新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学分野 教授

堀井 新 ほりい あらた 先生

大阪逓信病院、大阪大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室、ニュージーランド・オタゴ大学を経て現在は新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学分野で教授を務める。めまい診療における本邦のトップランナーとして広く知られている。






  • 耳鼻咽喉科
  • めまい難聴
  • 耳科手術
  • 神経耳科学



  • 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学分野 教授
  • Barany Society (バラニー学会) Member
  • Barany Society 心因性めまい診断基準作成委員会 委員
  • American Neuro-otological Society (ANS、アメリカ神経耳科学会) Member
  • 日本めまい平衡医学会 理事
  • 日本耳科学会 代議員
  • 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会 代議員 学術委員会委員長



  • 内科 血液内科 外科 心療内科 精神科 神経内科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 美容外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科 矯正歯科 小児歯科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 消化器内科 腎・膠原病内科
  • 新潟県新潟市中央区旭町通1番町754
  • JR越後線 白山 徒歩15分 JR信越本線(直江津~新潟) 新潟 万代口 万代バスターミナルからバスの利用も可能(4番乗場 新大病院線) 車10分
  • 025-223-6161




昭和58年3月 六甲高等学校卒業
平成元年3月 徳島大学医学部医学科卒業
平成6年3月 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科博士課程修了
平成6年5月 大阪逓信病院耳鼻咽喉科
平成9年1月 大阪大学医学部助手(耳鼻咽喉科)
平成10年10月~平成12年9月 ニュージーランド・オタゴ大学医学部薬理学教室visiting research staff
平成18年4月 大阪大学医学部講師(耳鼻咽喉科)
平成21年7月 市立吹田(すいた)市民病院 耳鼻咽喉科部長
平成25年4月 国立病院機構大阪医療センター 耳鼻咽喉科長
平成27年4月 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学分野教授(現職)


1.Mochizuki T, Yamatodani A, Okakura K, Horii A, Inagaki N, Wada H
Circadian rhythm of histamine release from the hypothalamus of freely moving rats.
Physiol Behav, 51: 391-394, 1992

2. Okakura K, Yamatodani A, Mochizuki T, Horii A, Wada H
Glutamatergic regulation of histamine release from rat hypothalamus.
Eur J Pharmacol, 213: 189-192, 1992

3. Hasegawa S, Takeda N, Morita M, Horii A, Koizuka I, Kubo T, Matsunaga T
Vestibular, central, and gastral triggering of emesis: A study on individual susceptibility in rats.
Acta Otolaryngol, 112: 927-931, 1992

4. Horii A, Takeda N, Matsunaga T, Yamatodani A, Mochizuki T, Okakura-Mochizuki K, Wada H
Effect of unilateral vestibular stimulation on histamine release from the hypothalamus of rats in vivo.
J Neurophysiol, 70: 1822-1826, 1993

5. Horii A, Takeda N, Mochizuki T, Okakura-Mochizuki K, Yamamoto Y, Yamatodani A
Effects of vestibular stimulation on acetylcholine release from rat hippocampus: An in vivo microdialysis study.
J Neurophysiol, 72: 605-611, 1994

6. Mochizuki T, Okakura-Mochizuki K, Horii A, Yamamoto Y, Yamatodani A
Histaminergic modulation of hippocampal acetylcholine release in vivo.
J Neurochem, 62: 2275-2282, 1994

7. Takeda N, Hasegawa S, Morita M, Horii A, Uno A, Yamatodani A, Matsunaga T
Neuropharmacological mechanisms of emesis. I. Effects of anti-emetic drugs on motion-and apomorphine-induced pica in rats.
Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 17: 589-596, 1995

8. Takeda N, Hasegawa S, Morita M, Horii A, Uno A, Yamatodani A, Matsunaga T
Neuropharmacological mechanisms of emesis. II. Effects of anti-emetic drugs on cisplatin-induced pica in rats.
Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 17: 647-652, 1995

9. Okakura-Mochizuki K, Mochizuki T, Yamamoto Y, Horii A, Yamatodani A
Endogenous GABA modulates histamine release from the anterior hypothalamus of the rat.
J Neurochem, 67:171-176, 1996

10. Takeda N, Horii A, Uno A, Morita M, Mochizuki T, Yamatodani A, Kubo T
A ground-based animal model of space adaptation syndrome.
J Vestibular Res, 6: 403-409, 1996

11. Takashima S, Sone S, Horii A, Okamoto S, Yoshida J
Major salivary gland lesions: Correlation of MR imaging findings with flow cytometric DNA analysis and with prognosis.
AJR (American Journal of Roentogenology), 167: 1297-1304, 1996

12. Uno A, Takeda N, Horii A, Morita M, Yamamoto Y, Yamatodani A, Kubo T
Histamine release from the hypothalamus induced by change in gravity in rats and its relation to space motion sickness.
Physiol Behav, 61: 883-887, 1997

13. Takashima S, Sone S, Takayama F, Maruyama Y, Hasegawa M, Horii A, Yoshida J
Assessment of parotid masses: Which MR pulse sequences are optimal?
Eur J Radiol, 24: 206-215, 1997

14. Horii A, Yoshida J, Hattori K, Honjo Y, Mitani K, Takashima S, Sakai M, Okamoto S, Kubo T
DNA ploidy, proliferative activities, and immunophenotype of malignant lymphoma: Application of flow cytometry.
Head Neck, 20: 392-398, 1998

15. Horii A, Yoshida J, Sakai M, Okamoto S, Kubo T
Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content and Ki-67-positive fractions in the diagnosis of salivary gland tumors.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 255: 265-268, 1998

16. Horii A, Yoshida J, Honjo Y, Mitani K, Takashima S, Kubo T
Pre-operative assessment of metastatic parotid tumors.
Auris Nasus Larynx, 25: 277-283, 1998

17. Takashima S, Sone S, Takayama F, Wang Q, Kobayashi T, Horii A, Yoshida J
Papillary thyroid carcinoma: Diagnosis of lymph node metastasis with MR imaging.
AJNR (American Journal of Neuroradiology), 19: 509-513, 1998

18. Maeda K, Tanaka T, Katada Y, Horii A, Nose M, Ochi M, Ogino S, Suemura M, Kishimoto T, T. Igarashi
Bronchial and nasal responsiveness in atopic asthma and allergic rhinitis patients: Relationship of local responsiveness to cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Allergology International, 47: 45-51, 1998

19. Horii A, Yoshida J, Sakai M, Okamoto S, Honjo Y, Mitani K, Hattori K, Kubo T
Ki-67 positive fractions in benign and malignant thyroid tumours: Application of flow cytometry.
Acta Otolaryngol, 119: 617-620, 1999

20. Uno A, Takeda N, Horii A, Sakata Y, Yamatodani A, Kubo T
Effects of amygdala or hippocampus lesion on hypergravity-induced motion sickness in rats.
Acta Otolaryngol, 120: 860-865, 2000

21. Uno Y, Horii A, Umemoto M, Hasegawa T, Doi K, Uno A, Takemura T, Kubo T
Effects of hypergravity on morphology and osteopontin expression in the rat otolith organs.
J Vestibular Res, 10: 283-289, 2000

22. Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL
Quantitative changes in gene expression of glutamate receptor subunits/subtypes in the vestibular nucleus, inferior olive and flocculus before and following unilateral labyrinthectomy in the rat: real-time quantitative PCR method.
Exp Brain Res, 139: 188-200, 2001

23. Horii A, Koike K, Uno A, Uno Y, Kubo T
Vestibular modulation of plasma vasopressin levels in rats.
Brain Res, 914: 179-184, 2001

24. Zheng Y, Horii A, Appleton I, Darlington CL, Smith PF
Damage to the vestibular inner ear causes long-term changes in neuronal nitric oxide synthase expression in the rat hippocampus.
Neuroscience, 105: 1-5, 2001

25. Zheng Y, Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL
Differences in nitric oxide synthase activity and expression in the rat vestibular nucleus following unilateral labyrinthectomy.
Mol Brain Res, 88: 166-170, 2001

26. Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL
Application of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to quantification of glutamate receptor gene expression in the vestibular brainstem and cerebellum.
Brain Res Protocols, 9: 77-83, 2002

27. Uno Y, Horii A, Uno A, Fuse Y, Fukushima M, Doi K, Kubo T
Quantitative changes in mRNA expression of glutamate receptors in the rat peripheral and central vestibular systems following hypergravity.
J Neurochem, 81: 1308-1317, 2002

28. Kitahara T, Nakagawa A, Fukushima M, Horii A, Takeda N, Kubo T
Changes in Fos expression in the rat brainstem after bilateral labyrinthectomy.
Acta Otolaryngol, 122: 620-626, 2002

29. Kitahara T, Kondoh K, Morihana T, Okumura S, Horii A, Takeda N, Kubo T
Steroid effects on vestibular compensation in human.
Neurol Res, 25: 287-291, 2003

30. Russell NA, Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Bilkey DK
Bilateral peripheral vestibular lesions produce long-term changes in spatial learning in the rat.
J Vestibular Res, 13: 9-16, 2003

31. Russell NA, Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Bilkey DK
Long-term effects of permanent vestibular lesions on hippocampal spatial firing.
J Neurosci, 23: 6490-6498, 2003

32. Nakagawa A, Uno A, Horii A, Kitahara T, Kawamoto M, Uno Y, Fukushima M, Nishiike S, Takeda N, Kubo T
Fos induction in the amygdala by vestibular information during hypergravity stimulation.
Brain Res, 986: 114-123, 2003

33. Horii A, Kitahara T, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Masumura C, Kubo T
Effects of unilateral labyrinthectomy on GAD, GAT1 and GABA receptor gene expression in the rat vestibular nucleus.
NeuroReport, 14: 2359-2363, 2003

34. Murata J, Murayama A, Horii A, Doi K, Harada T, Okano H, Kubo T
Expression of Musashi1, a neural RNA-binding protein, in the mouse cochlea.
Neurosci Lett, 354: 201-204, 2004

35. Horii A, Russell NA, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Bilkey DK
Vestibular influences on CA1 neurons in the rat hippocampus: an electrophysiological study in vivo.
Exp Brain Res, 155: 245-250, 2004

36. Horii A, Mitani K, Kitahara T, Uno A, Takeda N, Kubo T
Paroxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), reduces depressive symptoms and subjective handicaps in patients with dizziness.
Otol Neurotol, 25: 536-543, 2004

37. Horii A, Masumura C, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Kitahara T, Uno A, Mitani K, Kubo T
Microarray analysis of gene expression in the rat vestibular nucleus complex following unilateral vestibular deafferentation.
J Neurochem, 91: 975-982, 2004

38. Mitani K, Horii A, Kubo T
Impaired spatial learning after hypergravity exposure in rats.
Cognitive Brain Res, 22: 94-100, 2004

39. Zhang R, Ashton J, Horii A, Darlington CL, Smith PF
Immunocytochemical and stereological analysis of GABAB receptor subunit expression in the rat vestibular nucleus following unilateral vestibular deafferentation.
Brain Res, 1037: 107-113, 2005

40. Doi K, Sato T, Kuramasu T, Hibino H, Kitahara T, Horii A, Matsushiro N, Fuse Y, Kubo T
Meniere's disease is associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human potassium channel genes, KCNE1 and KCNE3.
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec, 67: 289-93, 2005

41. Kitahara T, Kaneko T, Horii A, Fukushima M, Kizawa-Okumura K, Takeda N, Kubo T
Fos-enkephalin signaling in the medial vestibular nucleus facilitates vestibular compensation.
J Neurosci Res, 83: 1573-1583, 2006

42. Russell NA, Horii A, Smith PF, Darlington CL, Bilkey DK
Lesions of the vestibular system disrupt hippocampal theta rhythm in the rat.
J Neurophysiol, 96: 4-14, 2006

43. Horii A, Saika T, Uno A, Nishiike S, Nishimura M, Mitani K, Kitahara T, Fukushima M, Nakagawa A, Masumura C, Sasaki T, Kizawa K, Kubo T
Factors relating to the vertigo control and hearing changes following intratympanic gentamicin for intractable Meniere’s disease.
Otol Neurotol, 27: 896-900, 2006

44. Masumura C, Horii A, Mitani K, Kitahara T, Uno A, Kubo T
Unilateral vestibular deafferentation-induced changes in calcium signaling-related molecules in the rat vestibular nuclear complex.
Brain Res, 1138: 129-135, 2007

45. Horii A, Uno A, Kitahara T, Mitani K, Masumura C, Kizawa K, Kubo T
Effects of fluvoxamine on anxiety, depression, and subjective handicaps of chronic dizziness patients with or without neuro-otologic diseases.
J Vestibular Res, 17: 1-7, 2007

46. Kitahara T, Horii A, Kizawa K, Maekawa C, Kubo T
Changes in mitochondrial uncoupling protein expression in the rat vestibular nerve after labyrinthectomy.
Neurosci Res, 59: 237-242, 2007

47. Kitahara T, Doi K, Maekawa C, Horii A, Kubo T, Kiyama H
Meniere's attacks occur in the inner ear with excessive vasopressin type-2 receptors.
J Neuroendocrinol, 20: 1295-1300, 2008

48. Sato G, Uno A, Horii A, Umehara H, Kitamura Y, Sekine K, Tamura K, Fukui H, Takeda N
Effects of hypergravity on histamine H1 receptor mRNA expression in hypothalamus and brainstem of rats: implications for development of motion sickness.
Acta Otolaryngol, 129: 45-51, 2009

49. Kitahara T, Maekawa C, Kizawa K, Horii A, Doi K
Plasma vasopressin and V2 receptor in the endolymphatic sac in patients with delayed endolymphatic hydrops.
Otol Neurotol, 30: 812-819, 2009

50. Hikita-Watanebe N, Kitahara T, Horii A, Kawashima T, Doi K, Okumura S
Tinnitus as a prognostic factor of sudden deafness.
Acta Otolaryngol, 130: 79-83, 2010

51. Horii A, Kitahara T, Osaki Y, Imai T, Fukuda K, Sakagami M, Inohara H
Intractable benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo: long-term follow-up and inner ear abnormality detected by three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging.
Otol Neurotol, 31: 250-255, 2010

52. Kizawa K, Kitahara T, Horii A, Maekawa C, Kuramasu T, Kawashima T, Nishiike S, Doi K, Inohara H
Behavioral assessment and identification of a molecular marker in a salicylate-induced tinnitus in rats.
Neuroscience, 165: 1323-1332, 2010

53. Iio K, Nagasawa Y, Iwatani H, Yamamoto R, Horii A, Okuzaki D, Furumatsu Y, Inohara H, Nojima H, Imai E, Rakugi H
Microarray analysis of tonsils in immunoglobulin A nephropathy patients.
Biochem Biophys Res Com, 393: 565-570, 2010

54. Maekawa C, Kitahara T, Kizawa K, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Horii A, Imai T, Doi K, Inohara H, Kiyama H
Expression and translocation of aquaporin-2 in the endolymphatic sac in patients with Meniere’s disease.
J Neuroendocrinol, 22: 1157-1164, 2010

*55. Horii A, Osaki Y, Kitahara T, Imai T, Uno A, Nishiike S, Fujita N, Inohara H
Endolymphatic hydrops in Meniere’s disease detected by MRI after intratympanic administration of gadolinium: in comparison with sudden deafness.
Acta Otolaryngol, 131: 602-609, 2011

56. Horii A, Hirose M, Mochizuki R, Yamamoto K, Kawamoto M, Kitahara T, Yamamoto Y, Kawashima T, Uno A, Imai T, Nishiike S, Inohara H
Effects of cooling the pharyngeal mucosa after bipolar scissors tonsillectomy on post-operative pain.
Acta Otolaryngol, 131: 764-768, 2011
57. Kitahara T, Horii A, Mishiro Y, Kawashima T, Imai T, Nishiike S, Inohara H
Low-tone air-bone gaps after endolymphatic sac surgery.
Auris Nasus Larynx, 38: 178-184, 2011

58. Kiatahara T, Maekawa C, Kizawa K, Kamakura T, Horii A, Inohara H
Endolymphatic sac tumor with overexpression of V2 receptor mRNA and inner ear hydrops.
Acta Otolaryngol, 131: 951-957, 2011

59. Takemoto N, Horii A, Sakata Y, Inohara H
Prognostic factors of peripheral facial palsy: multivariate analysis followed by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and Kaplan Meier analyses.
Otol Neurotol, 32: 1031-1036, 2011

60. Higashi-Shingai K, Imai T, Kitahara T, Uno A, Ohta Y, Horii A, Nishiike S, Kawashima T, Hasegawa T, Inohara H
Diagnosis of the sub-type and affected ear of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo using a questionnaire.
Acta Otolaryngol, 131: 1264-1269, 2011

61. Uetsuka S, Kitahara T, Horii A, Imai T, Uno A, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Inohara H
Transient low-tone air-bone gaps during convalescence immediately after canal plugging surgery for BPPV.
Auris Nasus Larynx, 39: 356-360, 2012

62. Horii A, Nakagawa A, Uno A, Kitahara T, Imai T, Nishiike S, Takeda N, Inohara H
Implication of substance P neuronal system in the amygdala as a possible mechanism for hypergravity-induced motion sickness.
Brain Res, 1435: 91-98, 2012

63. Kitahara T, Horii A, Uno A, Imai T, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Inohara H
Changes in beta-2 adrenergic receptor and AMP-activated protein kinase alpha-2 subunit in the rat vestibular nerve after labyrinthectomy.
Neurosci Res, 72: 221-226, 2012

64. Hio S, Kitahara T, Uno A, Imai T, Horii A, Inohara H
Psychological condition in patients with an acoustic tumor.
Acta Otolaryngol. 133: 42-46, 2013

65. Kamakura T, Ishida Y, Nakamura Y, Yamada T, Kitahara T, Takimoto Y, Horii A, Uno A, Imai, T, Okazaki S, Inohara H, Shimada S.
Functional expression of TRPV1 and TRPA1 in rat vestibular ganglia.
Neurosci Lett 552: 92-97, 2013

66. Fukushima M, Kitahara T, Horii A, Inohara H.
Effects of endolymphatic sac decompression surgery on endolymphatic hydrops.
Acta Otolaryngol 133 : 1292-1296, 2013

67. Nishiike S, Okazaki S, Watanabe H, Akiduki H, Imai T, Uno A, Kitahara T, Horii A, Takeda N, Inohara H.
The effect of visual-vestibulosomatosensory conflict induced by virtual reality on postural stability in humans.
J Med Inv 60 : 236-239, 2013

68. Kitahara T, Fukushima M, Uno A, Imai T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Kamakura T, Horii A, Inohara H.
Long-term results of endolymphatic sac drainage with local steroids for intractable Meniere's disease.
Auris Nasus Larynx 40: 425-430, 2013

69. Uno A, Imai T, Watanabe Y, Tanaka H, Kitahara T, Horii A, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Osaki Y, Nishiike S, Inohara H.
Changes in endolymphatic hydrops after sac surgery examined by Gd-enhanced MRI. Acta Otolaryngol 133: 924-929, 2013

70. Imai T, Masumura C, Takeda N, Kitahara T, Uno A, Horii A, Nishiike S, Ohta Y, Shingai-Higashi K, Morihana T, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Inohara H. Pseudo-anterior canalolithiasis.
Acta Otolaryngol 133: 594-599, 2013

71. Furukawa M, Kitahara T, Horii A, Uno A, Imai T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Inohara H, Mishiro Y, Sakagami M.
Psychological condition in patients with intractable Meniere's disease.
Acta Otolaryngol 133: 584-589, 2013

72. Okazaki S, Nishiike S, Watanabe H, Imai T, Uno A, Kitahara T, Horii A, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Takeda N, Inohara H.
Effects of repeated optic flow stimulation on gait termination in humans.
Acta Otolaryngol 133: 246-252, 2013

73. Takimoto Y, Ishida Y, Nakamura Y, Kamakura T, Yamada T, Kondo M, Kitahara T, Uno A, Imai T, Horii A, Okazaki S, Nishiike S, Inohara H, Shimada S
5-HT3 receptor expression in the mouse vestibular ganglion
Brain Res, 1557: 74-82, 2014

74. Kitahara T, Kamakura T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Horii A, Uno A, Imai T, Mishiro Y, Inohara H
Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma with canal fistula and bone conduction threshold after tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy
Otol Neurotol, 35: 981-988, 2014

75. Nagasawa Y, Iio K, Fukuda S, Date Y, Iwatani H, Yamamoto R, Horii A, Inohara H, Imai E, Nakanishi T, Ohno H, Rakugi H, Isaka Y
Periodontal disease bacteria specific to tonsil in IgA nephropathy patients predicts the remission by the treatment
PLoS ONE Volume 9, Article number e81636, 2014

76. Kitahara T, Horii A, Imai T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Inohara H, Sakagami M
Does endolymphatic sac decompression surgery prevent bilateral development of unilateral Meniere’s disease?
Laryngoscope 124: 1932-1936, 2014

77. Sato G, Sekine K, Matsuda K, Ueeda H, Horii A, Nishiike S, Kitahara T, Uno A, Imai T, Inohara H, Takeda N
Long-term prognosis of hearing loss in patients with unilateral Meniere’s disease.
Acta Otolaryngol 134: 1005-1010, 2014
78. Kitahara T, Horii A, Imai T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Inohara H, Sakagami M
Effects of endolymphatic sac decompression surgery on vertigo and hearing in bilateral Meniere’s disease.
Otol Neurotol 35: 1852-1857, 2014

79. Iwatani H, Nagasawa Y, Yamamoto R, Iio K, Mizui M, Horii A, Kitahara T, Inohara H, Kumanogoh A, Imai E, Rakugi H, Isaka Y
CD16+CD56+ cells are a potential culprit for hematuria in IgA nephropathy.
Clin Exp Nephrol 19: 216-224, 2015

80. Imai T, Matsuda K, Takeda N, Uno A, Kitahara T, Horii A, Nishiike S, Inohara H
Light cupula: the pathophysiological basis of persistent geotropic positional nystagmus.
BMJ Open 5: e006607, 2015

81. Okumura T, Horii A, Kitahara T, Imai T, Uno A, Osaki Y, Inohara H
Somatosensory shift of postural control in dizzy patients.
Acta Otolaryngol. 135: 925-930, 2015

82. Higashi-Shingai K, Imai T, Takimoto Y, Okumura T, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Uno A, Watanabe Y, Horii A, Inohara H
Gadolinium contrast-enhanced MRI reveals cystic lateral semicircular canal contents.
Acta Otolaryngol. 135: 1000-1006, 2015

83. Oya R, Horii A, Akazawa H, Osaki Y, Inohara H 
Prognostic predictors of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in defibrinogenation therapy.
Acta Otolaryngol 136: 271-276, 2016

84. Horii A, Imai T, Kitahara T, Uno A, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Inohara H.
Psychiatric comorbidities and use of milnacipran in patients with chronic dizziness.
J Vestibular Res. 26: 335-340, 2016

85. Miyaguchi S, Horii A, Kambara R, Takemoto N, Akazawa H, Takahashi N, Baba H, Inohara H
Effects of covering surgical wounds with polyglycolic acid sheet for posttonsillectomy pain.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 155: 876-878, 2016

86. Kamakura T, Kondo M, Koyama Y, Hanada Y, Ishida Y, Nakamura Y, Yamada T, Takimoto Y, Kitahara T, Ozono Y, Horii A, Imai T, Inohara H, Shimada S
Functional expression of an osmosensitive cation channel, transient receptor potential vanilloid 4, in rat vestibular ganglia.
Audiol Neurotol 21: 268-274, 2016

87. Baba H, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Takahashi K, Horii A, Takahashi S, Shibuki K 
Auditory cortical field coding long-lasting tonal offsets in mice.
Sci Rep 6:34421, 2016 DOI: 10.1038/srep34421

88. Takahashi K, Morita Y, Ohshima S, Izumi S, Kubota Y, Yamamoto Y, Takahashi S, Horii A
Creating an optimal 3D printed model for temporal bone dissection training.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 126: 530-536, 2017

89. Morita Y, Takahashi K, Izumi S, Kubota Y, Ohshima S, Horii A
Vestibular involvement in patients with otitis media with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis.
Otol Neurotol 38: 97-101, 2017

90. Okazaki S, Imai T, Higashi-Shingai K, Matsuda K, Takeda N, Kitahara T. Uno A, Horii A, Ohta Y, Morihana T, Masumura C, Nishiike S, Inohara H
Office-based differential diagnosis of transient and persistent geotropic positional nystagmus in patients with horizontal canal type of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Acta Otolaryngol. 137: 265-269, 2017

91. Kambara R, Minami T, Akazawa H, Tsuji F, Sasaki T, Inohara H, Horii A
Lower airway inflammation in eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis as determined by exhaled nitric oxide.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 173: 225-232, 2017

92. Shodo R, Hayatsu M, Koga D, Horii A, Ushiki T
Three-dimensional reconstruction of root cells and interdental cells in the inner ear by serial section scanning electron microscopy.
Biomedical Research 38: 239-248, 2017

93. Horii A, Mitani K, Masumura C, Uno A, Imai T, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Kitahara T, Inohara H
Hippocampal gene expression, serum cortisol level, and spatial memory in rats exposed to hypergravity.
J Vestibular Res 27:209-215, 2017

94. Staab JP, Eckhardt-Henn A, Horii A, Jacob R, Strupp M, Brandt T, Bronstein A
Diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD): Consensus document of the committee for the Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Barany Society.
J Vestibular Res 27: 191-208, 2017

95. Minami SB, Mutai H, Suzuki T, Horii A, Oishi N, Wasano K, Katsura M, Tanaka F, Takiguchi T, Fujii M, Kaga K
Microbiomes of the normal middle ear and ears with chronic otitis media.
Laryngoscope 127: E371-E377, 2017

96. Takahashi K, Morita Y, Ohshima S, Kubota Y, Izumi S, Horii A
Bone density development of the temporal bone assessed by computed tomography.
Otol Neurotol 38: 1445-1449, 2017

97. Morita Y, Takahashi K, Izumi S, Kubota Y, Oshima S, Yamamoto Y, Takahashi S, Horii A
Risk factors of recurrence in pediatric congenital cholesteatoma.
Otol Neurotol 38: 1463-1469, 2017

98. Imai T, Uno A, Kitahara T, Okumura T, Horii A, Ohta Y, Sato T, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Ozono Y, Watanabe Y, Hanada Y, Imai R, Ohta K, Inohara H
Evaluation of endolymphatic hydrops using 3-Tesla MRI after intravenous gadolinium injection.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 274: 4103-4111, 2017

99. Watanabe H, Goto S, Mori H, Higashi K, Hosomichi K, Aizawa N, Takahashi N, Tsuchida M, Suzuki Y, Yamada T, Horii A, Inoue I, Kurokawa K, Narita I.  Comprehensive microbiome analysis of tonsillar crypts in IgA nephropathy.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 32: 2072-2079, 2017

100. Ikeda M, Hossain MI, Zhou L, Horie M, Ikenaka K, Horii A, Takebayashi H
Histological detection of dynamic glial responses in the dysmyelinating Tabby-jimpy mutant brain.
Anat Sci Int 93: 119-127, 2018

101. Oya R, Imai T, Sato T, Uno A, Watanabe Y, Okazaki S, Ohta Y, Kitahara T, Horii A, Inohara H
A high jugular bulb and the poor development of perivestibular aqueductal air cells are not the cause of endolymphatic hydrops in patients with Ménière's disease.
Auris Nasus Larynx 45: 693-701, 2018

102. Takahashi N. Mori K, Baba H, Sasaki T, Ono M, Ikarashi F, Aizawa N, Sato K, Tsuchiya A, Hanazawa H, Tomita M, Kubota Y, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Horii A
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Glasgow Edinburgh Throat Scale (GETS-J): Use for a symptom scale of globus sensation.
Auris Nasus Larynx 45: 1041-104, 2018

103. Matsuyama H, Yamazaki, K, Okabe, R, Ueki Y, Shodo R, MD Omata J, Sato Y, Ota H, Takahashi T, Tomita M, Yokoyama Y, Togashi T, Aoyama H, Abe E, MD, Saijyo Y, Katsura K, Soga M, Sugita T, Matsumoto Y, Tsuchida E, Horii A
Multicenter phase I/II study of chemoradiotherapy with high-dose CDDP for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in Japan.
Auris Nasus Larynx 45: 1086-1092, 2018

104. Yamagishi T, Yoshitake K, Kamatani D, Watanabe K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Takahashi K, Takahashi S, Horii A, Yagi T, Shibuki K
Molecular diversity of clustered protocadherin-α required for executing higher cognitive functions in mice
Sci Rep 8: 9616, 2018 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28034-4

105. Higashi-Shingai K, Imai T, Okumura T, Uno A, Kitahara T. Horii A, Ohta Y, Osaki Y, Sato T, Okazaki S, Kamakura T, Takimoto Y, Ozono Y, Watanabe Y, Imai R, Hanada Y, Ohata K, Oya R, Inohara H
Change in endolymphatic hydrops 2 years after endolymphatic sac surgery evaluated by MRI
Auris Nasus Larynx 46: 335-345, 2019

106. Oya R, Horii A, Uno A, Kawasaki Y, Inohara H
Foreign bodies in the ear, nose, and throat in Japan: association with sociocultural and geographical conditions.
Auris Nasus Larynx 46: 618-623, 2019

107. NonomuraY, Sawamura S, Hanzawa K, Higuchi T, Nin F, Uetsuka S, Inohara H, Okuda S, Horii A, Takahashi S, Natsuka S, Hibino H
Characterisation of N-glycans in the epithelial-like tissue of the rat cochlea.
Sci Rep 9: 1551, 2019

108. Yagi C, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Ogi M, Oshima S, Yamamoto Y, Horii A
Otosclerosis: anatomical distribution of otosclerotic loci analyzed by high-resolution computed tomography.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 276: 1355-1340, 2019

109. Sato G, Matsuoka M, Matsuda K, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Horii A, Takeda N
Comparative study of anti-vertiginous and anti-anxious drugs for the treatment of chronic vestibular patients with secondary anxiety.
Acta Otolaryngol 139: 593-597, 2019

110. Yagi C, Morita Y, Kitazawa M, Nonomura Y, Yamagishi T, Oshima S, Izumi S, Takahashi K, Horii A
A validated questionnaire to assess the severity of persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD): The Niigata PPPD Questionnaire (NPQ)
Otol Neurotol 40: e747-e752, 2019

111. Honda K, Ishiyama K, Suzuki S, Kawasaki Y, Saito H, Horii A.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy using combined preoperative CT lymphography and intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in patients with early tongue cancer.
JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 145: 735-740, 2019

112. *Ishioka K, Okumura H, Sasaki T, Ikeda M, Takahashi N, Baba H, Aizawa N, Horii A.
Effects of unilateral sinonasal surgery on sleep-disordered breathing.
Acta Otolaryngol 139: 777-782, 2019

113. Morita Y, Sasaki T, Takahashi K, Kitazawa M, Nonomura Y, Yagi C, Yamagishi T, Ohshima S, Izumi S, Wakasugi M, Yokoseki A, Narita I, Endo N, Horii A
Age-related hearing loss is strongly associated with cognitive decline regardless of the APOE4 polymorphism.
Otol Neurotol 40: 1263-1267, 2019

114. Kamakura T, Kitahara T, Kondo M, Horii A, Hanada Y, Takimoto Y, Ishida Y, Nakamura Y, Imai T, Inohara H, Shimada S
Rat model of Meniere’s attack: intratympanic injection of potassium chloride produces direction-changing spontaneous nystagmus and hearing fluctuations.
Audiol Neurotol 24: 217-223, 2019

115. Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Nishio N, Hishida R, Takahashi K, Horii A, Shibuki K
Associative responses to visual shape stimuli in the mouse auditory cortex.
PLOS ONE 14: e0223242, 2019

116. Yamagishi T, Ohshima S, Yagi C, Kitazawa M, Nonomura Y, Izumi S, Morita Y, Takahashi K, Horii A
Nerve integrity monitor responses to direct facial nerve stimulation during facial nerve decompression surgery can predict postoperative outcomes.
Otol Neurotol in press

117. Ueki Y, Saito K, Iioka H, Sakamoto I, Kanda Y, Sakaguchi M, Horii A, Kondo E
PLOD2 is essential to functional activation of integrin β1 for invasion/metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
iScience 23, 100850, 2020

118. Morita Y, Kitazawa M, Yagi C, Nonomura Y, Takahashi K, Yamagishi T, Ohshima S, Izumi S, Horii A
Tympanic membrane findings of otitis media with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (OMAAV).
Auris Nasus Larynx in press

119. Ueki Y, Takahashi T, Ota H, Shodo R, Yamazaki K, Horii A
Predicting the treatment outcome of nivolumab in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; prognostic value of combined performance status and modified Glasgow prognostic score.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol in press


  • 【受賞】Barany Society Young Scientist Award 受賞 (2010.8)

