東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 咬合機能健康科学分野 助教
日本補綴歯科学会 会員 日本メディカルAI学会 会員
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日本メディカルAI学会 | 会員 |
東京医科歯科大学 歯学部 歯学科
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 部分床義歯補綴学
東京医科歯科大学 歯学部附属病院 診療科 回復系診療科 義歯外来
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 部分床義歯補綴学
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 部分床義歯補綴学
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 生体補綴歯科学分野
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 咬合機能健康科学分野
Yuka Inamochi, Kenji Fueki, Yusuke Matsuyama, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Takeo Fujiwara, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Does oral dryness influence pressure pain sensitivity in the oral mucosa of removable denture wearers? Clinical Oral Investigations. 2020.08; 24 (8): 2603-2609.
笛木賢治,稲用友佳. ノンメタルクラスプデンチャーの臨床エビデンスに関するシステマチックレビュー 日補綴会誌. 2017.10; 9 (4): 297-302.
和田 淳一郎, 稲用 友佳. 【はじめての部分床義歯】部分床義歯と発語障害 歯界展望. 2021.10; 83-85.
稲用 友佳, 和田 淳一郎. 【はじめての部分床義歯】(Chapter 15)メインテナンス中のトラブルへの対応 歯界展望. 2021.10; 180-191.
186. Hashiguchi M, Inamochi Y, Nagai S, Otsuki N, Piao J, Kobori H, Kanno Y, Kojima H, Kobata T, Azuma M.. Human B7-H3 binds to Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like transcript 2 (TLT-2) and enhances T cell responses. 2012.02; 2 (1): 9-16.
Y Inamochi, K Fueki, N Usui, M Taira, N Wakabayashi. Adaptive change in chewing-related brain activity while wearing a palatal plate: an functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Oral Rehabil. 2017.10; 44 (10): 770-778.
G Nabeshima, K Fueki, Y Inamochi, N Wakabayashi. Effect of dietary counselling with prosthetic restoration on fruit and vegetable intake in partially dentate patients: A prospective study. J Oral Rehabil. 2018.08; 45 (8): 618-626.
Kenji Fueki, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Yuka Inamochi, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. The association between mucosal pain and subjective masticatory function in patients with partial removable dental prostheses. J Oral Rehabil. 2019.06;
Myint Oo KZ, Fueki K, Yoshida-Kohno E, Hayashi Y, Inamochi Y, Wakabayashi N. Minimal clinically important differences of oral health-related quality of life after removable partial denture treatments. Journal of dentistry. 2020.01; 92 (1): 103246.
Kenji Fueki, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Yuka Inamochi, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Patient satisfaction and preference with thermoplastic resin removable partial dentures: a randomised cross-over trial. J Prosthodont Res. 2020.01; 64 (1): 20-25.
K Zin Myint Oo, Kenji Fueki, Yuka Inamochi, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Yoko Hayashi, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Pre-treatment impairment of oral health-related quality of life is associated with variations in minimal clinically important differences among patients with removable partial denture treatment. J Oral Rehabil. 2020.07; 47 (7): 902-909.
Inamochi Y, Kohno EY, Wada J, Murakami N, Takaichi A, Arai Y, Ueno T, Fueki K, Wakabayashi N.. Knowledge acquisition efficacy of a remote flipped classroom on learning about removable partial dentures J Prosthodont Res. 2022.11;
Fueki K, Inamochi Y, Kohno-Yoshida E, Wakabayashi N.. Cost-effectiveness analysis of prosthetic treatment with thermoplastic resin removable partial dentures J Prosthodont Res. 2020.09;
Takaichi A, Fueki K, Murakami N, Ueno T, Inamochi Y, Wada J, Arai Y, Wakabayashi N.. A systematic review and meta-analysis of digital removable partial dentures. Part II: CAD/CAM framework, artificial teeth, and denture base J Prosthodont Res. 2021.01;
Fueki K, Inamochi Y, Wada J, Arai Y, Takaichi A, Murakami N, Ueno T, Wakabayashi N.. A systematic review of digital removable partial dentures. Part I: Clinical evidence, digital impression, and maxillomandibular relationship record. J Prosthodont Res. 2021.01;
Yoko Hayashi, Kenji Fueki, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Yuka Inamochi, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Responsiveness of methods to evaluate objective masticatory function in removable partial denture treatments. J Prosthodont Res. 2021.03;
Kenji Fueki, Yuka Inamochi, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Yoko Hayashi, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Responsiveness of methods to evaluate chewing ability after removable partial denture treatments. J Oral Rehabil. 2021.04; 48 (4): 449-457.
Kenji Fueki, Yuka Inamochi, Eiko Yoshida-Kohno, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Short-term effect of thermoplastic resin removable partial dentures on periodontal health: a randomized cross-over trial. J Prosthodont Res. 2021.06;
Yuka Inamochi, Kenji Fueki, Nobuo Usui, Masato Taira, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Adaptive brain activity changes during tongue movement with palatal coverage from fMRI data. Sci Rep. 2021.07; 11 (1): 13907.
Inamochi Y, Fueki K, Yoshida-Kohno E, Hayashi Y, Wakabayashi N. . A new masticatory performance scale to integrate food biting, comminution, and mixing ability in removable partial denture wearers J Oral Rehabil. 2021.07; 48 (7): 809-816.
Wang Z, Kohno EY, Fueki K, Ueno T, Inamochi Y, Takada K, Wakabayashi N. Multilevel factor analysis of flipped classroom in dental education: A 3-year randomized controlled trial. PloS one. 2021.09; 16 (9): e0257208.