横浜労災病院 整形外科 院長・運動器センター長
日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医・認定リウマチ医 日本手外科学会 手外科専門医 日本職業・災害医学会 労災補償指導医 日本臨床倫理学会 上級臨床倫理認定士 日本末梢神経学会 理事長
日本整形外科学会 | 整形外科専門医・認定リウマチ医 |
日本手外科学会 | 手外科専門医 |
日本職業・災害医学会 | 労災補償指導医 |
日本臨床倫理学会 | 上級臨床倫理認定士 |
日本末梢神経学会 | 理事長 |
1.Superficial radial intraneural ganglion cysts at the wrist. Acta Neurochirugica 160: 2479-2484, 2018.
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2. Robotic intercostal nerve harvest: a feasibility study in a pig model. J Neurosurg 124(1): 264-268, 2016.
Miyamoto H; Serradori T; Mikami Y; Selber J; Santelmo N; Facca S; Liverneaux P
3.A diagnostic algorithm for eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis initially diagonsed as lumbar disc hernia or lumbar spinal stenosis: Personal Experience and Review of the literature. Acta Medica Okayama 70(4): 261-268, 2016.
Ngata K, Yamamoto S, Miyoshi K, Sato M, Arino Y, Mikami Y
4.Long-term outcomes of cervical laminoplasty in the elderly. BioMed Research International 2015, article ID 713952, 7 pages, 2015.
Oshima Y, Miyoshi K, Mikami Y, Nakamoto H, Tanaka S
5.Robotic intercostal nerve harvest: a feasibility study in a pig model. Journal of Neurosurgery, published online on July 24, 2015; DOI: 10.3171/2015.1.JNS14603, 2015.
Miyamoto H, Serradori T, Mikami Y, Selber J, Santelmo N, Facca S, Liverneaux P
6.Combined video-assisted thoracic surgery and posterior spinal surgery for the treatment of dumbbel tumor of the first thoracic nerve root. Asian spine journal 9(4): 595-599, 2015.
Ohya J, Miyoshi K, Kitagawa T, Sato Y, Maehara T, Mikami Y
7.Restoration of elbow function by intercostal nerve transfer for obstetrical paralysis with co-contraction of the biceps and the triceps. J Hand Surg, 32B(4): 421-426, 2007.
K. Kawano, A. Nagano, N. Ochiai, T. Kondo, Y. Mikami, Y. Tajiri
8.Pelvic ring reconstruction with vascularized pedicle iliac bone graft for a large sacral schwannoma. J Spinal Disord Tech 18(2): 200-202, 2005.
Yasushi Oshima, Kota Miyoshi, Yoji Mikami, Naohiro Kawamura
9. Surgical treatment for atlantoaxial subluxation with myelopathy in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. Spine 29E: 488-491, 2004.
Kota Miyoshi, Kozo Nakamura, Nbuhiko Haga, Yoji Mikami
10.Multiple constriction of the radial nerve without external compression. The Journal of Hand Surgery 25A: 134-137, 2000.
Shinichi Yamamoto, Akira Nagano, Yoji Mikami, Yasuhito Tajiri
11.Fascicular constriction in the anterior interosseous nerve and other motor branches of the median nerve. Muscle & Nerve 22: 547-548, 1999.
Shinichi Yamamoto, Akira Nagano, Yoji Mikami, Yasuhito Tajiri, Kenichi Kawano, Keiji Itaka
12.Results of nerve grafting for injuries of the axillary and suprascapular nerves. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br.) 79:527-531, 1997.
Y. Mikami, A. Nagano, N. Ochiai, S. Yamamoto
13.Full exposure of the axillary and suprascapular nerves. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br.) 79: 532-533, 1997.
N. Ochiai, A. Nagano, Y. Mikami, S. Yamamoto
14.A new tendon transfer for clawhand: Use of the palmaris longus extended with the palmar aponeurosis. The Journal of Hand Surgery 17A: 813-815, 1992.
Ochiai N, Nagano A, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Mikami Y
【テレビ出演】NHKテレビ きょうの健康 2016年6月13日放送 手指の痛みとしびれ「どんな症状?」