東北大学病院 リハビリテーション科 科長

日本リハビリテーション医学会 リハビリテーション科専門医・リハビリテーション科指導医 日本老年医学会 老年科専門医・老年科指導医 日本呼吸器学会 呼吸器専門医・呼吸器指導医 日本内科学会 認定内科医

海老原 覚 えびはら さとる 先生







  • リハビリテーション科
  • リハビリテーション全般
  • 老年医学



日本リハビリテーション医学会 リハビリテーション科専門医・リハビリテーション科指導医
日本老年医学会 老年科専門医・老年科指導医
日本呼吸器学会 呼吸器専門医・呼吸器指導医
日本内科学会 認定内科医
  • 東北大学病院 リハビリテーション科 科長
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 日本摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション学会 認定士・評議員
  • 日本リハビリテーション医学会 代議員
  • 日本老年医学会 代議員・理事
  • 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会 指導士・代議員
  • 日本臨床生理学会 評議員
  • American college of Chest Physicians Panel on “Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Cough” Panel member,



  • 内科 血液内科 リウマチ科 外科 心療内科 精神科 脳神経外科 呼吸器外科 消化器外科 腎臓内科 心臓血管外科 小児科 小児外科 整形外科 形成外科 皮膚科 泌尿器科 産科 婦人科 眼科 耳鼻咽喉科 リハビリテーション科 歯科 矯正歯科 小児歯科 歯科口腔外科 麻酔科 乳腺外科 呼吸器内科 循環器内科 緩和ケア内科 腫瘍内科 感染症内科 消化器内科 糖尿病内科 内分泌内科 代謝内科 膠原病内科 脳神経内科 老年内科 漢方内科 肝胆膵外科 血管外科 放射線診断科 放射線治療科 頭頸部外科 総合診療科
  • 宮城県仙台市青葉区星陵町1-1
  • 仙台市営地下鉄南北線 北四番丁 北2出口 徒歩10分 JR仙山線 仙台 東北大学病院経由、北山→子平町循環 広瀬通駅経由など 東北大学病院前下車 バス20分
  • 022-717-7000




1990年 東北大学医学部卒業
1990年 東北大学医学部第一内科博士課程大学院入学
1994年 東北大学医学部第一内科大学院卒業 医学博士
1994年 秋田厚生連 雄勝中央病院 内科勤務
1995年 東北大学医学部第一内科帰局 大学院研究生
1996年 カナダMcGill大学留学(Meakins-Christie研究所)
2000年 東北大学医学部附属病院老年・呼吸器内科医員
2000年 東北大学医学部附属病院老年・呼吸器内科助手
2007年 東北大学病院老年科助教
2008年 東北大学病院老年科院内講師
2009年 東北大学病院内部障害リハビリテーション科講師
2014年 東邦大学大学院医学研究科リハビリテーション医学講座 教授


Original Articles
1. Aibara K, Ebihara S, Akaike N: Voltage-dependent ionic currents in dissociated paratracheal ganglion cells of the rat. J Physiol (Lond.) 457: 591-610, 1992.
2. Ebihara S, Akaike N: Strychnine-induced potassium current in CA1 pyramidal neurones of the rat hippocampus. Br J Pharmacol 106: 823-827, 1992.
3. Ebihara S, Takishima T, Shirasaki T, Akaike N: Regional variation of excitatory and inhibitory amino acid-induced responses in rat dissociated CNS neurons. Neurosci Res 14: 61-67, 1992.
4. Harata N, Ebihara S, Akaike N: Modulation of NMDA receptors by ACh in the central nervous system. Prog Neuropsychopharmaco Biol Psychiatry 16: 977-984, 1992.
5. Ebihara S, Akaike N: Potassium currents operated by thyrotrophin-releasing hormone in dissociated CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 472: 689-710, 1993.
6. Nabekura J, Ebihara S, Akaike N: Muscarinic receptor activation of potassium channels in rat dentate gyrus neurons. J Neurophysiol 70: 1544-1552, 1993.
7. Rhee JS, Ebihara S, Akaike N: Gramicidin perforated patch-clamp technique reveals glycine-gated outward chloride current in dissociated nucleus solitarii neurons of the rat. J Neurophysiol 72: 1103-1108, 1994.
8. Shindoh C, Hida W, Kurosawa H, Ebihara S, Kikuchi Y, Takishima T, Shirato K: Effects of unilateral phrenic nerve denervation on diaphragm contractility. Tohoku J Exp Med 173: 291-302, 1994.
9. Uneyama H, Uneyama C, Ebihara S, Akaike N: Suramin and reactive blue 2 are antagonists for a newly identified purinoceptor on rat megakaryocyte. Br J Pharmacol 111: 245-249, 1994.
10. Ebihara S, Shirato K, Harata N, Akaike N: Gramicidin-perforated patch recording: GABA response in mammalian neurones with intact intracellular chloride. J Physiol (Lond) 484: 77-86, 1995.
11. Ebihara S, Sasaki T, Shimura S, Kikuchi Y, Hida W, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Nishiyama A, Akaike N, Shirato K: Role of cyclic ADP-ribose in ATP-induced potassium currents in alveolar macrophage. J Biol Chem 272: 16023-16029, 1997.
12. Midorikawa J, Hida W, Taguchi O, Okabe S, Kurosawa H, Mizusawa A, Ogawa H, Ebihara S, Kikuchi Y, Shirato K: Lack of ventilatory threshold in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration 64: 76-80, 1997.
13. Taguchi O, Hida W, Okabe S Ebihara S, Ogawa H, Kikuchi Y, Shirato K: Improvement of exercise performance with short-term nasal continuous positive pressure in patoents with obstructive sleep apnea. Tohoku J Exp Med 183: 45-53, 1997.
14. Lin M-C, Ebihara S, El-Dwairi Q, Hussain SNA, Yang L, Gottfried S, Comtois A, Petrof BJ: Diaphragm sarcolemmal injury is induced by sepsis and alleviated by nitric oxide syntase inhibitor. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 158: 1656-1663, 1998.
15. Gilbert R, Nalbantoglu J, Petrof BJ, Ebihara S, Gubinga G-H, Tinsley JM, Kamen A, Massie B, Davies KE, Karpati G: Adenovirus-mediated utrophin gene transfer mitigates the dystrophic phenotype of mdx mouse muscles. Hum Gene Ther 10: 1299-1310, 1999.
16. Cho W-K, Ebihara S, Nalbantoglu J, Gilbert R, Massie B, Holland P, Karpati G, Petrof BJ: Modulation of starling force and muscle fiber maturity permits adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to adult dystrophic (mdx) mice by the intravascular route. Hum Gene Ther 11: 701-714, 2000.
17. Ebihara S, Guibinga G-H, Gilbert R, Nalbantoglu J, Massie B, Karpati G, Petrof BJ: Overexpression of dystrophin and utrophin by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer produces differential effects on muscle cell function in adult immunocompetent dystrophic (mdx) mice. Physiol Genomics 3: 133-144, 2000.
18. Kanda A, Ebihara S, Arai H, Takeda A, Sasaki H: Parkinson’s disease and impaired chemosensitivity to hypoxia.  Lancet 356: 2100, 2000.
19. Ohrui T, Takahashi H, Ebihara S, Matsui T, Nakayama K, Sasaki H. Influenza A virus infection and pulmonary microthromboembolism. Tohoku J Exp Med. 192: 81-86, 2000.
20. Ebihara S, Takahashi H, Ebihara T, Satoh E, Sasaki H: Japanese nursing system. Lancet 357, 1351, 2001.
21. Guibinga GH, Ebihara S, Nalbantoglu J, Holland P, Karpati G, Petrof BJ: Forced myofiber regeneration promotes dystrophin gene transfer and improvement muscle function despite advanced disease in old dystrophic mice. Mol Ther 4: 499-507, 2001.
22. Yoshino A, Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Fuji A, Sasaki H: Daily oral care and risk factors for pneumonia among elderly nursing home patients. JAMA 286: 2235-2236, 2001.
23. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Kanda A, Takahashi H, Sasaki H: Asthma severity and adequacy of management. Lancet 359: 75, 2002.
24. Ebihara S, Hussain SN, Danialou G, Cho WK, Gottfried SB, Petrof BJ: Mechanical ventilation protects against diaphragm injury in sepsis: interaction of oxidative and mechanical stresses. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 165: 221-228, 2002.
25. Ebihara S, Ogawa H, Sasaki H, Hida W, Kikuchi Y: Doxapram and perception of dyspnea. Chest 121: 1380-1381, 2002.
26. Ebihara S, Saito H, Kanda A, Nakajoh M, Takahashi H, Arai H, Sasaki H: Impaired efficacy of cough in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Chest 124: 1009-1015, 2003.
27. Kanda A, Ebihara S, Takahashi H, Sasaki H: Loxoprofen sodium suppresses mouse tumor growth by inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor. Acta Oncol 42: 62-70, 2003.
28. Kanda A, Matsui T, Ebihara S, Arai H, Sasaki H: Periventricular white matter lesions and sleep alteration in elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc 51: 1818-1819, 2003.
29. Takahashi H, Ebihara S, Kanda A, Kamanaka M, Sato T, Habu S, Kikutani H, Sasaki H: Increased susceptibility to airway responses in CD40-deficient mice. Clin Exp Immunol 133: 22-29, 2003.
30. Yamaya M, Nakayama K, Ebihara S, Hirai H, Higuchi S, Sasaki H: Relationship between microsatellite polymorphism in the haem oxygenase-1 gene promoter and longevity of the normal Japanese population. J Med Genet 40: 146-148, 2003.
31. Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Kanda A, Tsuboi M, Sasaki H: Significance of three-demensional computed tomography in a very old patient with sigmoid volvulus. Geriatr Gerontol Int 4: 181-183, 2004.
32. Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Watando A, Yasuda H, Sasaki H: Theophylline-improved swallowing reflex in elderly nursing home patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 1787-1788, 2004.
33. Hozawa A, Ebihara S, Ohmori K, Kuriyama S, Ugajin T, Koizumi Y, Suzuki Y, Matsui T, Arai H, Tubomo Y, Sasaki H, Tsuji I: Increased plasma 8-isoprostane levels in hypertensive subjects: the Tsurugaya project. Hypertens Res 27: 557-561, 2004.
34. Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Kuriyama S, Shimazu T, Niu K, Watando A, Ebihara S, Matsui T, Ichiki M, Nagatomi R, Sasaki H, Tsuji I: C reactive protein related to the peripheral artery disease among Japaneses elderly: the Tsurugaya Project. Hypertension Res 27, 955-961, 2004.
35. Kanda A, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Yasuda H, Sasaki H: Loxoprofen sodium and survival in older people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 471-472, 2004.
36. Kanda A, Ebihara S, Yasuda H, Ohrui T, Sasaki T, Sasaki H: A combinational therapy for pneumonia in elderly people. J Am Geritr Soc 52: 846-847, 2004.
37. Ohrui T, Matsui T, He M, Ebihara S, Sasaki H: Relation between retirement and subsequent health status in high educational old men. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 2145-2147, 2004.
38. Ohrui T, Matsui T, Yamaya M, Arai H, Ebihara S, Mariyama M, Sasaki H: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 649-650, 2004.
39. Takahashi H, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Suzuki S, Asada M, Kubo H, Sasaki H: Clinical significance of heparanase activity in primary resected non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 45: 207-214, 2004.
40. Takahashi H, Ohrui T, Ebihara S, Yamada M, Sasaki H. Effect of gefinitib (ZD1839) on metastatic brain tumor. Lung Cancer 43: 371-372, 2004.
41. Watando A, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Asada M, Sasaki H: Effect of temperature on swallowing reflex in elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 2143-2144, 2004.
42. Watando A, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Asada M, Sasaki H: Oral care and cough reflex sensitivity in elderly nursing home patients. Chest 126: 1066-1070, 2004.
43. Yasuda H, Ebihara S, Yamaya M, Asada M, Sasaki H, Aoki M: Increased arterial carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations in patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75: 1076-1077, 2004.
44. Yasuda H, Ebihara S, Yamaya M, Mashito Y, Nakamura M, Sasaki H: Increased arterial carboxyhemoglobin concentrations in elderly patients with silicosis. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 1403-1404, 2004.
45. Yasuda H, Sasaki T, Yamaya M, Ebihara S, Maruyama M, Kanda A, Sasaki H: Increased arteriovenous carboxyhemoglobin differences in patients with inflammatory pulmonary diseases. Chest 125: 2160-2168, 2004.
46. Yasuda H, Yamaya M, Ebihara S, Sasaki T, Inoue D, Kubo H, Sasaki H, Suzuki S: Arterial carboxyhemoglobin concentrations in elderly patients with operable non-small cell lung cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc 52: 1592-1593, 2004.
47. Asada M, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Yasuda H, Sasaki H: Tiapride may accelerated lung cancer in the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc 53: 731-732, 2005.
48. Asada M, Yamaya M, Ebihara S, Yasuda H, Tomita N, Kubo H, Sasaki H, Hegab AE, Sakamoto T, Sekizawa K: Interleukin-1β gene polymorphisms associated with COPD. Chest 128: 1072-1073, 2005.
49. Chiba H, Ebihara S, Tomita N, Sasaki H, Butler JP: Differential gait kinematics between fallers and non-fallers in community-dwelling elderly people. Geriatric Gerontol Int 5: 127-134, 2005.
50. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Okazaki T, Sasaki H: Cigarette smoking, cough reflex, and respiratory tract infection. Arch Intern Med 165, 814-815, 2005.
51. Ebihara T, Takahashi H, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Sasaki T, Watando A, Nemoto M, Sasaki H: Capsaicin troche for swallowing dysfunction in older people. J Am Geriatr Soc 53: 824-828, 2005.
52. Maruyama M, Ishizawa K, Tomita N, Nemoto M, Yasuda H, Ebihara S, Ohrui T, Seki T, Iwasaki K, Okamura N, Higuchi M, Yoshida H, Kudo Y, Arai H, Sasaki H: Lithium therapy and cerebrospinal fluid biomarker in Altzheimer’s disease. Geriatric Gerontol Int 5: 298-300, 2005.
53. Ohmori K, Ebihara S, Kuriyama S, Ugajin T, Ogata M, Hozawa A, Matsui T, Tsubono Y, Arai H, Sasaki H, Tsuji I: The relationship between body mass index and a plasma lipid peroxidation biomarker in an older healthy Asian community. Ann Epidemiol 15: 80-84, 2005.
54. Ohrui T, Tanaka K, Chiba K, Matsui T, Ebihara S, He M, Tsuji I, Arai H, Sasaki H: Cognitive decline in patients with long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy. Tohoku J Exp Med 206, 347-352, 2005.
55. Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Takahashi H, Asada M, Kanda A, Sasaki H: Macrophage colony-stimulating factor induces vascular endothelial growth factor production in skeletal muscle and promotes tumor angiogenesis. J Immunol 174: 7531-7538, 2005.
56. Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Takahashi H, Asada M, Sato A, Seki M, Ohto H, and Sasaki H: Multiplex-PCR identified cutaneous tuberculosis evoked by BCG vaccination in a healthy baby. J Clin Microbiol 43: 523-525, 2005.
57. Oshiro T, Takahashi H, Ohsaga A, Ebihara S, Sasaki H, Maruyama Y: Delayed expression of large conductance K+ channels reshaping agonist-induced currents in mouse pancreatic acinar cells. J Physiol (Lond) 563: 379-391, 2005.
58. Takahashi H, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Asada M, Sasaki H, Yamaya M: A comparison of the effects of unfractionated heparin, dalteparin and danaparoid on vascular endothelial growth factor-induced tumor angiogenesis and heparanase activity. Brit J Pharmacol 146: 333-343, 2005.
59. Ueda H, Yamada T, Ohrui T, Ebihara S, Kuraishi M, Kobayashi Y, Tamura M, Shimizu A, He M, Sasaki H: Correction of maxillary occlusal plane relieves persistent headache and shoulder stiffness. Tohoku J Exp Med 205: 319-25, 2005.
60. Wu YL, Ohsaga A, Oshiro T, Iinuma K, Kondo Y, Ebihara S, Sasaki H, Maruyama Y: Suppressive effects of red wine polyphenols on voltage-gated ion channels in dorsal root ganglionic neuronal cells. Tohoku J Exp Med 206: 141-150, 2005.
61. Yamada M, Ohrui T, Asada M, Ishizawa K, Ebihara S, Arai H, Sasaki H: Acarbose attenuates hypoglycemia from dumping syndrome in an elderly man with gastrectomy. J Am Geriatr Soc 53: 358-359, 2005.
62. Yasuda H, Yamaya M, Nakayama K, Ebihara S, Sasaki T, Okinaga S, Inoue D, Asada M, Nemoto M, Sasaki H: Increased arterial carboxyhemoglobin concentrations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 171: 1246-1251, 2005.
63. Yasuda H, Yamaya M, Nakayama K, Sasaki T, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Sasaki H: Is the arteriovenous carboxyhemoglobin gradient really a useful marker in systemic inflammation? Chest, 128: 3771-3772, 2005.
64. Asada M, Yasuda H, Ebihara S, Tomita N, Suzuki S, Sato M, Kubo H, Yamaya M: Interleukin-1β gene polymorphisms associated with risk of lung cancer in Japanese. Lung Cancer 54: 261-263, 2006.
65. Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Maruyama M, Kobayashi M, Itou A, Arai H, Sasaki H: A randomized trial of olfactory stimulation using black pepper oil in older people with swallowing dysfunction. J Am Geriatr Soc 54: 1401-1406, 2006
66. Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Watando A, Okazaki T, Asada M, Ohrui T, Yamaya M, Arai H: Effects of menthol on the triggering of the swallowing reflex in elderly patients with dysphagia. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 62; 369-371, 2006.
67. Kuriyama S, Ebihara S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Kurashima K, Nakaya N, Matsui T, Arai H, Tsubono Y, Sasaki H, Tsuji I: Dietary intakes and plasma 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α concentrations in community-dwelling elderly Japanese: the Tsurugaya project. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 76: 87-94, 2006.
68. Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Shimazu T, Matsui T, Ebihara S, Awata S, Nagatomi R, Arai H, Tsuji I: Green tea consumption and cognitive function: a cross-sectional study from the Tsurugaya Project. Am J Clin Nutr 83: 355-361, 2006.
69. Nakayama K, Kikuchi A, Yasuda H, Ebihara S, Sasaki T, Ebihara T, Yamaya M: Heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter polymorphism and decline in lung function in Japanese men. Thorax 61: 921, 2006.
70. Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Asada M, Kanda A, Sasaki H, Yamaya M: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor promotes tumor angiogenesis via increasing circulating endothelial prpgenitor cells and Gr+CD11b+ cells in cancer animal model. Int Immunol 18: 1-9, 2006.
71. Yasuda H, Nakayama K, Ebihara S, Asada M, Sasaki T, Suzuki T, Inoue D, Yoshida M, Yamanda S, Yamaya M: Arterial carboxyhemoglobin concentrations as a prognostic predictor in elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc 54: 712-713, 2006.
72. Yasuda H, Yamaya M, Nakayama K, Ebihara S, Sasaki T, Inoue D, Yoshida M, Kubo H, Sasaki H: Arterial carboxyhemoglobin concentrations as a predictor for chemosensitivity in elderly patients with advanced lung cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc 54: 373-375, 2006.
73. Yasuda H, Yamaya M, Nakayama K, Sasaki T, Ebihara S, Kanda A, Asada M, Inoue D, Suzuki T, Okazaki T, Takahashi H, Yoshida M, Kaneta T, Ishizawa K, Yamanda S, Tomita N, Yamasaki M, Kikuchi A, Kubo H, Sasaki H: A randomized phase II trial comparing nitroglycerin plus vinorelbine and cisplatin with vinorelbine and cisplatin nlone in previously untreated stage IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 24: 688-694, 2006.
74. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamanda S, Asada M, Arai H: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and smoking cessation. Respiration 74: 478-478, 2007.
75. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Asada M, Yamanda S, Niu K, Sasaki H, Arai H: Contribution of gastric acid in elderly nursing home patients with cough reflex hypersensitivity. J Am Geriatr Soc 55: 1686-1688, 2007.
76. Ebihara S: More doctors needed before boosting clinical research in Japan. Lancet 369: 2076-2076, 2007.
77. Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Ida S, Ohrui T, Yasuda H, Sasaki H, Arai H: Acid and swallowing reflex. Geriatr Gerontol Int 7: 94-95, 2007.
78. He M, Ohrui T, Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Sasaki H, Arai H: Mosapride citrate prolongs survival in stroke patients with gastrostomy. J Am Geriatr Soc, 54: 142-144, 2007.
79. Ohara Y, Ohrui T, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Sasaki H, Arai H: Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning at home in Japan. Pediatr Pulmonol 42: 853-853, 2007.
80. Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Asada M, Yamanda S, Saijo Y, Shiraishi Y, Ebihara T, Niu K, Mei H, Arai H, Yambe T: Macrophage colony-stimulating factor improves cardiac function after ischemic injury by inducing vascular endothelial growth factor production and survival of cardiomyocytes. Am J Pathol 171: 1093-1103, 2007.
81. Sato T, Ebihara S, Kudo H, Fujii M, Sasaki H, Butler JP: Toe clearance rehabilitative slipper for gait disorder in the elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int 7: 310-311, 2007.
82. Yamasaki M, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Freeman S, Yamanda S, Asada M, Yoshida M, Arai H: Cough reflex and oral chemesthesis induced by capsaicin and capsiate in healthy never-smokers. Cough 31: 9, 2007.
83. Asada M, Ebihara S, Numachi Y, Okazaki T, Yamanda S, Ikeda K, Yasuda H, Sora I, Arai H: Reduced tumor growth in a mouse model of shizophrenia, lacking the dopamine transporter. Int J Cancer 123: 511-518, 2008.
84. Ebihara S, Aida J, Freeman S, Osaka K: Infection and its control in group homes for the elderly in Japan. J Hosp Infect 68: 185-186, 2008.
85. Ebihara S, Arai H: Prospects for health-systems research. Lancet 7; 371, 2008
86. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Arai H: Cough and transdermal long-acting β2 agonist in Japan. Respir Med 2102: 1497, 2008.
87. Munakata M, Kobayashi K, Niisato-Nezu J, Tanaka S, Kakisaka Y, Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Haginoya K, Tsuchiya S, Onuma A: Olfactory stimulation using black pepper oil facilitates oral feeding in pediatric patients receiving long-term enteral nutrition. Tohoku J Exp Med 214:327-332, 2008.
88. Niu K, Hozawa A, Awata S, Guo H, Kuriyama S, Seki T, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Nakaya N, Ebihara S, Wang Y, Tsuji I, Nagatomi R: Home blood pressure is associated with depressive symptoms among elderly population aged 70 years and over: a population-based, cross sectional analysis. Hypertension Res 31: 409-16, 2008.
89. Niu K, Hozawa A, Guo H, Kuriyama S, Ebihara S, Yamg G, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Nakaya N, Takahashi H, Fujita K, Wen S, Arai H, Tsuji I, Nagatomi R: Serum C-reactive protein concentration is associated with physical performance even within very low range in a community-based elderly population aged 70 years and over. Gerontology 54: 260-7, 2008.
90. Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Asada M, Yamanda S, Niu K, Arai H: Erythropoietin promotes the growth of tumors lacking its receptor and decreases survival of tumor-bearing mice by enhancing angiogenesis. Neoplasia 10: 932-939, 2008.
91. Yamanda S, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Asamura T, Asada M, Une K, Arai H: Impaired urge-to-cough in elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia. Cough 4:11, 2008.
92. Yamasaki M, Ebihara S, Freeman S, Ebihara T, Asada M, Yamnda S, Arai H: Sex differences in the preference for place of death among community-dwelling elderly people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc 56: 376-376, 2008.
93. Asada M, Ebihara S, Yamanda S, Niu K, Okazaki T, Sora I and Arai H: Depletion of serotonin and selective inhibition of 2B receptor suppressed tumor angiogenesis by inhibiting endothelial NOS and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Neoplasia 11: 408-417, 2009.
94. Freeman S, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Niu K, Kohzuki M, Arai H, Butler JP: Olfactory stimuli and enhanced postural stability in older adults. Gait Posture 29: 658-660, 2009.
95. Niu K, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, Ebihara S, Guo H, Nakaya N, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Takahashi H, Masamune Y, Asada M, Sasaki S, Arai H, Awata S, Nagatomi R, and Tsuji I: Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr 90: 1615-22, 2009.
96. Yamanda S, Ebihara S, Asada M, Okazaki T, Niu K, Ebihara T, Koyanagi A, Yamaguchi N, Yagita H, Arai H: Role of ephrinB2 in non-productive angiogenesis induced by Delta-like 4 blockade. Blood 113: 3631-3639, 2009.
97. Asamura T, Ohrui T, Nakayama K, He M, Yamasaki M, Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Furukawa K, Arai H: Low serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D level and risk of respiratory infections in institutionalized older people. Gerontology 56: 542-543, 2010.
98. Ebihara S, Freeman S, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M: Missing centenarians in Japan: a new ageism. Lancet 376: 1739, 2010
99. Ebihara S, Kohzuki M: Taste disturbance by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin-2 receptor blocker. Kidney Int 77: 649-650, 2010.
100. Ebihara S, Maruyama Y, Ebihara T, Ohshiro T, Kohzuki M: Red wine polyphenols and swallowing reflex in dysphagia. Geriatr Gerontol Int 10: 329-330, 2010
101. Ebihara T, Ebihara S, Yamazaki M, Asada M, Yamanda S, and Arai H: Intensive stepwise method for oral intake using a combination of transient receptor potential stimulation and olfactory stimulation inhibits the incidence of pneumonia in the dysphagic elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc 58: 196-198, 2010.
102. Freeman S, Kurosawa H, Ebihara S, Kohzuki M: Caregiving Burden for the Oldest Old: A Population Based Study of Centenarian Caregivers in Northern Japan. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 50: 282-291, 2010.
103. Freeman S, Kurosawa H, Ebihara S, Kohzuki M: Understanding the oldest old in northern Japan: An overview of the functional ability and characteristics of centenarians. Geriatr Gerontol Int 10: 78-84, 2010.
104. Gui P, Ebihara S, Kanezaki M, Suda C, Nikkuni E, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Kohzuki M: Gender difference in perceptions of urge-to-cough induced by citric acid and dyspnea in healthy never-smokers. Chest 138: 1166-1172, 2010.
105. Kanezaki M, Ebihara S, Nikkuni E, Gui P, Suda C, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Kohzuki M:  Perception of urge-to-cough and dyspnea in healthy smokers with decreased cough reflex sensitivity. Cough 6: 1, 2010.
106. Monma Y, Niu K, Iwasaki K, Tomita N, Nakaya N, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, Takayama S, Seki T, Takeda T, Yaegashi N, Ebihara S, Arai H, Nagatomi R, Tsuji I: Dietary patterns associated with fall-related fracture in elderly Japanese: a population based prospective study. BMC Geriatr 10: 31, 2010.
107. Nakagawa H, Niu K, Hozawa A, Ikeda Y, Kaiho Y, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Nakaya N, Kuriyama S, Ebihara S, Nagatomi R, Tsuji I, Arai Y: Impact of Nocturia on Bone Fracture and Mortality in Older Individuals: A Japanese Longitudinal Cohort Study. J Urol 184: 1413-1418, 2010.
108. Nitta A, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, Nakaya N, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Sone T, Kakizaki M, Ebihara S, Ichiki M, Arai H, Tsuji I: Relationship between Peripheral Arterial Disease and Incident Disability among Japanese Elderly: the Tsurugaya Project. J Atheroscler Thrombo 17: 1290-1296, 2010.
109. Yamanda Y, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Arai H, Kohzuki M: Bacteriology of aspiration pneumonia due to delayed triggering of the swallowing reflex in elderly patients. J Hosp Infect 74: 399-401, 2010.
110. Yamasaki M, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamanda S, Arai H, Kohzuki M: Effects of capsiate on the triggering of the swallowing reflex in elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia. Geriatr Gerontol Int 10: 107-109, 2010.
111. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Kanezaki M, Gui P, Yamasaki M, Arai H, Kohzuki M: Aging deteriorated perception of urge-to-cough without changing cough reflex threshold to citric acid in female never-smokers. Cough 7: 3, 2011
112. Yang G, Niu K, Fujita K, Hozawa A, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Kuriyama S, Nakaya N, Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Guo H, Miura C, Takahashi H, Arai H, Tsuji I, Nagatomi R: Impact of physical activity and performance on medical care costs among the Japanese elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int 11: 157-65, 2011.
113. Ebihara S, Nikkuni E, Ebihara T, Sakamoto Y, Freeman S, Kohzuki M: Effects of olfactory stimulation on gait performance in frail older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 12: 567-8, 2012.
114. Niu K, Hozawa A, Guo H, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Cui Y, Ebihara S, Nakaya N, Kuriyama S, Tsuboya T, Kakizaki M, Ohrui T, Arai H, Tsuji I, Nagatomi R: C-reactive protein (CRP) is a predictor of high medical-care expenditures in a community-based elderly population aged 70 years and over: the Tsurugaya project. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 54: e392-7, 2012
115. Ebihara S, Nikkuni E, Ebihara T, Sakamoto Y, Freeman S, Kohzuki M: Effects of olfactory stimulation on gait performance in frail older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 12: 567-8, 2012.
116. Ebihara S, Niu K, Ebihara T, Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Nakaya N, Nagatomi R, Arai H, Kohzuki M, Tsuji I: Impact of blunted perception of dyspnea on medical care use and expenditure, and mortality in elderly people. Front Physiol. 3: 238, 2012.
117. Gui P, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Kanezaki M, Kashiwazaki N, Ito K, Kohzuki M: Urge-to-cough and dyspnea conceal perception of pain in healthy adults. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 81: 214-9, 2012.
118. Kanezaki M, Ebihara S, Gui P, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M: Effect of cigarette smoking on cough reflex induced by TRPV1 and TRPA1 stimulations. Respir Med 106: 406-12, 2012.
119. Niu K, Asada M, Okazaki T, Yamanda S, Ebihara T, Guo H, Zhang D, Nagatomi R, Arai H, Kohzuki M, Ebihara S: Adiponectin Pathway Attenuates Malignant Mesothelioma Cell Growth. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 46: 515-23, 2012.
120. Sakamoto Y, Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Tomita N, Toba K, Freeman S, Arai H, Kohzuki M: Fall prevention using olfactory stimulation with lavender odor in elderly nursing home residents: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 60: 1005-11, 2012.
121. Ebihara S, Freeman S, Sakamoto Y, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M: Response letter to Lakin and Doe. J Am Geriatr Soc 61: 313-4, 2013.
122. Taki Y, Kinomura S, Ebihara S, Thyreau B, Sato K, Goto R, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I, Kawashima R, Fukuda H: Correlation between pulmonary function and brain volume in healthy elderly subjects. Neuroradiology 55: 689-95, 2013.
123. Niu K, Guo H, Guo Y, Ebihara S, Asada M, Ohrui T, Furukawa K, Ichinose M, Yanai K, Kudo Y, Arai H, Okazaki T, and Nagatomi R: Royal jelly prevents the progression of sarcopenia in aged mice in vivo and in vitro. J Gerontol: Biol Sci. 68(12):1482-92, 2013.
124. Kashiwazaki N, Ebihara S, Gui P, Katayama N, Ito K, Sato R, Oyama C, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M. Inhibitory effect of cervical trachea and chest wall vibrations on cough reflex sensitivity and perception of urge-to-cough in healthy male never-smokers. Cough 9(1):22, 2013
125. Ebihara S, Shannon F, Sakamoto Y, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M: Response letter to Lakin and Doe. J Am Geriatr Soc 61: 313-4, 2013.
126. Gui P, Ebihara T, Sato R, Ito K, Kohzuki M, Ebihara S. Gender differences in the effect of urge-to-cough and dyspnea on perception of pain in healthy adults. Physiol Rep. 2(8), 2014.
127. Ito K, Kohzuki M, Takahashi T, Ebihara S. Improvement in taste sensitivity following pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Rehabil Med. 46(9): 932-6, 2014.
128. Nakamura T, Ebihara S, Ohkuni I, Izukura H, Harada T, Ushigome N, Ohshiro T, Musha Y, Takahashi H, Tsuchiya K, Kubota A. Low Level Laser Therapy for chronic knee joint pain patients. Laser Ther. 23(4): 273-7, 2014.
129. Nihei M, Okazaki T, Ebihara S, Kobayashi M, Niu K, Gui P, Tamai T, Nukiwa T, Yamaya M, Kikuchi T, Nagatomi R, Ebihara T, Ichinose M. Chronic inflammation, lymphangiogenesis, and effect of an anti-VEGFR therapy in a mouse model and in human patients with aspiration pneumonia. J Pathol. 235(4): 632-45, 2015.
130. Ebihara S, Sekiya H, Miyagi M, Ebihara T, Okazaki T. Dysphagia, dystussia, and aspiration pneumonia in elderly people. J Thorac Dis.;8(3):632-9, 2016.
131. Sato R, Gui P, Ito K, Kohzuki M, Ebihara S. Effect of Short-Term Exposure to High Particulate Levels on Cough Reflex Sensitivity in Healthy Tourists: A Pilot Study. Open Respir Med J. 10: 96-104, 2016.
132. Freeman S, Smith TF, Neufeld E, Fisher K, Ebihara S. The wish to die among palliative home care clients in Ontario, Canada: A cross-sectional study. BMC Palliat Care; 15:24, 2016
133. Ebihara S, Izukura H, Miyagi M, Okuni I, Sekiya H, Ebihara T. Chemical Senses Affecting Cough and Swallowing. Curr Pharm Des. 2016;22(15):2285-9.
【Review Articles】
1. Yamaya M, Ohrui T, Kubo H, Ebihara S, Arai H, Sasaki H: Prevention of respiratory infections in the elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2: 115-121, 2002.
2. Sasaki H, Yamaya M, Ohrui T, Kubo H, Ebihara S, Arai H: Characteristics of respiratory diseases in older people. Japan Medical Association J 45: 231-236, 2002.
3. Kubo H, Nakayama K, Ebihara S, Sasaki H: Medical treatments and cares for geriatric syndrome: new strategies leaned from frail elderly. Tohoku J Exp Med 205: 205-215, 2005.
4. Ebihara S: Infectious disease in the aging. Lancet Infect Dis 11: 271, 2011.
5. Ebihara S, Kohzuki M, Sumi Y, Ebihara T: Sensory stimulation to improve swallowing reflex and prevent aspiration pneumonia in elderly dysphagic people. J Pharmacol Sci 115: 99-104, 2011.
6. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Yamasaki M, Kohzuki M: Stimulating oral and nasal chemoreceptors for preventing aspiration pneumonia in the elderly. Yakugaku Zasshi 131:1677-81, 2011.
7. Ebihara S, Ebihara T: Cough in the elderly: a novel strategy for preventing aspiration pneumonia. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 24: 318-323, 2011.
8. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Kohzuki M: Effect of Aging on Cough and Swallowing Reflexes: Implications for Preventing Aspiration Pneumonia. Lung 190: 29-33, 2012.
9. Kohzuki M, Sakata Y, Kawamura T, Ebihara S, Ito O: A paradigm shift in rehabilitation medicine: from “adding life to years” to “adding life to years and years to life.” Asian J Hum Services 2: 1-7, 2012.
10. Ebihara S, Ebihara T, Gui P, Osaka K, Sumi Y, Kohzuki M. Thermal Taste and Anti-Aspiration Drugs: a Novel Drug Discovery against Pneumonia. Curr Pharm Des 20(16): 2755-9, 2014.
11. Lewis SZ, Diekemper RL, French CT, Gold PM, Irwin RS; Adams TM, Altman KW, Barker AF, Birring SS, Bolser DC, Boulet LP, Braman SS, Brightling C, Callahan-Lyon P, Canning B, Chang AB, Coeytaux R, Cowley T, Davenport P, Diekemper RL, Ebihara S, El Solh AA, Escalante P, Field SK, Fisher D, French CT, Gibson P, Gold P, Gould MK, Harding SM, Harnden A, Hill AT, Irwin RS, Kahrilas PJ, Keogh KA, Lane AP, Lewis SZ, Lim K, Malesker MA, Mazzone P, McCrory DC, McGarvey L, Murad MH, Newcombe P, Nguyen HQ, Oppenheimer J, Prezant D, Pringsheim T, Restrepo MI, Rosen M, Rubin B, Ryu JH, Smith J, Tarlo SM, Turner RB, Vertigan A, Weir K, Wiener RS. Methodologies for the development of the management of cough: CHEST guideline and expert panel report. Chest. 146(5): 1395-402, 2014.
12. Irwin RS, French CT, Lewis SZ, Diekemper RL, Gold PM; Adams TM, Altman KW, Barker AF, Birring SS, Bolser DC, Boulet LP, Braman SS, Brightling C, Callahan-Lyon P, Canning B, Chang AB, Coeytaux R, Cowley T, Davenport P, Ebihara S, El Solh AA, Escalante P, Field SK, Fisher D, Gibson P, Gould MK, Harding SM, Harnden A, Hill AT, Kahrilas PJ, Keogh KA, Lane AP, Lim K, Malesker MA, Mazzone P, McCrory DC, McGarvey L, Murad MH, Newcombe P, Nguyen HQ, Oppenheimer J, Prezant D, Pringsheim T, Restrepo MI, Rosen M, Rubin B, Ryu JH, Smith J, Tarlo SM, Turner RB, Vertigan A, Weir K, Wiener RS. Overview of the management of cough: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report. Chest. 146(4):885-9, 2014.
13. Canning BJ, Chang AB, Bolser DC, Smith JA, Mazzone SB, McGarvey L; Adams TM, Altman KW, Barker AF, Birring SS, Blackhall F, Bolser DC, Boulet LP, Braman SS, Brightling C, Callahan-Lyon P, Canning B, Chang AB, Coeytaux R, Cowley T, Davenport P, Diekemper RL, Ebihara S, El Solh AA, Escalante P, Feinstein A, Field SK, Fisher D, French CT, Gibson P, Gold P, Grant C, Harding SM, Harnden A, Hill AT, Irwin RS, Kahrilas PJ, Keogh KA, Lane AP, Lewis SZ, Lim K, Malesker MA, Mazzone P, Mazzone S, McGarvey L, Molasiotis A, Murad MH, Newcombe P, Nguyen HQ, Oppenheimer J, Prezant D, Pringsheim T, Restrepo MI, Rosen M, Rubin B, Ryu JH, Smith J, Tarlo SM, Turner RB, Vertigan A, Wang G, Weir K. Anatomy and neurophysiology of cough: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel report. Chest 146(6): 1633-48, 2014.


1. Hida W, Okabe S, Ebihara S, Chonan T, Kikuchi Y, Takishima T. Serial submental stimulation during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. In “Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective” ed by Y. Honda, Plenum Press, p 337-340, 1992.
2. Shindoh C, Hida W, Kikuchi Y, Ebihara S, Takishima T. Subacute effects of denervation on rat hemidiaphragm. In “Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective” ed by Y. Honda, Plenum Press, p 355-358, 1992.
3. Ebihara S, Sasaki H. Biomechanical features of fallers in the elderly. In “Proceeding of 6th WHO Collaborating Center International Symposium on Muscloskeletal Disease in the Elderly” ed by N Koinuma, p63-70, 2004.
4. Ebihara S, Okazaki T, Ebihara T, Ohrui T, Yamaya M, Asada M, Yasuda H, Yamazaki M, Seki M, Toida I. Molecular Differentiation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex on the Basis of Genomic Deletions. In“Research Advances in Microbiology”, Vol5 p35-45, Global Research Network, Kerala India, , 2005.


  • 【受賞】臨床薬理研究振興財団第3回研究助成金

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