医療法人 札幌ハートセンター 札幌心臓血管クリニック 循環器内科 部長/ストラクチャーセンター長

日本内科学会 総合内科専門医 日本循環器学会 循環器専門医 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 プライマリ・ケア認定医・指導医 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 CVIT専門医 日本不整脈心電学会 植込み型除細動器(ICD)/ペーシングによる心不全治療(CRT)研修修了者 ICD制度協議会 インフェクションコントロールドクター 日本経カテーテル心臓弁治療学会 TAVR実施医・TAVR指導医

八戸 大輔 はちのへ だいすけ 先生




  • 循環器内科
  • 八戸先生の大動脈弁狭窄症の専門領域
    • TAVI
  • 八戸先生の僧帽弁閉鎖不全症の専門領域
    • MitraClip
  • 八戸先生の虚血性心疾患の専門領域
    • 経皮的冠動脈インターベンションPCI
  • 八戸先生の心不全の専門領域
    • 薬物療法
    • 心臓再同期療法CRT



日本内科学会 総合内科専門医
日本循環器学会 循環器専門医
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 プライマリ・ケア認定医・指導医
日本心血管インターベンション治療学会 CVIT専門医
日本不整脈心電学会 植込み型除細動器(ICD)/ペーシングによる心不全治療(CRT)研修修了者
ICD制度協議会 インフェクションコントロールドクター
日本経カテーテル心臓弁治療学会 TAVR実施医・TAVR指導医
  • 医療法人 札幌ハートセンター 札幌心臓血管クリニック 循環器内科 部長/ストラクチャーセンター長



  • 心臓血管外科 麻酔科 循環器内科
  • 北海道札幌市東区北四十九条東16丁目8-1
  • 札幌市営地下鉄東豊線 栄町 2番出口  中央バス:石狩庁舎行、篠路小学校行 北49条東15丁目下車 徒歩12分
  • 011-784-7847




2004年 旭川医科大学医学部 卒業
2004年 札幌東徳洲会病院 初期研修医
2006年 福岡徳洲会病院 総合内科
2006年 大隅鹿屋病院 総合内科・透析科
2007年 札幌東徳洲会病院 循環器内科
2010年 札幌東徳洲会病院 循環器内科 医長
2010年 Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, South Korea 留学
2011年 札幌東徳洲会病院 循環器内科 医長
2014年 湘南鎌倉総合病院 循環器内科
2015年 札幌東徳洲会病院 循環器内科 医長
2016年 札幌心臓血管クリニック 循環器内科 副部長
2017年 San Raffaele Scientific Institute / Columbus Hospital, Milan, Italy 留学
2018年 札幌心臓血管クリニック 循環器内科 副部長
2020年 札幌心臓血管クリニック 循環器内科 部長


  • 1.Management of Non–ST Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (from the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry). Am J Cardiol 2011 Jul 15;108(2):206-1.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Myung Ho Jeong, Shigeru Saito, et al.

  • 2.Drug-eluting Stent Will Be One of Options for Intractable In-stent Coronary Restenosis. Korean Circ J. 2011 Nov;41(11):677-80. Epub 2011 Nov 29.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Myung Ho Jeong, Shigeru Saito, et al.

  • 3.Effect of a dual drug-coated stent with abciximab and alpha-lipoic Acid in a porcine coronary restenosis model. Korean Circ J. 2011 May;41(5):241-7.

    Lim KS, Hong YJ, Hachinohe D, Ahmed K, Jeong MH, Kim JH, Sim DS, Lee MG, Park KH, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC, Song SJ, Jung KW, Cho DL, Kang JC.

  • 4.Effects of ramiprilat-coated stents on neointimal hyperplasia, inflammation, and arterial healing in a porcine coronary restenosis model. Korean Circ J. 2011 Sep;41(9):535-41.

    Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Song SJ, Sim DS, Kim JH, Lim KS, Hachinohe D, Ahmed K, Hwang SH, Lee MG, Ko JS, Park KH, Yoon HJ, Yoon NS, Kim KH, Park HW, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Cho DL, Park JC, Kang JC.

  • 5.Role of intravascular ultrasound in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol. 2011 Jul 1;108(1):8-14

    Ahmed K, Jeong MH, Chakraborty R, Ahn Y, Sim DS, Park K, Hong YJ, Kim JH, Cho KH, Kim MC, Hachinohe D, Hwang SH, Lee MG, Cho MC, Kim CJ, Kim YJ, Park JC, Kang JC; Other Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry Investigators.

  • 6.Comparison of effects of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on plaque regression in Korean patients with untreated intermediate coronary stenosis. Circ J. 2011 Feb;75(2):398-406

    Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Hachinohe D, Ahmed K, Choi YH, Cho SH, Hwang SH, Ko JS, Lee MG, Park KH, Sim DS, Yoon NS, Yoon HJ, Kim KH, Park HW, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC.

  • 7.Value of early risk stratification using hemoglobin level and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol. 2011 Mar 15;107(6):849-56. Epub 2011 Jan 19.

    Cho KH, Jeong MH, Ahmed K, Hachinohe D, Choi HS, Chang SY, Kim MC, Hwang SH, Park KH, Lee MG, Ko JS, Sim DS, Yoon NS, Yoon HJ, Hong YJ, Kim KH, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC.

  • 8.Clinical Impact of Thrombus Aspiration during Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results from Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry. J Cardiol. 2012 May;59(3):249-57. Epub 2012 Feb 16.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Myung Ho Jeong, Shigeru Saito, et al.

  • 9.Mother-and-child technique using 4-Fr inner catheter for stent delivery during provisional stenting. Cardiovasc Interv Ther. 2012 May;27(2):105-9. Epub 2011 Dec 13.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Shigeru Saito, Tomoyuki Tani, Seiji Yamazaki.

  • 10.Prognostic impact of baseline high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention based on body mass index. Korean Circ J. 2012 Mar;42(3):164-72. Epub 2012 Mar 26

    Ahmed K, Jeong MH, Chakraborty R, Cho KH, Sim DS, Hong YJ, Ahn Y, Hachinohe D, Cho MC, Kim CJ, Kim YJ.

  • 11.Comparison of Different Types of Drug-Eluting Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Korean J Intern Med. 2012 Dec;27(4):397-406.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Myung Ho Jeong, Shigeru Saito, et al.

  • 12.Clinical impact of non-high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B on clinical outcomes in metabolic syndrome patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Korean Circ J. 2012 May;42(5):319-28. Epub 2012 May 24.

    Ahmed K, Jeong MH, Chakraborty R, Hong YJ, Oh MS, Cho KH, Kim MC, Hachinohe D, Hwang SH, Lee MG, Sim DS, Park KH, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Kang JC.

  • 13.Rapid diagnosis of prosthetic valve endocarditis from Janeway lesions in a transcatheter aortic valve implantation patient. Journal of Cardiology Cases 13 (2016) 63–66.

    Tomoki Ochiai, Yutaka Tanaka, Keiko Aso, Koki Shishido, Daisuke Hachinohe, Kazuya Sugitatsu, Futoshi Yamanaka,Shigeru Saito.

  • 14.Left ventricular outflow tract migration of a balloon- expandable prosthesis during transcatheter aortic valve implantation: transcatheter bailout is feasible, but not safe. International Heart Journal. 2017 Apr 6;58(2):290-293.

    Hachinohe Daisuke, Kobayashi Ken, Furugen Azusa, Koshima Ryuji.

  • 15.Diagnostic performance of 320-slice computed tomography coronary angiography for symptomatic patients in clinical practice. Eur J Intern Med. 2017 Apr;39:57-62.

    Yamanaka F, Shishido K, Ochiai T, Moriyama N, Tobita K, Tani T, Furuhashi K, Sugitatsu K, Hachinohe D, Wada T, Mizuno S, Suenaga H, Tanaka Y, Murakami M, Matsumi J, Takahashi S, Akasaka T, Tanaka S, Saito S.

  • 16.Ultra-low contrast percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with severe chronic kidney disease. EuroIntervention. 2017 Oct 17.

    Azzalini L, Hachinohe D, Regazzoli D, Colombo A.

  • 17.Hypertrophic left ventricle with small cavity and severe aortic angulation: a dangerous association in case of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 Feb 26;11(4):e29-e30.

    Marco B Ancona MD, Daisuke Hachinohe MD, Francesco Giannini MD, Paolo A Del Sole MD, Damiano Regazzoli MD, Antonio Mangieri MD, Vittorio Romano RT, Azeem Latib MD, Francesco Ancona MD, Fabrizio Monaco MD, Alessandro Castiglioni MD4 Antonio Esposito MD, Matteo Montorfano MD, Antonio Colombo MD, FACC.

  • 18.Minimizing the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy and hemodynamic collapse during chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention with a percutaneous left ventricular assist device. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2018 Feb 7.

    Regazzoli D, Hachinohe D, Demir OM, Carlino M, Lemoine J, Mitomo S, Poletti E, Amor M, Colombo A, Azzalini L.

  • 19.Zero-Contrast Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Guided by Dextran-Based Optical Coherence Tomography. Can J Cardiol. 2018 Mar;34(3):342.e1-342.e3.

    Azzalini L, Mitomo S, Hachinohe D, Regazzoli D, Colombo A.

  • 20.Intrastent Hematoma After Pre-Dilatation for 17-Month Restenosis of Polytetrafluoroethylene-Covered Stent: Insights From Intravascular Imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Dec 11;10(23):e213-e215.

    Mitomo S, Giannini F, Candilio L, Mangieri A, Hachinohe D, Latib A, Colombo A.

  • 21.Rotational atherectomy and new-generation drug-eluting stent implantation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Dec 5. doi: 10.1002/ccd.27446.

    Hachinohe D, Kashima Y, Kanno D, Kobayashi K, Sugie T, Kaneko U, Tadano Y, Watanabe T, Shitan H, Fujita T.

  • 22.Repeat MitraClip for early recurrent mitral regurgitation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2017;00:1–6

    Hachinohe D, Latib A, Agricola E, Colombo A.

  • 23.A Practical Approach to Assessing Stent Results with IVUS or OCT. Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2018 Jan-Mar;14(1):32-41.

    Hachinohe D, Mitomo S, Candilio L, Latib A.

  • 24.Transcatheter mitral valve implantation in rigid mitral annuloplasty rings: Potential differences between complete and incomplete rings. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 May 18.

    Hachinohe D, Latib A, Montorfano M, Colombo A.

  • 25.Usefulness of Buddy Wire Technique During Transcatheter Transseptal Mitral Valve Implantation in Degenerated Mitral Bioprosthesis. Circulation Journal. 2018 Advance Publication

    Daisuke Hachinohe, MD; Azeem Latib, MD; Satoru Mitomo, MD; Matteo Montorfano, MD; Antonio Colombo, MD.

  • 26.Anatomic and procedural associations of transcatheter heart valve displacement following Evolut R implantation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018;1–8.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Azeem Latib, Alessandra Laricchia, Ozan M. Demir, Eustachio Agricola, Vittorio Romano, Paolo Alberto Del Sole, Pier Pasquale Leone, Marco B. Ancona, Antonio Mangieri, Damiano Regazzoli, Francesco Giannini, Satoru Mitomo, Fabrizio Monaco, Nicola Buzzatti, Matteo Montorfano, Antonio Colombo.

  • 27.Treatment for in-stent restenosis requiring rotational atherectomy. Journal of Interventional Cardiology. In press.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Yoshifumi Kashima, Daitaro Kanno, Ken Kobayashi, Umihiko Kaneko, Takuro Sugie, Yutaka Tadano, Tomohiko Watanabe, Hidemasa Shitan, Takuya Haraguch, Morio Enomoto, Katsuhiko Sato, Tsutomu Fujita.

  • 28.Severe aortic regurgitation due to a Lunderquist Extra-Stiff Wire Guide during transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Cardiology Journal 2018, Vol. 25, No. 5, 1–5

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Marco B. Ancona, Antonio Colombo, Azeem Latib.

  • 29.Successful Direct Iliac Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation to Overcome Significant Tortuosity of the Thoracic Aorta. Korean Circ J. 2018 Oct;48(10):949-950.

    Kaneko U, Kobayashi K, Hachinohe D, Sumino S, Furugen A, Kawamura T, Doi H, Fujita T.

  • 30.Predictors of clinical outcomes after coronary implantation of bioresorbable polymer sirolimus-eluting Ultimaster stents in all-comers: A report of 1,727 cases. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2019. In Press.

    Tadano Y, Kotani J, Kashima Y, Hachinohe D, Watanabe T, Sugie T, Kaneko U, Kobayashi K, Kanno D, Fujita T.

  • 31.Long-term follow-up of covered stent implantation for various coronary artery diseases. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2019. In Press.

    Daisuke Hachinohe, Azeem Latib, Alessandra Laricchia, Gianmarco Iannopollo, Ozan M. Demir, Marco B. Ancona, Antonio Mangieri, Damiano Regazzoli, Francesco Giannini, Lorenzo Azzalini, Satoru Mitomo, Alaide Chieffo, Matteo Montorfano, Mauro Carlino, Antonio Colombo.

  • 32.Valsalva Sinus Perforation Following Valve Dislodgement During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2019 Jul 22;12(14):e119-e120.

    Kaneko U, Kobayashi K, Hachinohe D, Fujita T.

  • 33.Reappraisal value of a modified rotational atherectomy technique in contemporary coronary angioplasty era. Journal of Interventional Cardiology in Press.

    Haojian Dong, Daisuke Hachinohe, Zhi-Qiang Nie, Yoshifumi Kashima, Jianfang Luo, Takuya Haraguchi, Hidemasa Shitan, Tomohiko Watanabe, Yutaka Tadano, Umihiko Kaneko, Takuro Sugie, Ken Kobayashi, Daitaro Kanno, Morio Enomoto, Katsuhiko Sato and Tsutomu Fujita.


  • 【学会Presentation】1. Surgical like transcatheter treatment for mitral regurgitation. PCR Tokyo valves 2018. 30 March-1 April 2018. Tokyo, Japan.

  • 【学会Presentation】2. Transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring -Difference between complete ring and incomplete ring- PCR Tokyo valves 2018. 30 March-1 April 2018. Tokyo, Japan.

  • 【学会Presentation】3. Rotational atherectomy and new-generation drug-eluting stent implantation in de novo lesion. 23rd CARDIOVASCULAR SUMMIT TCTAP2018. 28 April-1 May, 2018. Seoul, South Korea.

  • 【Award等】4. Aorta-RV fistula following TAVI. The 35th Live Demonstration in KOKURA, 11-12 May, 2018. Kokura, Japan. > Best award

  • 【学会Presentation】5. Severe hypotension due to the stiffest guidewire during transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Euro PCR 2018 22nd-25th May 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】6. Anatomic and procedural predictors of transcatheter heart valve dislodgement following self-expandable valve. Euro PCR 2018 22nd-25th May 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】7. イタリアにおける冠動脈、弁膜症 インターベンションの現状と今後の展望. 第119回日本循環器学会北海道地方会

  • 【学会Presentation】8. Clinical experience of new-generation self-expandable valve. Japan Transcatheter Valve Therapies 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】9. Repeat MitraClip for recurrent MR after MitraClip. Japan Transcatheter Valve Therapies 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】10. What is the case in which MitraClip is required for residual MR after TAVI? The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. 2nd-4th August, 2018. Kobe, Japan

  • 【学会Presentation】11. Where should coronary guiding-catheters be located during transcatheter aortic valve implantation in a degenerated Mitroflow with Evolut R? The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. 2nd-4th August, 2018. Kobe, Japan

  • 【学会Presentation】12. Utilization of cutting balloon for long dissection and hematoma. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. 2nd-4th August, 2018. Kobe, Japan

  • 【学会Presentation】13. What we need to know about trans-axillary TAVI. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. 2nd-4th August, 2018. Kobe, Japan

  • 【学会Presentation】14. Future of Structure devices. SAPPORO LIVE DEMONSTRATION COURSE I. August 31th-September 1st, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】15. What intervention should we do? -Importance of early LV unloading-. SAPPORO LIVE DEMONSTRATION COURSE International Session. August 31th-September 1st, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】16. Long-term follow-up of covered stent implantation. TCT2018 San Diego. 21st-25th September.

  • 【学会Presentation】17. TF-TAVI中に上行大動脈が…/ Aorta fracture during TF-TAVI. The Structure Club Japan 2018 September 28th-29th, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】18. 自己拡張型 TAVI 弁の Embolization その時の引き抜き方/ Embolization of self-expandable valve and novel method of its retrieval. The Structure Club Japan 2018 September 28th-29th, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】19. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation in Failing Ring or Valve. 9th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium 2018. 6 - 7 October 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】20. Tips and tricks of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in surgical valve failure. The Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. October 20th, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】21. Reappraisal value of rotational atherectomy technique in contemporary coronary angioplasty era. Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】22. Cardiac intervention -Current and Future-. 21st HOCTEC. 14th Nov, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】23. Paradigm shift of treatment for Killip IV myocardial infarction. -Impella-. The 120th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society. 24th November, 2018

  • 【学会Presentation】24. Acute coronary syndrome with severe triple vessel disease. -What should we do next? The 4th Pan-Pacific Primary Angioplasty Conference 2018 (PAC18). 30th Novemeber. 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】25. Mother and child technique with side-branch protection. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】26. Repeat MitraClip for early recurrent mitral regurgitation. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】27. Reappraisal value of rotational atherectomy tehnique in contemporary coronary angioplasty era. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】28. Transcatheter mitral valve implantation in failing ring or valve. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】29.Treatment of acute coronary syndrome with triple vessel disease -Importance of early LV unloading using ImpellaTM. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】30. Tips and tricks of TAVI in surgical valve failure. The 18th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2018). BUSAN, South Korea. 7-8th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】31. Current topics of transcatheter structure heart intervention. 19th Annual meeting of Wuhan Heart Center. Wuhan, China. 7-9th December, 2018.

  • 【学会Presentation】32. How to avoid the displacement of self-expanding transcatheter heart valves during implantation? PCR Tokyo valves 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】33. Experience of IMPELLA. The Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. 16th March, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】34. Primary PCI - SCVC style-. AMI Summit × PAC 2019 in Nagoya. 13th April, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】35. Key Points for Perioperative Patient Management. CHINA VALVE HANGZHOU 2019. 19th-21st April, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】36. Tips and Tricks for Femoral Artery Puncture. CHINA VALVE HANGZHOU 2019. 19th-21st April, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】37. PCI after Evolut R/PRO implantation. The 36th Live Demonstration in KOKURA, 2019. Kokura, Japan.

  • 【学会Presentation】38. Tips and tricks for TAVI in surgical valve failure. Gwangju International Interventional Cardiology Symposium (GICS). June 13-15th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】39. MITRA-FR / COAPT 〜Percutaneous Repair with the MitraClip Device for Severe Secondary Mitral Regurgitation〜. Gwangju International Interventional Cardiology Symposium (GICS). June 13-15th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】40. Self-expandable THVが dislodgeしたときの簡単な引き抜き方. 第5回ストラクチャークラブ・ジャパン北海道支部会. June 22th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】41. TAVI弁通過困難時のBuddy Balloon Technique. Japan Transcatheter Valve Therapies (JTVT) 2019. July 14-15th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】42. TAVI Recorded Case 〜From SCVC〜. 2019 SAPPORO LIVE DEMONSTRATION COURSE

  • 【学会Presentation】43. September 6th-7th, 2019

  • 【学会Presentation】44. ACS video live session 〜ACS case with IMPELLA/PCPS〜 From SCVC. 2019 SAPPORO LIVE DEMONSTRATION COURSE September 6th-7th, 2019

  • 【学会Presentation】45. Mission: IMPOSSIBLE -FALLOUT into LV- Hong Kong Valve 2019 7-8th September, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】46. The patient with severely calcified lesions: what is the best approach? 2019 ENdovascular & COronary REvascularization in Seoul ENCORE SEOUL 2019. October 9-11, 2019

  • 【学会Presentation】47. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation in Failing Ring or Valve. 2019 ENdovascular & COronary REvascularization in Seoul ENCORE SEOUL 2019. October 9-11, 2019

  • 【学会Presentation】48. Embolization of self-expandable aortic valve and novel method of its retrieval. 2019 ENdovascular & COronary REvascularization in Seoul ENCORE SEOUL 2019. October 9-11, 2019

  • 【学会Presentation】49. Unique experience. Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2019. Job Fair. October 24-26th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】50. A case-based introduction to transcatheter mitral valve repair. PCR-CIT China Chengdu Valves. 25th-27th October 2019 - Chengdu, China

  • 【学会Presentation】51. Shoehorn technique during TAVI. Structure Club Japan Live Demonstration. November 8th-9th, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】52. Controlled valve slide over using a buddy balloon; as with a shoehorn? PCR London valves 2019. 17-19 Novemeber 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】53. VIDEO Live or Case session (TAVI case). The 19th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2019). BUSAN, South Korea. 12-14th December, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】54. Easy method of prosthetic valve retrieval after transcatheter self-expandable valve migration. The 19th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2019). BUSAN, South Korea. 12-14th December, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】55. Tips and tricks of PCI after Evolut implantation. The 19th Joint Meeting of Coronary Revascularization (JCR 2019). BUSAN, South Korea. 12-14th December, 2019.

  • 【学会Presentation】56. Importance of transseptal puncture point during left appendage closure. PCR Tokyo valves 2020.

  • 【学会Presentation】57. Aorto-right ventricular fistula following TAVI. PCR Tokyo valves 2020.

