奈良県立医科大学骨軟部腫瘍制御・機能再建医学 教授
日本整形外科学会 整形外科専門医・代議員 日本サルコーマ治療研究学会 評議員 中部日本整形災害外科学会 評議員 日本癌学会 会員 日本癌治療学会 会員 日本リハビリテーション医学会 会員 日本再生医療学会 再生医療認定医 日本抗加齢医学会 会員 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医・指導責任者 米国科学振興協会(AAAS) 会員 米国癌学会(AACR) 会員 欧州癌学会(EACR) 会員 国際幹細胞学会(ISSCR) 会員 結合織腫瘍学会(CTOS) 会員 米国野球学会(SABR) 会員
日本整形外科学会 | 整形外科専門医・代議員 |
日本サルコーマ治療研究学会 | 評議員 |
中部日本整形災害外科学会 | 評議員 |
日本癌学会 | 会員 |
日本癌治療学会 | 会員 |
日本リハビリテーション医学会 | 会員 |
日本再生医療学会 | 再生医療認定医 |
日本抗加齢医学会 | 会員 |
日本がん治療認定医機構 | がん治療認定医・指導責任者 |
米国科学振興協会(AAAS) | 会員 |
米国癌学会(AACR) | 会員 |
欧州癌学会(EACR) | 会員 |
国際幹細胞学会(ISSCR) | 会員 |
結合織腫瘍学会(CTOS) | 会員 |
米国野球学会(SABR) | 会員 |
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Postdoctoral fellow
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, U.S.A.,
Visiting fellow
公立大学法人 奈良県立医科大学
公立大学法人 奈良県立医科大学
講師(整形外科、寄付講座 人工関節・骨軟骨再生医学併任)
公立大学法人 奈良県立医科大学
准教授(整形外科、寄付講座 人工関節・骨軟骨再生医学併任)
公立大学法人 奈良県立医科大学 寄付講座 骨軟部腫瘍制御・再建医学
Miscorrelation of Functional Outcome and Sociooccupational Status of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Generation With Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2019 Mar;41(2):112-117.
Fujii H, Honoki K, Ishihara T, Shinomiya T, Tsukamoto S, Kido A, Kondoh Y, Kishi S, Shima M, Tanaka Y.
Preventing aging with stem cell rejuvenation: Feasible or infeasible? World J Stem Cells 9(1):1-8., 2017.
Honoki K.
Crossroads of Hallmarks in Aging and Cancer: Anti-aging and anti-cancer target pathways can be shared? Trends in Cancer Research. 2016
Honoki K, Fujii H, Tsukamoto S, Kishi S, Tsujiuchi T, Tanaka Y.
The clinical outcome of pazopanib treatment in Japanese patients with relapsed soft tissue sarcoma: A Japanese Musculoskeletal Oncology Group (JMOG) study. Cancer. 2016 122:1408-16
Nakamura T, Matsumine A, Kawai A, Araki N, Goto T, Yonemoto T, Sugiura H, Nishida Y, Hiraga H, Honoki K, Yasuda T, Boku S, Sudo A, Ueda T.
Designing a broad-spectrum integrative approach for cancer prevention and treatment. Semin Cancer Biol. 2015 Dec;35 Suppl:S276-304. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.09.007.
Block KI, Gyllenhaal C, Lowe L・・・ Honoki K, et al.
Senescence bypass in mesenchymal stem cells: a potential pathogenesis and implications of pro-senescence therapy in sarcomas. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 13:983-96, 2013
Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T.
Possible involvement of stem-like populations with elevated ALDH1 in sarcomas for chemotherapeutic drug resistance. Oncol. Rep. 24: 501-505, 2010.
Honoki K, Fujii H, Kubo A, Kido A, Mori T, Tanaka Y, Tsujiuchi T.
Do stem-like cells play a role in drug resistance of sarcomas? Expert Rev.Anticancer Ther. 10: 261-270, 2010
Honoki K.
Epithelioid sarcoma of the forearm arising from perineural sheath of median nerve mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome. Sarcoma. 2009: 595391. Epub 2009 Apr 14.
Fujii H, Honoki K, Yajima H, Kido A, Kobata Y, Kaji D, Takakura Y.
Sphere-forming stem-like cell populations with drug resistance in human sarcoma cell lines. Int J Oncol. 34:1381-6, 2009.
Fujii H, Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T, Kido A, Yoshitani K, Takakura Y.
Epiphyseal preservation and an intercalary vascularized fibular graft with hydroxyapatite composites. Reconstruction in metaphyseal osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia: a case report. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 128: 189-193, 2008.
Honoki K, Kobata Y, Miyauchi Y, Yajima H, Fujii H, Kido A, Kawamura K, Morishita T, Mii Y, Takakura T.
Reduced expression of INK4a/ARF genes in stem-like sphere cells from rat sarcomas. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 362: 773-778, 2007.
Fujii H, Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T, Kido A, Yoshitani K, Mori T, Takakura Y.
Prognostic significance of p16INK4a alteration in Ewing’s sarcoma. A meta-analysis. Cancer. 110: 1351-1360, 2007.
Honoki K, Stojanovski, E, McEvoy M, Fujii H, Tsujiuchi T, Kido A, Takakura Y, Attia J.
Adamantinoma-like Ewing's sarcoma with EWS-FLI1 fusion gene: a case report. Virchows Arch. 449: 579 – 584, 2006.
Fujii H, Honoki K, Enomoto Y, Kasai T, Kido A, Amano I, Kumamoto M, Morishita T, Mii Y, Nonomura A, Takakura Y.
Growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis by Flavopiridol in rat lung adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma cell lines. Oncology Reports. 11: 1025 -1030, 2004.
Honoki K, Yoshitani K, Tsujiuchi T, Mori T, Tsutsumi M, Morishita T, Takakura Y, Mii Y.
Expression of p16INK4a Gene Methylation Pattern of CpG Sites in the Promoter region in Rat Tumor Cell Lines. Mol. Carcinogenesis. 39: 10-14, 2004.
Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T, Mori T, Yoshitani K, Tsutsumi M, Takakura T, Mii Y.
Differential Expression of Cytokines in Rat Osteosarcoma and Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Cell Line Induced by 4-(Hydoxyamino) Quinokine 1-Oxide. Mol. Carcinogenesis. 33: 81-87, 2002.
Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T, Sasaki Y, Masahiro T, Morishita T, Kido A, Miyauchi Y, Mii Y, Takakura Y, Konishi Y.
A Primaly Osteogenic Sarcoma in the Finger Phalanx: A Case Report and literature review. J. Hand Surg. 26A: 1151-1156, 2001.
Honoki K, Miyauchi Y, Yajima H, Takakura Y, Tamai S.
Possible involvement of bcl-2 suppression in Wild-type p53 gene-dependent cell growth repression in rat osteosarcoma cells. Toxicol. Pathol. 28: 575-579, 2000.
Honoki K, Tsujiuchi T, Tsutsumi T, Kido A, Morishita T, Yoshimoto M, Miyauchi Y, Mii Y, Tamai S, Konishi Y.
Heterogeneous pattern of gene expression in cloned cell lines established from a rat transplantable osteosarcoma lung metastatic nodule. Cancer Lett. 127:221-228, 1998
Honoki K, Mori T, Tsutsumi T, Tsujiuchi T, Kido A, Morishita T, Miyauchi Y, Dohi Y, Mii Y, Tamai S and Konishi Y.
Increased expression of nucleotide diphosphate kinase/nm23 and c-Ha-ras mRNA is associated with spontaneous lung metastasis in rat-transplantable osteosarcomas. Cancer Res. 53: 5038-5042, 1993. (Thesis for PhD. at Nara Medical University)
Honoki K, Tsutsumi M, Miyauchi Y, Mii Y, Tsujiuchi T, Morishita T, Miura S, Aoki M, Kobayashi E, Tamai S and Konishi Y.
Correlation between lack of bone Gla protein mRNA expression in rat transplantable osteosarcomas and expression of both c-fos and c-jun proto-oncogenes. Mol.Carcinogenesis. 7: 111-115, 1993.
Honoki K, Dohi Y, Tabata S, Mii Y, Miyauchi Y, Tsutsumi T, Tsujiuchi T, Morishita T, Miura S, Moriyama T, Tamai S and Konishi Y.
Expression of the transin, c-fos and c-jun genes in rat transplantable osteosarcomas and malignant fibrous histiocytomas. Mol.Carcinogenesis. 6: 122-128, 1992.
Honoki K, Tsutsumi M, Tsujiuchi T, Kondoh S, Shiraiwa K, Miyauchi Y, Mii Y, Tamai S, Konishi K and Bowden GT.
【Book Editor】Honoki K. and Weiss KR. Osteosarcoma: Biology, Behavior and Mechanisms. InTech (Croatia). April, 2017.
【Book Chapter】Kishi S, Honoki K, Kuniyasu H, Tanaka Y. A Novel Strategy of Dual Inhibition of Distinct Metabolic Features in Osteosarcoma. In Osteosarcoma: Biology, Behavior and Mechanisms. pp 81-96, 2019, InTech (UK)
【Book Chapter】Honoki K and Weiss KR. From Chaos to Cosmos: Toward Precision Medicine in Osteosarcoma. In Osteosarcoma: Biology, Behavior and Mechanisms. pp3-10, 2017, InTech (Croatia)
【Book Chapter】Honoki K, Fujii H, Tsujiuchi T. Cancer Stem Cell Niche: The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Tumor Microenvironment. In: Cancer Stem Cells (ISBN 978-953-307-1454-5), INTECH d.o.o., Rijeka, Croatia, 2011
【Book Chapter】Honoki K, Fujii H, Tsujiuchi T. Chapter I: Cancer Stem Cell and Clustering Metastasis Theory; A Hypothesis for Evasion of Apoptosis in Cancer Metastatic Process. Cell Apoptosis and Cancer (Taylor AW ed.), Nova Publishers Inc., New York, pp 9 – 21, 2007.
【Book Chapter】Honoki K. and Mii Y. Molecular Genetics of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors In New Perspectives in Cancer research and Therapy (Kuriyama, S ed.), Research Signpost, India, pp307-323, 2005.
【受賞】2004年 第37回 がん振興財団がん研究費助成
【受賞】2012年 第12回 日本抗加齢医学会 優秀演題賞
【受賞】2013年度 第46回 日本整形外科学会 骨軟部腫瘍学術集会 優秀ポスター演題賞
【受賞】2017年度 (一財)奈良県健康づくり財団がん研究費助成