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長谷川 俊典、小林 達也、木田 義久、田中 孝幸、吉田 和雄、大須賀 浩二
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The role of radiosurgery for the treatment of pineal parenchymal tumors. Neurosurgery 51: 880-889, 2002
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Stereotactic radiosurgery for non-germinomatous germ cell tumors: report of four cases. Pediatr Neurosurg 38: 329-333, 2003.
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Hippocampal neurotransplantation evaluated in the rat kainic acid epilepsy model. Neurosurgery 55:191-200, 2004.
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Long-term outcomes in patients with vestibular schwannomas treated using gamma knife surgery: 10-year follow-up. J Neurosurg 102:10-16, 2005.
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Stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas: analysis of 317 patients followed more than 5 years. Neurosurgery 57: 257-264, 2005.
Hasegawa T, Fujitani S, Katsumata S, Kida Y, Yoshimoto M, Koike J
Sensitivity to radiation-induced apoptosis and neuron loss declines rapidly in the postnatal mouse neocortex. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 81(7):545-554, 2005
Nakaya K, Hasegawa T, Flickinger JC, Kondziolka DS, Fellows-Mayle W, Gobbel GT
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Trigeminal schwannomas: results of Gamma Knife surgery in 37 cases. J Neurosurg 106: 18-23, 2007.
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Long-term outcomes of Gamma Knife surgery for cavernous sinus meningioma. J Neurosurg 107: 745-751, 2007.
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Gamma Knife surgery for skull base chordomas and chondrosarcomas. J Neurosurg 107: 752-757, 2007.
Hasegawa T, Ishii D, Kida Y, Yoshimoto M, Koike J, Iizuka H
Tolerance of the optic apparatus in single-fraction using stereotactic radiosurgery: Evaluation in 100 patients with craniopharyngiomas. Neurosurgery 66:688-695, 2010.
Hasegawa T, Kobayashi T, Kida Y
Gamma knife surgery for convexity, parasagittal, and falcine meningioma. J Neurosurg 114(5):1392-8, 2011.
Hasegawa T, Kida Y, Yoshimoto M, Iizuka H, Ishii D, Yoshida K
Factors associated with hearing preservation after Gamma Knife surgery for vestibular schwannomas in patients who retain serviceable hearing. J Neurosurg 115(6):1078-1086, 2011.
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Long-term results for trigeminal schwannomas treated with gamma knife surgery. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 87(5): 1115-1121, 2013.
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Bevacizumab for refractory adverse radiation effects after stereotactic radiosurgery. J Neurooncol 115(2):217-223, 2013.
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery as the Initial Treatment for Patients with Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas. World Neurosurg. 83(6):1173-9, 2015.
Hasegawa T, Shintai K, Kato T, Iizuka H
Gamma Knife surgery for patients with facial nerve schwannomas: a multiinstitutional retrospective study in Japan. J Neurosurg. 124(2):403-410, 2016.
Hasegawa T, Kato T, Kida Y, Hayashi M, Tsugawa T, Iwai Y, Sato M, Okamoto H, Kano T, Osano S, Nagano O, Nakazaki K
Gamma Knife Surgery for Patients with Jugular Foramen Schwannomas: a multiinstitutional retrospective study in Japan. J Neurosurg. 125(4):822-831, 2016.
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Hasegawa T, Kato T, Yamamoto T, Iizuka H, Nishikawa T, Ito H, Kato N
Long-term hearing outcomes after gamma knife surgery in patients with vestibular schwannoma with hearing preservation: Evaluation in 92 patients with serial audiograms. J Neurooncol 132(2): 283-290, 2018.
Hasegawa T, Kato T, Yamamoto T, Naito T, Kato N, Torii J, Ishii K
Comparison of treatment results between 3- and 2-stage Gamma Knife radiosurgery for large brain metastases: a retrospective multi-institutional study. J Neurosurg 2018 Sep 1:1-11. doi: 10.3171/2018.4.JNS172596. [Epub ahead of print].
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Long-term outcomes for pediatric patients with brain arteriovenous malformations treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery, Part 1: Analysis of nidus obliteration rates and related factors. World Neurosurg 126: e1518-1525, 2019.
Hasegawa T, Kato T, Naito T, Tanei T, Torii J, Ishii K, and Tsukamoto E
Long-term outcomes for pediatric patients with brain arteriovenous malformations treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery, Part 2: The incidence of cyst formation, encapsulated hematoma, and radiation-induced tumor. World Neurosurg 126: e1526-1536, 2019.
Hasegawa T, Kato T, Naito T, Tanei T, Torii J, Ishii K, Tsukamoto E, Hatanaka KC, and Sugiyama T.
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【共著】長谷川 俊典:2章 脳腫瘍 ⑧頭蓋咽頭腫 Textbook of Radiosurgery 放射線外科治療の進歩, 井上 洋編, メディカ出版, 2012, pp146-151.
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【共著】長谷川 俊典:専門医に求められる最新の知識、聴神経腫瘍に対するガンマナイフ治療の最新の知見, 脳神経外科速報vol. 23 no.2 メディカ出版, 2013, pp188-195.
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【共著】長谷川 俊典:III 硬膜動静脈瘻update2016 A.血管内治療を行う前に知っておくべき知識 ③硬膜動静脈瘻に対するガンマナイフ治療‐放射線治療の役割‐, 脳血管内治療の進歩2017基礎から最新の知見まで, 坂井 信幸他編,診断と治療社,2016, pp98-101.
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【共著】長谷川 俊典:画像診断報告書の確認不足に向けた取り組み~医師・診療情報管理士の協働, 病院安全教育 7(1) 特集 画像診断報告書/プレゼンの最新技法, 日総研グループ, 2019 8・9月号, pp12-16.