C, Habuchi T, Arai Y. Are Pathological and Oncological Outcomes of Elderly Men Treated with Radical Prostatectomy Worse than Those of Younger Men? Matched-pair Analysis Between Patients Aged <70 and ≥70 Years. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jun;44(6):587-92. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyu038. Epub 2014 Apr 9.
・ Hamada S, Hinotsu S, Kawai K, Yamada S, Narita S, Kamba T, Nishiyama H, Arai Y, Habuchi T, Ogawa O, Kawakami K. Antiemetic efficacy and safety of a combination of palonosetron, aprepitant, and dexamethasone in patients with testicular germ cell tumor receiving 5-day cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer. 2014 Aug;22(8):2161-6. doi: 10.1007/s00520-014-2182-7.
・ Tsuchiya N, Yuasa T, Maita S, Narita S, Inoue T, Numakura K, Saito M, Satoh S, Yonese J, Habuchi T. Organ-specific and tumor-size-dependent responses to sunitinib in clear cell renal cell carcinoma BMC Urol. 2014 Mar 11;14(1):26. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-14-26.
・ Chiba S, Tsuchiya N, Horikawa Y, Narita S, Inoue T, Akihama S, Saito M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Huang M, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Functional mononucleotide repeat polymorphism in the promoter region of HGF is associated with risk and malignant aggressiveness of bladder cancer. Int J Oncol. 2014 Mar;44(3):678-84. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2013.2221.
・ Huang M, Narita S, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Satoh S, Nanjo H, Sasaki T, Habuchi T. Diet-induced macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 promotes prostate cancer progression. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2013 Dec 16;21(1):39-50. doi: 10.1530/ERC-13-0227
・ Hatakeyama S, Amano M, Tobisawa Y, Yoneyama T, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Nishimura SI, Ohyama C. Serum N-glycan alteration associated with renal cell carcinoma detected by high-throughput glycan analysis. J Urol. 2014 Mar;191(3):805-13. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.10.052.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Koie T, Narita S, Kaiho Y, Yoneyama T, Tsuchiya N, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Ohyama C, Habuchi T, Arai Y. Pathological and Oncological Outcomes of Elderly Men with Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013 Dec;43(12):1238-42. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyt143.
・ Tsuchiya N, Matsui S, Narita S, Kamba T, Mitsuzuka K, Hatakeyama S, Horikawa Y, Inoue T, Saito S, Ohyama C, Arai Y, Ogawa O, Habuchi T. Distinct cancer-specific survival in metastatic prostate cancer patients classified by a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms of cancer-associated genes. Genes Cancer. 2013 Jan;4(1-2):54-60.
・ Sugiyama N, Yoneyama MS, Hatakeyama S, Yamamoto H, Okamoto A, Koie T, Saitoh H, Yamaya K, Funyu T, Inoue T, Habuchi T, Ohyama C, Tsuboi S. In vivo selection of high-metastatic subline of bladder cancer cell and its characterization. Oncol Res. 2013;20(7):289-95.
・ Narita S, Mitsuzuka K, Yoneyama T, Tsuchiya N, Koie T, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Kaiho Y, Ohyama C, Tochigi T, Yamaguchi T, Habuchi T, Arai Y. Impact of body mass index on clinicopathological outcome and biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2013 Sep;16(3):271-6.
・ Niioka T, Kagaya H, Miura M, Numakura K, Saito M, Inoue T, Habuchi T, Satoh S. Pharmaceutical and genetic determinants for interindividual differences of tacrolimus bioavailability in renal transplant recipients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Sep;69(9):1659-65. doi: 10.1007/s00228-013-1514-8.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Koie T, Narita S, Kaiho Y, Yoneyama T, Tsuchiya N, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Ohyama C, Habuchi T, Yamaguchi T, Arai Y. Changes in indications and oncological outcomes of radical prostatectomy after 2000--data from 1268 Japanese patients treated with radical prostatectomy between 2000 and 2009. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug;43(8):821-6. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyt072. Epub 2013 May 31.
・ Takaoka E, Matsui Y, Inoue T, Miyazaki J, Nakashima M, Kimura T, Oikawa T, Kawai K, Yoshimura K, Habuchi T, Ogawa O, Nishiyama H. Risk factors for intravesical recurrence in patients with high-grade T1 bladder cancer in the second TUR era. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013 Apr;43(4):404-9. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyt016. Epub 2013 Feb 26.
・ Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Inoue T, Saito M, Numakura K, Huang M, Hatakeyama S, Satoh S, Saito S, Ohyama C, Arai Y, Ogawa O, Habuchi T. Insulin-like growth factor-1 genotypes and haplotypes influence the survival of prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis at initial diagnosis. BMC Cancer. 2013 Mar 25;13:150.
・ Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Saito M, Maita S, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Laparoendoscopic single-site plus one trocar donor nephrectomy using the GelPort: initial clinical experience. Urology. 2013 Feb;81(2):308-12.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Koie T, Narita S, Kaiho Y, Yoneyama T, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Ohyama C, Habuchi T, Arai Y. Is pelvic lymph node dissection required at radical prostatectomy for low-risk prostate cancer? Int J Urol. 2013 Nov;20(11):1092-6. doi: 10.1111/iju.12112.
・ Mitsuzuka K, Narita S, Koie T, Kaiho Y, Tsuchiya N, Yoneyama T, Kakoi N, Kawamura S, Tochigi T, Habuchi T, Ohyama C, Arai Y. Pathological and biochemical outcomes after radical prostatectomy in men with low-risk prostate cancer meeting the Prostate Cancer International: Active Surveillance criteria. BJU Int. 2013 May;111(6):914-20. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.11658.x.
・ Niioka T, Miura M, Kagaya H, Saito M, Numakura K, Habuchi T, Satoh S. A Limited Sampling Strategy to Estimate the Area Under the Concentration-Time Curve of Tacrolimus Modified-Release Once-Daily Preparation in Renal Transplant Recipients Ther Drug Monit. 2013 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Kumazawa T, Maita S, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Comparison of surgical stress in patients undergoing open versus laparoscopic radical prostatectomy by measuring perioperative serum cytokine levels. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2013 Jan;23(1):33-7.
・ Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Inoue T, Hasunuma N, Numakura K, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Notoya T, Fujishima N, Hatakeyama S, Ohyama C, Habuchi T. Risk factors for sorafenib-induced high-grade skin rash in Japanese patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Anticancer Drugs. 2013 Mar;24(3):310-4
・ Niioka T, Satoh S, Kagaya H, Numakura K, Inoue T, Saito M, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Miura M. Comparison of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of once- and twice-daily tacrolimus in the early stage after renal transplantation. Transplantation. 2012 Nov 27;94(10):1013-9.
・ Akamatsu S, Takahashi A, Takata R, Kubo M, Inoue T, Morizono T, Tsunoda T, Kamatani N, Haiman CA, Wan P, Chen GK, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Henderson BE, Fujioka T, Habuchi T, Nakamura Y, Ogawa O, Nakagawa H. Reproducibility, performance, and clinical utility of a genetic risk prediction model for prostate cancer in Japanese. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46454.
・ Amin Al Olama A, Kote-Jarai Z, Schumacher FR, Wiklund F, Berndt SI, Benlloch S, Giles GG, Severi G, Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Hunter DJ, Henderson BE, Thun MJ, Gaziano M, Giovannucci EL, Siddiq A, Travis RC, Cox DG, Canzian F, Riboli E, Key TJ, Andriole G, Albanes D, Hayes RB, Schleutker J, Auvinen A, Tammela TL, Weischer M, Stanford JL, Ostrander EA, Cybulski C, Lubinski J, Thibodeau SN, Schaid DJ, Sorensen KD, Batra J, Clements JA, Chambers S, Aitken J, Gardiner RA, Maier C, Vogel W, Dörk T, Brenner H, Habuchi T, Ingles S, John EM, Dickinson JL, Cannon-Albright L, Teixeira MR, Kaneva R, Zhang HW, Lu YJ, Park JY, Cooney KA, Muir KR, Leongamornlert DA, Saunders E, Tymrakiewicz M, Mahmud N, Guy M, Govindasami K, O'Brien LT, Wilkinson RA, Hall AL, Sawyer EJ, Dadaev T, Morrison J, Dearnaley DP, Horwich A, Huddart RA, Khoo VS, Parker CC, Van As N, Woodhouse CJ, Thompson A, Dudderidge T, Ogden C, Cooper CS, Lophatonanon A, Southey MC, Hopper JL, English D, Virtamo J, Le Marchand L, Campa D, Kaaks R, Lindstrom S, Diver WR, Gapstur S, Yeager M, Cox A, Stern MC, Corral R, Aly M, Isaacs W, Adolfsson J, Xu J, Zheng SL, Wahlfors T, Taari K, Kujala P, Klarskov P, Nordestgaard BG, Røder MA, Frikke-Schmidt R, Bojesen SE, Fitzgerald LM, Kolb S, Kwon EM, Karyadi DM, Orntoft TF, Borre M, Rinckleb A, Luedeke M, Herkommer K, Meyer A, Serth J, Marthick JR, Patterson B, Wokolorczyk D, Spurdle A, Lose F, McDonnell SK, Joshi AD, Shahabi A, Pinto P, Santos J, Ray A, Sellers TA, Lin HY, Stephenson RA, Teerlink C, Muller H, Rothenbacher D, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Cao GW, Slavov C, Mitev V; The UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology; The UK ProtecT Study Collaborators; The Australian Prostate Cancer Bioresource; The PRACTICAL Consortium, Chanock S, Gronberg H, Haiman CA, Kraft P, Easton DF, Eeles RA. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to identify prostate cancer susceptibility loci associated with aggressive and non-aggressive disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jan 15;22(2):408-415.
・ Kumazawa T, Tsuchiya N, Inoue T, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Association between various indices of obesity and intraoperative factors in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2012 Jul-Aug;22(6):567-71.
・ Saito M, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Kumazawa T, Maita S, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Comparison of the Clinical Outcome and Systemic Inflammatory Marker Levels Between Retroperitoneal and Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy. J Endourol. 2012 Aug;26(8):1038-43.
・ Numakura K, Satoh S, Tsuchiya N, Saito M, Maita S, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Inoue T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Kagaya H, Miura M, Habuchi T. Hyperuricemia at 1 year after renal transplantation, its prevalence, associated factors, and graft survival. Transplantation. 2012 Jul 27;94(2):145-51.
・ Huang M, Narita S, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. A high-fat diet enhances proliferation of prostate cancer cells and activates MCP-1/CCR2 signaling. Prostate. 2012 Dec 1;72(16):1779-88.
・ Suzuki Y, Sutoh M, Hatakeyama S, Mori K, Yamamoto H, Koie T, Saitoh H, Yamaya K, Funyu T, Habuchi T, Arai Y, Fukuda M, Ohyama C, Tsuboi S. MUC1 carrying core 2 O-glycans functions as a molecular shield against NK cell attack, promoting bladder tumor metastasis. Int J Oncol. 2012 Jun;40(6):1831-8. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2012.1411. Epub 2012
・ Akamatsu S , Takata R, Haiman CA, Takahashi A, Inoue T, Kubo M, Furihata M, Kamatani N, Inazawa J, Chen GK, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Katoh T, Yamano Y, Yamakado M, Takahashi H, Yamada H, Egawa S, Fujioka T, Henderson BE, Habuchi T, Ogawa O, Nakamura Y, and Nakagawa H. Common variants at 11q12, 10q26 and 3p11.2 are associated with prostate cancer susceptibility in Japanese. Nat Genet. 2012 Feb 26;44(4):426-9, S1. doi: 10.1038/ng.1104.
・ Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Kumazawa T, Maita S, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Nanjyo H, Habuchi T. Short-term clinicopathological outcome of neoadjuvant chemohormonal therapy comprising complete androgen blockade, followed by treatment with docetaxel and estramustine phosphate before radical prostatectomy in Japanese patients with high-risk localized prostate cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2012 Jan 4;10(1):1. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Habuchi T, Terachi T, Mimata H, Kondo Y, Kanayama H, Ichikawa T, Nutahara K, Miki T, Ono Y, Baba S, Naito S, Matsuda T. Evaluation of 2,590 urological laparoscopic surgeries undertaken by urological surgeons accredited by an endoscopic surgical skill qualification system in urological laparoscopy in Japan. Surg Endosc. 2011 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Inoue T, Matsuura K, Yoshimoto T, Nguyen LT, Tsukamoto Y, Nakada C, Hijiya N, Narimatsu T, Nomura T, Sato F, Nagashima Y, Kashima K, Hatakeyama S, Ohyama C, Numakura K, Habuchi T, Nakagawa M, Seto M, Mimata H, Moriyama M. Genomic profiling of renal cell carcinoma in patients with end-stage renal disease. Cancer Sci. 2012 Mar;103(3):569-76.
・ Kagaya H, Miura M, Niioka T, Saito M, Numakura K, Habuchi T, Satoh S. Influence of NAT2 Polymorphisms on Sulfamethoxazole Pharmacokinetics in Renal Transplant Recipients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 Feb;56(2):825-9.
・ Hatakeyama S, Abe A, Suzuki T, Hashimoto Y, Koie T, Funyu T, Satoh S, Habuchi T, Ohyama C, Matsuo S. Clearance and safety of the radiocontrast medium iopamidol in peritoneal dialysis patients. Int J Nephrol. 2011;2011:657051.
・ Preminger GM, Alken P, Habuchi T, Wijkstra H, Skolarikos A, Yin CJ. The clinical research office of the endourological society audit committee. J Endourol. 2011 Nov;25(11):1811-3.
・ Mezaki Y, Morii M, Yoshikawa K, Yamaguchi N, Satoyoshi K, Miura M, Imai K, Hebiguchi T, Habuchi T, Senoo H. Elevated expression of transforming growth factor β3 in carbon tetrachloride-treated rat liver and involvement of retinoid signaling. Int J Mol Med. 2012 Jan;29(1):18-24.
・ Yuasa T, Tsuchiya N, Urakami S, Horikawa Y, Narita S, Inoue T, Saito M, Yamamoto S, Yonese J, Fukui I, Nakano K, Takahashi S, Hatake K, Habuchi T. Clinical efficacy and prognostic factors for overall survival in Japanese patients with metastatic renal cell cancer treated with sunitinib. BJU Int. 2012 May;109(9):1349-54.
・ Huang M, Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Ma Z, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Overexpression of Fn14 promotes androgen-independent prostate cancer progression through MMP-9 and correlates with poor treatment outcome. Carcinogenesis. 2011 Nov;32(11):1589-96
・ Kote-Jarai Z, Olama AA, Giles GG, Severi G, Schleutker J, Weischer M, Campa D, Riboli E, Key T, Gronberg H, Hunter DJ, Kraft P, Thun MJ, Ingles S, Chanock S, Albanes D, Hayes RB, Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Pharoah P, Schumacher F, Henderson BE, Stanford JL, Ostrander EA, Sorensen KD, Dörk T, Andriole G, Dickinson JL, Cybulski C, Lubinski J, Spurdle A, Clements JA, Chambers S, Aitken J, Gardiner RA, Thibodeau SN, Schaid D, John EM, Maier C, Vogel W, Cooney KA, Park JY, Cannon-Albright L, Brenner H, Habuchi T, Zhang HW, Lu YJ, Kaneva R, Muir K, Benlloch S, Leongamornlert DA, Saunders EJ, Tymrakiewicz M, Mahmud N, Guy M, O'Brien LT, Wilkinson RA, Hall AL, Sawyer EJ, Dadaev T, Morrison J, Dearnaley DP, Horwich A, Huddart RA, Khoo VS, Parker CC, Van As N, Woodhouse CJ, Thompson A, Christmas T, Ogden C, Cooper CS, Lophatonanon A, Southey MC, Hopper JL, English DR, Wahlfors T, Tammela TL, Klarskov P, Nordestgaard BG, Røder MA, Tybjærg-Hansen A, Bojesen SE, Travis R, Canzian F, Kaaks R, Wiklund F, Aly M, Lindstrom S, Diver WR, Gapstur S, Stern MC, Corral R, Virtamo J, Cox A, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Fitzgerald L, Kolb S, Kwon EM, Karyadi DM, Orntoft TF, Borre M, Meyer A, Serth J, Yeager M, Berndt SI, Marthick JR, Patterson B, Wokolorczyk D, Batra J, Lose F, McDonnell SK, Joshi AD, Shahabi A, Rinckleb AE, Ray A, Sellers TA, Lin HY, Stephenson RA, Farnham J, Muller H, Rothenbacher D, Tsuchiya N, Narita S, Cao GW, Slavov C, Mitev V; The UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology; The UK ProtecT Study Collaborators, The Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource; The PRACTICAL Consortium, Easton DF, Eeles RA. Seven prostate cancer susceptibility loci identified by a multi-stage genome-wide association study. Nat Genet. 2011 Jul 10;43(8):785-91.
・ Tsuboi S, Sutoh M, Hatakeyama S, Hiraoka N, Habuchi T, Horikawa Y, Hashimoto Y, Yoneyama T, Mori K, Koie T, Nakamura T, Saitoh H, Yamaya K, Funyu T, Fukuda M, Ohyama C. A Novel Strategy for Evasion of NK Cell Immunity by Tumours Expressing Core2 O-glycans. EMBO J. 2011 Jun 28;30(15):3173-85
・ Narita S, Tsuchiya N, Yuasa T, Maita S, Obara T, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. Outcome, clinical prognostic factors and genetic predictors of adverse reactions of intermittent combination chemotherapy with docetaxel, estramustine phosphate and carboplatin for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Int J Clin Oncol. 2012 Jun;17(3):204-11.
・ Inoue T, Satoh S, Saito M, Numakura K, Tsuruta H, Obara T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Correlations Between Pretransplant Dialysis Duration, Bladder Capacity, and Prevalence of Vesicoureteral Reflux to the Graft. Transplantation. 2011 Aug 15;92(3):311-5.
・ Saito M, Tsuchiya N, Maita S, Numakura K, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Kumazawa T, Inoue T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Yuasa T, Satoh S, Habuchi T. What is the most preferred wound site for laparoscopic donor nephrectomy?: a questionnaire assessment. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2011 Jul-Aug;21(6):511-5
・ Habuchi T. Role of lymph node dissection in managing urologic cancers. Int J Clin Oncol. 2011 Jun;16(3):169.
・ Miura M, Satoh S, Kagaya H, Saito M, Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Impact of the CYP3A4*1G polymorphism and its combination with CYP3A5 genotypes on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in renal transplant patients. Pharmacogenomics. 2011 Jul;12(7):977-84.
・ Miura M, Niioka T, Kato S, Kagaya H, Saito M, Habuchi T, Satoh S. Monitoring of mycophenolic acid predose concentrations in the maintenance phase more than one year after renal transplantation. Ther Drug Monit. 2011 Jun;33(3):295-302.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Tsuruta H, Obara T, Saito M, Inoue T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Nanjyo H, Habuchi T. A case of intratesticular endometrioid papillary cystadenocarcinoma. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2011 May;41(5):674-6.
・ Miura Y, Satoh S, Saito M, Numakura K, Inoue T, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Tsuchiya N, Komatsuda A, Kagaya H, Miura M, Habuchi T. Factors increasing quantitative interstitial fibrosis from 0 hr to 1 year in living kidney transplant patients receiving tacrolimus. Transplantation. 2011 Jan 15;91(1):78-85.
・ Tsuruta H, Inoue T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Saito M, Obara T, Numakura K, Maita S, Satoh S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Combination therapy consisting of gemcitabine, carboplatin, and docetaxel as an active treatment for advanced urothelial carcinoma. Int J Clin Oncol. 2011 Oct;16(5):533-8
・ Maita S, Yuasa T, Tsuchiya N, Mitobe Y, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Hatake K, Fukui I, Kimura S, Maekawa T, Habuchi T.Antitumor effect of sunitinib against skeletal metastatic renal cell carcinoma through inhibition of osteoclast function. Int J Cancer. 2012 Feb 1;130(3):677-84. doi: 10.1002/ijc.26034. Epub 2011 Jun 10.
・ Miura M, Niioka T, Kagaya H, Saito M, Hayakari M, Habuchi T, Satoh S. Pharmacogenetic determinants for interindividual difference of tacrolimus pharmacokinetics 1 year after renal transplantation. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2011 Apr;36(2):208-16
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Yuasa T, Saito M, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. A case study of metastatic Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma effectively treated with sunitinib. Int J Clin Oncol. 2011 Oct;16(5):577-80.
・ Kawata N, Tsuchiya N, Horikawa Y, Inoue T, Tsuruta H, Maita S, Sato S, Mitobe Y, Narita S, Habuchi T. Two survivin polymorphisms are cooperatively associated with bladder cancer susceptibility. Int J Cancer. 2011 Oct 15;129(8):1872-80.
・ Numakura K, Tsuchiya N, Obara T, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Narita S, Inoue T, Horikawa Y, Satoh S, Habuchi T. A case of ureteral malignant lymphoma diagnosed by laparoscopic needle biopsy. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2011 Mar;41(3):440-2.
・ Ma Z, Tsuchiya N, Yuasa T, Huang M, Obara T, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Tsuruta H, Saito M, Satoh S, Ogawa O, Habuchi T. Clinical significance of polymorphism and expression of chromogranin a and endothelin-1 in prostate cancer. J Urol. 2010 Sep;184(3):1182-8
・ Inoue T, Satoh S, Saito M, Horikawa Y, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder involving the ovary as an initial manifestation: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2010 Jun 18;4(1):184.
・ Yoshimura K, Kamoto T, Ogawa O, Matsui S, Tsuchiya N, Tada H, Murata K, Yoshimura K, Habuchi T, Fukushima M. Medical mushrooms used for biochemical failure after radical treatment for prostate cancer: an open-label study. Int J Urol. 2010 Jun;17(6):548-54. Epub 2010 Apr 19.
・ Miura M, Satoh S, Kagaya H, Saito M, Inoue T, Ohkubo T, Habuchi T, Suzuki T. Effect of telmisartan, valsartan and candesartan on mycophenolate mofetil pharmacokinetics in Japanese renal transplant recipients. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2009 Dec;34(6):683-92.
・ Yuasa T, Maita S, Tsuchiya N, Ma Z, Narita S, Horikawa Y, Yamamoto S, Yonese J, Fukui I, Takahashi S, Hatake K, Habuchi T. Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density and Androgen-deprivation Therapy in Japanese Prostate Cancer Patients. Urology. 2010 May;75(5):1131-7.
・ Kagaya H, Miura M, Saito M, Habuchi T, Satoh S. Correlation of IMPDH1 Gene Polymorphisms with Subclinical Acute Rejection and Mycophenolic Acid Exposure Parameters on Day 28 after Renal Transplantation. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2010 Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print]
・ Kato T, Habuchi T, Tsuchiya N, Sato K, Kitajima S, Kato S.Mass screening of prostate cancer and its impact on inhabitants in Akita Prefecture, Japan. Aktuelle Urol. 2010 Jan;41 Suppl 1:S53-6.


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