慶應義塾大学 医学部眼科学教室 教授・眼科診療部長
1980年 慶應義塾大学医学部卒業
1980年 慶應義塾大学医学部研修医
1983年 国立栃木病院 眼科医長
1985年 米国ハーバード大学 留学
1987年 国立栃木病院 眼科医長
1990年 東京歯科大学助教授・市川総合病院眼科部長
1990年 慶應義塾大学 非常勤講師
1998年 東京歯科大学教授・市川総合病院眼科部長
2004年 慶應義塾大学医学部 教授・眼科診療部長
2011年 慶應義塾大学 SFC研究所 ヘルスサイエンス・ラボ共同代表
Tsubota K, Satake Y, Kaido M, Shinozaki N, Shimmura S, Bissen-Miyajima H, Shimazaki J. Treatment of severe ocular-surface disorders with corneal epithelial stem-cell transplantation. New England Journal of Medicine. 1999;340:1697-1703.
Tsubota K, Kawashima M, Inaba T, Dogru, M, Ogawa Y, Nakamura S, Shinmura K, Higuchi A, Kawakita T. The era of antiaging ophthalmology comes of age: antiaging approach for dry eye treatment. Ophthalmic Res 2010;44(3): 146-154.
Nakamura S, Kinoshita, S, Yokoi, N, Ogawa, Y, Shibuya, M, Nakashima, H, Hisamura, R, Imada, T, Imagawa, T, Uehara, M, Shibuya, I, Dogru, M, Ward, S, Tsubota, K. Lacrimal hypofunction as a new mechanism of dry eye in visual display terminal users. PLoS ONE 2010;5(6): e11119.
Imamura Y, Noda S, Hashizume K, Shinoda K, Yamaguchi M, Uchiyama S, Shimizu T, Mizushima Y, Shirasawa T, Tsubota K. Drusen, choroidal neovascularization, and retinal pigment epithelium dysfunction in SOD1-deficient mice: a model of age-related macular degeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jul 25;103(30):11282-7. Epub 2006 Jul 14.
Norihiro Nagai, Yuichi Oike, Kanako Izumi, Takashi Urano, Yoshiaki Kubota, Kousuke Noda, Yoko Ozawa, Makoto M. Inoue, Kazuo Tsubota, Toshio Suda, and Susumu Ishida.Angiotensin IIType 1 Receptor-Mediated Inflammation Is Required for Choroidal Neovascularization.Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., Aug 2006; doi:10.1161/01.ATV.0000240050.15321.fe
Satoru Yoshida, Shigeto Shimmura, Narihito Nagoshi, Keiichi Fukuda, Yumi Matsuzaki, Hideyuki Okano, Kazuo Tsubota Isolation of multipotent neural crest-derived stem cells from the adult mouse cornea.Stem Cells First published online August 3, 2006; doi:doi:10.1634/stemcells.2006-0156
Tsubota K, Hirai S, King LS, Agre P, Ishida N. Defective cellular trafficking of lacrimal gland aquaporin-5 in Sjogren's syndrome. Lancet. 2001;357:688-689.
Tsubota K, Fujita H, Tsuzaka K, Takeuchi T. Mikulicz's disease and Sjogren's syndrome.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2000;41:1666-1673.
Shimazaki J, Kaido M, Shinozaki N, Shimmura S, Munkhbat B, Hagihara M, Tsuji K, Tsubota K. Evidence of long-term survival of donor-derived cells after limbal allograft transplantation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 1999;40:1664-1668.
Tsubota K, Saito I, Ishimaru N, Hayashi Y. Use of topical cyclosporin a in a primary Sjogren's syndrome mouse model. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 1998;39:1551-1559.
Tsubota K. Corneal epithelial stem-cell transplantation. Lancet. 1997 May 24;349(9064):1556.
Shimazaki J, Yang HY, Tsubota K. Amniotic membrane transplantation for ocular surface reconstruction in patients with chemical and thermal burns. Ophthalmology. 1997;104:2068-2076.
Tsubota K, Satake Y, Shimazaki J.Treatment of severe dry eye. Lancet. 1996 Jul 13;348(9020):123.
Tsubota K, Toda I, Nakamori K.Poor illumination, VDTs, and desiccated eyes. Lancet. 1996 Mar 16;347(9003):768-9.
Tsubota K, Satake Y, Ohyama M, Toda I, Takano Y, Ono M, Shinozaki N, Shimazaki J. Surgical reconstruction of the ocular surface in advanced ocular cicatricial pemphigoid and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 1996;122:38-52.
Tsubota K, Toda I, Saito H, Shinozaki N, Shimazaki J. Reconstruction of the Corneal Epithelium by Limbal Allograft Transplantation for Severe Ocular Surface Disorders. Ophthalmology. 1995;102:1486-1496.
Tsubota K, Hata S, Okusawa Y, Egami F, Ohtsuki T, Nakamori K. Quantitative videographic analysis of blinking in normal subjects and patients with dry eye. Archives of Ophthalmology. 1996;114:715-720.
Tsubota K, Nakamori K.Dry eyes and video display terminals. N Engl J Med. 1993 Feb 25;328(8):584.
【受賞】Lans Distinguished Award, International Society of Refractive Surgery
【受賞】Senior Achievement Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology
【受賞】The First Claes Dohlman Award, Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society