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Endolymphatic space size in patients with Meniere’s disease and healthy controls. Acta Otolaryngol. 136: 879-882, 2016
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Effects of repeated snowboard exercise in virtual reality with time lags of visual feedback behind body rotation on head stability and subjective slalom run performance in healthy young subjects. Acta Otolaryngol. 136: 1121-1124, 2016
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Sound change integration error: an explanatory model of tinnitus. Front. Neurosci. 12: e831, 2018
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Evidence of surgical treatments for intractable Meniere’s disease – review –. Auris Nasus Larynx 45: 393-398, 2018
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Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging reveals the relationship between the control of vertigo and decreases in endolymphatic hydrops after endolymphatic sac drainage with steroids for Meniere’s disease. Front. Neurol. 10: e46, 2019
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Differentiation of embryonic stem cells into inner ear vestibular hair cells using vestibular cell derived-conditioned medium. Biochem Biophys Rep 19: e100649, 2019
Sakagami-M, Ouji-Y, Kawai-N, Misu-M, Yoshikawa-M, Kitahara-T.
Vestibular compensation after vestibular dysfunction induced by arsanilic acid in mice. Brain Sci 9: e329, 2019
Ito-T, Tatsumi-K, Takimoto-Y, Imai-T, Yamanaka-T, Takeda-N, Wanaka-A, Kitahara-T.
Head-up sleep may cure patients with intractable benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a six-month randomized trial. Laryngoscope Investig. Otolaryngol. 4: 353-358, 2019
Horinaka-A, Kitahara-T, Shiozaki-T, Ito-T, Wada-Y, Yamanaka-T, Nario-K.
Endolymphatic space volume in patients with Meniere’s disease and healthy controls: three- dimensional analysis with magnetic resonance imaging. Laryngoscope Investig. Otolaryngol. 4: 653-658, 2019
Ito-T, Inui-H, Miyasaka-T, Shiozaki-T, Hasukawa-A, Yamanaka-T, Kichikawa-K, Kitahara-
Idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo with persistent vertigo/dizziness sensation is associated with latent canal paresis, endolymphatic hydrops and osteoporosis. Auris Nasus Larynx 46: 27-33, 2019
Kitahara-T, Ota-I, Horinaka-A, Ohyama-H, Sakagami-M, Ito-T, Shiozaki-T, Wada-Y,
Meniere’s disease with unremitting floating sensation is associated with canal paresis, gravity sensitive dysfunction, mental illness, and bilaterality. Auris Nasus Larynx 46: 186-192, 2019
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Combination of head-up sleep and vertical recognition training may cure intractable motion-evoked dizziness with unknown origin. Acta Otolaryngol., in press
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Retrospective evaluation of secondary effects of hearing aids for tinnitus therapy in patients with hearing loss. Auris Nasus Larynx, in press
Yokota-Y, Yamashita-A, Koyama-S, Kitano-K, Otsuka-S, Kitahara-T.