東京医科大学腎臓内科 准教授
日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・認定内科医 日本腎臓学会 腎臓専門医・腎臓指導医・評議員・幹事 日本透析医学会 透析専門医・透析指導医
日本内科学会 | 総合内科専門医・認定内科医 |
日本腎臓学会 | 腎臓専門医・腎臓指導医・評議員・幹事 |
日本透析医学会 | 透析専門医・透析指導医 |
1998年 東京医科大学医学部卒業
2000年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科、医療練士
2002年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科、医療練士
2005年 Department of Pathology,
Louisiana State University(海外留学)
2006年 Department of Medicine, Kidney Disease Center,
Medical College of Wisconsin(海外留学)
2008年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科 助教
2012年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科 准講師
2015年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科 医局長
2016年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科 講師
2017年 東京女子医科大学腎臓内科 准教授
2022年 東京医科大学腎臓内科 准教授
(英文、first authorもしくはCorresponding authorのみ)
1) Moriyama T, Sasaki K, Karasawa K, Uchida K, Nitta K. Intracellular Transcytosis ofAlbumin in Glomerular Endothelial Cells After Endocytosis Through Caveolae.J Cell Physiol. 2017 Jan 23. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25817. [Epub ahead of print]
2) Hoshino Y, Moriyama T, Uchida K, Tsuchiya K, Nitta K. Comparison of oral steroids with tonsillectomy plus steroid pulse therapy in patients with IgA nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2016.Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]
3) Iwasaki C, Moriyama T, Tanaka K, Takei T, Nitta K. Effect of hematuria on the outcome of immunoglobulin A nephropathy with proteinuria. J Nephropathol 5; 72-78: 2016.
4) Moriyama T, Takei T, Itabashi M, Uchida K, Tsuchiya K, Nitta K. Caveolae may enable albumin to enter human renal glomerular endothelial cells. J Cell Biochem 116; 1060-1069: 2015.
5) Moriyama T, Itabashi M, Takei T, Kataoka H, Sato M, Shimizu A, Iwabuchi Y, Nishida M, Uchida K, Nitta K. High uric acid level is a risk factor for progression of IgA nephropathy with chronic kidney disease stage G3a. J Nephrol 28; 451-456: 2015.
6) Tanaka K, Moriyama T, Iwasaki C, Takei T, Nitta K. Effect of hematuria on the outcome of IgA nephropathy with mild proteinuria. Clin Exp Nephrol 19; 815-821: 2015.
7) Oshima Y, Moriyama T, Itabashi M, Takei T, Nitta K. Characteristics of IgA nephropathy in advanced–age patients. Int Urol Nephrol 47; 137-145: 2015.
8) Moriyama T, Tanaka K, Iwasaki C, Oshima Y, Ochi A, Amemiya N, Kataoka H, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Prognosis in IgA nephropathy: 30-year analysis of 1,012 patients at a single center in Japan. Plos One 9; e91756: 2014.
9) Moriyama T, Oshima Y, Tanaka K, Iwasaki C, Ochi A, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Statins stabilize the renal function of IgA nephropathy. Ren Fail 35; 356-360: 2014.
10) Kamei D, Moriyama T, Takei T, Wakai S, Nitta K. Comparison between consecutive and intermittent steroid pulse therapy combined with tonsillectomy for clinical remission of IgA nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol 18; 320-328: 2014.
11) Moriyama T, Iwasaki C, Tanaka K, Ochi A, Shimizu A, Shiohira S, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Tsuchiya K, Nitta K. Effects of combination therapy with renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and eicosapentaenoic acid on IgA nephropathy. Intern Med 52; 193-199: 2013.
12) Ochi A, Moriyama T, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Comparison between steroid pulse alone and in combination with tonsillectomy for IgA nephropathy. Int Urol Nephrol 45; 469-476: 2013.
13) Moriyama T, Nakayama K, Iwasaki C, Ochi A, Tsuruta Y, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Severity of nephrotic IgA nephropathy according to the Oxford classification. Int Urol Nephrol 44; 1177-1184: 2012.
14) Moriyama T, Tsuruta Y, Kojima C, Itabashi M, Sugiura H, Takei T, Ogawa T, Uchida K, Tsuchiya K, Nitta K. Beneficial effect of aliskiren combined with olmesartan in reducing urinary protein excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol 44; 841-845: 2012.
15) Moriyama T, Nakayama K, Ochi A, Amemiya N, Tsuruta Y, Kojima C, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Comparison of inhibitors of renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAS) and combination therapy of steroid plus RAS inhibitors for patients with advanced IgA nephropathy and impaired renal function. Clin Exp Nephrol 16; 231-237: 2011.
16) Moriyama T, Amemiya N, Ochi A, Tsuruta Y, Shimizu A, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Comparison of steroids and angiotensin receptor blockers for patients with advanced IgA nephropathy and impaired renal function. Am J Nephrol 34, 233-240, 2011.
17) Moriyama T, Amamiya N, Ochi A, Tsuruta Y, Shimizu A, Kojima C, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Long-term beneficial effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker therapy for patients with advanced immunoglobulin A nephropathy and impaired renal function. Clin Exp Nephrol 15, 700-707, 2011.
18) Moriyama T, Tsuruta Y, Shimizu A, Itabashi M, Takei T, Horita S, Uchida K, Nitta K. The significance of caveolae in the glomeruli in glomerular disease. J Clin Pathol 64, 504-509, 2011.
19) Moriyama T, Nitta K. Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy for IgA Nephropathy. Tohoku J Exp Med 224,223-250, 2011.
20) Moriyama T, Shimizu A, Takei T, Uchida K, Honda K, Nitta K. Characterisitics of immunoglobulin A nephropathy with mesangial immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M deposition. Nephrology 15, 747-754, 2010.
21) Moriyama T, Suzuki K, Sugiura H, Itabashi M, Tsukada M, Takei T, Koike M, Uchida K, Horita S, Taneda S, Kazuho H, Nitta K. Frequency of renal disease in Japan: an analysis of 2,404 renal biopsies at a single center. Nephron Clin Pract 115, c227-236, 2010.
22) Asamiya Y, Moriyama T, Takano M, Iwasaki C, Kimura K, Ando Y, Aoki A, Kikuchi K, Takei T, Uchida K, Nitta K. Successful treatment with rituximab in a patient with TTP secondary to severe ANCA-associated vasculitis. Intern Med 49, 1587-1591, 2010.
23) Moriyama T, Itabashi M, Takei T, Uchida K, Honda K, Nitta K, A case of focal segmental glomerulonephritis showing morphological change from the not otherwise specifies (NOS) to the collapsing variant. 東女会誌79, 224-236, 2009.
24) Moriyama T, Sorokin A, Repression of BK virus infection of human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells by pravastatin. Transplantation 85, 1311-1317, 2008.
25) Moriyama T, Sorokin A. Intracellular trafficking pathway of BK Virus in human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Virology 371, 336-349, 2008.
26) Moriyama T, Marquez JP, Wakatsuki T, Sorokin A. Caveolae endocytosis is critical for BK virus infection of human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. J Virol 81, 8552-8562, 2007.
24) Moriyama T, Nitta K, Suzuki K, Honda K, Horita S, Uchida K, Yumura W, Tanabe K, Toma H, Nihei H, Yamaguchi Y. Latent IgA deposition from donor kidney is the major risk factor for recurrent IgA nephropathy in renal transplantation. Clin Transplant 19 (Supple. 14), 41-48, 2005.
25) Moriyama T, Nitta K, Uchida K, Yumura W, Nihei H. Clinicopathological factors that affect the therapeutic benefits of inhibitors of the renin angiotensin system in patients with IgA nephropathy. 東女会誌 74, 632-641, 2004.
26) Moriyama T, Honda K, Nitta K, Yumura W, Nihei H. The effectiveness of steroid therapy for advanced IgA nephropathy and impaired renal function. Clin Exp Nephrol 8, 237-242, 2004.
1) 山縣邦弘、南学正臣、腎疾患・透析 最新の治療 2017-2019、感染症に伴う糸球体病変、南江堂、2016
2) 富野康日己、上田志朗、新田孝作、木村健二郎、薬剤性腎障害ケーススタディ-診療に生かす33の症例、C型肝炎のインターフェロン治療後のネフローゼ症候群、南江堂、2011
3) Bonifacino S. Curr Protoc Cell Bio. Chapter 26: Unit 26.2 BK virus (BKV): infection, propagation, quantitation, purification, labeling, and analysis of cell entry. John Wiley & Sons. 2009
4) 二瓶宏、図説腎臓病学、総論3 腎生検、日本医事新報社、2005
5) 両角國男、山口裕、移植腎臨床病理アトラス カルシニューリンインヒビターと腎、腎移植に出現するその他の病変 7-1―1移植後糸球体腎炎 IgA腎症、東京医学社、2005
【受賞】CKD Award ポスター優秀賞、2011年