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日本小児科学会 小児科専門医 日本腎臓学会 腎臓専門医
日本小児科学会 | 小児科専門医 |
日本腎臓学会 | 腎臓専門医 |
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑪ さかさまつげ/気道異物/消化管異物/捻挫/骨折/中毒など
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑨ やせ/糖尿病/甲状腺機能低下症・亢進症/ケトン性低血糖症・アセトン血性嘔吐症
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑧ 水腎症/夜尿症/外陰炎・亀頭包皮炎/包茎/低身長/肥満
子どもがかかる病気と治療④ 虫刺され/みずいぼ/やけど/日焼け/アトピー性皮膚炎/アレルギー性鼻炎・結膜炎
子どもがかかる病気と治療② 手足口病・ヘルパンギーナ/単純ヘルペス感染症/百日咳/結核など
子どもに見られる 病気の症状 -このような症状があったら受診しましょう-
子どもに見られる 病気の症状 ー症状を理解して対応しましょうー
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑩ うつ病/性器をいじる/自閉スペクトラム症/注意欠如・多動症/先天性歯/歯ぎしりなど
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑦ 急性糸球体腎炎/ネフローゼ症候群/尿路感染症/膀胱尿管逆流
子どもがかかる病気と治療⑥ 不整脈/心筋炎/感染性心内膜炎/急性肝炎
子どもがかかる病気とその治療⑤ 食物アレルギー・アナフィラキシー・アレルギー性紫斑病・貧血・川崎病など
子どもがかかる病気と治療③ ブドウ球菌性熱傷様皮膚症候群/湿疹/蕁麻疹
子どもがかかる病気とその治療① 突発性湿疹/感冒/ウイルス性胃腸炎/インフルエンザ/気管支炎/肺炎など
食欲が低下する。子どもに見られる 病気の症状
子どもを見守り、病気を防ぐために-乳幼児健診・予防接種を 受けましょう
Promotor-specific repression of hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-β and HNF-1α transcriptional activity by an HNF-β missense mutant associated with type 5 maturity-onset diabetes of the young with hepatic and biliary manifestations.
Kitanaka S, Miki Y, Hayashi Y, Igarashi T
Red cell adenylate kinase deficiency associated with hereditary nonspherocytic anemia: Clinical and biological studies. Am J Hematol 14:325-333, 1983
Miwa S, Fujii H, Tani K, Takahashi K, Takizawa T, Igarashi T
Familial cases of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus type II: Remarkable increment of urinary adenosine 3', 5' monophosphate in response to antidiuretic hormone. J Pediatr 104:593-595, 1984
Ohzeki T, Igarashi T, Okamoto A
Activation of platelet function in Fabry's disease. Am J Hematol 22:63-67, 1986
Igarashi T, Sakuraba H, Suzuki Y
Cardiovascular manifestations in Fabry's disease. Clin Genet 29:276-283, 1986
Sakuraba H, Yanagawa Y, Igarashi T, Suzuki Y
Effect of vitamin E and ticlopidine on platelet aggregation in Fabry's disease. Clin Genet 31:349-354, 1987
Sakuraba H, Igarashi T, Suzuki Y
Congenital nephrotic syndrome with focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, renal insufficiency and tubular dysfunction. Acta Paediatr Jpn 29:614-618, 1987
Igarashi T, Shibata T, Iwata T, Kamoshita S
Molecular basis for the deficiency of complement 1 inhibitor in type I hereditary angioneurotic edema. J Clin Invest 79:698-702, 1987
Cicardi M, Igarashi T, Rosen FS, Davis III AE
Restriction fragment polymorphism of the C1 inhibitor gene in hereditary angioneurotic edema. J Clin Invest 80:1640-1644, 1987
Cicardi M, Igarashi T, Kim M, Frangi D, Agostomi A, Davis III AE
Molecular analysis of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase mutations in five unrelated Japanese patients. Acta Paediatr Jpn 31:303-313, 1989
Igarashi T, Minami M, Nishida Y
Congenital anterior urethral diverticulum and urinary tract infection. Acta Paediatr Jpn 31:493-495, 1989
Igarashi T, Higashihara E
Type I C1 inhibitor deficiency with a small messenger RNA resulting from deletion of one exon. J Clin Invest 83:1883-1893, 1989
Ariga T, Igarashi T, Ramesh N, Parad R, Cicardi M, Davis III AE
Carrier detection of partial hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency by analysis with Bam HI restriction fragment length polymorphisms and oligonucleotide probes. Pediatr Res 27:417-421, 1990
Igarashi T, Kamoshita S
Carrier detection of partial hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency by analysis with Bam HI restriction fragment length polymorphisms and oligonucleotide probes. Pediatr Res 27:417-421, 1990
Igarashi T, Kamoshita S
Bam HI restriction fragment length polymorphisms for hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene of carriers and controls of HPRT deficiency in Japan. Acta Paediat Jpn 32:12-15, 1990
Igarashi T, Ikegami H, Yamazaki H, Minami M
Reversible low-molecular-weight proteinuria in patients with distal renal tubular acidosis. Pediatr Nephrol 4:593-596, 1990
Igarashi T, Kawato H, Kamoshita S
Renal cyst formation as a complication of primary distal renal tubular acidosis. Nephron 59:75-79, 1990
Igarashi T, Shibuya K, Kamoshita S, Higashihara E, Kawato H, Hagishima K, Kosugi T
Two unknown renal complications in primary distal renal tubular acidosis. Contrib Nephrol 95:178-184, 1991
Igarashi T, Kawato H, Kamoshita S, Kosugi T, Hagishima K
Transient neonatal distal renal tubular acidosis with secondary hyperparathyroidism. Pediatr Nephrol 6:267-269, 1992
Igarashi T, Sekine Y, Kamoshita S, Kawato H, Saigusa Y
Uchimura H, Ohkubo A: An uncommon peptide band detected in urine of premature babies and newborns. Progress in Clin Biochem 3: 883-885, 1992
Mashige F, Igarashi T, Watanabe H, Yamada A
Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis syndrome presenting as multiple tubular dysfunction including Fanconi's syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 6:547-549, 1992
Igarashi T, Kawato H, Kamoshita S, Nosaka K, Seiya K, Hayakawa H
Normal serum uric acid concentration for age and sex and incidence of renal hypouricemia in Japanese school children. Pediatr Nephrol 7:239-240, 1993
Igarashi T
Sekine T, Sugimura H, Hayakawa H, Arayama T: Acute renal failure after exercise in a child with renal hypouricemia. Pediatr Nephrol 7:292-293, 1993
Igarashi T
High prevalence of serum antibodies to verotoxin-1 and verotoxin-2 among healthy adults in Japan. J Infection 27:211-213, 1993
Takeda T, Nakao H, Yamanaka T, Igarashi T, Terada Y, Kobayashi N
Impairment by verotoxin of tubular function contributes to the renal damage seen in haemolytic uraemic syndrome. J Infection 27: 339-341, 1993
Takeda T, Dohi S, Igarashi T, Yamanaka T, Yoshiya K, Kobayashi N
Persistent isolated proximal renal tubular acidosis-a systemic disease with a distinct clinical entity. Pediatr Nephrol 8: 70-71, 1994
Igarashi T, Ishii T, Watanabe K, Hayakawa H, Horio K, Sone Y, Ohga K
The incidence of renal cyst formation in patients with primary distal renal tubular acidosis. Nephron 66: 474, 1994
Igarashi T, Kosugi T
Weber Christian disease with benign cytophagic histiocytes in the skin lesion. Acta Pediatr Jpn 37: 105-107, 1995
Inatomi J, Watanabe K, Igarashi T, Hayakawa H
Hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis in patients with idiopathic low molecular weight proteinuria in Japan: Is the disease identical to Dent's disease in United Kingdom? Nephron 69: 242-247, 1995
Igarashi T, Hayakawa H, Shiraga H, Kawato H, Yan K, Kawaguchi H, Yamanaka T, Tsuchida S, Akagi K
A case of juvenile nephronophthisis presenting severe short stature. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 4 (Supple 6): 95-98, 1995
Yoshizawa A, Yokoya S, Igarashi T
How does the early start of gammaglobulin therapy influence the prognosis of Kawasaki syndrome? Kawasaki Disease, ed. Kato H, et al. pp310-314, Elsevier Science N.Y., 1995
Kohsaka T, Noma S, Takeuchi N, Simizu S, Sekiya T, Igarashi T, Kamoshita S, Kobayashi N
Neuronal and vascular pathology produced by verocytotoxin 2 in the rabbit central nervous system. Acta Neuropathol 91: 254-262, 1996
Mizuguchi M, Tanaka S, Fujii I, Tanizawa H, Suzuki Y, Igarashi T, Yamanaka T, Takeda T, Miwa M
Studies on the latex agglutination inhibition method for assay of plasma theophylline concentration. Jpn J Hosp Pharm 22: 330-341, 1996
Kizu J, Watanabe S, Ono H, Inatomi J, Sasaki K, Watanabe K, Igarashi T, Iwata T, Hayakawa H, Imai K
Idiopathic low molecular weight proteinuria associated with hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis in Japanese children is due to mutations of the renal chloride channel (CLCN5). J Clin Invest 99:561-568, 1997
Lloyd SE, Pearce SHS, Günther W, Kawaguchi H, Igarashi T, Jentsch TJ, Thakker RV
Mutations of CLCN5 in Japanese children with idiopathic low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis. Kidney Int 52: 911-916, 1997
Akuta N, Lloyd SE, Igarashi T, Shiraga H, Matsuyama T, Yokoro S, Cox JPD, Thakker RV
Cloning, functional characterization and localization of a rat renal Na+-dicarboxylate transporter. Am J Physiol 275 (Renal Physiol. 44): F298-F305, 1998
Sekine T, Cha SH, Hosoyamada M, Kanai Y, Watanabe N, Huruta Y, Hukuda K, Igarashi T, Endou H
Functional characterization of renal chloride channel, CLCN5, mutations associated with Dent’s Japan disease. Kidney Int 54: 1850-1856, 1998
Igarashi T, Günter W, Sekine T, Inatomi J, Shiraga H, Takahashi S, Suzuki J, Tsuru N, Yanagihara T, Shimazu M, Jentsch TJ, Thakker RV
Mutations in SLC4A4 cause permanent isolated proximal renal tubular acidosis with ocular abnormalities. Nature Genet 23:264-266, 1999
Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Sekine T, Cha SH, Kanai Y, Kunimi M, Tsukamoto K, Satoh H, Shimadzu M, Tozawa F, Mori T, Shiobara M, Seki G, Endou H
Failure of pre-diarrheal antibiotics to prevent hemolytic uremic syndrome in serologically-proven Escherichia coli 0157:H7 gastrointestinal infection. J Pediatr 135: 768-769, 1999
Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Wake A, Takamizawa M, Katayama H, Iwata T
Clinical and genetic studies of CLCN5 mutations in Japanese families with Dent’s disease. Kidney Int 58: 520-527, 2000
Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Ohara T, Kuwahara T, Shimadzu M, Thakker RV
Disorders in the immune responses of T- and B-cells in mice administered intravenous Verotoxin 2. Life Sci 67: 1059-1072, 2000
Sugatani J, Igarashi T, Shimura M, Yamanaka T, Takeda T, Miwa M
Activation of coagulation in C57BL/6 mice given verotoxin 2 (VT2) and the effect of co-administration of LPS with VT2. Thromb Res 100: 61-72, 2000
Sugatani J, Igarashi T, Munakata M, Komiyama Y, Takahashi H, Komiyama N, Maeda T, Takeda T, Miwa M
Genetic and long-term data on a patient with permanent isolated proximal renal tubular acidosis. Eur J Pediatr 159: 892-894, 2000
Shiohara M, Igarashi T, Mori T, Komiyama A
Identification of two novel mutations in the CLCN5 gene in Japanese patients with familial low molecular weight proteinuria (Japanese Dent’s disease). Am J Kidney Dis 37: 138-143, 2001
Takemura T, Hino S, Ikeda M, Okada M, Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Yoshioka K
A new approach to mRNA in proximal tubule cells of patients with CLCN5 channelopathy. Pediatr Nephrol 16: 110-112, 2001
Morimoto T, Chiba A, Kondo Y, Takahashi S, Igarashi T, Inoue CN, Iinuma K
Unraveling the molecular basis of hereditary renal tubular acidosis. Clin Exp Nephrol 5: 8-12, 2001
Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Sekine T, Seki G
Novel nonsense mutation in the Na+/HCO3- cotransporter gene (SLC4A4) in a patient with permanent isolated proximal renal tubular acidosis and bilateral glaucoma. J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 713-718, 2001
Igarashi T, Inatomi J, Sekine T, Seki G, Shimadzu M, Tozawa F, Takeshima Y, Takumi T, Takahashi T, Yoshikawa N, Nakamura H, Endou H
Molecular basis of ocular abnormalities associated with proximal renal tubular acidosis. J Clin Invest 108: 107-115, 2001
Usui T, Hara M, Satoh H, Moriyama N, Kagaya H, Amano S, Oshika T, Ishii Y, Ibaraki N, Hara C, Kunimi M, Noiri E, Tsukamoto K, Inatomi J, Kawakami H, Endou H, Igarashi T, Goto A, Fujita T, Araie M, Seki G
Three families with autosomal dominant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by aquaporin-2 mutations in the C-terminus. Am J Human Genetics 69: 738-748, 2001
Kuwahara M, Iwai K, Ooeda T, Igarashi T, Ogawa E, Katsushima Y, Shinbo I, Uchida S, Terada Y, Fujiwara TM, Arthus MF, Lonergan M, Bicher DG, Marumo F
Pediatrician in Nepal. Indian Pediatrics 38: 685-686, 2001
Basnet NB, Igarashi T
Enhanced expression of a-series gangaliosides in fibroblasts of patients with peroxisome biogenesis disorders. Bioche Biophys Acta 1535: 285-293, 2001
Tatsumi K, Saito M, Lin B, Iwamori M, Ichiseki H, Shimozawa N, Kamoshita, Igarashi T
Urinary megalin deficiency implicates abnormal tubular endocytic receptor trafficking in the Fanconi syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 13: 125-133, 2002
Norden AGW, Lapsley M, Christensen EI, Igarashi T, Matsuyama T, Shiraga H, Kelleher CL, Lee P, Scheinman SJ, Thakker RV, Unwin RJ, Verroust P, Wrong O, Moestrup S
Prothrombotic coagulation abnormalities preceding the hemolytic uremic syndrome. New Eng J Med 246: 23-32, 2002
Chandler WL, Jelacic S, Boster D, Ciol M, Watkins S, Igarashi T, Tarr PI
Molecular identification of a renal/urate/anion exchanger that regulates blood urate levels. Nature 417: 447-452, 2002
Enomoto A, Kimura H, Chairoungdua A, Shigeta Y, Jutabha P, Cha SH, Hosoyamada M, Takeda M, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Matsuo H, Kikuchi Y, Oda T, Ichida K, Hosoya T, Shimokata K, Niwa T, Kanai Y, Endou H
Detection of ATM gene mutation in human glioma cell line M059J by a rapid frameshift/stop codon assay in yeast. Radiat Res 158: 195-201, 2002
Tsuchida R, Yamada T, Takagi M, Sjimada A, Ishioka C, Katsuki Y, Igarashi T, Chessa L, Delia D, Teraoka H, Mizutani S
Urinary concentrating defect in rats given Shiga toxin: elevation in urinary AQP2 level associated with polyuria. Life Science 71: 171-189, 2002
Sugatani J, Komiyama N, Mochizuki T, Hoshino M, Miyamoto D, Igarashi T, Hoshi S, Miwa M
Molecular pathogenesis of proximal renal tubular acidosis. J Nephrol 15 (Suppl 5): S135 – S141, 2002
Igarashi T, Sekine T, Watanabe H
Activation markers of human basophils: CD69 expression is strongly and preferentially induced by IL-3. J Allergy Clin Immunol 109: 817-823, 2002
Yoshimura C, Yamaguchi M, Iikura M, Izumi S, Kudo K, Nagase H, Ishii A, Walls AF, Ra C, Iwata T, Igarashi T, Yamamoto K, Hirai K
Preventive effect of TAK-751S on complications of hemorrhagic colitis (results of clinical study of TAK-751S). Jpn J Antibiot 55: 203-227, 2002
Ito H, Takeda T, Honda M, Igarashi T, Joh K, Hashizume T, Yamaoka K
Unrabelling the molecular pathogenesis of isolated proximal renal tubular acidosis. J Am Soc Nephrol 13:2171-2177, 2002
Igarashi T, Sekine T, Inatomi J, Seki G
Molecular cloning of Chinese hamster ceremide glucosyltransferase and its enhanced expression in peroxisome-defective mutant Z65 cells. Arch Biochem Biophys 403:171-178, 2002
Saito M, Fukushima Y, Tatsumi K, Bei L, Fujiki Y, Iwamori M, Igarashi T
Efficacy and safety of immunization for pre- and post-liver transplantation. Transplantation 74: 543-550, 2002
Kano H, Mizuta K, Kato H, Miki Y, Shibuya N, Saito M, Narita M, Kawarasaki H, Igarashi T, Hashizume K, Iwata T
New therapeutic approaches for patients with Fabry’s disease. Inter Med 41: 913-914, 2002
Igarashi T
Localization of Na+/HCO3- cotransporter (pNBC-1) variants in rat and human pancreas. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 284: C729-C737, 2003
Satoh H, Moriyama N, Hara C, Yamada H, Horita S, Kunimi M, Tsukamoto K, Iso-O N, Inatomi J, Kawakami H, Kudo A, Endou H, Igarashi T, Goto A, Fujita T, Seki G
The kinesin superfamily protein RabKIFL is not involved in the pathophysiology of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4C. Int J Mol Med 11: 45-47, 2003
Nagura M, Nagao Y, Takita J, Igarashi T, LeGuren E, Hayashi Y
A family of episodic ataxia type 2: No evidence of genetic linkage to the CACNA1A gene. Int J Mol Med 11: 187-189, 2003
Hirose H, Arayama T, Takita J, Igarashi T, Hayashi Y, Nagao Y
Renal function in patients with Menkes disease. Eur J Pediatr 162: 51-52, 2003
Ozawa H, Kodama H, Kawaguchi H, Mochizuki T, Kobayashi M, Igarashi T
Comparative effects of basophil-directed growth factors. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 302: 201-206, 2003
Yoshimura-Uchiyama C, Yamaguchi M, Nagase H, Fujisawa T, Ra C, Matsushima K, Iwata T, Igarashi T, Yamamoto K, Hirai K
Altered polarity and expression of H+-ATPase without ultrastructural changes in kidney of Dent’s disease patients. Kidney Int 63: 1285-1295, 2003
Moulin P, Igarashi T, Van der Smissen P, Cosyns JP, Verroust P, Thakker RV, Scheinman SJ, Courtoy PJ, Devuyst O
Comparative ontogeny, processing, and segmental distribution of the renal chloride channel, ClC-5. Kidney Int 65: 198-208, 2004
Jouret F, Igarashi T, Gafflot F, Wilson PD, Karet FE, Thakker R, Devuyst O
Alterations of fatty acid metabolism and membrane fluidity in peroxisome-defective mutant ZP102 cells. Lipids 39: 43-50, 2004
Nagura M, Saito M, Iwamori M, Igarashi T
Newspaper reporting on child raising in Japan. J Pediatr Nursing 19: 113-120, 2004
Basnet NB, Kato H, Nakamura Y, Watanabe H, Igarashi T
Molecular and clinical studies of Dent’s disease in Japan: biochemical examination and renal ultrasonography do not predict carrier state. Clin Nephrol 61: 231-237, 2004
Matsuyama T, Awazu M, Oikawa T, Inatomi J, Sekine T, Igarashi T
Exercise-induced acute renal failure associated with renal hypouricemia: results of a questionnaire-based survey in Japan. Nephrol Dial Transplant 19: 1447-1453, 2004
Ohta T, Sakano T, Igarashi T, Itami N, Ogawa T
The W258X mutation in SLC22A is the predominant cause of Japanese renal hypouricemia. Pediatr Nephrol 19:728-733, 2004
Komoda F, Sekine T, Inatomi J, Enomoto A, Endou H, Ota T, Matsuyama T, Ogata T, Ikeda M, Awadzu M, Muroya K, Kamimaki I, Igarashi T
Mutational and functional analysis of SLC4A4 in a patient with proximal renal tubular acidosis. Pfluger Arch – Eur J Physiol 448: 438-444, 2004
Inatomi J, Horita S, Braverman N, Sekine T, Yamada H, Suzuki Y, Kawahara K, Moriyama N, Kudo A, Kawakami H, Shimadzu M, Endou H, Fujita T, Seki G, Igarashi T
Neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization of very low birth weight Japanese infants with congenital heart disease. J Nepal Med Asso 43: 28-30, 2004
Basnet NB, Noma S, Basnet SB, Igarashi T
A family of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus type 2-a new missense mutation of SCN1A found in the pedigree of several patients with complex febrile seizures. Epilepsy Res 63: 151-156, 2005
Nagao Y, Mazaki-Miyazaki E, Okamura N, Takagi M, Igarashi T
Functional characterization of LMX1B mutations associated with nail-patella syndrome. Pediatr Res 57: 783-788, 2005
Sato U, Kitanaka S, Sekine T, Takahashi S, Ashida A, Igarashi T
Mutational analysis of idiopathic renal hypouricemia in Korea. Pediatr Nephrol 20:886-890, 2005
Cheong HI, Kang JH, Lee JH, Ha IS, Kim S, Komoda F, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Choi Y
Functional analysis of NBC1 mutants associated with proximal tubular acidosis and ocular abnormalities. J Am Soc Nephrol 16:2270-2278, 2005
Horita S, Yamada H, Inatomi J, Moriyama N, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Endo Y, Dasouki M, Ekim M, Al-Gazali L, Shimada M, Seki G, Fujita T
Aberration of the CHK2 gene are rare in pediatric solid tumors. Int J Mol Med 16: 85-91, 2005
Chen YY, Takita J, Tanaka K, Ida K, Koh K, Igarashi T, Hanada R, Kikuchi A, Tanaka Y, Toyoda Y, Hayashi Y
Intrapulmonary solitary fibrous tumor in an eight-year-old male. Pediatr Pulmonol 40:261-264, 2005
Kanamori Y, Hashizume K, Sugiyama M, Motoi T, Fukuyama M, Ida K, Igarashi T
A familial case of muticystic dysplastic kidney. Pediatr Nephrol 20: 1245-1248, 2005
Sekine T, Namai Y, Yanagisawa A, Shirahama H, Tashiro Y, Terahara M, Nagata M, Harita Y, Fukuoka U, Inatomi J, Igarashi T
Distal renal tubular acidosis associated with large ventricular aqueduct and sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Oto-Laryngo 125: 667-670, 2005
Shinjo Y, Kaga K, Igarashi T
A novel mutation in fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23 gene as a cause of tumor calcinosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90: 5523- 5527, 2005
Araya K, Fukumoto S, Backenroth R, Takeuchi Y, Kanayama K, Ito N, Yoshii N, Yamazaki Y, Yamashita T, Silver J, Igarashi T, Fujita T
Functional characterization of rat organic anion transporter 5 (SLC22A19) at the apical membrane of renal proximal tubules. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 315: 534-544, 2005
Anzai N, Jutabha P, Enomoto A, Yokoyama H, Nonoguchi H, Hirata T, Shiraya K, He X, Cha SH, Takeda M, Miyazaki H, Sakata T, Tomita K, Igarashi T, Kanai Y, Endou H
Altered expression of junctional adhesion molecule 4 (JAM4) in injured podocytes. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 290:F335-F344,2005
Harita Y, Miyauchi N, Karasawa T, Suzuki K, Han GD, Koike H, Igarashi T, Shimizu F, Kawachi H
A case of intrapericardial diaphragmatic hernia with a massive pericardial effusion: fetal diagnosis and therapy. J Pediatr Surg 40: e43-45, 2005
Kanamori Y, Hashizume K, Sugiyama M, Tomonaga T, Goishi K, Yokoyama Y, Igarashi T, Kikuchi A, Kawana Y, Kozuma S, Taketani Y
A compound heterozygous mutation in the BSND gene detected in Bartter syndrome type IV. Pediatr Nephrol 21: 190-193, 2006
Kitanaka S, Sato U, Maruyama K, Igarashi T
A novel compound heterozygous mutation in the thyroglobulin gene resulting in congenital goitrous hypothyroidism with high serum triiodothyronine levels. J Hum Genet 51: 379-382, 2006
Kitanaka S, Takeda A, Sato U, Miki Y, Hishimura A, Ieiri T, Igarashi T
Mutations of the PTPN11 and RAS genes in rhabdomyosarcoma and pediatric hematological malignancies. Genes, Chrom & Cancer 45: 583-591, 2006
Chen Y, Takita J, Hiwatari M, Igarashi T, Hanada R, Kikuchi A, Hongo T, Taki T, Ogasawara M, Shimada A, Hayashi Y
A case of panayiotopolos syndrome showing an atypical course. Seizure 15: 643-648, 2006
Saitoh M, Kubota M, Kimura I, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T
OCRL1 mutations in patients with Dent phenotype in Japan. Pediatr Nephrol 22: 975-980, 2007
Sekine T, Nozu K, Iyengar R, Fu XJ, Matsuo M, Tanaka R, Iijima K, Matsui E, Harita Y, Inatomi J, Igarashi T
A case of primary erythermalgia, wintry hypothermia and encephalopthy. Neuropediatr 38: 157-159, 2007
Takahashi K, Saitoh M, Hoshino H, Mimaki M, Takamizawa M, Mizuguchi M, Lin Z-M, Yang Y, Igarashi T
Alterations in the molecular species of plasmalogen phospholipids and glycolipids due to peroxisomal dysfunction in Chinese hamster ovary-mutant Z65 cells by FABMS method. J Chromato B 852: 367-373, 2007
Saito M, Horikawa M, Iwamori Y, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T, Fujiki Y, Iwamori M
Functional analysis of a novel missense NBC1 mutation and of other mutations causing proximal renal tubular acidosis. Pflugers Arch-Eur J Physiol 455: 583-593, 2008
Suzuki M, Vaisbich MH, Yamada H, Horita S, Li Y, Sekine T, Moriyama N, Igarashi T, Endo Y, Cardoso TP, de Sa LC, Koch VH, Seki G, Fujita T
Molecular analysis of digenic inheritance in Bartter syndrome with sensorineural deafness. J Med Genet 45: 182-186, 2008
Nozu K, Inagaki T, Fu XJ, Nozu Y, Kanda K, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Nakanishi N, Yoshikawa N, Iijima K, Matsuo M
Ischemic colitis as a complication in a patient with steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 23:655-657, 2008
Yanagisawa A, Namai Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T
A case of cerebral salt-wasing syndrome associated with aseptic meningitis in an 8-year-old girl. Pediatr Nephrol 23:659-662, 2008
Inatomi J, Yokoyama Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T
Cyclic strain induces mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation into vascular smooth muscle cells by activating PDGF receptor β. J Appl Physiol 104:766-772, 2008
Shimizu N, Yamamoto K, Obi S, Kumagaya S, Masumura T, Shimano Y, Naruse K, Yamashita JK, Igarashi T, Ando J
Development of a rapid immunochromtographic test for noroviruses genogroups I and II. J Viral Methods 148:1-8, 2008
Takanashi S, Okame M, Shiota T, Takagi M, Yagyu F, Tung PG, Nishimura S, Katsumata N, Igarashi T, Okitsu S, Ushijima H
Activation and inactivation of Na-H-HCO3 cotransporter NBC1. J Epithel Pharm 1 35-39, 2008
Seki G, Yamada H, Horita S, Suzuki M, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Fujita T
Differential gene responses in endothelial cells exposed to a combination of shear stress and cyclic stretch. J Biotechnol 133: 239-244, 2008
Toda M, Yamamoto K, Shimizu N, Obi S, Kumagaya S, Igarashi T, Kamiya A, Ando J
Imaging findings of upper abdominal involvement by acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Radiol 38 : 457-461, 200
Amemiya S, Akahane M, Takita J, Igarashi T, Ohtomo K
Juvenile pustular psoriasis associated with steroid withdrawal syndrome due to topical corticosteroid. J Dermatol 35: 601-603, 2008
Saeki H, Watanabe A, Tada Y, Kakinuma T, Komine M, IHN H, Asahina A, Etoh T, Ktanaka S, Sato U, Kano H, Igarashi T, Tamaki K
Oncogenic mutations of ALK kinase in neuroblastoma. Nature 455: 971-975, 2008
Chen Y, Takita J, Choi YM, Kato M, Ohira M, Sanada M, Wang L, Soda M, Kikuchi A, Igarashi T, Nakagawara A, Hayashi Y, Mano H, Ogawa S
Neph 1, a component of the kidney slit diaphragm, is tyrosine-phosphorylated by the Src family tyrosine kinase and modulates intracellular signaling by binding to Grbs. J Biol Chem 283: 9177-9186, 2008
Harita Y, Kurihara H, Kosako H, Tezuka T, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Hattori S
Reevaluation of glomerular charge selective protein-sieving function. Pediatr Nephrol 24: 609-612, 2008
Saito H, Takahashi S, Nagata M, Tsuchiya T, Mugishima H, Yan K, Kondo Y, Matsuyama T, Sekine T, Igarashi T
Survival in a neonate with complete urorectal malformtion sequence after fetal vesico-amniotic shunting for a prominently dilated cloacae. Fetal Diagn Ther 24: 458-461, 2008
Kanamori Y, Iwanaka T, Nakahara S, Kawashima H, Komura M, Sugiyama M, Kamei Y, Hyodo H, Yamaguchi SI, Kohzuma S, Taketani Y, Goishi K, Ishiguro S, Takamizawa M, Igarashi T
Antenatally diagnosed giant multicystic dysplastic kidney resected during the neonatal period. J Pediatr Surg 43: 2118-2120, 2008
Komura M, Kanamori Y, Sugiyama M, Nakahara S, Kawashima H, Hatanaka A, Takazawa Y, Goishi K, Igarashi T, Iwanaka T
Cortical gray matter lesions in acute encephalopathy with febrile convulsive status epilepticus. Brain Dev 31: 622-624, 2009
Sato A, Mizuguchi M, Mimaki M, Takahashi K, Jimi H, Oka A, Igarashi T
A novel mutation in the GAT3 gene of a Japanese patient with PTH-deficient hypoparathyroidsm. J Bone Miner Metab 27: 386-389, 2009
Saito T, Fukumoto S, Ito N, Suzuki H, Igarashi T, Fujita T
Detection, genetic characterization and quantification of norovirus RNA from sera of children with gastroenteritis. J Clin Virol 44: 161-163, 2009
Takanashi S, Hashira S, Matsunaga T, Yoshida A, Shiota T, Tung PG, Khamrin P, Okitsu S, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T, Ushijima H
Age-associated difference in gene expression of paediatric acute myelomonocytic leukaemia (FAB M4 and M5 subtypes) and its correlation with prognosis. Br J Haematol 144: 917-929, 2009
Jo A, Tsukimoto I, Ishii E, Asou N, Mitani S, Shimada A, Igarashi T, Hayashi Y, Ichikawa H
Phosphorylation of nephrin triggers Ca2+ signaling by recruitment and activation of phospholipase C-γ1. J Biol Chem 284: 8951-8962, 2009
Harita Y, Kurihara H, Kosako H, Tezuka T, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Hattori S
Frequent inactivation of A20 in B-cell lymphoma. Nature 459: 712-716, 2009
Kato M, Sanada M, Kato I, Sato Y, Takita J, Takeuchi K, Miwa A, Cehn Y, Nakazaki K, Nomoto J, Asakura Y, Muto S, Tamura A, Iio M, Akatsuka Y, Hayashi Y, Mori H, Igarashi T, Kurokawa M, Chiba S, Mori S, Ishikawa Y, Okamaoto K, Tobinai K, Nakagawa H, Nakahra T, Yoshino T, Kobayashi Y, Ogawa S
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia in a child with the MLL-AF4 fusion gene. Eur J Haematol 83: 149-153, 2009
Takita J, Motomura A, Koh K, Ida K, Taki T, Hayashi Y, Igarashi T
Shortage of pediatricians in Japan: a longitudinal analysis using physician’s survey data. Pediatr Int 51: 645-649, 2009
Ide H, Yasunaga H, Koike S, Kodama T, Igarashi T, Imamura T
Skin and subcutaneous blood flows of very low birth weight infants during the first 3 postnatal days. J: Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 11: 1-7, 2009
Ishiguro A, Sekine T, Kakiuchi S, Nishimura R, Goishi K, Tsuchida S, Ohtsu H, Igarashi T
YA4, deleted in a case with middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly, interacts with SIX3 both physically and functionally. Hum Mutat 30: E946-955, 2009
Abe Y, Oka A, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T, Ishikawa S, Aburatani H, Yokoyama S, Asahara,H, Nagao K, Yamada M, Miyashita T
Hepatoblastoma in a patient with Sotos syndrome. J Pediatr 155: 937-939, 2009
Kato M, Takita J, Takahashi K, Mimaki M, Chen Y, Koh K, Ida K, Oka A, Mizuguchi M, Ogawa S, Igarashi T
Salt-losing nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by fetal exposure to angiotensin receptor blocker. Pediatr Nephrol 24: 1235-1238, 2009
Miura K, Sekine T, Iida A, Takahashi K, Igarashi T
Four cases of postrenal renal failure induced by renal stone associated with rotavirus infection. Clin Nephrol 73: 398-402, 2010
Morita T, Ashida A, Fujieda A, Hayashi A, Meda A, Ohta K, Shimizu M, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Tamai H, Wakiguchi H
Prenatal intervention for severe anterior urethral valve. Pediatr Inter 52: e92-e95, 2010
Mizuno Y, Tsuchida S, Kakiuchi S, Ishiguro A, Goishi K, Kamei Y, Kanamori Y, Yamazaki Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T
Patients with Epstein-Fechtner syndrome owing to MYH9 R702 mutations develop progressive proteinuric renal disease. Kidney Int 78: 207-214, 2010
Sekine T, Konno M, Sasaki S, Moritani S, Miura T, Wong WS, Nishio H, Nishiguchi T, Ohuchi MY, Tsuchiya S, Matsuyama T, Kanegane H, Ida K, Miura K, Harita Y, Hattori M, Horita S, Igarashi T, Saito H, Kunishima S
Defective membrane expression of the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBCe1 is associated with familial migraine. PNAS 107: 15963-15968, 2010
Suzuki M, Paesschen WV, Stalmans I, Horita S, Yamada H, Bergmans BA, Legius E, Riant F, Jonghe PD, Li Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Fujimoto I, Mikoshiba K, Shimadzu M, Shohara M, Braverman N, Al-Gazali L, Fujita T, Seki J
Interstitial deletion of 13q14.13-q32.3 presenting with Arima syndrome and bilateral retinoblastoma. Brain & Develop 33: 353-356, 2010
Takahashi K, Oka A, Mizuguchi M, Saitoh M, Takita J, Sato A, Mimaki M, Kato M, Ogawa S, Igarashi T
IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are rare in pediatric myeloid malignancies. Leukemia 25: 1-3, 2011
Oki K, Takita J, Hiwatari M, NishimuraR, Sanada M, OkuboJ, Adachi M , Sotomatsu M, Kikuchi A, Igarashi T, HayashiY, Ogawa S
Increased Akt-mTOR signaling in lung epithelium is associated with respiratory distress syndrome in mice. Mol Cell Biol 31: 1054-1065, 2011
Ikeda H, Shiojima I, Oka T, Yoshida M, Maemura K, Walsh K, Igarashi T, Komuro I
Congenital infection-like syndrome with intaracranial calcification. Brain & Develop 33: 530-533, 2011
Mizuno Y, Takahashi K, Igarashi T, Saito M, Mizuguchi M
Aberrations of NEGR1 on 1p31 and MYEOV on 11q13 in neuroblastoma. Cancer Science 102 1645-1650, 2011
Takita J, Chen Y, Sanada M, Adachi M, Ohki K, Nishimura R, Hanada R, Igarashi T, Hayashi Y, Ogawa S
Morphological and functional analyses of two infants with obstructive renal dysplasia. Clin Exp Nephrol 15: 602-606, 2011
Miura K, Sekine T, Nishimura R, Kanamori Y, Yanagisawa A, Sakai K, Nagata M, Igarashi T
Tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent activation of TRPC6 regulated by PLC-γ1 and nephrin effect of mutations associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Mol Biol Cell. 22: 1824-35, 2011
Kanda S, Harita Y, Shibagaki Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Inoue T, Hattori S
A synthetic prostacyclin agonist, ONO-1301, ameliorates ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial infarction via upregulation of HGF in rat. Biomedicine & Aging Pathology 1: 90–96, 2011
Hirata Y, Soekia T, Yamadaa H, Shiotac A, Shimabukuroc M, Sakaid Y, Nakayamae M, Matsumotoe K, Igarashi T, Sataa M
Model combining hydrodynamics and fractal theory for analysis of in vivo peropheral pulmonary and systemic resistance of shunt cardiac defects. J Theoret Biology 287: 64-73, 2011
Nakamura Y, Awa S, Kato H, Ito YM, Kamiya A, Igarashi T
V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) mutations in partial nephrogenic diabetes insipidus highlights protean agonism of V2R antagosists. J Biol Chem 287: 2099-2106, 2012
Takahashi K, Makita N, Manaka K, Hisano M, Akioka Y, Miura K, Takubo N, Iida A, Ueda N, Hashimoto M, Fujita T, Igarashi T, Sekine T, Iiri T
Clinical characteristics of obstructive uropthy associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis in Japan. Clin Nephrol 77: 49-54, 2012
Ashida A, Fujieda M, Ohta K, Nakakura H, Matsumura H, Morita T, Igarashi T, Tamai H
Early occurrence of nephrotic syndrome associated with cord blood stem cell transplantation. Clin Exp Nephrol 16: 180-182, 2012
Miura K, Sekine T, Takamizawa M, Terashima H, Furuya A, Koh K, Takita J, Ida K, Igarashi T
SIRPα interacts with nephrin at the podocyte slit diaphragm. FEBS J 279: 3010-3021, 2012
Kajiho Y, Harita Y, Kurihara H, Horita S, Matsunaga A, Tsurumi H, Kanda S, Sugawara N, Miura K, Sekine T, Hattori S, Hattori M, Igarashi T
Association of vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms with manifestation of vitamin D deficiency inchildren. Endocrine J 59: 1007-1014, 2012
Kitanaka S, Isojima T, Takaki M, Numakura C, Hayasaka K, Igarashi T
The long-term use of enalapril and hydrochlorothaiazide in two novel mutations patients with Dent’s disease. J Bras Nefrol 34: 78-81, 2012
Vaisbich MH, Henriques Ldos S, Igarashi T, Sekine T, Seki G, Koch VH
Aberrant activation of ALK kinase by a novel truncated form ALK protein in neuroblastoma. Oncogene 31: 4667-4676, 2012
Okubo J, Takita J, Chen Y, Oki K, Nishimura R, Kato M, Sanada M, Hiwatari M, Hayashi Y, Igarashi T, Ogawa S
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Kim KS, Arima Y, Kitazawa T, Nishiyama K, Asai R, Uchijima Y, Sato T, Levi G, Kitanaka S, Igarashi T, Kurihara Y, Kurihara H
Neonatal herpes encephalitis confirmed acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus 1 strain. J Clin Microbio 51: 356-359, 2013
Kakiuchi S, Nonoyama S, Wakamatssu H, Kogawa K, Wang L, Kinoshita-Yamaguchi H, Takayama-Ito M, Lim CK, Mizuguchi M, Igarashi T, Saijo M
Japanese Dent disease has a wider clinical spectrum than Dent disease in Europe/USA genetic and clinical studies of 86 unrelated patients with low-molecular-weight proteinuria. Nephrol Dial Transplant 29:376-384, 2014
Sekine T, Komoda F, Miura K, Takita J, Shimadzu M, Matsuyama T, Ashida A, Igarashi T
Decreased glomerular filtration as the primary factor of elevated circulating suPAR levels in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Pediatr Nephrol 29: 1553-1560, 2014
Harita Y, Ishizuka K, Tanego A, Sugawara N, Chikamoto H, Akioka Y, Tsurumi H, Miura K, Gotoh Y, Tsujita M, Yamamoto T, Horike K, Takeda A, Oka A, Igarashi T, Hattori M
Epithelial protein lost in neoplasm modulates platelet-derived growth factor-mediated adhesion and motility of mesangial cells. Kidney Int 86: 548-557, 2014
Tsurumi H., Harita Y, Kurihara H, Kosako H, Hayashi K, Matsunaga A, Kajiho Y, Kanda S, Miura K, Sekine T, Oka A, Ishizuka K, Horita S, Hattori M, Hattori S, Igarashi T
Multifocal kaposiform hemangioendothelioma in multiple visceral organs: an autopsy of 9-day-old female baby. Human Patho 45: 1773-1777, 2014
Nakaya T, Morita K, Kurata A, Ushiku T, Igarashi T, Kuroda M, Fukayama M
Molecular effect of a novel missense mutation, L266V, on function of ClC-5 protein in a Japanese patient with Dent’s disease. Clin Nephrol 82: 58-61, 2014
Ashida A, Yamamoto D, Nakakura H, Shirasu A, Matsumura H, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Tamai H
Bialleic DICER1 mutations in sporadic pleuropulmonary blastoma. Cancer Res 74: 2742-2749, 2014
Seki M, Yoshida K, Shiraishi Y, Shimamura T, Sato Y, Nishimura R, Okuno Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Kato K, Kato M, Hanada R, Nomura Y, Oark Myong-Ja, Ishida T, Oka A, Igarashi T, Miyano S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa S, Takita J
Study group for establishing guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of hemolytic uremic syndrome Guidelines for the management and investigation of hemolytic uremic syndrome. Clin Exp Nephrol 18: 525-557, 2014
Igarashi T, Ito S, Sako M, Saitoh M, Hataya S, Mizuguchi M, Morishima T, Ohnishi K, Kawamura N, Kitayama H, Ashida A, Kaname S, Taneichi H, Tang J, Ohnishi M
for the Japanese Study Group of Kidney Disease in Children: A multicenter randomized trial indicates initial prednisolone treatment for childhood nephrotic syndrome for two months is not inferior to six-month treatment, Kidney Int 87: 225-232, 2015
Yoshikawa N, Nakanishi K, Sako M, Oba MS, Mori R, Ota E, Ishikura K, Hataya H, Honda M, Ito S, Shima Y, Kaito H, Nozu K, Nakamura H, Igarashi T, Ohashi Y and Iijima I
End-stage renal disease in Japanese children: a nationwide survey during 2005-2011. Clin Exp Nephrol 2014
Hattori M, Sako M, Kaneko T, Ashida A, Matsunaga A, Igarashi T, Itami N, Ohta T, Gotoh Y, Satomura K, Honda M, Igarashi T
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children following natural disasters a systematic review of the long-term follow-up studies. Int J Child Youth Family Studies 6: 111-133, 2015
Terasaka A, Tachibana Y, Okuyama M, Igarashi T
Fanconi syndrome, pp1039-1068, Pediatric Nephrology six edition, vol 1, Edited by Avner ED, Harmon WE, Niaudet P, Yoshikawa N, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009
Igarashi T
Pedatric Nephrology around the world, Japan, pp1951-1954, Pediatric Nephrology, vol 2, Edited by Avner ED, Harmon WE, Niaudet P, Yoshikawa N, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009
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Renal Fanconi syndrome, Dent’s disease and Bartter’s syndrome. pp 553-568, Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease. Edited by Thakker RV, Whyte MP, Eisman JA, Igarashi T, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013
Devuyst O, Igarashi T