名古屋大学大学院 医学系研究科精神医学 特任准教授
日本精神神経学会 精神科専門医・精神科指導医
日本精神神経学会 | 精神科専門医・精神科指導医 |
2000年 愛媛大学医学部卒業
2006年 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科卒業 博士(医学)取得
2006年 メイヨークリニック神経病理リサーチフェロー
2009年 順天堂東京江東高齢者医療センターPET/CT認知症研究センター 准教授
2014年 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科睡眠医学 講師
2018年 かわさき記念病院精神科 診療部長
2020年 かわさき記念病院精神科 副院長
1. *Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Early diagnosis of Lewy body disease in patients with late-onset psychiatric disorders using clinical history of REM sleep behavior disorder and 123I-MIBG cardiac scintigraphy. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 72:423-434, 2018
2. *Fujishiro H. Neuroinflammation as a potential therapeutic target in dementia with Lewy bodies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 89:328, 2018.
3. Esaki Y, Kitajima T, Fujishiro H, Fujita S, Hirose M, Watanabe A, Iwata N. Parasomnia overlap disorder caused by paroxetine. Sleep Biol Rhythms in press
4. Marui T, Torii Y, Iritani S, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Fujishiro H, Oshima K, Niizato K, Hayashida S, Masaki K, Kira J, Ozaki N. The neuropathological study of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in the temporal lobe of schizophrenia patients. Acta Neuropsychiatr in press
5. Komatsu J, Samuraki M, Nakajima K, Arai H, Arai H, Arai T, Asada T, Fujishiro H, Hanyu H, Iizuka O, Iseki E, Kashihara K, Kosaka K, Maruno H, Mizukami K, Mizuno Y, Mori E, Nakajima K, Nakamura H, Nakano S, Nakashima K, Nishio Y, Orimo S, Samuraki M, Takahashi A, Taki J, Tokuda T, Urakami U, Utsumi K, Wada K, Washimi Y, Yamashina S, Yamasaki J, Yoshita M, Yamada M. Diagnostic Accuracy of ¹²³I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy for the diagnosis of DLB: a multicentre 3-year follow-up study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.in press
6. Chiba Y, Iseki E, Fujishiro H, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Suzuki M, Hirayasu Y, Arai H, Sato K. Early differential diagnosis between Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies: Comparison between 18F-FDG PET and 123I-IMP SPECT. Psychiatry Res 249:105-112, 2017
7. Munechika T, *Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Torii Y, Iritani S, Ozaki N. REM sleep without atonia may help diagnose Lewy body disease in middle-aged and older patients with somatic symptom disorder. Psychogeriatrics 17:61-69, 2017
8. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Ozaki N. Effectiveness of low-dose pregabalin in three patients with Lewy body disease and central neuropathic pain. Psychogeriatrics 17:115-119, 2017
9. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Watanabe M, Kosaka K, Ozaki N. Similarity of symptoms between transient epileptic amnesia and Lewy body disease. Psychogeriatrics 17:120-125, 2017
10. *Fujishiro H, Okuda M, Iwamoto K, Miyata S, Otake H, Noda A, Iritani S, Ozaki N. REM sleep without atonia in middle-aged and older psychiatric patients and Lewy body disease: a case series. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 32:397-406, 2017
11. *Fujishiro H, Kawakami I, Oshima K, Niizato K, Iritani S. Delirium prior to dementia as a clinical phenotype of Lewy body disease: an autopsied case report. Int Psychogeriatr 29:687-689, 2017
12. Sekiguchi H, Moriwaki M, Iritani S, Habuchi C, Torii Y, Umeda K, Fujishiro H, Yoshida M, Fujita K. An autopsy case of dementia with Lewy bodies clinically diagnosed to have a behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Clin Neuropathol 36:23-30, 2017
13. Iwamoto K, Fujishiro H, Ozaki N. Effect of aripiprazole augmentation for the depressive symptoms changes with progression of Lewy body disease. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 71:74-75, 2017
14. Imaeda M, Tanaka S, Fujishiro H, Kato S, Ishigami M, Kawano N, Katayama H, Kohmura K, Ando M, Nishioka K, Ozaki N. Risk factors for elevated liver enzymes during refeeding of severely malnourished patients with eating disorders: retrospective cohort study. J Eating Disord 4;37, 2017
15. Onishi Y,Kimura H, Hori T, Kishi S, Kamei H, Kurata N, Tsuboi C, Yamaguchi N, Takahashi M, Sunada S, Hirano M, Fujishiro H, Okada T, Ishigami M, Goto H, Ozaki N, Ogura Y. Risk of alcohol use relapse after liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease. World J Gastroenterol 23:869-875, 2017
16. Morosawa S, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Kuroda K, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N. Neuropeptide Y neuronal network dysfunction in the frontal lobe of a genetic mouse model of schizophrenia. Neuropeptides 62:27-35, 2017
17. McKeith IG, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Halliday G, Taylor J-P, Weintraub D, Aarsland D, Galvin J, Attems J, Ballard CG, Bayston A, Beach TG, Blanc F, Bohnen N, Bonanni L, Bras J, Brundin P, Burn D, Chen-Plotkin A, Duda JE, El-Agnaf O, Feldman H, Ferman TJ, Ffytche DH, Fujishiro H, Galasko D, Goldman JG, Gomperts SN, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Iranzo A, Kantarci K, Kaufer D, Kukull W, Lee VM, Leverenz JB, Lewis S, Lippa C, Lunde A, Masellis M, Masliah E, McLean P, Mollenhauer B, Montine TJ, Moreno E, Mori E, Murray M, O'Brien JT, Orimo S, Postuma RB, Ramaswamy S, Ross OA, Salmon DP, Singleton A, Taylor A, Thomas A, Tiraboschi P, Toledo JB, Trojanowski JQ, Tsuang D, Walker Z, Yamada M, Kosaka K. Diagnosis and management of dementia with Lewy bodies 4th consensus report of the DLB consortium. Neurology 89:88-100, 2017
18. Kimura H, Onishi Y, Kishi S, Kurata N, Ogiso S, Kamei H, Tsuboi C, Yamaguchi N, Shiga A, Kondo M, Yokoyama Y, Takasato F, Fujishiro H, Ishizuka K, Okada T, Ogura Y, Ozaki N. Successful Post-Transplant Psychiatric Interventions During Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Receiving Liver Transplants for Alcoholic Liver Disease. Am J Case Rep 18:1215-1219,2017
19. *Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Torii Y, Matsunaga S, Ozaki N, Yoshida M, Fujita K. Hypochondriasis as early manifestation in dementia with Lewy bodies: an autopsied case report. Psychogeriatrics 16:139-144, 2016
20. Murayama N, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Kondo D, Fujishiro H, Fukase Y, Tagaya H, Sato K, Iseki E. Cognitive dysfunction in patients with very mild Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment showing hemispheric asymmetries of hypometabolism on 18F-FDG PET. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 31:41-48, 2016
21. Ota K, Fujishiro H, Kasanuki K, Kondo D, Chiba Y, Murayama N, Arai H, Sato K, Iseki E. Prediction of later clinical course by a specific glucose metabolic pattern in non-demented patients with probable REM sleep behavior disorder admitted to a memory clinic: A case study. Psychiatry Res 248:151-158, 2016
22. Ikura T, Katsuse O, Chiba Y, Takahashi Y, Fujishiro H, Kamada A, Saito T, Hirayasu Y. Evaluation of titers of antibodies against peptides of subunits NR1 and NR2B of glutamate receptor by enzyme-linkedd immunosorbent assay in psychiatric patients with anti-thyroid antibodies. Neurosci Lett 628:201-206, 2016
23. Umeda , Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Kuroda K, Kaibuchi K, Ozaki N. Immunohistochemical evaluation of the GABAergic neuronal system in the prefrontal cortex of a DISC 1 knockout mouse model of schizophrenia. Synapse 70:508-518, 2016
24. Esaki Y, Kitajima T, Koike S, Fujishiro H, Iwata Y, Tsuchiya A, Hirose M, Iwata N. An open-labeled trial of ramelteon in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. J Clin Sleep Med 12:689-693, 2016
25. Kondo D, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Fujishiro H, Chiba Y, Murayama N, Sato K, Hirayasu Y, Arai H, Iseki E. Characteristics of mild cognitive impairment tending to convert into Alzheimer’s disease or dementia with Lewy bodies: A follow-up study in a memory clinic. J Neurol Sci 369:102-108, 2016
26. Torii Y, Iritani S, Fujishiro H, Sekiguchi H, Habuchi C, Umeda K, Matsunaga S, Mimuro M, Ozaki N, Yoshida M, Fujita K. An autopsy case of cortical superficial siderosis with prolonged abnormal behavior. Neuropathology 36:540-550, 2016
27. Chiba Y, *Fujishiro H, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Arai H, Hirayasu Y, Sato K, Iseki E. Clinical profiles of dementia with Lewy bodies with and without Alzheimer’s disease-like hypometabolism. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 30: 316-323, 2015
28. Chiba Y, Katsuse O, Fujishiro H, Kamada A, Saito T, Ikura T, Takahashi Y, Kunii M, Takeno M, Hirayasu Y. Lymphopenia helps early diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus for patients with psychosis as an initial symptom. Psychosomatics 56:85-88, 2015
29. Yoshita M, Arai H, Arai H, Arai T, Asada T, Fujishiro H, Hanyu H, Iizuka O, Iseki E, Kashihara K, Kosaka K, Maruno H, Mizukami K, Mizuno Y, Mori E, Nakajima K, Nakamura H, Nakano S, Nakashima K, Nishio Y, Orimo S, Samuraki M, Takahashi A, Taki J, Tokuda T, Urakami U, Utsumi K, Wada K, Washimi Y, Yamashina S, Yamasaki J, Yamada M. Diagnostic Accuracy of ¹²³I-Meta-iodobenzylguanidine Myocardial Scintigraphy in Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Multicenter Study. PloS one 10(3): e0120540, 2015 10.1371/journal.pone.0120540.
30. Ota K, Murayama N, Kasanuki K, Kondo D, Fujishiro H, Arai H, Sato K, Iseki E. Visuopercertual assessments for differentiating dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease: illusory contours and other neuropsychological examinations. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 30:256-263, 2015 doi: 10.1093/arclin/acv016.
31. *Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Hattori M, Sekiguchi H, Matsunaga S, Habuchi C, Torii Y, Umeda K, Ozaki N, Yoshida M, Fujita K. Autopsy-confirmed hippocampal-sparing Alzheimer’s disease with delusional jealousy as initial manifestation. Psychogeriatrics 15:198-203,2015
32. Kasanuki K, Iseki E, Fujishiro H, Ando S, Sugiyama H, Kitazawa M, Chiba Y, Sato K, Arai H. Impaird heart rate variability in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies: Efficacy of electrocardiogram as a supporting diagnostic marker. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 21:749-754,2015 doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2015
33. Kimura H, Onishi Y, Sunada S, Kishi S, Suzuki N, Tsuboi C, Yamaguchi N, Imai H, Kamei H, Fujishiro H, Okada T, Ishigami M, Ogura Y, Kiuchi T, Ozaki N. Postoperative psychiatric complications in living liver donors. Transplantation Proceedings 47:1860-1865,2015
34. *Fujishiro H, Nakamura S, Sato K, Iseki E. Prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. Geriatr Gerontol Int 15:817-826,2015
35. Ukai K, Fujishiro H, Iritani S, Ozaki N. Long-term efficacy of donepezil for relapse of visual hallucinations in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychogeriatrics 15:133-137,2015
36. Chiba Y, Iseki E, *Fujishiro H, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Arai H, Hirayasu Y, Sato K. Primary visual metabolism and REM sleep behavior disorder in dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 68:137-144, 2014
37. Ota K, Iseki E, Murayama N, Chiba Y, Fujishiro H, Kasanuki K, Manabe Y, Arai H, Sato K. Three presenile patients in which neuropsychological and neuroimaging examinations suggest possible progression to dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychogeriatrics 14:72-80, 2014
38. Kasanuki K, Iseki E, Kondo D, Fujishiro H, Minegishi M, Sato K, Katsuse O, Hino H, Kosaka K, Arai H. Neuropathological investigation of hypocretin expression in brains of dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurosci Lett 569:68-73, 2014
39. *Fujishiro H. Effects of gabapentin enacarbil on restless legs syndrome and leg pain in dementia with Lewy bodies. Psychogeriatrics 14:132-134, 2014
40. *Fujishiro H. Cardiac 123I- metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy in elderly depressed patients. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 68: 652, 2014
41. Ferman TJ, Arvanitakis Z, Fujishiro H, Duara R, Parfitt F, Purdy M, Waters C, Barker W, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW. Pathology and temporal onset of visual hallucinations, misperceptions and family misidentification distinguishes Dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 19:227-231, 2013
42. Murayama N, Iseki E, Tagaya H, Ota K, Fujishiro H, Arai H, Sato K. Intelligence or years of education: which is more correlated with memory function in Japanese normal elderly subjects? Psychogeriatrics 13:9-16, 2013
43. Murayama N, Tagaya H, Ota K, Fujishiro H, Manabe Y, Sato K, Iseki E. Neuropsychological detection of early stage of amnestic MCI without objective memory impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 35:98-105, 2013
44. *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Nakamura S, Kasanuki K, Chiba Y, Ota K, Murayama N, Sato K. Dementia with Lewy bodies: early diagnostic challenges. Psychogeriatrics 13:128-138, 2013
45. Kasanuki K, Iseki E, Nishida Y, Fujishiro H, Chiba Y, Sato K, Arai H. Effectiveness of ramelteon for visual hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies: four cases report. J Clin Psychopharmacol 33:581-583, 2013
46. *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Kasanuki K, Chiba Y, Ota K, Murayama N, Sato K. A follow up study of non-demented patients with primary visual cortical hypometabolism: prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies. J Neurol Sci 334:48-54, 2013
47. *Fujishiro H, Kasanuki K, Nakamura S. Levodopa treatment and mood fluctuation in dementia with Lewy bodies: a case report. Psychogeriatrics 13:250-253, 2013
48. Fujishiro H, Imamura AY, Lin WL, Uchikado H, Mark MH, Golbe LI, Markopoulou K, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW. Diversity of pathological features other than Lewy bodies in familial Parkinson’s disease due to SNCA mutations. Am J Neurodegener Dis 2:266-275, 2013.
49. Dugger BN, Boeve BF, Murray ME, Parisi JE, Fujishiro H, Dickson DW, Ferman TJ. Rapid eye movement disorder and subtypes in autopsy-confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies. Mov Disord 27:72-8, 2012
50. Kasanuki K, Iseki E, Fujishiro H, Yamamoto R, Higashi S, Minegishi M, Togo T, Katsuse O, Uchikado H, Furukawa Y, Hino H, Kosaka K, Sato K, Arai H. Neuropathological investigation of the hypometabolic regions on positron emission tomography with [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose in patients dementia with Lewy bodies. J Neurol Sci 314:111-9, 2012
51. *Fujishiro H, Nakamura S, Kitazawa M, Sato K, Iseki E. Early detection of dementia with Lewy bodies in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment using cardiac MIBG scintigraphy. J Neurol Sci 315:115-119, 2012
52. Hasegawa T, Ichiba M, Matsumoto SE, Kasanuki K, Hatano T, Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Hattori N, Yamada T, Tabira T. Urinary homocysteic acid levels correlate with Mini-Mental State Examination scores in Alzheimer’s disease patients. J Alzheimers Dis 31:59-64,2012
53. Chiba Y, *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Ota K, Kasanuki K, Hirayasu Y, Sato K. Retrospective survey of prodromal symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies: comparison with Alzheimer’s disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 33:273-281,2012
54. *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Kasanuki K, Murayama N, Ota K, Suzuki M, Sato K. Glucose hypometabolism in primary visual cortex is commonly associated with clinical features of dementia with Lewy bodies regardless of cognitive conditions. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 27:1138-1146, 2012
55. Frigerio R, Fujishiro H, Ahn TB, Josephs KA, Maraganore D, DelleDonne A, Parisi JE, Klos K, Boeve B, Dickson DW, Ahlskog JE. Incidental Lewy body disease: do some cases represent preclinical dementia with Lewy bodies? Neurobiol Aging 32: 857-863, 2011
56. Aoki N, Tsuchiya K, Togo T, Kobayashi Z, Uchikado H, Katsuse O, Suzuki K, Fujishiro H, Arai T, Iseki E, Kosaka K, Akiyama H, Hirayasu Y. Gray matter lesions in Nasu-Hakola disease: a report on three autopsy cases. Neuropathology 31:135-143, 2011
57. Higashi S, Moore DJ, Minegishi M, Kasanuki K, Fujishiro H, Kabuta T, Togo T, Katsuse O, Uchikado H, Furukawa Y, Hino H, Kosaka K, Sato K, Arai H, Wada K, Iseki E. Localization of MAP1-LC3 in vulnerable neurons and Lewy bodies in brains of patients with dementia with Lewy bodies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 70:264-280, 2011
58. Ferman TJ, Boeve BF, Smith GE, Lin Siong-Chi, Silber MH, Pedraza O, Wszolek Z, Graff-Radford NR, Uitti R, Gerpen JV, Pao W, Knopman D, Pankratz VS, Kantarci K, Boot B, Parisi JE, Dugger BN, Fujishiro H, Petersen RC, Dickson DW. Validation of the Revised DLB Clinical Consensus Criteria: RBD Improves Classification of Autopsy-Confirmed DLB. Neurology 77:875-82, 2011
59. Dickson DW, Uchikado H, Fujishiro H, Tsuboi Y. Evidence in favor of Braak staging of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord 25(S1):S78-S82, 2010
60. *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Murayama N, Yamamoto R, Kasanuki K, Higashi S, Suzuki M, Arai H, Sato K. Diffuse occipital hypometabolism on 18F-FDG PET scans in patients with idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder: prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies? Psychogeriatrics 10:144-152, 2010
61. Iseki E, Murayama N, Yamamoto R, Fujishiro H, Suzuki M, Kawano M, Miki S, Sato K Construction of a 18F-FDG PET normative database of Japanese healthy elderly subjects and its application to demented and mild cognitive impairment patients. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 25:352-361, 2010
62. Murayama N, Iseki E, Fujishiro H, Yamamoto R, Ota K, Suzuki M, Nagashima K, Arai H, Sato K. Detection of early amnestic mild cognitive impairment without significant objective memory impairment: a case-controlled study. Psychogeriatrics 10:62-68, 2010
63. Asaoka T, Tsuchiya K, *Fujishiro H, Arai T, Hasegawa M, Akiyama H , Iseki E, Oda T, Onaya M, Tominaga I. Argyrophilic grain disease with delusions and hallucinations: A pathological study. Psychogeriatrics 10:69-76, 2010
64. Arai T, Hasegawa M, Nonoka T, Kametani F, Yamashita M, Hosokawa M, Niizato K, Tsuchiya K, Kobayashi Z, Ikeda K, Yoshida M, Onaya M, Fujishiro H, Akiyama H. Phosphorylated and cleaved TDP-43 in ALS, FTLD and other neurodegenerative disorders and in cellular models of TDP-43 proteinopathy. Neuropathology 30: 170-181, 2010
65. *Fujishiro H, Iseki E, Higashi S, Kasanuki K, Murayama N, Togo T, Katsuse O, Uchikado H, Aoki N, Kosaka K, Arai H, Sato K. Distribution of cerebral amyloid deposition and its relevance to clinical phenotype in Lewy body dementia. Neurosci Lett 486:19-23,2010
66. Fujishiro H, Uchikado H, Arai T, Hasegawa M, Akiyama H, Yokota O, Tsuchiya K, Togo T, Iseki E, Hirayasu Y. Accumulation of phosphorylated TDP-43 in brains of patients with argyrophilic grain disease. Acta Neuropathol 117:151-8, 2009
67. Frigerio R, Fujishiro H, Maraganore DM, Klos KJ, DelleDonne A, Heckman MG, Crook JE, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Ahlskog JE. Comparison of risk factor profiles in incidental Lewy body disease and Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol. 66:1114-9, 2009
68. Dickson DW, Fujishiro H, Orr C, DelleDonne A, Josephs KA, Frigerio R, Burnett M, Parisi JE, Klos KJ, Ahlskog JE. Neuropathology of non-motor features of Parkinson disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. Suppl 3:S1-5, 2009
69. Dickson DW, Fujishiro H Re: In dementia with Lewy bodies, Braak stage determines phenotype, not Lewy body distribution. Neurology 70:2087-8, 2008
70. DelleDonne A, Klos KJ, Fujishiro H, Ahmed Z, Parisi JE, Josephs KA, Frigerio R, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Ahlskog JE, Dickson DW Incidental Lewy body disease and Parkinson's disease. Arch Neurol 65:1074-80, 2008
71. Fujishiro H, Frigerio R, Burnett M, Klos KJ, Josephs KA, DelleDonne A, Parisi JE, Ahlskog JE, Dickson DW Cardiac sympathetic denervation correlates with clinical and pathologic stages of Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 23:1085-92, 2008
72. Dickson DW, Fujishiro H, Delledonne A, Menke J, Ahmed Z, Klos KJ, Josephs KA, Frigerio R, Burnett M, Parisi JE, Ahlskog JE.Evidence that incidental Lewy body disease is pre-symptomatic Parkinson's disease. Acta Neuropathol 115:437-44, 2008
73. Fujishiro H, Ahn TB, Frigerio R, DelleDonne A, Josephs KA, Parisi JE, Ahlskog JE, Dickson DW Glial cytoplasmic inclusions in neurologically normal elderly: prodromal multiple system atrophy? Acta Neuropathol 116:269-75, 2008
74. Fujishiro H, Ferman TJ, Boeve BF, Smith GE, Graff-Radford NR, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Parisi JE, Dickson DW Validation of the Neuropathologic Criteria of the Third Consortium for Dementia with Lewy Bodies for Prospectively Diagnosed Cases. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 67:649-56, 2008
75. Fujishiro H, Tsuboi Y, Li W, Uchikado H, Dickson DW. Colocalization of tau and synuclein in olfactory bulb in Alzheimer’s disease with amygdala Lewy bodies. Acta Neuropathol 116:17-24, 2008
76. *Fujishiro H, Umegaki H, Suzuki Y, Isojima D, Akatsu H, Ikari H, Iguchi A, Kosaka K Clinical profiles of autopsy-confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies at institutionalization: Comparison with Alzheimer’s disease. Psychogeriatrics 7: 98-103, 2007
77. *Fujishiro H, Umegaki H, Isojima D, Akatsu H, Iguchi A, Kosaka K. Depletion of cholinergic neurons in the nucleus of the medial septum and the vertical limb of the diagonal band in dementia with Lewy bodies. Acta Neuropathol 111:109-14, 2006
78. Isojima D, Togo T, Kosaka K, Fujishiro H, Akatsu H, Katsuse O, Iritani S, Matsumoto T, Hirayasu Y. Vascular Complications in Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Postmortem Study. Neuropathology 26:293-7, 2006
79. Fujishiro H, Umegaki H, Suzuki Y, Oohara-Kurotani S, Yamaguchi Y, Iguchi A. Dopamine D2 receptor has a role in memory function: Implications for dopamine-acetylcholine interaction in the ventral hippocampus. Psychopharmacology 182:253-61, 2005
80. Suzuki Y, Yamamoto S, Umegaki H, Onishi J, Mogi N, Fujishiro H, Iguchi A. Smell identification test as an indicator for cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 19:727-733, 2004
*Corresponding Author
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【受賞】平成23年度 ノバルティス老化および老年医学賞受賞