昭和大学病院 小児循環器・成人先天性心疾患センター センター長
日本小児科学会 小児科専門医・小児科指導医 日本循環器学会 循環器専門医 日本心臓病学会 上級臨床医(FJCC) 日本成人先天性心疾患学会 成人先天性心疾患専門医 日本超音波医学会 超音波専門医・超音波指導医 日本小児循環器学会 小児循環器専門医
日本小児科学会 | 小児科専門医・小児科指導医 |
日本循環器学会 | 循環器専門医 |
日本心臓病学会 | 上級臨床医(FJCC) |
日本成人先天性心疾患学会 | 成人先天性心疾患専門医 |
日本超音波医学会 | 超音波専門医・超音波指導医 |
日本小児循環器学会 | 小児循環器専門医 |
1979年 札幌医科大学医学部研究生(小児科学講座)
1982年 国立循環器病センターレジデント(小児科)
1985年 札幌医科大学医学部助手(小児科学講座)
1992年 札幌医科大学医学部講師(小児科学講座)
1999年 国立循環器病センター第五循環器内科医長
2002年 市立室蘭総合病院小児科診療部長
2003年 札幌医科大学医学部小児科助教授
2005年 北海道立小児総合保健センター放射線科部長
2007年 昭和大学横浜市北部病院循環器センター准教授
2010年 昭和大学横浜市北部病院小児循環器センター教授(員外)
2013年 昭和大学横浜市北部病院循環器センター センター長 主任教授
2014年 北里大学客員教授
2018年 昭和大学病院 小児循環器・成人先天性心疾患センター センター長
第8回日本Pediatric Interventional Cardiology研究会(1997年1月31日-2月1日、札幌市)を主催
NPO法人Heart Saving Project 理事長
1.Tomita H, Nakaya S, Futaki S, Nakajima T, Arakaki Y, Kamiya T:Noninvasive evaluation of the pulmonary vascular resistance by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. pp91-94 (Proceedings of the second world congress, Pediatric cardiology.
2.Wakai S, Minami R, Kameda K, Okabe M, Nagaoka M, Annaka S, Higashidate Y, Tomita H, Tachi N: Electron microscopic study of the biopsied cardiac muscle in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, J Neurol Sci 84, 167-175, 1988
3.Tomita H, Coe JY, Olley PM: Circulatory effects of Denopamine in newborn piglets, Acta Paediatr Jpn 34, 393-397, 1992
4.Tomita H, Ikeda K, Nagata N, Chiba S, Kubota M, Tsuda T: Dipyridamole-provoked chest pain implies severe coronary artery disease in children, Acta Paediatr Jpn 35, 289-293, 1993
5.Tomita H, Ikeda K, Chiba S: Denopamine augments the left ventricular pump function in infants with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary hypertension: Doppler echocardiographic analysis, Tohoku J exp Med 172, 111-121, 1994
6.Tanaka T, Nakahara K, Kato N, Imai T, Yamazaki T, Tomita H, Shimokawa H, Matsuhashi H, Sato N, Matsui M, Kihira S, Shimizu A, Sano T, Haneda N, Kino M, Miyakita Y, Matsuoka R, Nagai R, Yazaki Y, Nakamura Y: Genetic linkage analyses of Romano-Ward syndrome (RWS) in 13 Japanese families, Hum Genet 94, 380-384, 1994
7.Tomita H, Ikeda K, Iida K, Chiba S: Mild to moderate pulmonary valvular stenosis in infant sometimes improves to the condition unnecessary to do PTPV: Doppler echocardiographic observation, Tohoku J exp Med 176, 155-162, 1995
8.Fuse S, Tomita H, Yoshida M, Hori T, Igarashi C, Fujita S: High dose of intravenous antithrombin III without heparin in the treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation and organ failure in four children, Am J Hematol 53, 18-21, 1996
9.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Catecholamine-induced ductus arteriosus constriction in children, Am J Cardiol 77, 1372-1375, 1996
10.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Plasma concentration and acute clinical effects of docarpamine, orally active dopamine prodrug, in infants, Acta Paediatr Jpn 38, 440-443, 1996
11.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Antegrade or retrograde catheterization across a ventricular septal defect, J Cardiol 30, 265-71, 1997
12.Tomita H, Fuse S, Akagi T, Koike K, Kamada M, Kamiya T, Momma K, Ishizawa A, Chiba S: Coil occlusion for patent ductus arteriosus in Japan, Jpn Circ J 61, 997-1003, 1997
13.Tomita H, Fuse S, Akagi T, Matsumoto Y, Murakami Y, Shiraya H, Koike K, Kamada M, Kamiya T, Momma K, Ishizawa A, Chiba S: Hemolysis complicating coil occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus, Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 43, 50-53, 1998
14.Fuse S, Tomita H, Chiba S: Plasma Thromboxane B2 concentration in patients with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary hypertension, Jpn Circ J 62, 193-197, 1998
15.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Factors that predict epinephrine induced constriction of the persistent arterial duct, Cardiol Young 1998, 8:195-198.
16.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Is early surgery always necessary in patients with aortic valve prolapse complicating an Eisenmenger-type ventricular septal defect? Acta Paediatr Jpn 40, 232-235, 1998
17.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Stretched minimal diameter of the ductus and coil occlusion, Acta Paediatr Jpn 40, 453-456, 1998
18.Tomita H, Fuse S, Hatakeyama K, Suzuki M, Chiba S: Disopyramide - A promising new approach to the medical treatment of the hypercyanotic spell complicating Tetralogy of Fallot - , Jpn Circ J 62, 807-810, 1998
19.Tomita H, Fuse S, Hatakeyama K, Chiba S: Epinephrine-induced constriction of the persistent ductus arteriosus and its relation to distensibility, Jpn Circ J 62, 913-914, 1998
20.Tomita H, Fuse S, Hatakeyama K, Takamuro M, Higashidate Y, Chiba S: Disopyramide improves hypoxia in patients with tetralogy of Fallot through a negative inotropic actions, Jpn Circ J 63, 160-164, 1999
21.Tomita H, Fuse S, Hatakeyama K, Chiba S: Stretching of the ductus - An important factor in determining the outcome of coil occlusion -, Jpn Circ J 63, 593-596, 1999
22.Tomita H, Fuse S, Hatakeyama K, Chiba S: Endothelialization of the coils used to occlude a persistent ductus arteriosus - An angiographic study -, Jpn Circ J 64, 262-266, 2000
23.Tomita H, Ono Y, Miyazaki A, Tanaka T, Kimura K, Echigo S: Transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using a 0.052 inch coil; Immediate results, Jpn Circ J 64, 520-523, 2000
24.Tomita H, Arakaki Y, Ono Y, Yamada O, Tsukano S, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Evolution of aortic regurgitation following simple patch closure of doubly committed subarterial ventricular septal defect, Am J Cardiol 86, 540-542, 2000
25.Akagi T, Ogawa S, Ino T, Iwasa M, Echigo S, Kishida K, Baba K, Matsushima M, Hamaoka K, Tomita H, Ishii M, Kato H: Catheter Interventional treatment in Kawasaki disease: A report from Japanese Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Investigation Group, J Pediatr 137, 181-186, 2000
26.Tomita H, Yamada O, Ohuchi H, Ono Y, Arakaki Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Coagulation profile, liver function, and hemodynamics following Fontan type operations, Cardiol Young 11, 62-66, 2001
27.Kubo N, Tomita H, Fuse S, Abe N, Hatakeyama K, Chiba S: Helical computed tomography in pulmonary hypertension complicating left-to-right-shunts- Correlation with pulmonary hemodynamics-, Jpn Circ J 65, 188-192, 2001
28.Tomita H, Arakaki Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: The incidence of spontaneous closure of outlet ventricular septal defect, Jpn Circ J 65, 364-366, 2001
29.Tomita H, Arakaki Y, Ono Y, Yamada O, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Imbalance of cusp width and aortic regurgitation associated with aortic cusp prolapse in ventricular septal defect, Jpn Circ J 65, 500-504, 2001
30.Tomita H, Echigo S, Kimura K, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi T, Ishizawa R, Akagi T, Ino T, Harada Y, Kado H, Yagihara T: Balloon aortic valvuloplasty in children: A multicenter study in Japan, Jpn Circ J 65, 599-602, 2001
31.Fuse S, Tomita H, Hatakeyama K, Kubo N, Abe N: Effect of size of a secundum atrial septal defect on shunt volume, Am J Cardiol 88, 1447-1450, 2001
32.Tomita H, Yazaki S, Kimura K, Ono Y, Yamada O, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Late neointimal proliferation following implantation of stents for relief of pulmonary arterial stenosis, Cardiol Young 12, 125-129, 2002
33.Tomita H, Yazaki S, Kimura K, Ono Y, Yamada O, Ohuchi H, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Potential goals for the dimensions of the pulmonary arteries and aorta with stenting after the Fontan operation, Cathet Cardiovasc Interven 56, 246-253, 2002
34.Hoshina M, Tomita H, Kimura K, Ono Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Factors determining peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis remodeling in children after percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty, Cir J 66, 345-348, 2002
35.Fuse S, Tomita H, Hatakeyana K: Decreased adrenergic receptors in left heart failure complicated with aortic coarctation in infancy –Documentation with I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy-, Cardiol Young 12, 63-64, 2002
36.Hiraumi Y, Watanabe K, Tomita H, Kurosaki K, Saito A, Tanizawa T, Echigo S: Doppler echocardiographic differentiation of functional from anatomical pulmonary atresia-Analysis using quantitative parameters-. Cir J 66, 665-667, 2002
37.Tomita H, Watanabe K, Yazaki S, Kimura K, Ono Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Stent Implantation and Subsequent Dilatation for Pulmonary Vein Stenosis : Maximizing Effectiveness, Cir J 67, 187-190, 2003
38.Tomita H, Yamada O, Kurosaki K, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Eccentric aortic regurgitation in patients with right coronary cusp prolapse complicating a ventricular septal defect, Circ J 67, 672-675, 2003
39.Watanabe K, Tomita H, Ono Y, Yamada O, Kurosaki K: Intravenous indomethacin therapy in infants with a patent ductus arteriosus complicating other congenital heart defects. Circ J 67, 750-752, 2003.
40.Tomita H, Yazaki S, Kimura K, Hayashi G, Fujita H, Okada Y, Watanabe K, Kurosaki K, Ono Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Balloon angioplasty of postoperative coarctation in the transverse arch in infants: Protecting the common carotid artery. Cathet Cardiovasc Interven 2003(in press)
41.Tomita H, Yazaki S, Kimura K, Watanabe K, Hatakeyama K, Ono Y, Echigo S: Acute recoil of stents used for great vessel stenosis complicating congenital heart disease, Cardiol Young 13; 519-525, 2003.
42.Miyazaki A, Tsuda E, Miyazaki S, Kitamura S, Tomita H, Echigo S: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for anastomotic stenosis after coronary arterial bypass grafting in Kawasaki disease. Cardiol Young 13,284-289,2003.
43.Ooyanagi R, Fuse S, Tomita H, Takamuro M, Horita N, Mori M, Tsutsumi H: Pulse wave velocity and ankle brachial index in patients with Kawasaki disease. Pediatrics International 46,398-402,2004.
44.Tomita H, Arakaki Y, Ono Y, Yamada O, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Severity of right coronary cusp prolapse and aortic regurgitation complicating ventricular septal defect in the outlet septum – Which defect should be closed ? -. Circ J 68,139-143,2004.
45.Horita N, Yokota S, Fuse S, Takamuro M, Tomita H, Sato K, Fujii N, Tsutsumi H: The throat flora and its mitogenic activity in patients with Kawasaki disease. Microbiol Immunol 48,899-903,2004.
46.Tomita H, Arakaki Y, Ono Y, Yamada O, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Impact of non coronary cusp prolapse in addition to right coronary cusp prolapse in patients with a perimembranous ventricular septal defect. Int Cardiol 101,279-283,2005.
48.Hirayama-Yamada K, Kamisago M, Akimoto K, Aotsuka H, Nakamura Y, Tomita H, Furutani M, Imamura S, Takao A, Nakazawa M, Matsuoka R: Phenotype with GATA4 or NKX2.5 mutations in familial atrial septal defect. Am J Med Genet 135A,47-52,2005.
49.Kobayashi T, Tomita H, Fuse S, Takamuro M, Hatakeyama K, Horita N, Tsutsumi H: Coil occlusion for patent ductus arteriosus larger than 3mm. Circ J 69,1271-1274,2005.
50.Kitano M, Yazaki S, Tomita H, Kimura K, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Steep stent’s angle to the reference vessel promotes neointima. Congenital Cardiology Today 3,1-5, 2005.
51.Haneda N, Tomita H. Heart Saving Project: Catheter Intervention in Mongolia Congenital Cardiology Today. 2005;3:8-10.
52.Tomita H, Takamuro M, Fuse S, Horita N, Hatakeyama K, Tsutsumi H, Yazaki S, Echigo S, Kimura K: Coil occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus-Impact of 0.052-Inch Gianturco coil without Amplatzer Duct Occluder-. Circ J 70,28-30,2006.
53.Horita N, Tomita H, Takamuro M, Fuse S, Tsutsumi H: Development of a reexpandable covered stent for children. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 68,727-734,2006.
56.Tomita H, Haneda N, Kuroe K, Nogi S, Ueda H, Kishida K, Higaki T, Horiguchi Y, Furui J, Tamura M, Takada H, Tsurumi F, Tanaka S, Yano H. AMPLATZER duct occluder® or Coils for transcatheter occlusion of patent arterial duct; A cost comparison of devices in the setting of a voluntarily humanitarian heart saving project in Mongolia. Congenital Cardiology Today 5,1-7,2007
57.Tomita H, Takamuro M, Soda W, Hatakeyama K, Tsutsumi H. Increased serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein is related to hypoxia and brain natriuretic peptide in congenital heart disease. Pediatrics International 50,436-440,2008
58.Nogi S, Haneda N, Tomita H, Yasuda Y. Transcatheter Coil Occlusion of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defects. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 72,683–690,2008
59.Tomita H, Uemura S, Haneda N, Soga T, Matsuoka T, Nishioka T, Yazaki S, Hatakeyama K, Takamuro M, Horita N. Coil occlusion of PDA in patients younger than 1 year; Risk factors for adverse events. J Cardiol 53,208-213,2009
60.Itoh A, Tomita H, Sano S. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular diastolic function in chronic hypoxic rats. Acta Med Okayama 63,87-96,2009
61.Tomita H, Nakanishi T, Hamaoka K, Kobayshi T, Ono Y. Stenting in Congenital Heart Disease – Medium- and Long-Term Outcomes From the JPIC stent Survey – Cir J 74,1676-1683,2010
62. Takata H, Higaki T, Sugiyama H, Kitano M, Yamamoto E, Nakano T, Nagashima M, Shikata F, Tomita H, Yazaki S, Shiraishi I, Ishii E. Long-Term Outcome of Coil Occlusion in Patients With Patent Ductsu Arteriosus. Circ J 75,407-412,2011
63.Nakahata Y, Tomita H, Kimura S, Ando H, Honda T, Takanashi M, Ogihara Y, Ishii M. Percutaneous bilateral pulmonary artery banding using a re-expandable covered stent: preliminary animal study. Kitasato Med J 41,165-169,2011
64. Tomita H, Haneda N, Higaki T,Kataoka K. Successful introduction of interventional catheterization and other pediatric cardiology services in a developing country. Cardiol Young 2012, 23: 405-408.
65. Fujii T, Tomita H, Kise H,Fujimoto K, Kobayashi K, Watanabe Y,Yamazaki T, Shimizu T, Sakurai A, Hibino A, Iwasaki J, Soga T,Uemura S, Itabashi K, Yamaki . An infant with primary pulmonary vein stenosis, associated with fatal occlusion of intraparenchymal small pulmonary veins. J Cardiol Cases 2014;9:1-7
66.Hirono K, Ibuki K, Tomita H. Percutaneous Catheter Aspiration Thrombectomy for the Occluded Stents of Pulmonary Artery in Children With Single Ventricle Physiology After Fontan Surgery. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2014;Epub
67. Kise H, Miyata A, Tomita H, Fujii T, Fujimoto K, Hirata M, Ito A, Ishino K, Hasebe Y, Hoshiai M. Novel Curved Balloon Catheter for Dilating Postoperative Angled LesionsAssociated with Congenital Heart Disease. J Interv Cardiol 2014;27:408-413.
68. Fujii T, Tomita H, Otsuki S, Kobayashi T, Ono Y, Yazsaki S, Kim SH, nakanishi T. Stenting for Pulmonary Artery Stenosis Complicated by Univentricular Physiology; Subanalysis of JPIC Stent Survey. J Cardiol 2014;64:324-327
69. Tomita H, Higaki T, Kobayashi T, Fujii T, Fujimoto K. Stenting for curved lesions using a novel curved balloon; Preliminary experimental study. J Cardiol 2015;66:120-124
70. Sugiyama H, Fujimoto K, Ishii T, Nakanishi T, Tomita H. Impact of Novel Balloon Catheter on Static Balloon Atrial Septostomy With Double Balloon Technique in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease. Circ J 2015;79:2367-2371
71.Tomita H, Sogawa H, Watanabe A: Congenital secondary hypothyroidism with low serum GH and prolactin levels in a 27-day-old male infant, Tohoku J exp Med 136, 413-418, 1982
72.Tachi N, Tachi M, Sasaki K, Tomita H, Wakai S, Annaka S, Minami R, Tsurui S, Sugie H: Glycogen storage disease with normal acid maltase: skeletal and cardiac muscle, Pediatr Neurol 5, 60-63, 1989
73.Tomita H, Sawada Y, Higashidate Y, Chiba S, Ito S, Kogasaka R: Mitral regurgitation with gross deformity of a mitral leaflet due to Kawasaki disease. Pediatr Cardiol 1990, 11:153-155.
74.Tomita H, Sawada Y, Nagata N, Chiba S: Spontaneous near closure of coronary artery fistula: Doppler echocardiographic findings, Acta Paediatr Jpn33, 389-393, 1991
75.Murakami H, Tsuchihashi K, Tomita H, Ikeda R, Hirata A, Ogawa T, Nakagawa M, Kuroiwa Y, Fuse S, Shimamoto K: Combined use of detachable coil against persistent mechanical hemolysis after transcatheter occlusion using Rashkind umbrella device in adult patient with patent ductus arteriosus, Heart Vessels12, 49-51, 1997
76.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: An unusual complication in releasing the detachable PDA coil, Acta Paediatr Jpn39, 637-639, 1997
77.Tomita H, Fuse S, Matsuda K, Chiba S: An infant of Costello syndrome complicated with fatal hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, Acta Paediatr Jpn40, 608-611, 1998
78.Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S: Coarctation of persistent right fifth aortic arch and pulmonary sequestration, Cardiol Young8:509-511, 1998
79.Tateno M, Tomita H, Fuse S, Chiba S, Shichinohe Y: Successful stenting of congenital bronchial stenosis, Eur J Pediatr 18, 74-76, 1999
80.Higashidate Y, Tsuda T, Takamuro M, Tomita H: Intravascular ultrasound imaging shortly after balloon angioplasty of native aortic coarctation in two neonates, Pediatr Cardiol 20, 377-379, 1999
81.Tomita H, Kimura K, Ono Y, Yamada O, Yagihara Y, Echigo S: Life threatening pulmonary edema following unilateral stent implantation for bilateral branch pulmonary stenosis; Recovery after contralateral stent implantation, Jpn Circ J 65, 688-690, 2001
82.Tomita H, Ishikawa Y, Hasegawa S, Ono Y, Yamada O, Kimura K, Uemura H, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Use of a 0.052” Gianturco coil to embolize a persistent right superior vena cava following extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection, Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent52, 481-483, 2001
83.Tomita H, Kimura K, Kurosaki K, Okada Y, Watanabe K, Yasuda K, Hasegawa S, Hayashi G, Ono Y, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Stent implantation for aortic coarctation complicating the Norwood operation in a 48-day old baby, Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent54, 239-241, 2001
84.Yasuda K, Tomita H, Kimura K, Yagihara T, Echigo S: Stenting pulmonary artery stenosis in an infant with tricuspid atresia: Approach via the foramen ovale and ventricular septal defect using a long flexible sheath, Pediatr Int 44, 690-692, 2002
85.Tomita H, Hayashi G, Echigo S:“Bail-out” stenting for acute obstruction of a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt following selective angiography, Cardiol Young 12: 496-498, 2002
86.Hatakeyama K, Fuse S, Tomita H, Chiba S: Jarcho-Levin Syndrome Associated with a Complex Congenital Heart Anomaly, Pediatr Cardiol 24, 86-88, 2003
87.Fuse S, Tomita H, Ohara T, Iida, Takamuro M: Severely damaged aortic valve and cardiogenic shock in an infant with Kawasaki disease, Pediatr Int 45, 110-113, 2003
88.Ishii A, Fuse S, Kubo N, Hatakeyama K, Takamuro M, Tomita H, Tsutsumi H: Improvement of protein-losing enteropathy by coil embolization of the left azygos vein, Cathet Cardiovasc Interven 59, 399-401, 2003
89.Tomita H, Yazaki S, Echigo S, Kimura K, Takamuro M, Horita N, Fuse S, Tsutsumi H: Late distortion of the original Palmaz stent implanted in postoperative lesions associated with congenital heart disease. Cathet Cardiovasc Interven 65,301-305,2005.
90.Tanaka T, Tomita H, Watanabe K, Echigo S: A case of aorto-right atrial tunnel associated with aortic and tricuspid atresia. Pediatr Int 47,466-468,2005.
91.Tomita H, Hatakeyama K, Soda W, Kobayashi T. Efficacy of Ticlopidine for Preventing Migraine After Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defect With Amplatzer Septal Occluder : A Case Report. J Cardiol 49,357-360,2007.
92.Tomita H, Hatakeyama K, Soda W, watanabe M, Takagi N. Static balloon atrial septostomy with buddy wire technique: A case report. J Cardiol 49,259-262,2007
93.Kobayshi T, Tomita H, Yokozawa M, Takamuro M, Hatakeyama K, Kim SH, Ono Y, Sakamoto K. Genesis stent implantation without using a long sheath in two children. J Cardiol 52,296-299,2008
94.Tomita H, Matsuoka T, Uemura S. Stenting of a Stenosed Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Artery in a Baby With Pulmonary Atresia and a Ventricular Septal Defect: Rescue From Critical Hypoxia in the Immediate Postoperative Stage of Unifocalization Supported by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 73,109-112,2009
95.Higaki T, Yamamoto E, Ryugo M, Imagawa H, Shikata F, Nagashima M, Ohta M, Takata H, Murao K, Chisaka T, Moritani T, Watanabe R, Tomita H, Kawachi K, Ishii E. The use of a handmade balloon-expandable covered stent for native coarctation of the aorta in an adult patient: A report of a first case in Japan. J Cardiol 56,287-290,2010
96.Tomita H, Nakanishi T, Hamaoka K, Kobayshi T, Ono Y. Re-dilation of the stent in Congenital Heart Disease; from the JPIC stent survey. Cir J 2010;74 Supple I:229.
97. Fujimoto K, Kise S, Kiguchi H, Fujii T, Tomita H, Oyama N, Soga T. Factors which determine compression of surrounding structures in Amplatzer Septal Occluder following Transcatheter closure of Atrial Septal Defects. JACC 2014;63 Supple S:S19
98. Fujii T, Tomita H. A Case of Device-related CoA following deployment of Amplatzer Duct Occluder. JACC 2014;63 Supple S:S146
99. Kise S, Tomita H. Successful emergent aspiration of thrombus for postoperative superior vena cava (SVC) obstruction presenting life-threatening SVC syndrome in early infancy. 2014;63 Supple S:S147
100. Tomita H, Bolormaa T, Haneda N. Transcatheter occlusion of gigantic persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) using a custom-made PDA occluder. Catheter Cardiovasc Interevent 2015, epub
【受賞】 第14回日本Pediatric Interventional Cardiology研究会で小池一行賞を受賞(2009年12月)