国際医療福祉大学 教授、福岡山王病院 膵臓内科・神経内分泌腫瘍センター長

日本消化器病学会 消化器病指導医・消化器病専門医 日本内科学会 認定内科医

伊藤 鉄英 いとう てつひで 先生




  • 消化器内科
  • 内科
  • 肝胆膵疾患
  • 神経内分泌腫瘍



日本消化器病学会 消化器病指導医・消化器病専門医
日本内科学会 認定内科医
  • 国際医療福祉大学 教授
  • 福岡山王病院 膵臓内科・神経内分泌腫瘍センター長
  • 医学博士
  • 日本消化器病学会 財団評議員
  • 日本神経内分泌腫瘍研究会 理事
  • 日本膵臓学会 評議員・理事



  • 内科 血液内科 外科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産科 婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 腫瘍内科 消化器内科 肝胆膵内科 糖尿病内科 内分泌内科 代謝内科 脳神経内科 血管外科 ペインクリニック内科 放射線診断科 放射線治療科 病理診断科 産婦人科 放射線科 神経小児科 臨床検査科
  • 福岡県福岡市早良区百道浜3丁目6-45
  • 福岡市営地下鉄空港線 藤崎 西鉄バス 福岡タワー南口バス停下車 徒歩3分 徒歩15分
  • 092-832-1100




1984年 九州大学医学部医学科卒業
1993年 九州大学医学部 医学博士の学位授与
1995年 九州大学医学部附属病院助手(第三内科)
1996年 米国国立衛生研究所(NIH)研究員(消化器部)
2002年 九州大学大学院医学研究院講師(病態制御内科学分野)
2006年 九州大学病院 肝臓・膵臓・胆道内科 副科長
2010年 九州大学病院 肝臓・膵臓・胆道内科 診療准教授
2011年 九州大学大学院医学研究院准教授(病態制御内科学分野)
2017年 福岡山王病院 膵臓内科・神経内分泌腫瘍センター センター長
     国際医療福祉大学 教授併任


(1) Lee L, Ito T, Igarashi H, Miki M, Fujimori N, Kawabe K, Jensen RT, Ogawa Y.
Dose and schedule modification are required for long-term continuation of sunitinib in Japanese patients with
advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2018 Jan;81(1):163-169.

(2) Ito T, Lee L, Jensen RT.
Carcinoid-syndrome: recent advances, current status and controversies.
Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2018 Feb;25(1):22-35.

(1) Ito T, Hijioka S, Masui T, Kasajima A, Nakamoto Y, Kobayashi N, Komoto I, Hijioka M, Lee L, Igarashi H,
Jensen RT, Imamura M.
Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms in Japan.
J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jan;52(1):9-18.

(2)Ito T, Jensen RT.
Molecular imaging in neuroendocrine tumors: recent advances, controversies, unresolved issues, and roles in
Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2017 Feb;24(1):15-24.

(3)Masamune A, Kikuta K, Nabeshima T, Nakano E, Hirota M, Kanno A, Kume K, Hamada S, Ito T, Fujita M,
Irisawa A, Nakashima M, Hanada K, Eguchi T, Kato R, Inatomi O, Shirane A, Takeyama Y, Tsuji I,
Shimosegawa T; Research Committee of Intractable Pancreatic Diseases in Japan.
Nationwide epidemiological survey of early chronic pancreatitis in Japan.
J Gastroenterol. 2017 Aug;52(8):992-1000.

(4) Lee L, Ito T, Nakamura T, Jensen RT, Igarashi H, Takayanagi R.
Antifibrotic Effect of Saturated Fatty Acids via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Rat Pancreatic Stellate
Pancreas. 2017;46(3):385-394.

(5) Kubota K, Kamisawa T, Okazaki K, Kawa S, Hirano K, Hirooka Y, Uchida K, Shiomi H, Ohara H,
Shimizu K, Arakura N, Kanno A, Sakagami J, Itoi T, Ito T, Ueki T, Nishino T, Inui K, Mizuno N, Yoshida H,
Sugiyama M, Iwasaki E, Irisawa A, Shimosegawa T, Takeyama Y, Chiba T.
Low-dose maintenance steroid treatment could reduce the relapse rate in patients with type 1 autoimmune
pancreatitis: a long-term Japanese multicenter analysis of 510 patients.
J Gastroenterol. 2017 Aug;52(8):955-964.

(6) Lee L, Ito T, Igarashi H, Ueda K, Fujiyama T, Kawabe K, Ogawa Y.
Impact of everolimus on Japanese patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2017 Feb;24(2):95-102.

(7) Niina Y, Ito T, Ueda K, Lee L, Igarashi H, Hijioka M, Takaoka T, Fujiyama T, Miki M, Tachibana Y,
Fujimori N, Ohtsuka T, Nakamura K, Kawabe K, Ogawa Y.
Effectiveness of endoscopic duodenal stenting for the management of patients with unresectable
pancreatic cancer.
Gastroenterol Hepatol Endosc, 2017; 2(1): 1-5

(8) Aso A, Ihara E, Nakamura K, Sudovykh I, Ito T, Nakamura M, Ikeda T, Takizawa N, Oda Y, Shimizu S
Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas in Young Male Patients: Three Case Reports
Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2017;2017:9071678. doi: 10.1155/2017/9071678. Epub 2017 Jan 31.

(9) Ueda K, Kawabe K, Lee L, Tachibana Y, Fujimori N, Igarashi H,Oda N, Jensen RT, Takayanagi R, Ito T.
Diagnostic Performance of 48-Hour Fasting Test and Insulin Surrogates in Patients with Suspected Insulinoma
Pancreas. 2017 Apr;46(4):476-481

(10) Lee L, Ito T, Igarshi H, Kawabe K, Oda Y, Takayanagi R.
Impact of everolimus on Japanese patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2017 Feb;24(2):95-102.

(11) IokaT, Komatsu Y, Mizuno N, Tsuji A, Ohkawa S, Tanaka M, Iguchi H, Ishiguro A, Kitano M, Satoh T,
Yamaguchi T, Takeda K, Kida M, Eguchi K, Ito T, Munakata M, Itoi T, Furuse J, Hamada C, Sakata S.
Randomised phase II trial of irinotecan plus S-1 (IRIS) in patients with gemcitabine-refractory pancreatic cancer
Br J Cancer. 2017 Feb 14;116(4):464-471..

(12) Hijioka S, Hosoda W, Matsuo K, Ueno M, Furukawa M, Yoshitomi H, Kobayashi M, Ikeda M, Ito T,
Nakamori S, Ishii H, Kodama Y, Morizane C, Okusaka T, Yanagimoto H, Notohara K, Taguchi H,
Kitano M, Yane K, Maguchi H, Tsuchiya Y, Komoto I, Tanaka H, Tsuji A, Hashigo S, Kawaguchi Y, Mine Y,
Kanno A, Murohisa G, Miyabe K, Takaghi T, Matayoshi N, Yoshida T, Hara K, Imamura M, Furuse J, Yatabe Y,
Mizuno N.
Pancreatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor with grade 3 does not respond to platinum based
chemotherapy: a retrospective, multicenter study of 70 pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas.
Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Aug 15;23(16):4625-4632.

(13) Miki M, Ito T, Hijioka M, Lee L, Yasunaga K, Ueda K, Fujiyama T, Yachibana Y, Kawabe K, Jensen RT,
Ogawa Y.
Utility of Chromogranin B Compared with Chromogranin A as a Biomarker in Japanese Patients with Pancreatic
Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2017 Jun 1;47(6):520-528.

(14) Masamune A, Nishimori I, Kikuta K, Tsuji I, Mizuno N, Iiyama T, Kanno A, Tachibana Y, Ito T,
Kamisawa T, Uchida K, Hamano H, Yasuda H, Sakagami J, Mitoro A, Taguchi M, Kihara Y, Sugimoto H,
Hirooka Y, Yamamoto S, Inui K, Inatomi O, Andoh A, Nakahara K, Miyakawa H, Hamada S, Kawa S,
Okazaki K, Shimosegawa T; Research Committee of Intractable Pancreas Diseases in Japan.
Randomised controlled trial of long-term maintenance corticosteroid therapy in patients with autoimmune
Gut. 2017 Mar;66(3):487-494

(15) Okusaka T, Miyakawa H, Fujii H, Nakamori S, Satoh T, Hamamoto Y, Ito T, Maguchi H, Matsumoto S,
Ueno H, Ioka T, Boku N, Egawa S, Hatori T, Furuse J, Mizumoto K, Ohkawa S, Yamaguchi T, Yamao K,
Funakoshi A, Chen JS, Cheng AL, Sato A, Ohashi Y, Tanaka M.
Updated results from GEST study: a randomized, 3-arm phase III study for advanced pancreatic cancer
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2017 Jun;143(6):1053-1059.

(16) Noguchi S, Shinohara N, Ito T, Ohtsu A, Ravaud A, Jerusalem G, Ohno N, Gallo J, Bouillaud E, Fan J,
Nonomura N.
Relationship Between Pulmonary Adverse Events and Everolimus Exposure: Meta-Analysis of Oncology Trials.
Oncology. 2017;92(5):243-254.

(17) Fujiyama T, Ito T, Ueda K, Tachibana Y, Yasunaga K, Miki M, Takaoka T, Lee L, Kawabe K, Ogawa Y.
Serum levels of Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein reflect the severity of chronic
J Dig Dis. 2017 May;18(5):302-308.

(18) Ito T, Honma Y, Hijioka S, Kudo A, Fukutomi A, Nozaki A, Kimura Y, Motoi F, Isayama H, Komoto I,
Hisamatsu S, Nakajima A, Shimatsu A.
Phase II study of lanreotide autogel in Japanese patients with unresectable or metastatic well-differentiated
neuroendocrine tumors.
Invest New Drugs. 2017 Aug;35(4):499-508.

(19) Hijioka S, Hosoda W, Matsuo K, Ueno M, Furukawa M, Yoshitomi H, Kobayashi N, Ikeda M, Ito T,
Nakamori S, Ishii H, Kodama Y, Morizane C, Okusaka T, Yanagimoto H, Notohara K, Taguchi H, Kitano M,
Yane K, Maguchi H, Tsuchiya Y, Komoto I, Tanaka H, Tsuji A, Hashigo S, Kawaguchi Y, Mine T, Kanno A,
Murohisa G, Miyabe K, Takagi T, Matayoshi N, Yoshida T, Hara K, Imamura M, Furuse J, Yatabe Y, Mizuno N.
Rb loss and KRAS mutation are predictors of the response to platinum-based chemotherapy in pancreatic
neuroendocrine neoplasm with grade 3: A Japanese multicenter pancreatic NEN-G3 study.
Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Aug 15;23(16):4625-4632.

(20) Ueda K, Kawabe K, Lee L, Tachibana Y, Fujimori N, Igarashi H, Oda Y, Jensen RT, Takayanagi R, Ito T.
Diagnostic Performance of 48-Hour Fasting Test and Insulin Surrogates in Patients With Suspected Insulinoma.
Pancreas. 2017 Apr;46(4):476-481.

(21) Mine T, Morizane T, Kawaguchi Y, Akashi R, Hanada K, Ito T, Kanno A, Kida M, Miyagawa H,
Yamaguchi T, Mayumi T, Takeyama Y, Shimosegawa T.
Clinical Practice Guideline for Post-ERCP Pancreatitis.
J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun 26. doi: 10.1007/s00535-017-1359-5. [Epub ahead of print]

(22) Iwasa T, Nakamura K, Ihara E, Aso A, Ito T.
The Effective Treatment with Cyclosporine of a Ulcerative Colitis Patient with Concurrent Idiopathic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura Who Subsequently Developed Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum.
Intern Med. 2017;56(11):1331-1337.

(23) Ueda K, Ito T, Kawabe K, Lee L, Fujiyama T, Tachibana Y, Miki M, Yasunaga K, Takaoka T, Nishie A,
Asayama Y, T Jensen R, Ogawa Y.
Should the Selective Arterial Secretagogue Injection Test for Insulinoma Localization Be Evaluated at 60 or 120
Intern Med. 2017 Nov 15;56(22):2985-2991.

(24) Ishigami K, Nishie A, Irie H, Asayama Y, Ushijima Y, Takayama Y, Okamoto D, Fujita N, Ohtsuka T, Ito T,
Mochidome N, Honda H.
Differential Diagnosis of Pancreatic Epidermoid Cyst Without a Solid Component (Residual Splenic Tissue) vs.
Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm.
J Gastrointest Cancer. 2017 Dec 7. doi: 10.1007/s12029-017-0035-6. [Epub ahead of print]

(25) Metz DC, Cadiot G, Poitras P, Ito T, Jensen RT.
Diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome in the era of PPIs, faulty gastrin assays, sensitive imaging and limited
access to acid secretory testing.
Int J Endocr Oncol. 2017;4(4):167-185.

(1) Fujimori N, Osoegawa T, Lee L, Tachibana Y, Aso A, Kubo H, Kawabe K, Igarashi H, Nakamura K,
Oda Y, Ito T.
Efficacy of endoscopic ultrasonography and endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration for the
diagnosis and grading of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2016;51(2):245-52.

(2) Ito T, Ishiguro H, Ohara H, Kamisawa T, Sakagami J, Sata N, Takeyama Y, Hirota M, H. Miyakawa H,
Igarashi H, Lee L, Fujiyama T, Hijioka M, Ueda K, Tachibana Y, Sogame Y, Yasuda H, Kato R, Kataoka K,
Shiratori K, Sugiyama M, Okazaki K, Kawa S, Tando Y, Kinoshita Y, Watanabe M, Shimosegawa T
Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Pancreatitis 2015.
J Gastroenterol. 2016;51(2):85-92.

(3) Ito T, Jensen RT.
Imaging in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: recent studies show enhanced sensitivities but increased
Int J Endo Oncol. 2016;3(1):53-66.

(4) Kimura H, Ohtsuka T, Fujimoto T, Date K, Matsunaga T, Cases AI, Abe A, Mizuuchi Y, Miyasaka Y,
Ito T, Oda Y, Nakamura M, Tanaka M.
Different Hormonal Expression Patterns Between Primary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors and Metastatic
Pancreas. 2016 Aug;45(7):947-52.

(5) Nakamura K, Osada M, Iwasa T, Takahashi S, Takizawa N, Akahoshi K, Ochiai T, Nakamura N, Akiho H,
Itaba S, Harada N, Iju M, Tanaka M, Kubo H, Somada S, Ihara E, Oda Y, Ito T, Takayanagi R.
Short- and long-term outcomes of endoscopic resection of rectal neuroendocrinetumors: analyses according to
the WHO 2010 classification.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2016;51(4):448-55.

(6) Delle Fave GF, O'Toole D, Sundin A, Taal B, Ferolla P, Ramage J, Ferone D, Ito T, Weber W,
Zheng-Pei Z, De Herder WW, Pascher A, Ruszniewski P; all other Vienna Consensus Conference participants.
ENETS Consensus Guidelines Update for Gastroduodenal Neuroendocrine Neoplasms.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):119-24.

(7) Ramage J, De Herder WW, Delle Fave GF, Ferolla P, Ferone D, Ito T, Ruszniewski P, Sundin A, Weber W,
Zheng-Pei Z, Taal B, Pascher A; all other Vienna Consensus Conference participants.
Consensus Guidelines Update for Colorectal Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NEN).
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):139-43.

(8)Niederle B, Pape UF, Costa F, Gross D, Kelestimur F, Knigge U, Öberg K, Pavel M, Perren A,
Toumpanakis C, O'Connor J, O'Toole D, Krenning E, Reed N, Kianmanesh R; Vienna Consensus Conference
Collaborators (31)
Anlauf M, Bartsch DK, Baudin E, Capdevila J, Caplin M, Cwikla JB, De Herder WW, Delle Fave G, Eriksson B,
Falconi M, Ferolla P, Ferone D, Garcia-Carbonero R, Ito T, Jensen RT, Kaltsas G, Klöppel G, Kos-Kudla B,
Kwekkeboom D, Pascher A, Ramage JK, Raymond E, Rindi G, Ruszniewski P, Sedlackova E, Sorbye H,
Sundin A, Taal B, Weber W, Wiedenmann B, Zheng-Pei Z.
ENETS Consensus Guidelines Update for Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Jejunum and Ileum.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):125-38.

(9)Falconi M, Eriksson B, Kaltsas G, Bartsch DK, Capdevila J, Caplin M, Kos-Kudla B, Kwekkeboom D,
Rindi G, Klöppel G, Reed N, Kianmanesh R, Jensen RT; Vienna Consensus Conference participants.
Collaborators (33)
Anlauf M, Baudin E, Costa F, Cwikla JB, De Herder WW, Delle Fave G, Ferolla P, Ferone D,
Garcia-Carbonero R, Gross D, Ito T, Kelestimur F, Knigge U, Krenning E, Niederle B, Öberg K, O'Connor J,
O'Toole D, Pape UF, Pascher A, Pavel M, Perren A, Ramage JK, Raymond E, Ruszniewski P, Sedlackova E,
Sorbye H, Sundin A, Taal B, Toumpanakis C, Weber W, Wiedenmann B, Zheng-Pei Z.
ENETS Consensus Guidelines Update for the Management of Patients with Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine
Tumors and Non-Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):153-71.

(10) Garcia-Carbonero R, Sorbye H, Baudin E, Raymond E, Wiedenmann B, Niederle B, Sedlackova E,
Toumpanakis C, Anlauf M, Cwikla JB, Caplin M, O'Toole D, Perren A; Vienna Consensus Conference
Collaborators (33)
Bartsch DK, Capdevila J, Costa F, De Herder WW, Delle Fave G, Eriksson B, Falconi M, Ferolla P, Ferone D,
Gross D, Ito T, Jensen RT, Kaltsas G, Kelestimur F, Kianmanesh R, Klöppel G, Knigge U, Kos-Kudla B,
Krenning E, Kwekkeboom D, Öberg K, O'Connor J, Pape UF, Pascher A, Pavel M, Ramage JK, Reed N, Rindi G,
Ruszniewski P, Sundin A, Taal B, Weber W, Zheng-Pei Z.
ENETS Consensus Guidelines for High-Grade Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors and
Neuroendocrine Carcinomas.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):186-94.

(11) Pavel M, O'Toole D, Costa F, Capdevila J, Gross D, Kianmanesh R, Krenning E, Knigge U, Salazar R,
Pape UF, Öberg K; Vienna Consensus Conference participants.
Collaborators (35)
Anlauf M, Bartsch DK, Baudin E, Caplin M, Cwikla JB, De Herder WW, Delle Fave G, Eriksson B, Falconi M,
Ferolla P, Ferone D, Garcia-Carbonero R, Ito T, Jensen RT, Kaltsas G, Kelestimur F, Kos-Kudla B,
Kwekkeboom D, Niederle B, O'Connor J, Pascher A, Perren A, Ramage JK, Raymond E, Reed N, Rindi G,
Ruszniewski P, Sedlackova E, Sorbye H, Sundin A, Taal B, Toumpanakis C, Weber W, Wiedenmann B,
ENETS Consensus Guidelines Update for the Management of Distant Metastatic Disease of Intestinal, Pancreatic,
Bronchial Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NEN) and NEN of Unknown Primary Site.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):172-85

(12) Pape UF, Niederle B, Costa F, Gross D, Kelestimur F, Kianmanesh R, Knigge U, Öberg K, Pavel M,
Perren A, Toumpanakis C, O'Connor J, Krenning E, Reed N, O'Toole D; Vienna Consensus Conference
Collaborators (31)
Anlauf M, Bartsch DK, Baudin E, Capdevila J, Caplin M, Cwikla JB, De Herder WW, Delle Fave G,
Eriksson B,Falconi M, Ferolla P, Ferone D, Garcia-Carbonero R, Ito T, Jensen RT, Kaltsas G, Klöppel G,
Kos-Kudla B, Kwekkeboom D, Pascher A, Ramage JK, Raymond E, Rindi G, Ruszniewski P, Sedlackova E,
Sorbye H, Sundin A, Taal B, Weber W, Wiedenmann B, Zheng-Pei Z.
ENETS Consensus Guidelines for Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Appendix (Excluding Goblet Cell
Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(2):144-52.

(13) Yao JC, Fazio N, Singh S, Buzzoni R, Carnaghi C, Wolin E, Tomasek J, Raderer M, Lahner H, Voi M,
Pacaud LB, Rouyrre N, Sachs C, Valle JW, Delle Fave G, Van Cutsem E, Tesselaar M, Shimada Y, Oh DY,
Strosberg J, Kulke MH, Pavel ME; RAD001 in Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumours, Fourth Trial (RADIANT-4)
Study Group.
Collaborators (97)
Raderer M, Pall G, Van Cutsem E, Borbath I, Geboes K, Peeters M, Asmis T, Kocha W, Rayson D, Ruether J,
Singh S, Sideris L, Kennecke H, Wang J, Shen L, Xu J, Qian J, Jia L, Maya LF, Melichar B, Sedlackova E,
Tomasek J, Pavel M, Bojunga J, Malfertheiner P, Lahner H, Vogel A, Weber M, Hörsch D, Kaltsas G, Papai Z,
Toth M, Carnaghi C, Luppi G, Fazio N, Tomassetti P, Delle Fave G, Cartenì G, Buzzoni R, Barone C, Berruti A,
Giuffrida D, Tortora G, Di Costanzo F, Tafuto S, Ito T, Okita N, Komoto I, Kattan J, Shamseddine A,
Tesselaar M, Jarzab B, Ruchala M, Vladimirova L, Raef H, Salek T, Ruff P, Kim TW, Park YS, Oh DY, Lee MA,
Choi HJ, Capdevila J, Salazar R, Zoilo JJ, Chen JS, Wu CC, Chen YY, Chao Y, Yeh KH, Sriuranpong V,
Thongprasert S, Turna H, Sevinc A, Valle J, Sarker D, Reed N, Cave J, Frilling A, Corrie P, Fanta P, Yao J,
Strosberg J, Verma U, Libutti S, Natale R, Pommier R, Lubner S, Starodub A, Kulke M, Sigal D, Polite B,
Lieu C, Hande K, Reidy-Lagunes D, McCollum A, Forero L.
Everolimus for the treatment of advanced, non-functional neuroendocrine tumours of the lung or gastrointestinal
tract (RADIANT-4): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study.
Lancet. 2016;387(10022):968-77.

(14) Miyasaka Y, Ohtsuka T, Tamura K, Mori Y, Shindo K, Yamada D, Takahata S, Ishigami K, Ito T,
Tokunaga S, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Nakamura M, Tanaka M.
Predictive Factors for the Metachronous Development of High-risk Lesions in the Remnant Pancreas After
Partial Pancreatectomy for Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm.
Ann Surg. 2016;263(6):1180-7.

(17) Ito T, Lee L, Jensen RT.
Treatment of Symptomatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Syndromes: Recent Advances and Controversies.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2016;17(16):2191-2205.

(18)Ito T, Miki M, Ueda K, Lee L, Kawabe K, Igarashi H, Fujimori N, Nakamura K, Yasunaga K,
Jensen RT, Ohtsuka T, Ogawa Y.
Current status of the diagnosis and management of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in Japan
J Dig Cancer Reports, 4(2):51-57, 2016

(1) Ito T, Lee L, Hijioka M, Kawabe K, Kato M, Nakamura K, Ueda K, Ohtsuka T, Igarashi H.
The up-to-date review of epidemiological pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in Japan.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Aug;22(8):574-7.

(2) Ito T, Igarashi H, Nakamura K, Sasano H, Okusaka T, Takano K, Komoto I, Tanaka M, Imamura M,
Jensen RT, Takayanagi R, Shimatsu A
Epidemiological trends of pancreatic and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors in Japan: a nationwide survey
J Gastroenterol. 2015:50(1);58-64.

(3) Aoki T, Kokudo N, Komoto I, Takaori K, Kimura W, Sano K, Takamoto T, Hashimoto T, Okusaka T,
Morizane C, Ito T, Imamura M.
Streptozocin chemotherapy for advanced/metastatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors: an analysis of
multi-center survey in Japan.
J Gastroenterol. 2015 Jul;50(7):769-75.

(4) Ito T, Lee L, Hijioka M, Igarashi H
Pancreatic endocrine and exocrine functions in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis.
Autoimmune pancreatitis. Eds. Terumi Kamisawa and Jae Bock Chung. pp31-pp35, 2015.

(5) Watanabe Y, Ohtsuka T, Matsunaga T, Kimura H, Tamura K, Ideno N, Aso T, Miyasaka Y, Ueda J,
Takahata S, Igarashi H, Inoguchi T, Ito T, Tanaka M.
Long-Term Outcomes After Total Pancreatectomy: Special Reference to Survivors' Living Conditions and Quality of Life.
World J Surg. 2015 May;39(5):1231-9.

(6) Igarashi H, Hijioka M, Lee L, Ito T.
Biotherapy od pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors using somatostatin analogs..
Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Aug;22(8):618-22

(7) Tamura K, Ohtsuka T, Matsunaga T, Kimura H, Watanabe Y, Ideno N, Aso T, Miyazaki T, Ohuchida K, Takahata S, Ito T, Ushijima Y, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Assessment of clonality of multisegmental main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas
based on GNAS mutation analysis.
Surgery. 2015 Feb;157(2):277-84.

(8) Caplin ME, Baudin E, Ferolla P, Filosso P, Garcia-Yuste M, Lim E, Oberg K, Pelosi G, Perren A,
Rossi RE, Travis WD ; ENETS consensus conference participants.
Collaborators (39)
Detlief B, Jaume C, Frederico C, Jaroslaw C, Wouter H, Gianfranco Delle F, Barbro E,
Massimo F, Diego F, David G, Ashley G, Ito T, Jensen RT, Gregory K, Fahrettin K, Reza K, Ulrich K,
Beata KK, Eric K, Emmanuel M, Marianne N, Juan O, Dermot O, Ulrich-Frank P, Marianne P, John R, Eric R,
Guido R, Andrea R, Philippe R, Ramon S, Aldo S, Eva S, Anders S, Christos T, Marie-Pierre V, Wolfgang W,
Bertram W, Zeng ZP.
Pulmonary neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors: European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society expert consensus and
recommendations for best practice for typical and atypical pulmonary carcinoids.
Ann Oncol. 2015 Aug;26(8):1604-20.

(9) Notohara K, Nishimori I, Mizuno N, Okazaki K, Ito T, Kawa S, Egawa S, Kihara Y, Kanno A,
Masamune A, Shimosegaw T.
Clinicopathological Features of Type 2 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Japan: Results of a Multicenter Survey.
Pancreas. 2015 Oct;44(7):1072-7

(10) Ito T.
Highlights of topic "Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors update".
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2015 Aug;22(8):573.

(11) Kimura H, Ohtsuka T, Matsunaga T, Watanabe Y, Tamura K, Ideno N, Aso T, Miyazaki T, Osoegawa T,
Aishima S, Miyasaka Y, Ueda J, Ushijima Y, Igarashi H, Ito T, Takahata S, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Predictors and Diagnostic Strategies for Early-Stage Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Retrospective Study.
Pancreas. 2015 Oct;44(7):1148-54.

(12) Lee L, Igarashi H, Fujimori N, Hijioka M, Kawabe K, Oda Y, Jensen RT, Ito T.
Long-term outcomes and prognostic factors in 78 Japanese patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine
tumors: a single-center retrospective study.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2015 Dec;45(12):1131-8.

(13) Kawa S, Okazaki K, Notohara K, Watanabe M, Shimosegawa T; Study Group for Pancreatitis Complicated
with Inflammatory Bowel Disease organized by The Research Committee for Intractable Pancreatic Disease
(Chairman: Tooru Shimosegawa) and The Research Committee for Intractable Inflammatory Bowel Disease
(Chairman: Mamoru Watanabe), both of which are supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of
Autoimmune pancreatitis complicated with inflammatory bowel disease and comparative study of type 1
and type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis.
Collaborators (59)
Ueki T, Matsui T, Kanno A, Watanabe T, Uchida K, Taguchi M, Igarashi H, Ito T, Igarashi H, Kawanobe T,
Iijima H, Kohgo Y, Ito T, Kunisaki R, Nagahori M, Itoi T, Honjo M, Sakagami J, Yasuda H, Hatakeyama K,
Iiai T, Hirooka Y, Sumi H, Watanabe K, Sasaki M, Ando A, Inatomi O, Kinjo F, Iraha A, Fujita N, Mas K,
Kagaya T, Miyakawa H, Okamura K, Hibi T, Nakamura Y, Fukuda K, Ikeura T, Ishikawa T, Ueno F, Satoh A,
Uemura M, Tsubouchi H, Funakawa K, Iizuka M, Yoden A, Kubota K, Funayama Y, Eguchi T, Ishiguro Y,
Uehara N, Arakura N, Kamisawa T, Nishimori I, Ohara H, Mizuno N, Hirano K, Masamune A, Kikuta K.
J Gastroenterol. 2015 Jul;50(7):805-15.

(1) Igarashi H, Ito T, Nishimori I, Yamasaki I, Shuin T
Pancreatic involvement in Japanese patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease: results of a nationwide survey.
J Gastroenterol. 2014;49(3):511-6.

(2) Tamura K, Ohtsuka T, Ideno N, Aso T, Shindo K, Aishima S, Ohuchida K, Takahata S, Ushijima Y,
Ito T, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Treatment Strategy for Main Duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas Based on the
Assessment of Recurrence in the Remnant Pancreas After Resection: A Retrospective Review
Ann Surg. 2014;259(2):360-8.

(3) Aso A, Igarashi H, Matsui N, Ihara E, Takaoka T, Osoegawa T, Niina Y, Oono T, Akahoshi K,
Nakamura K, Ito T, Takayanagi R.
Large area of walled-off pancreatic necrosis successfully treated by endoscopic necrosectomy using a grasping-type scissors forceps.
Dig Endosc. 2014;26(3):474-7.

(4) Nagayoshi Y, Aso T, Ohtsuka T, Kono H, Ideno N, Igarashi H, Takahata S, Oda Y, Ito T, Tanaka M
Peroral pancreatoscopy using the SpyGlass system for the assessment of intraductal
papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2014;21(6):410-7.

(5) Nakamura T, Ito T, Uchida M, Hijioka M, Igarashi H, Oono T, Kato M, Nakamura K, Suzuki K,
Jensen RT, Takayanagi R.
PSCs and GLP-1R: occurrence in normal pancreas, acute/chronic pancreatitis and effect of their activation
by a GLP-1R agonist.
Lab Invest. Lab Invest. 2014 Jan;94(1):63-78.

(6) Aso A, Ihara E, Osoegawa T, Nakamura K, Itaba S, Igarashi H, Ito T, Aishima S, Oda Y, Tanaka M,
Takayanagi R.
Key Endoscopic Ultrasound Features of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Smaller than 20 mm.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2014;49(3):332-8.

(7) Nagayoshi Y, Nakamura M, Matsuoka K, Ohtsuka T, Mori Y, Kono H, Aso T, Ideno N, Takahata S,
Ryo A, Takeda H, Ito T, Oda Y, Endo Y, Sawasaki T, Tanaka M.
Profiling of autoantibodies in sera of pancreatic cancer patients.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2014;21 Suppl 3:459-65.

(8) Uchida M, Ito T, Nakamura T, Hijioka M, Igarashi H, Oono T, Kato M, Nakamura K, Suzuki K,
Takayanagi R, Jensen RT
Pancreatic stellate cells and CX3CR1: occurrence in normal pancreas, acute and chronic pancreatitis and effect of their activation by a CX3CR1 agonist
Pancreas. 2014 Jul;43(5):708-19.

(9) Okazaki T, Kawa S, Kamisawa T, Ito T, Inui K, Irie H, Nishino T, Notohara K, Nishimori I, Tanaka S, Nishimal T, Suda K, Shiratori K, Tanaka M, Shimosegawa T, and Working members of Research Committee for Intractable Pancreatic Disease and Japan Pancreas Society
Amendment of the Japanese Consensus Guidelines for Autoimmune Pancreatitis, 2013. I. Concept and diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis.
J Gastroenterol. 2014;49(4):567-88.

(10) Kawa S, Okazaki K, Kamisawa T, Kubo K, Ohara H, Hasebe O, Fujinaga Y, Irisawa A, Notohara K, Ito T, Inui K, Irie H, Nishino T, Nishimori I, Tanaka S, Nishiyama T, MD, Suda K, Shiratori K, Tanaka M, Shimosegawa T.
Amendment of Japanese Consensus Guidelines for Autoimmune Pancreatitis, 2013.
II. Extra-pancreatic lesions, differential diagnosis
J Gastroenterol. 2014;49(5):765-84.

(11) Kamisawa T, Okazaki T, Kawa S, Shimosegawa T, Tanaka M, Nishimori I, Ito T, Tanaka S, and
Working members of Research Committee for Intractable Pancreatic Disease and Japan Pancreas Society
Japanese Consensus Guideline for Management of Autoimmune Pancreatitis.
III. Treatment and prognosis of AIP.
J Gastroenterol. 2014 Jun;49(6):961-70.

(12) Niina Y, Ito T, Oono T, Nakamura T, Fujimori N, Igarashi H, Sakai Y, Takayanagi R.
A sustained prostacyclin analog, ONO-1301, attenuates pancreatic fibrosis in experimental chronic pancreatitis induced by dibutyltin dichloride in rats.
Pancreatology. 2014;14(3):201-10

(13) Luo Y, Kawashima A, Ishido Y, Yoshihara A, Oda K, Hiroi N, Ito T, Ishii N, Suzuki K.
Iodine excess as an environmental risk factor for autoimmune thyroid disease.
Eds. Kathleen Gilbert.
Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Jul 21;15(7):12895-912.

(14) Ohtsuka T, Matsunaga T, Kimura H, Watanabe Y, Tamura K, Ideno N, Aso T, Miyasaka Y, Ueda J,
Takahata S, Osoegawa T, Igarashi H, Ito T, Ushijima Y, Ookubo F, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Role of Pancreatic Juice Cytology in the Preoperative Management of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm
of the Pancreas in the Era of International Consensus Guidelines 2012.
World J Surg. 2014 Nov;38(11):2994-3001.

(15) Aso T, Ohtsuka T, Matsunaga T, Kimura H, Watanabe Y, Tamura K, Ideno N, Osoegawa T, Takahata S,
Shindo K, Ushijima Y, Aishima S, Oda Y, Ito T, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
"High-Risk Stigmata" of the 2012 International Consensus Guidelines Correlate With the Malignant Grade of
Branch Duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas.
Pancreas. 2014 Nov;43(8):1239-43.

(16) Ishigami K, Nishie A, Asayama Y, Ushijima Y, Takayama Y, Fujita N, Takahata S, Ohtsuka T, Ito T,
Igarashi H, Ikari S, Metz CM, Honda H.
Imaging pitfalls of pancreatic serous cystic neoplasm and its potential mimickers.
World J Radiol. 2014 Mar 28;6(3):36-47.

(17) Ohtsuka T, Tamura K, Ideno N, Aso T, Nagayoshi Y, Kono H, Ueda J, Takahata S, Aso A, Igarashi H,
Ito T, Ushijima Y, Ookubo F, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
The role of ERCP in the era of EUS-FNA for preoperative cytological confirmation of resectable pancreatic
ductal adenocarcinoma.
Surg Today. 2014 Oct;44(10):1887-92.

(18) Nakamura T, Igarashi H, Ito T, Jensen RT
Example of the important of case reports/case series in advancement of medicine in rare diseases: using their role
in neuroendocrine tumors as an example.
World J Clin Cases. 2014 Nov 16;2(11):608-13.

(19) Ueda K, Hisato I, Niina Y, Hijioka M, Lee L, Osoegawa T, Nakamura K, Shinichi A, Ohtsuka T,
Tanaka M, Takayanagi R, Ito T
A case of synchronous pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor and duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
Intern Med. 2014;53(21):2483-8.

(20) Hijioka M, Ito T, Igarashi H, Fujimori N, Lee L, Nakamura T, Jensen RT, Takayanagi R
Chromogranin A is a useful marker for Japanese patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
Cancer Sci. 2014;105:1464-71.

(21) Lee L, Ito T, Hijioka M, Igarashi H, Ueda K, Fujiyama T, Tachibana Y, Kawabe K, Jensen RT, Nakamura K, Kato M, Suzuki K, Takayanagi R
Current Management of Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis : From the Viewpoint of Pancreatic Endocrine and Exocrine Function.
Autoimmune Dis Ther Approaches. http://dx.doi.org/10.14437/ADTAOA-1-105, 2014

(22) Frilling A, Modlin IM, Kidd M, Russell C, Breitenstein S, Salem R, Kwekkeboom D, Lau WY, Klersy C, Vilgrain V, Davidson B, Siegler M, Caplin M, Solcia E, Schilsky R; Working Group on Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases.
Collaborators (110)
Adam R, Akerstrom G, Belghiti J, Breitenstein S, Clavien PA, Frilling A, Gustafsson B, Krenning E, Modlin IM, Norton J, Öberg K, Poston G, Ruszniewski P, Tait P, Toogood G, Russell C, Bouvier C, Jarecki A, Klersy C, Lau WJ, Siegler M, Gustafsson B, Rindi G, Kidd M, Öberg K, Vilgrain V, Baum RP, Heaton N, Poston G, Garden J, Fan ST, Van Gulik T, Sipperstein A, Ruszniewski P, Kwekkeboom D, Caplin M, Gustafsson B, Lawrence B, de Herder W, Ito T, Modlin IM, Rindi G, Perren A, Davidson B, Klimstra DS, Kloppel G, Kidd M, Scarpa A, Meyer T, Knuth A, Chen H, Öberg K, Van Cutsem E, Pavel ME, Kos-Kudla B, Conlon K, Vilgrain V, Imamura M, Kaltsas G, Broering D, Wiedenmann B, Baum RP, Al-Nahhas A, Lodge P, Cosimelli M, Grazi G, Heaton N, Tang LH, Salazar R, Grossman AB, Dejong C, Gores G, Poston G, Nagorney DM, Mazzaferro V, Jensen R, Lesurtel M, Garden J, Falconi M, Hellmann P, O'Toole D, Fan ST, Olauson M, Le Treut Y, Burroughs AK, Mazzaferro V, Van Gulik T, Valle J, Kianmanesch R, Sowa-Staszczak A, Sipperstein A, Milicevic M, Lencioni R, Ramage J, Sangro B, Ruszniewski P, Kennedy A, Bester L, Salem R, Sharma R, Parks R, Kwekkeboom D, Bodei L, Muller-Brand J, Kvols L, Manas D, Caplin M, Ramos J, Pavel ME, Wasan H.
Recommendations for management of patients with neuroendocrine liver metastases.
Lancet Oncol. 2014 ;15(1):e8-21. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70362-0.

(23) Kido-Nakahara M, Nakahara T, Miki M, Igarashi H, Ito T, Furue M.
Necrolytic migratory erythema associated with alteration from predominantly gastrin-secreting to predominantly glucagon-secreting pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
Eur J Dermatol. 2014 Dec 1;24(6):702-3.

(1) Fujimori N, Ito T, Igarashi H, Oono T, Nakamura T, Niina Y, Hijioka M, Lee L, Uchida M, Takayanagi R
Retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with IgG4-related disease.
World J Gastroenterol, 2013;19(1):35-41.

(2) Uchida M, Ito T, Nakamura T, Igarashi H, Oono T, Fujimori N, Kawabe K, Suzuki K, Jensen RT,
Takayanagi R
ERK pathway and sheddases play an essential role in ethanol-induced CX3CL1 release in pancreatic stellate cells.
Lab Invest. 2013 Jan;93(1):41-53.

(3) Ito T, Igarashi H, Uehara H, Berma MJ, Jense RT.
Causes of Death and Prognostic Factors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 With Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: Prospective Study of 106 Cases and Review of the Literature.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2013 May;92(3):135-81.

(4) Itaba S, Nakamura K, Aso A, Tokunaga S, Akiho H, Ihara E, Iboshi Y, Iwasa T, Akahoshi K, Ito T, Takayanagi R: Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of ulinastatin for prevention of hyperenzymemia after double balloon endoscopy via the antegrade approach.
Dig Endosc. 2013 Jul;25(4):421-7.

(5) Higuchi N, Nakamura K, Ihara E, Akahoshi K, Akiho H, Sumida Y, Motomura Y, Kubokawa M, Ito T,Takayanagi R.
Preserved Gastric Motility in Patients with Early Gastric Cancer after Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 Mar;28(3):494-8.

(6) Otsuki M, Koizumi M, Ito T, Shimosegawa T.
Aggravation factors and factality rates of acute pancreatitis. –Analysis of a nationwide survet of acute pancreatitis in Japan. Chapter VIII, 147-160. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Editor: Leon V. Berhardt. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013.

(7) Fujimori N, Igarashi H, Asou A, Kawabe K, Lee L, Oono T, Nakamura T, Niina Y, Hijioka M, Uchida M, Kotoh K, Nakamura K, Ito T, Takayanagi R
Endoscopic approach through the minor papilla in the management of pancreatic diseases.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Mar 16;5(3):81-8.

(8) Ito T, Okusaka T, Nishida T, Igarashi H, Mizuno N, Hara K, Morizane C, Kondo S, Hashigaki S, Kimura N,5
Okano K, Tanuma J, Murakami M, Sawaki A, Yamao K, Imamura M.
Phase II Study of Sunitinib in Japanese Patients with Unresectable or Metastatic, Well-differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor.
Invest New Drugs. 2013 Oct;31(5):1265-74.

(9) Aso A, Ihara E, Kubo H, Osoegawa T, Oono T,Nakamura K, Ito T, Takayanagi R,
Gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor < 20 mm with liver metastasis.
Clin J Gastroenterol. 2013 Feb;6(1):29-32

(10) Ito T, Igarashi H, Uehara H, Jensen RT.
Pharmacotherapy of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2013 Feb;14(3):307-21.

(11) Ohtsuka T, Ideno N, Aso T, Nagayoshi Y, Kono H, Mori Y, Takahata S, Oda Y, Aishima S, Igarashi H, Ito T, Ishigami K, Nakamura M, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Role of endoscopic retrograde pancreatography for early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma concomitant with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2013 Mar;20(3):356-61.

(12) Ideno N, Ohtsuka T, Kono H, Fujiwara K, Oda Y, Aishima S, Ito T, Ishigami K, Tokunaga S, Ohuchida K, Takahata S, Nakamura M, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas With Distinct Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas
Are Frequently of Gastric Subtype.
Ann Surg. 2013 Jul;258(1):141-51.

(13) Ueda J, Tanaka M, Ohtsuka T, Tokunaga S, Shimosegawa T; Research Committee of Intractable Diseases
of the Pancreas. Collaborators: Egawa S, Kamisawa T, Kihara Y, Ito T, Irisawa A, Kutsumi H, Kawa S,
Nakamura T, Uemura M, Andoh A, Sata N, Mine T, Hatori T, Kataoka K, Okazaki K, Furuya T, Isaji S,
Yamaguchi T.
Surgery for chronic pancreatitis decreases the risk for pancreatic cancer: a multicenter retrospective analysis.
Surgery. 2013 Mar;153(3):357-64.

(14) Kobiyama K, Kawashima A, Jounai N, Takeshita F, Ishii KJ, Ito T, Suzuki K
Role of extrachromosomal histone H2B on recognition of DNA viruses and cell damage.
Front Genet. 2013: 4(91):1-7.

(15) Otsuki M, Takeda K, Matsuno S, Kihara Y, Koizumi M, Hirota M, Ito T, Kataoka K, Kitagawa M,
Inui K, Takeyama Y
Criteria for the diagnosis and severity stratification of acute pancreatitis.
World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Sep 21;19(35):5798-5805.

(16) Tamura K, Ohtsuka T, Ideno N, Aso T, Kono H, Nagayoshi Y, Shindo K, Ushijima Y, Ueda J, Takahata S, Ito T, Oda Y, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Unresectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in the Remnant Pancreas Diagnosed during Every-6-Month
Surveillance after Resection of Branch Duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm: A Case Report.
JOP. 2013 Jul 10;14(4):450-453.

(17) Igarashi H, Ito T, Lee L, Niina Y, Takayanagi R, Ohtsuka T, Nakamura T, Jensen RT.
Medical management of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. pp154-170,
ECAB- Pancreatic Tumor. Editor; Pramod Garg, Elsevier Inc. 2013

(18) Ito T, Igarashi H, Jensen RT.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: recent advances and controversies.
Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov;29(6):650-661.

(1) Ito T, Cadiot G, H, Jensen RT.
Diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: Increasingly Difficult.
World J Gastroenterol, 2012;21;18(39):5495-503.

(2) Ito T, Igarashi H, Jensen RT.
Therapy of metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs): recent insights and advances.
J Gastroenterol. 2012;47(9):941-60.

(3) Ito T, Okusaka T, Ikeda M, Igarashi H, Morizane C, Nakachi K, Tajima T, Kasuga A, Fujita Y, Furuse J.
Everolimus for Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Subgroup Analysis Evaluating Japanese Patients in the RADIANT-3 Trial
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(10):903-11.

(4) Aso T, Ohtsuka T, Ideno N, Kono H, Nagayoshi Y, Mori Y, Ohuchida K, Ueda J, Takahata S, Morimatsu K,
Aishima S, Igarashi H, Ito T, Ishigami K, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Diagnostic significance of a dilated orifice of the duodenal papilla in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of
the pancreas.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2012;76(2):313-20.

(5) Tsutsumi K, Ohtsuka T, Mori Y, Fujino M, Yasui T, Aishima S, Takahata S, Nakamura M, Ito T, Tanaka M.
Analysis of lymph node metastasis in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) based on the tumor size and hormonal production
J Gastroenterol. 2012;47(6):678-85.

(6) Niina Y, Fujimori N, Nakamura T, Igarashi H, Oono T, Nakamura K, Kato M, Jensen RT,
Ito T, Takayanagi R
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Gut and Liver. 2012;6(3): 287-294.

(7) Ito T, Igarashi H, Jensen RT.
Serum Pancreastatin: The long sought for universal, sensitive, specific tumor marker for neuroendocrine tumors?
Pancreas. 2012;41(4):505-7.

(8) Ohtsuka T, Kono H, Nagayoshi Y, Mori Y, Tsutsumi K, Sadakari Y, Takahata S, Morimatsu K, Aishima S, Igarashi H, Ito T, Ishigami K, Nakamura M, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
An increase in the number of predictive factors augments the likelihood of malignancy in branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.
Surgery. 2012;151(1):76-83.

(9) Umehara H, Okazaki K, Masaki Y, Kawano M, Yamamoto M, Saeki T, Matsui K, Yoshino T, Nakamura S,
Kawa S, Hamano H, Kamisawa T, Shimosegawa T, Shimatsu A, Nakamura S, Ito T, Notohara K, Sumida T, Tanaka Y, Mimori T, Chiba T, Mishima M, Hibi T, Tsubouchi H, Inui K, Ohara H for the All Japan IgG4 team.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Criteria (CDC criteria) for IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), 2011.
Mod Rheumatol, 2012;22:21-30.

(10) Nakamura K, Ito T, Kotoh K, Ihara E, Ogino H, Iwasa T, Tanaka Y, Iboshi Y, Takayanagi R.
Hepatopancreatobiliary Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Clin J Gastroenterol. 2012;5:1-8.

(11) Nakamura T, Ito T, Suzuki K, Uchida M, Igarashi H, Jensen RT, Takayanagi R.
Cytosolic double-stranded DNA as damage-associated molecular-patters induced inflammatory responses in rat pancreatic stellate cells ~ plausible mechanism for tissue-injury associated pancreatitis.
Int J Inflam. 2012;2012:504128.

(12) Igarashi, H, Ito T, Oono T, Nakamura T, Fujimori N, Niina Y, Hijioka M, Uchida M, Lee R, Iwao R, Nakamura K, Takayanagi R.
Relationship between pancreatic and/or extrapancreatic lesions and serum IgG and IgG4 levels in IgG4-related diseases.
J Dig Dis., 2012;13(5):274-279.

(13) Nakamura K, Akahoshi K, Ochiai T, Komori K, Haraguchi K, Tanaka M, Nakamura N, Tanaka Y, Kakigao K, Ogino H, Ihara E, Akiho H, Motomura Y, Kabemura T, Harada N, Chijiiwa Y, Ito T, Takayanagi R. Characteristics of hemorrhagic peptic ulcers in patients receiving antithrombotic/nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug therapy.
Gut Liver. 2012;6(4):423-6.

(14) Sue M, Hayashi M, Kawashima A, Akama T, Tanigawa K, Yoshihara A, Hara T, Ishido Y, Ito T,
Takahashi SI, Ishii N, Suzuki K.
Thyroglobulin (Tg) activates MAPK/ERK pathways to induce thyroid cell growth in the absence of TSH, insulin and serum
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012;420(3):611-5

(15) Miyazaki M, Kato M, Tanaka M, Tanaka K, Takao S, Kohjima M, Ito T, Enjoji M, Nakamuta M, Kotoh K, Takayanagi R.
Antithrombin III injection via the portal vein suppresses liver damage.
World J Gastroenterol. 2012;18(16):1884-91.

(16) Ohtsuka T, Kono H, Tanabe R, Nagayoshi Y, Mori Y, Sadakari Y, Takahata S, Oda Y, Aishima S, Igarashi H, Ito T, Ishigami K, Nakamura M, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M.
Follow-up study after resection of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas; special references to the multifocal lesions and development of ductal carcinoma in the remnant pancreas.
Am J Surg. 2012;204(1):44-8.

(17) Ogino H, Nakamura K, Iwasa T, Ihara E, Akiho H, Motomura Y, Akahoshi K, Igarashi H, Kato M, Kotoh K, Ito T, Takayanagi R
Regulatory T Cells expanded by rapamycin in vitro suppress colitis in an experimental mouse model
J Gastroenterol. 2012;47(4):366-76.

(18) Ito T. Igarashi H, Jensen RT.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Clinical features, diagnosis and medical
treatment: Advances.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol2012 Dec;26(6):737-753

(1) Igarashi H, Ito T, Hisano T, Fujimor N, Niina Y, Yasuda M, Kaku T, Matsuo S, Oono T, Yoshinaga M, Sakai H, Takayanagi R
Paclitaxel-Based Chemotherapy for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer after Gemcitabine-Based Therapy Failure: Case series of five patients.
Case Rep Oncol 2011;4:534–541

(2) Fujimori N, Oono T, Igarashi H, Ito T, Nakamura T, Uchida M, Coy DH, Jensen RT, Takayanagi R
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