1. Cholesteatoma has an altered microbiota with a higher abundance of Staphylococcus species. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 7(6): 2011-2019, 2022
Fujikawa T, Tanimoto K, Kawashima Y, Ito T, Honda K, Takeda T, Sonobe A, Aoki N, Bai J, Tsutsumi T.
2. Early postoperative complications and their measures after skull base reconstruction: A study from the standpoint of plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Auris Nasus Larynx 49: 845-855, 2022
Tanaka K, Suesada N, Homma T, Hidaka T, Mori H, Okazaki M, Sugawara T, Tsutsumi T, Asakage T.
3. Application of a virtual and mixed reality-navigation system using commercially available devices to the lateral temporal bone resection. Ann Med Surg 72: 103063, 2021
Ito T, Kawashima Y, Yamazaki A, Tsutsumi T.
4. Cochlear pathomorphogenesis of incomplete partition type 2 in Slc26a4-null mice. JARO 22(6): 681-691, 2021
Ito T, Fujikawa T, Honda K, Makabe A, Watanabe H, Bai J, Kawashima Y, Miwa T, Griffith AJ, Tsutsumi T.
5. The different concepts of surgical managements between anterior and lateral skull base reconstructions based on surgical purposes. Auris Nasus Larynx 49: 271-278, 2022
Tanaka K, Suesada N, Homma T, Mori H, Sugawara T, Tsutsumi T, Asakage T, Okazaki M.
6. Four-Hour Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced 3D-FLAIR MR Imaging Highlights Intralabyrinthine Micro-Schwannomas. Otology & Neurotology 42(10): e1444-8, 2021
Kurata N, Kawashima Y, Ito T, Ooka T, Tsutsumi T.
7. Patient-specific virtual and mixed reality for immersive, experiential anatomy education and for surgical planning in temporal bone surgery. Auris Nasus Larynx 48(6): 1081-1091, 2021
Yamazaki A, Ito T, Sugimoto M, Yoshida S, Honda K, Kawashima Y, Fujikawa T, Fujii Y, Tsutsumi T.
8. Management of the temporal bone defect after resection of external auditory canal cancer. Auris Nasus Larynx 48(6): 1157-1161, 2021
Mohri K, Tanaka K, Sugawara T, Asakage T, Tsutsumi T.
9. 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging reveals vasculitis-caused otitis media in a patient with giant cell arteritis. Acta Otolaryngol Case Reports 6(1); 6-10: 2021
Aoki N, Fujikawa T, Umezawa N, Kawashima Y, Ito T, Honda K, Tsutsumi T.
10. Denosumab-induced osteonecrosis of external auditory canal. Auris Nasus Larynx 48(6); 1157-1161: 2021
Takeda T, Ito T, Onishi I, Yokomura M, Kawashima Y, Fujikawa T, Tsutsumi T.
11. Indications for and extent of elective neck dissection for lymph node metastasis from external auditory canal carcinoma. Auris Nasus Larynx 48(4); 745-750: 2021
Kiyokawa Y, Ariizumi Y, Ohno K, Ito T, Kawahima Y, Tsunoda A, Kishimoto S, Asakage T, Tsutsumi T.
12. Unusual Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Responses in Patients with Peripheral Vestibular Disorders Detected by the Caloric Step Stimulus Test. Front Neurol 11 :597562; 2020
Honjo M, Honda K, Tsutsumi T.
13. Enhanced fallopian canal as a potential marker for temporal bone vasculitis. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 5(6); 1168-1175: 2020
Fujikawa T, Honda K, Ito T, Kishino M, Kimura N, Umezawa N, Hirano M, Aoki N, Kawashima Y, Tsutsumi T.
14. Clinical Application of 3D-VOG Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Otolith-Ocular Reflex in the Roll and Pitch Planes. Acta Otolaryngol 140 (11); 925-929; 2020
Tomoki Ooka, Bay Jing, Takamori Takeda, Keiji Honda, Takuo Ikeda, Takeshi Tsutsumi.
15. Systemic Fluorescent Gentamicin Enters Neonatal Mouse Hair Cells Predominantly Through Sensory Mechanoelectrical Transduction Channels. JARO 21(2); 137-149: 2020
Makabe A, Kawashima Y, Sakamaki Y, Maruyama A, Fujikawa T, Ito T, Kurima K, Griffith AJ, Tsutsumi T.
16. Potential Confounding Factors May Influence the Association Between Configurations of the Vertebrobasilar System and the Incidence of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Canal Paresis. Otol Neurotol 41(5); e548-555: 2020
Maruyama A, Kawashima Y, Fujikawa T, Makabe A, Ito T, Takeda T, Tsutsumi T.
17. Frequency analyses of posturography using logarithmic translation. Acta Otolaryngol 140 (1), 1-7, 2020
Watanabe H, Makabe A, Hirai C, Takeda T, Honda K, Demura S, Tsutsumi T.
18. Rapid screening of copy number variations in STRC by droplet digital PCR in patients with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Human Genome Variation 6; 41: 2019
Ito T, Kawashima Y, Fujikawa T, Honda K, Makabe A, Kitamura K, Tsutsumi T.
19. Main sequence of torsional saccadic eye movement analysis by three-dimensional video-oculography. Acta Otolaryngol 139 (11), 987-989 Nov 2019
Yamazaki A, Ikeda T, Tsutsumi T.
20. The evaluation of gravitational recognition in patients with spinocerebellar degeneration using Listing’s plane. Acta Otolaryngol 139(7); 581-587: 2019
Takeda T, Ikeda T, Tsutsumi T.
21. Increased expression of pendrin in eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2019; 85(6): 760-765
Itou T, Ikeda S, Asamori T, Honda K, Kawashima Y, Kitamura K, Suzuki K, Tsutsumi T.
22. Vestibular dysfunction in patients with superficial siderosis of the central nervous system. Otol Neurotol 2018; 39(6): e468-e474
Takeda T, Kawashima Y, Hirai C, Makabe A, Ito T, Fujikawa T, Yamamoto K, Maruyama A, Tsutsumi T.
23. Clinical Usefulness of 18F-FDG PET/CT for Staging Cancer of the External Auditory Canal. Otol Neurotol 2018; 39(5): e370-375
Toriihara A, Nakadate M, Fujioka T, Oyama J, Tsutsumi T, Asakage T , Tsunoda A, Tateishi U.
24. Determination of the time course of caloric nystagmus in patients with spinocerebellar degeneration using caloric step stimulus procedure. Acta Otolaryngol 138(1):41-45, 2018.
Takeda T, Makabe A, Hirai C, Tsutsumi T.
25. Bilateral cochlear ossification in a patient with Takayasu Arteritis. Acta Otolaryngol Case Report 2(1); 150-154: 2017.
Mori Y, Kawashima Y, Takahashi M, Maruyama A, Fujikawa T, Tsutsumi T.
26. Brain activity in patients with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss during auditory perception in noisy environments. J Med Den Sci 64(1): 19-26, 2017.
Yamamoto K, Tabei K, Katsuyama N, Taira M, Kitamura K.
27. Increased number of IgG4-positive plasma cells in chronic rhinosinusitis. Acta Otolaryngol 137(2): 186-190, 2017.
Ohno K, Kimura Y, Matsuda Y, Takahashi M, Honjyou M, Arai T, Tsutsumi T.
28. Nystagmus at the onset of vertiginous attacks in Meniere’s disease. Otol Neurotol 38(1): 110-113, 2017.
Hirai C, Yamamoto Y, Takeda T, Tasaki A, Inaba Y, Kiyokawa Y, Suzuki Y, Tsutsumi T.
1. 堤 剛 外視鏡の耳科手術への応用 耳鼻咽喉科 科学評論社 2(6); 793-799, 2022
2. 堤 剛 メニエール病とその周辺疾患−遅発性内リンパ水腫− JOHNS 38(10); 1321-1323, 2022
3. 堤 剛 経外耳道的内視鏡下耳科手術 −錐体尖部病変に対する手術手技 ENTONI 275; 108-114, 2022
4. 標準耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 耳科学 耳の検査法 聴覚検査・平衡機能検査 第4版 編集:大森孝一、野中学、小島博己 医学書院 2022, PP32-45
5. 眼振検査 プラクティス耳鼻咽喉科の臨床4 めまい診療ハンドブック 中山書店 2022 :225-232
6. 堤 剛 症状から診断へ 耳科領域 難聴 特集「チャートで見る耳鼻咽喉科診療」 JOHNS 37(9); 914-917: 2021
7. 堤 剛 術前画像と術中解剖‐カンファレンスで突っ込まれないための知識 耳領域 側頭骨悪性腫瘍に対する手術 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 93(5); 66-74: 2021
8. 堤 剛:特集/最新知識からめまい症例を診る! 上半規管裂隙症候群 JOHNS 37(1); 63-67; 2020
9. 堤 剛:錐体尖病変に対する手術 進化する経外耳道的内視鏡下耳科手術(TEES) エキスパートに学ぶスタンダードな手術手技 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 91(11); 950-954: 2019
10. 堤 剛:耳管の解剖と発生の最新知見 耳管のすべて JOHNS 35; 408-410: 2019
11. 堤 剛:メニエール病類似症状を呈する疾患とその鑑別診断 ENTONI 234;65-70:2019
12. 堤 剛:今日の小児治療指針 第17版 動揺病 医学書院 p855-856: 2020
13. 堤 剛:わかりやすい感覚器疾患 Ⅰ感覚器の構造と機能 聴覚・平衡覚 5)前庭・三半規管 日本医師会雑誌 147 特別号(1)(生涯教育シリーズ94 S57-58, 2018.
14. 堤 剛:急速眼球運動検査 日本めまい平衡医学会編 「イラスト」めまいの検査[改訂第3版]: 42-43. 2018 診断と治療社 東京
15. 堤 剛:注視眼振検査・頭位眼振検査・頭位変換眼振検査 今日の耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科治療指針 第4版 医学書院 109-111, 2018
16. 堤 剛:Ⅱめまい・平衡機能検査 Q11中枢性めまいを鑑別するための検査は? 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科(5)増刊号 耳鼻咽喉科検査マニュアル 172-173, 2017
17. 堤 剛:Ⅱめまい・平衡機能検査 2電気眼振図(ENG) 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科89(5)増刊号 耳鼻咽喉科検査マニュアル 115-121, 2017