岡山大学病院 小児歯科 科長、岡山大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 小児歯科学分野 教授
日本小児歯科学会 小児歯科専門医指導医
日本小児歯科学会 | 小児歯科専門医指導医 |
Oral lactobacilli related to caries status of children with primary dentition. Caries Research, in press.
Lapirattanakul J, Nomura R, Okawa R, Morimoto S, Tantivitayakul P, Maudcheingka T, Nakano K, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Inhibitory effect of a mouth rinse formulated with chlorhexidine gluconate ethanol, and green tea extract against major oral bacterial species. Journal of Oral Science, 62(2): 206-211, 2020.
Nomura R, Inaba H, Matayoshi S, Yoshida S, Matsumi Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Nakano K
Case of autoimmune neutropenia with severe marginal periodontitis. Pediatric Dental Journal, 29(3): 138-145, 2019.
Morimoto S, Hirano K, Tabata K, Asaumi H, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Adhesion and invasion of gingival epithelial cells by Porphyromonas gulae. PLoS One, 14: e0213309, 2019.
Inaba H, Nomura R, Kato Y, Takeuchi H, Amano A, Asai F, Nakano K, Lamont RJ, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Role of Streptococcus mutans surface proteins for biofilm formation. Japanese Dental Science Review, 54 (1): 22-29, 2018.
Matsumoto-Nakano M
Cell cycle arresr and apotosis induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis require jun N-terminal proteins kinase- and p53-mediated p38 activation in human trophoblasts. Infection and Immunity, 86(4): e00923-17, 2018.
Inaba H, Amano A, Lamont RJ, Murakami Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Dental management of unilateral multiple impacted primary teeth. Pediatric Dental Journal, 28(3) 119-124, 2018.
Matsumi Y, Morikawa Y, Yoshida E, Morimoto S, Yoshida S, Matsumura T, Iida S, Takashima Y, Naka S, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Cariogenic propertyes of Streptococcus mutans clinical isolates with sortase defects. Archives of Oral Biology, 81: 7-14, 2017.
Lapirattanakul J, Takashima Y, Tantivitayakul P, Maudcheingka T, Leelataweewud P, Nakano K, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Apple- and Hop-polyphenols inhibit Porphyromonas gingivalismediated precursor of matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Journal of Periodontology, 87(9): 11031111, 2016.
Inaba H, Tagashira M, Kanda T, Murakami Y, Amano A, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Contriution of Streptococcus mutans Cnm and PA antigens to aggravation of non-alcoholic ateatohepatits in mice. Scientific Reports, 11: 6:36886, 20165, 2016.
Naka S, Hatakeyama R, Takashima Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Nomura R, Nakano K
Characterization of the dextran-binding domain in the glucan-binding protein C of Streptococcus mutans. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119(4): 1148-57, 2015.
Takashima Y, Fujita K, Ardin AC, Nagayama K, Nomura R, Nakano K, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Contribution of glucan-binding protein A to firm and stable biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans. Molecular and Oral Microbiology, 30: 217-226, 2015.
Matsumi Y, Fujita K, Takashima Y, Yanagida K, Morikawa Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Variation of expression defects in cell surface 190-kDa protein antigen of Streptococcus mutans. International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 305 (3): 383-91, 2015.
Lapirattanakul J, Nomura R, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Srisatjaluk R, Ooshima T, Nakano K
Identification and functional analysis of an ammonium transporter in Streptococcus mutans. PLoS One, 9: e107569, 2014.
Ardin AC, Fujita K, Nagayama K, Takashima Y, Nomura R, Nakano K, Ooshima T, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Contribution of the interaction of Streptococcus mutans serotype k strains with fibrinogen to the pathogenicity of infective endocarditis. Infection and Immunity, 82(12): 5223-34, 2014.
Nomura R, Otsugu M, Naka S, Teramoto N, Kojima A, Muranaka Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Ooshima T, Nakano K
Black pigmentation in primary dentition: case report and literature review. Pediatric Dental Journal, 24(3): 184-88, 2014.
Takashima Y, Matsumi Y, Yamasaki Y, Hirano K, Yanagida K, Fujita K, and Matsumoto-Nakano M
Role of ABC transporter proteins in stress responses of Streptococcus mutans. Oral Health Dental Management, 13(2): 359-65, 2014.
Nagayama K, Fujita K, Takashima Y, Ardin AC, Ooshima T, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Regulation of recombinase between gtfB/gtfC genes in Streptococcus mutans by recombinase A. Scientific World Jounal, doi: 10.1155/2013/405075, 2013.
Inagaki S, Fujita K, Takashima Y, Nagayama K, Ardin AC, Matsumi Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Correlation of age with distribution of periodontitis-related bacteria in Japanese dogs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences, 75: 999-1001, 2013.
Hirai N, Shirai M, Kato Y, Murakami M, Nomura R, Yamasaki Y, Takahashi S, Kondo C, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Nakano K, Asai F
Distribution and molecular characterization of Porphyromonas gulae carrying a new fimA genotype. Veterinary Microbiology, 161: 196-205, 2012.
Yamasaki Y, Nomura R, Nakano K, Inaba H, Kuboniwa M, Hirai N, Shirai M, Kato Y, Murakami M, Naka S, Iwai S, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Ooshima T, Amano A, Asai F
Distribution of periodontopathic bacterial species in dogs and their owners. Archives of Oral Biology 57: 1183-1188, 2012.
Yamasaki Y, Nomura R, Nakano K, Naka S, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Asai F, Ooshima T
Identification and characterization of a collagen-binding protein, Cbm, in Streptococcus mutans. Molecular Oral Microbiology, 27: 308-323, 2012.
Nomura R, Nakano K, Naka S, Nemoto H, Masuda K, Lapirattanakul J, Alaluusua S, Matsumoto M, Kawabata S, Ooshima T
Diversity of fimbrillin among Porphyromonas gulae clinical isolates from Japanese dogs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences, 74: 885-891, 2012.
Nomura R, Shirai M, Kato Y, Murakami M, Nakano K, Hirai N, Mizusawa T, Naka S, Yamasaki Y, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Ooshima T, Asai F
Inhibitory effects of Oenothera biennis (evening primrose) seed extract on Streptococcus mutans and S. mutans-induced dental caries in rats. Caries Research, 45: 56-63, 2011.
Matsumoto-Nakano M, Nagayama K, Kitagori H, Fujita K, Inagaki S, Takashima Y, Tamesada Y, Kawabata S, Ooshima T
Correlation of biological properties with glucan-binding protein B expression profile in Streptococcus mutans clinical isolates. Archives of Oral Biology 56: 258-263, 2011.
Fujita K, Takashima Y, Inagaki S, Nagayama K, Nomura R, Ardin AC, Gronrnns L, Alaluusua S, Ooshima T, Matsumoto-Nakano M
Roles of oral bacteria in cardiovascular disease-from molecular mechanisms to clinical cases. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 113: 120-125, 2010.
Nakano K, Nomura R, Matsumoto M, Ooshima T
Molecular characterization of Streptococcus mutans strains containing the cnm gene encoding a collagen-binding adhesion. Archives of Oral Biology 55: 34-39, 2010.
Nakano K, Nomura R, Taniguchi N, Lapirattanakul J, Kojima A, Naka S, Senawongse P, Srisatjaluk R, Grönroos L, Alaluusua S, Matsumoto M, Ooshima T
Defect of glucosyltransferases reduces platelet aggregation activity of Streptococcus mutans: analysis of clinical strains isolated from oral cavities. Archives of Oral Biology 55: 410-416, 2010.
Taniguchi N, Nakano K, Nomura R, Naka S, Kojima A, Matsumoto M, Ooshima T
Detection of oral streptococci with collagen-binding properties in saliva specimens from mothers and their children. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 20: 254-260, 2010.
Nomura R, Naka S, Nakano K, Taniguchi N, Matsumoto M, Ooshima T
Effects of recombinase A deficiency on biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 24: 104-108, 2009.
Inagaki S, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Fujita K, Nagayama K, Funao J, Ooshima T
Contribution of cell surface protein antigen c of Streptococcus mutans to platelet aggregation. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 24: 427-430, 2009.
Matsumoto-Nakano M, Tsuji M, Inagaki S, Fujita K, Nagayama K, Nomura R, Ooshima T
仲野道代. う蝕の病因論. 田中晃伸、牧憲司、権暁成編著. 小児歯科のレベルアップ&ヒント. 東京. デンタルダイヤモンド社;2019. p. 24-5.
仲野道代. 齲蝕. 白川哲夫、飯沼光生、福本敏編著. 小児歯科学. 第5版. 東京. 医歯薬出版株式会社;2017. p. 157-76.
仲野道代. 小児がん患者における口腔ケア. Andrew N. Davies、Joel B. Epstei編著、曽我賢彦監訳. がん口腔支持療法. 京都. 永末書店;2017. p. 261-70.
仲野道代. 第2編 口腔ケア食品素材 第7章 茶ポリフェノールのう蝕抑制作用. 坂上 宏監修. オーラルヘルスケア機能性食品の開発と応用-アンチエイジングを目指した口腔ケアを中心に−. 東京. シーエムシー出版;2013. p. 138-44.
【テレビ出演】「起こったらあわてず、早急に受診を 〜子どもの歯の外傷〜」 テレビドクター 読売テレビ 2009年6月