順天堂大学医学部附属 順天堂東京江東高齢者医療センター/順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 准教授

日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医 日本人工関節学会 認定医 日本再生医療学会 幹事 日仏整形外科学会 書記長

本間 康弘 ほんま やすひろ 先生




  • 整形外科
  • 本間先生の変形性股関節症の専門領域
    • 運動療法や薬物療法などの保存療法
    • 人工股関節全置換術
  • 【疾患名】特発性大腿骨頭壊死症【治療法】運動療法や薬物療法などの保存療法、人工股関節全置換術



日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医
日本人工関節学会 認定医
日本再生医療学会 幹事
日仏整形外科学会 書記長
  • 順天堂大学医学部附属 順天堂東京江東高齢者医療センター/順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 准教授




  • 内科 血液内科 膠原病・リウマチ内科 外科 精神科 神経内科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 肛門科 産婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 放射線科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 消化器内科
  • 東京都文京区本郷3丁目1-3
  • JR中央線(快速) 御茶ノ水 御茶ノ水橋口  JR中央・総武線も乗り入れ、東京メトロ丸ノ内線も利用可 徒歩5分 東京メトロ千代田線 新御茶ノ水 徒歩7分
  • 03-3813-3111




2005年 順天堂大学 医学部 卒業
2007年 アイルランド 留学
2008年 順天堂大学医学部附属静岡病院 整形外科
2010年 フランス 留学
2012年 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 整形外科
2016年 厚生労働省医政局研究開発振興課(~2017年)
2018年 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 整形外科 講師
2023年 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 整形外科 准教授/フランス 留学


  • 1. Non-metastatic hip fractures surgery in patients with active cancer: benefit and risk. Int Orthop. 2024.

    Teramoto J, Homma Y, Watari T, Hayashi K, Baba T, Hasegawa N, et al.

  • 2. Safety and feasibility of locoregional platelet-rich plasma injection for iliopsoas impingement after total hip arthroplasty: A phase 1 prospective observational study. Regen Ther. 2024;25:61-7.

    Homma Y, Uchino S, Nagao M, Wakayama T, Fukusato S, Baba T, et al.

  • 3. The loneliness of the local orthopaedic surgeon in disaster zones. Int Orthop. 2024;48(2):323-30.

    Hernigou P, Homma Y, Herard P, Scarlat MM.

  • 4. Validation of a preoperative formula to estimate postoperative pelvic sagittal alignment and mobility before performing total hip arthroplasty for patients with hip osteoarthritis. Arthroplasty. 2023;5(1):13.

    Tanabe H, Homma Y, Yanagisawa N, Watari T, Ishii S, Shirogane Y, et al.

  • 5. Conventional versus lateral fasciotomy for prevention of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury in the non-fan-type nerve in total hip arthroplasty with direct anterior approach. Bone Joint J. 2023;105-b(12):1252-8.

    Tanabe H, Baba T, Ozaki Y, Yanagisawa N, Homma Y, Nagao M, et al.

  • 6. Fluoroscopy-based robotic assistance for total hip arthroplasty improves acetabular cup placement accuracy for obese patients compared to the manual, fluoroscopic- assisted technique. Technol Health Care. 2023.

    Ong CB, Buchan GBJ, Hecht Ii CJ, Kendoff DO, Homma Y, Kamath AF.

  • 7. Fluoroscopy-based robotics in total hip arthroplasty mitigates laterality-based differences in acetabular cup placement when compared to the manual, fluoroscopic- assisted technique. Technol Health Care. 2023.

    Ong CB, Buchan GBJ, Hecht Ii CJ, Homma Y, Harmon DJ, Kendoff DO, et al.

  • 8. Cost-effectiveness of a novel, fluoroscopy-based robotic-assisted total hip arthroplasty system: A Markov analysis. Int J Med Robot. 2023:e2582.

    Ong CB, Buchan GBJ, Acuña AJ, Hecht CJ, Homma Y, Shah RP, et al.

  • 9. Patients With Shorter Stature Exhibit Minimal Hammering Sound Changes During Cementless Stem Insertion in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today. 2023;21:101136.

    Homma Y, Zhuang X, Yanagisawa N, Ishii S, Baba T, Ishijima M.

  • 10. Highly accurate acoustical prediction using support vector machine algorithm for post-operative subsidence after cementless total hip arthroplasty. Int Orthop. 2023;47(1):187-92.

    Homma Y, Zhuang X, Ohtsu H, Ishii S, Shirogane Y, Hayashi K, et al.

  • 11. Recent advances in the direct anterior approach to total hip arthroplasty: a surgeon's perspective. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2023;20(12):1079-86.

    Homma Y, Baba T, Watari T, Hayashi K, Kobayashi H, Matsumoto M, et al.

  • 12. Prognosis of hip osteonecrosis after cell therapy with a calculator and artificial intelligence: ten year collapse-free survival prediction on three thousand and twenty one hips. Int Orthop. 2023.

    Hernigou P, Verrier S, Homma Y, Rouard H, Lachaniette CHF, Sunil Kumar KH.

  • 13. Factors influence on the broaching hammering sound during cementless total hip arthroplasty. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering. 2022;15(9):229-40.

    Zhuang X, Homma Y, Sato T, Baba T, Morohashi I, Iwase H, et al.

  • 14. Acoustic characteristics of broaching procedure for post-operative stem subsidence in cementless total hip arthroplasty. International Orthopaedics. 2022:1-8.

    Zhuang X, Homma Y, Ishii S, Shirogane Y, Tanabe H, Baba T, et al.

  • 15. Basic points to consider regarding the preparation of extracellular vesicles and their clinical applications in Japan. Regen Ther. 2022;21:19-24.

    Tsuchiya A, Terai S, Horiguchi I, Homma Y, Saito A, Nakamura N, et al.

  • 16. Lateral versus conventional fasciotomy for prevention of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury in total hip arthroplasty with direct anterior approach: a study protocol for a dual-center, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2022;23(1):567.

    Tanabe H, Baba T, Ozaki Y, Yanagisawa N, Banno S, Watari T, et al.

  • 17. Relationship between labral length and symptoms in patients with acetabular dysplasia before rotational acetabular osteotomy. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery. 2022.

    Shirogane Y, Homma Y, Yanagisawa N, Higano M, Hirasawa Y, Nakamura S, et al.

  • 18. Acetabular morphological variation in Asian patients with femoral neck fracture: A three-dimensional CT-based study. Injury. 2022.

    Sano K, Homma Y, Shirogane Y, Ishii S, Ito T, Baba T, et al.

  • 19. Acetabular cartilage abnormalities in elderly patients with femoral neck fractures. Sicot j. 2022;8:24.

    Ochi H, Kobayashi H, Baba T, Nakajima R, Kurita Y, Kato S, et al.

  • 20. The association between research funding status and clinical research papers' citation impact in Japan: A cross-sectional bibliometric study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:978174.

    Morisawa F, Nishizaki Y, Devos P, Yanagisawa N, Matsuyama K, Homma Y, et al.

  • 21. Blood cobalt ion level in patients with different sizes of cobalt/chrome femoral head with the Accolade TMZF stem. Int Orthop. 2022;46(10):2205-12.

    Ishii S, Homma Y, Matsukawa T, Baba T, Kaneko K, Ishijima M.

  • 22. Grafting of autologous concentrated bone marrow processed using a point-of-care device for patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head: A phase 1 feasibility and safety study. Regenerative Therapy. 2022;20:18-25.

    Homma Y, Masubuchi Y, Shirogane Y, Amano H, Muramoto Y, Nagao M, et al.

  • 23. Artificial intelligence for distinguishment of hammering sound in total hip arthroplasty. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):9826.

    Homma Y, Ito S, Zhuang X, Baba T, Fujibayashi K, Kaneko K, et al.

  • 24. The relationship between contributions of authors and author order. Journal of General and Family Medicine. 2021;22(6):361-2.

    Ueda R, Nishizaki Y, Homma Y, Devos P, Sanada S.

  • 25. Total hip arthroplasty with reconstruction of acetabulum through direct anterior approach for metastatic bone disease of acetabulum combined with pathological proximal femoral neck fracture: A case report. Trauma Case Reports. 2021;32:100447.

    Ochi H, Takagi T, Baba T, Nozawa M, Kim S-G, Sakamoto Y, et al.

  • 26. Use of Dual Mobility Acetabular Component and Anterior Approach in Patients With Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture. J Arthroplasty. 2021;36(7):2530-5.

    Jinnai Y, Homma Y, Baba T, Zhuang X, Kaneko K, Ishijima M.

  • 27. Relationship between Charlson comorbidity index, early recovery and 2-year mortality in elderly patients undergoing surgical treatment of inter-trochanteric fractures: a retrospective analysis. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):1-6.

    Jianda X, Homma Y, Jinnai Y, Baba T, Zhuang X, Watari T, et al.

  • 28. Horror of three synergistic factors in THA: high mechanical stress, dissimilar metals, low elasticity stem: a case report. Arthroplasty. 2021;3(1):1-7.

    Ishii S, Homma Y, Matsukawa T, Baba T, Kubota A, Yokoyama K, et al.

  • 29. Does increased diameter of metal femoral head associated with highly cross-linked polyethylene augment stress on the femoral stem and cortical hypertrophy? International Orthopaedics. 2021;45(5):1169-77.

    Ishii S, Homma Y, Baba T, Shirogane Y, Kaneko K, Ishijima M.

  • 30. Does total hip arthroplasty via the direct anterior approach using dual mobility increase leg length discrepancy compared with single mobility? Arthroplasty. 2021;3(1):1-7.

    Ishii S, Homma Y, Baba T, Jinnai Y, Zhuang X, Tanabe H, et al.



