群星沖縄臨床研修センター センター長 、東京科学大学 臨床教授、獨協大学 特任教授、琉球大学 客員教授、筑波大学 客員教授、聖マリアンナ医大 客員教授、総合診療医学教育研究所 代表取締役、Choosing Wisely Japan 副代表、Journal of Hospital General Medicine 編集長

日本内科学会 総合内科専門医 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 指導医・プライマリ・ケア認定医

徳田 安春 とくだ やすはる 先生



  • 総合診療科
  • 総合診療
  • 臨床推論
  • 臨床疫学
  • 医学教育


日本内科学会 総合内科専門医
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 指導医・プライマリ・ケア認定医
  • 群星沖縄臨床研修センター センター長
  • 東京科学大学 臨床教授
  • 獨協大学 特任教授
  • 琉球大学 客員教授
  • 筑波大学 客員教授
  • 聖マリアンナ医大 客員教授
  • 総合診療医学教育研究所 代表取締役
  • Choosing Wisely Japan 副代表
  • Journal of Hospital General Medicine 編集長
  • 医学博士 取得
  • 公衆衛生学修士 取得
  • 日本病院総合診療医学会 理事/認定医
  • 米国内科学会 フェロー
  • ハーバード大学大学院公衆衛生学 修士号



  • 内科
  • 沖縄県浦添市伊祖3丁目8-15
  • ゆいレール 古島 最寄りバス停:浅野浦バス停(国道330号線)、伊祖二丁目バス停下車 車7分
  • 098-870-6600





1988年 琉球大学医学部医学科卒業 
2003年 沖縄県立中部病院内科副部長および臨床研修委員会副委員長
2005年 米国ハーバード大学大学院公衆衛生修士号取得
2006年 医学博士取得
2008年 聖路加国際病院一般内科医長
2009年 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科医療医学系教授・筑波大学附属病院水戸地域医療教育センター・水戸協同病院
2014年 JCHO本部研修センター長
2014年 JCHO本部顧問
2017年 群星沖縄臨床研修センター


1. Watari T, Terashima T, Tokuda Y: Coeliac artery compression syndrome as a cause of abdominal pain of unknown origin. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
2. Watari T, Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Rupture of megadolicho basilar artery anomaly. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
3. Watari T, Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Broca aphasia. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
4. Watanuki S, Kinoshita K, Tokuda Y: Acute graft occlusion of abdominal aorta after anaphylaxis. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
5. Watanuki S, Kinoshita K, Oda A, Kobayashi H, Satoh H, Tokuda Y: Occam's Razor or Hickam's dictum: a paraneoplastic or coincidental occurrence of lung cancer and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Internal medicine 2014, 53(14):1569-1573.
6. Watanabe T, Tokuda Y: Small bowel obstruction following the consumption of "sushi". Internal medicine 2014, 53(22):2661-2662.
7. Tokuda Y: Young Japanese Generalist Physicians, Be Academic! A Message from the New Editor-in-Chief of General Medicine General Medicine 2014, 15(2):85-87.
8. Tokuda Y: Case 38-2013: A man with fever and lymphadenopathy. The New England journal of medicine 2014, 370(11):1076-1077.
9. Suzuki T, Tokuda Y: Face the truth: a 76-year-old man with chronic heart failure of unknown origin. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
10. Stein GH, Tokunaga H, Ando H, Obika M, Miyoshi T, Tokuda Y, Bautista M, Kataoka H, Terasawa H: Preliminary report of a Web-based instrument to assess and teach knowledge and clinical thinking to medical student. International journal of medical education 2014, 5:1-6.
11. Sakihama T, Honda H, Saint S, Fowler KE, Shimizu T, Kamiya T, Sato Y, Arakawa S, Lee JJ, Iwata K, Mihashi M, Tokuda Y: Hand Hygiene Adherence Among Health Care Workers at Japanese Hospitals: A Multicenter Observational Study in Japan. Journal of patient safety 2014.
12. Sakamoto F, Sakihama T, Saint S, Greene MT, Ratz D, Tokuda Y: Health care-associated infection prevention in Japan: The role of safety culture. American journal of infection control 2014, 42(8):888-893.
13. Nishiguchi S, Branch J, Suganami Y, Kitagawa I, Tokuda Y: Effectiveness of early ureteric stenting for urosepsis associated with urinary tract calculi. Internal medicine 2014, 53(19):2205-2210.
14. Nakano H, Watari T, Suganami Y, Tokuda Y: A navel stone mimicking a urachal sinus. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
15. Matsuoka R, Takayashiki N, Chino Y, Tokuda Y: Fatal Full-blown Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Internal medicine 2014, 53(15):1733-1734.
16. Kamata K, Tokuda Y: Rapid diagnosis of Campylobacter jejuni by stool Gram stain examination. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
17. Iriyama H, Kato M, Nogami M, Tokuda Y: Edamame (green soy beans) biliary stones. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
18. Hosoi T, Dhaliwal G, Tokuda Y: Amyloidosis in bilateral external auditory canals. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014.
19. Hamano J, Tokuda Y: Risk Factors and Specific Prescriptions Related to Inappropriate Prescribing among Japanese Elderly Home Care Patients General Medicine 2014, 15(2):117-125.
20. Hamano J, Tokuda Y: Inappropriate Prescribing Among Elderly Home Care Patients in Japan: Prevalence and Risk Factors. Journal of primary care & community health 2014.
21. Fushiki Y, Kinoshita K, Tokuda Y: Polypharmacy and Adverse Drug Events Leading to Acute Care Hospitalization in Japanese Elderly General Medicine 2014, 15(2):110-116.
22. Chuganji E, Abe T, Kobayashi H, Nakano N, Kanai T, Ohara G, Takayashiki N, Noguchi M, Morishita Y, Aoki M, Tokuda Y: Fatal pulmonary co-infection with pneumocystis and cytomegalovirus in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Internal medicine 2014, 53(14):1575-1578.
23. Abe T, Tokuda Y: Recurrent posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome of the brainstem in a hypertensive patient with end-stage renal disease. Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock 2014, 7(3):242-243.
24. Abe T, Takahashi O, Saitoh D, Tokuda Y: Association between helicopter with physician versus ground emergency medical services and survival of adults with major trauma in Japan. Critical care 2014, 18(4):R146.
25. Tokuda Y, Feldman MD: Direct to consumer unproved screening tests turn a profit in Japan. BMJ 2013, 347:f4725.
26. Takata Y, Stein GH, Endo K, Arai A, Kohsaka S, Kitano Y, Honda H, Kitazono H, Tokunaga H, Tokuda Y, Obika M, Miyoshi T, Kataoka H, Terasawa H: Content analysis of medical students' seminars: a unique method of analyzing clinical thinking. BMC Med Educ 2013, 13:156.
27. Suzuki H, Tokuda Y, Shichi D, Ishikawa H, Maeno T, Nakamura H: Morbidity and mortality among newly hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumococcal bacteremia: A retrospective cohort study in three teaching hospitals in Japan. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2013, 13(3):607-615.
28. Suzuki H, Tokuda Y, Shichi D, Hitomi S, Ishikawa H, Maeno T, Nakamura H: A retrospective cohort study of panipenem/betamipron for adult pneumococcal bacteremia at three teaching hospitals in Japan. J Infect Chemother 2013, 19(4):607-614.
29. Suzuki H, Tokuda Y, Kurihara Y, Suzuki M, Nakamura H: Adult pneumococcal meningitis presenting with normocellular cerebrospinal fluid: two case reports. J Med Case Rep 2013, 7(1):294.
30. Suzuki H, Shichi D, Tokuda Y, Ishikawa H, Maeno T, Nakamura H: Pneumococcal vertebral osteomyelitis at three teaching hospitals in Japan, 2003-2011: analysis of 14 cases and a review of the literature. BMC Infect Dis 2013, 13:525.
31. Suzuki H, Senda J, Yamashita K, Tokuda Y, Kanesaka Y, Kotaki N, Ishihara H, Ishikawa H: Impact of intensive infection control team activities on the acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated disease. J Infect Chemother 2013.
32. Shimizu T, Tsugawa Y, Tanoue Y, Konishi R, Nishizaki Y, Kishimoto M, Shiojiri T, Tokuda Y: The hospital educational environment and performance of residents in the General Medicine In-Training Examination: a multicenter study in Japan. Int J Gen Med 2013, 6:637-640.
33. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Visible intestinal peristalsis. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
34. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Intravesical migration of intrauterine device. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
35. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Osler's node. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
36. Shimizu T, Nozaki H, Tokuda Y: Steinert's disease. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
37. Shimizu T, Matsumoto K, Tokuda Y: Effects of the use of differential diagnosis checklist and general de-biasing checklist on diagnostic performance in comparison to intuitive diagnosis. Med Teach 2013, 35(6):e1218-1229.
38. Sawa A, Abe T, Omoto M, Fujiwara K, Kobayashi H, Tokuda Y: Lactic Acidosis with Metformin Use in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus General Medicine 2013, 14(1):72-75.
39. Sakakura K, Takayashiki N, Tokuda Y, Satoh H: Biliary tract compression caused by a giant abdominal aneurysm. Internal medicine 2013, 52(8):925.
40. Miyauchi R, Kinoshita K, Tokuda Y: Clarithromycin-induced haemorrhagic colitis. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
41. Kobayashi T, Kishimoto M, Swearingen CJ, Filopoulos MT, Ohara Y, Tokuda Y, Oshikawa H, Yoshida K, Utsunomiya M, Kimura M, Okada M, Matsui K, Yazici Y: Differences in clinical manifestations, treatment, and concordance rates with two major sets of criteria for Behcet's syndrome for patients in the US and Japan: data from a large, three-center cohort study. Mod Rheumatol 2013, 23(3):547-553.
42. Kobayashi H, Suzuki T, Tokuda Y: Pyogenic ventriculitis following urosepsis caused by Escherichia coli. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
43. Kinoshita K, Tsunoda Y, Watanabe S, Tokuda Y: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a patient with bacterial meningitis. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
44. Kinoshita K, Hattori K, Ota Y, Kanai T, Shimizu M, Kobayashi H, Tokuda Y: The measurement of axillary moisture for the assessment of dehydration among older patients: a pilot study. Exp Gerontol 2013, 48(2):255-258.
45. Itoi S, Tokuda Y, Ohara G, Kagohashi K, Satoh H: Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia in a Teenager as a Result of Smoking : Importance of Differential Diagnosis General Medicine 2013, 14(1):64-66.
46. Doba N, Tokuda Y, Tomiyama H, Goldstein NE, Kushiro T, Hinohara S: Changes in ankle brachial pulse wave velocity during a five-year follow-up period in older Japanese adults: sub-analysis results of the health research volunteer study in Japan. Internal medicine 2013, 52(1):21-27.
47. Abe T, Tokuda Y: The Triage in a Mild and Mini Disaster General Medicine 2013, 14(1):76-77.
48. Abe T, Tokuda Y: Bilateral carotid arteries occlusion. BMJ case reports 2013, 2013.
49. Abe T, Ishimatsu S, Tokuda Y: Descriptive analysis of patients' EMS use related to severity in Tokyo: a population-based observational study. PLoS One 2013, 8(3):e59738.
50. Tokuda Y: Re: When financial incentives do more good than harm: a checklist. BMJ 2012, 345:e5047.
51. Tokuda Y: Case 23-2012: A man with abdominal pain and weight loss. The New England journal of medicine 2012, 367(17):1670; author reply 1671-1672.
52. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Miller Fisher syndrome linked to Norovirus infection. BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
53. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Real-world medical diagnosis: Intuitive process revisited (review). International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2012, 4(9):177-179.
54. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Superior mesenteric artery dissection. BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
55. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Pivot and cluster strategy: a preventive measure against diagnostic errors. International Journal of General Medicine 2012, 5:917-921.
56. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: System 3 diagnostic process: the lateral approach. International Journal of General Medicine 2012, 5:873-874.
57. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Hairy tongue. BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
58. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Exercise-induced anaphylaxis. BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
59. Shimizu T, Kinoshita K, Tokuda Y: Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense infection linked to chilled salmon consumption. BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
60. Shimizu M, Kinoshita K, Hattori K, Ota Y, Kanai T, Kobayashi H, Tokuda Y: Physical signs of dehydration in the elderly. Internal medicine 2012, 51(10):1207-1210.
61. Nishizaki Y, Watanabe T, Tokuda Y, Futatsuyama M, Furukawa K, Mori N, Tsugawa Y, Yuki H, Tamagaki K, Taki F: Renal Function and Mortality in Patients with Infective Endocarditis. General Medicine 2012, 13(1):19-24.
62. Kimura M, Tokuda Y, Oshiawa H, Yoshida K, Utsunomiya M, Kobayashi T, Deshpande GA, Matsui K, Kishimoto M: Clinical characteristics of patients with remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema compared to patients with pure polymyalgia rheumatica. J Rheumatol 2012, 39(1):148-153.
63. Kato M, Seyama Y, Kanai T, Fujiwara K, Omoto M, Moriyama N, Nishiki K, Tokuda Y: Clinical Problem Solving : Masked Face of Posterior Illness General Medicine 2012, 13(2):65-68.
64. Ishimaru N, Suzuki H, Tokuda Y, Takano T: Severe Legionnaires' Disease with Pneumonia and Biopsy-Confirmed Myocarditis Most Likely Caused by Legionella pneumophila Serogroup 6. Internal medicine 2012, 51(22):3207-3212.
65. Imanishi M, Sato M, Tokuda Y: Endoscopic capture of Anisakis larva (a video demonstration). BMJ case reports 2012, 2012.
66. Hayashi N, Nakamura S, Tokuda Y, Yagata H, Yoshida A, Ota H, Hortobagyi GN, Cristofanilli M, Ueno NT: Serum HER2 levels determined by two methods in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 2012, 17(1):55-62.
67. Hayashi N, Nakamura S, Tokuda Y, Shimoda Y, Yagata H, Yoshida A, Ota H, Hortobagyi GN, Cristofanilli M, Ueno NT: Prognostic value of HER2-positive circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 2012, 17(2):96-104.
68. Doba N, Tokuda Y, Goldstein NE, Kushiro T, Hinohara S: A pilot trial to predict frailty syndrome: The Japanese Health Research Volunteer Study. Exp Gerontol 2012, 47(8):638-643.
69. Barata AN, Tokuda Y, Martins HM: Comparing healthcare systems: Considering Japan and Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica 2012.
70. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Watanabe S: Eight-vessel disease mimicking takotsubo cardiomyopathy. QJM 2012.
71. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Kitahara T, Sakai S, Toyama M, Watanabe S: Syncope Caused by Portopulmonary Hypertension : A Case Report General Medicine 2012, 13(2):113-116.
72. Abe T, Fujihara K, Kono M, Kumagai R, Ono K, Tokuda Y: Clinical Problem Solving: What Causes Tachycardia in a Hip Injury? General Medicine 2012, 13(1):5-10.
73. Yoshida K, Tokuda Y, Oshikawa H, Utsunomiya M, Kobayashi T, Kimura M, Deshpande GA, Matsui K, Kishimoto M: An observational study of tocilizumab and TNF-{alpha} inhibitor use in a Japanese community hospital: different remission rates, similar drug survival and safety. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2011, 50(11):2093-2099.
74. Tsugawa Y, Ohbu S, Cruess R, Cruess S, Okubo T, Takahashi O, Tokuda Y, Heist BS, Bito S, Itoh T, Aoki A, Chiba T, Fukui T: Introducing the Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise (P-MEX) in Japan: Results From a Multicenter, Cross-Sectional Study. Acad Med 2011, 86(8):1026-1031.
75. Tokuda Y, Kishida N, Konishi R, Koizumi S: Cognitive error as the most frequent contributory factor in cases of medical injury: A study on verdict's judgment among closed claims in Japan. J Hosp Med 2011, 6(3):109-114.
76. Tokuda Y, Goto E, Otaki J, Omata F, Shapiro M, Soejima K, Ishida Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Fukui T: The New Japanese Postgraduate Medical Education and Quality of Emergency Medical Care. J Emerg Med 2011.
77. Tokuda Y: Benchmarking the Age of Elderly in Japan. General Medicine 2011, 12(1):3-4.
78. Takahashi Y, Sakai M, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Nakayama T, Fukuhara S, Fukui T, Shimbo T: The relation between self-reported body weight and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study in Japan. J Public Health (Oxf) 2011, 33(4):518-526.
79. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Acute urinary retention. Internal medicine 2011, 50(19):2255.
80. Sato K, Yamazaki S, Hayashino Y, Takegami M, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Shimbo T, Hinohara S, Fukui T, Fukuhara S: Associations between Hours Worked, Symptoms and Health Resource Utilization among Full-time Male Japanese Workers. J Occup Health 2011, 53(3):197-204.
81. Ono R, Higashi T, Takahashi O, Tokuda Y, Shimbo T, Endo H, Hinohara S, Fukui T, Fukuhara S: Sex differences in the change in health-related quality of life associated with low back pain. Qual Life Res 2011.
82. Ohde S, Hayashi A, Takahasi O, Yamakawa S, Nakamura M, Osawa A, Shapiro ML, Deshpande GA, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Ishida Y, Soejima K, Hinohara S, Fukui T: A 2-week prognostic prediction model for terminal cancer patients in a palliative care unit at a Japanese general hospital. Palliat Med 2011, 25(2):170-176.
83. Kondo Y, Abe T, Kohshi K, Tokuda Y, Cook EF, Kukita I: Revised trauma scoring system to predict in-hospital mortality in the emergency department: Glasgow Coma Scale, age and systolic blood pressure score. Critical care 2011, 15(4):R191.
84. Arima T, Nagamine Y, Obara H, Tokuda Y: Clinical Problem Solving: A repetitive visitor to the emergency room. General Medicine 2011, 12(1):5-10.
85. Alkhatib L, Albtoush O, Bataineh N, Gharaibeh K, Matalka I, Tokuda Y: Extragastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (EGIST) in the abdominal wall: Case report and literature review. Int J Surg Case Rep 2011, 2(8):253-255.
86. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ishimatsu S, Stein GH: Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula incidentally discovered. Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock 2011, 4(2):299.
87. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Cook EF: Time-based partitioning model for predicting neurologically favorable outcome among adults with witnessed bystander out-of-hospital CPA. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(12):e28581.
88. Abe T, Tokuda Y: Chest-compression-only versus standard CPR. The Lancet 2011, 377(9767):718.
89. Tokuda Y, Omata F, Tsugawa Y, Maesato K, Momotura K, Fujinuma A, Stein GH, Cook EF: Vital sign triage to rule out diabetic ketoacidosis and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome in hyperglycemic patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2010, 87(3):366-371.
90. Tokuda Y, Okubo T, Yanai H, Jacobs J, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Omata F, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Comparison of health locus of control between physicians and the general public. Health Education Journal 2010, 69(1):63-73.
91. Tokuda Y, Okubo T, Yanai H, Doba N, Paasche-Orlow MK: Development and Validation of a 15-Item Japanese Health Knowledge Test. J Epidemiol 2010, 20(4):319-328.
92. Tokuda Y, Goto E, Otaki J, Jacobs J, Omata F, Obara H, Shapiro M, Soejima K, Ishida Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Fukui T: Undergraduate educational environment, perceived preparedness for postgraduate clinical training, and pass rate on the National Medical Licensure Examination in Japan. BMC Medical Education 2010, 10(1):35-44.
93. Tokuda Y, Goto E, Otaki E, Jacobs JL, Omata F, Shapiro M, Soejima K, Ishida Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Fukui T: Educational environment of university and non-university hospitals in Japan International journal of medical education 2010, 1:10-14.
94. Tokuda Y, Abe T, Ishimatsu S, Hinohara S: Ambulance Transport of the Oldest Old in Tokyo: A Population-Based Study. J Epidemiol 2010, 20(6):468-472.
95. Takahashi O, Ohde S, Jacobs JL, Tokuda Y, Yanai H, Okubo T, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Population-level preferences for primary care physicians' characteristics in Japan: a structural equation modeling. Internal medicine 2010, 49(2):125-130.
96. Stein GH, Shibata A, Bautista M, Tokuda Y: Webinar: An interactive Clinical Seminars for Japanese Medical Students. General Medicine 2010, 11(2):87-90.
97. Shimizu T, Tokuda Y: Necrotizing fasciitis. Internal medicine 2010, 49(12):1051-1057.
98. Sakamoto F, Yamada H, Suzuki C, Sugiura H, Tokuda Y: Increased use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and successful eradication of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from a neonatal intensive care unit: A multivariate time series analysis. American journal of infection control 2010, 38(7):529-534.
99. Omata F, Deshpande G, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Carr-Locke DL, Jacobs JL, Mine T, Fukui T: Meta-analysis: somatostatin or its long-acting analogue, octreotide, for prophylaxis against post-ERCP pancreatitis. J Gastroenterol 2010, 45(8):885-895.
100. Nishizaki Y, Tokuda Y, Sato E, Kato K, Matsumoto A, Takekata M, Terai M, Watanabe C, Lim Y, Ohde S, Ishikawa R: Relationship between nursing workloads and patient safety incidents. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2010, 3:49-54.
101. Komatsu I, Tokuda Y, Shimada G, Jacobs JL, Onodera H: Development of a simple model for predicting need for surgery in patients who initially undergo conservative management for adhesive small bowel obstruction. Am J Surg 2010, 200(2):215-223.
102. Chinen K, Tokuda Y, Fujiwara M, Fujioka Y: Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy in patients with gastric carcinoma: An analysis of 6 autopsy cases and review of the literature. Pathol Res Pract 2010, 206(10):682-689.
103. Yamamoto Y, Yamazaki S, Hayashino Y, Takahashi O, Tokuda Y, Shimbo T, Fukui T, Hinohara S, Miyachi Y, Fukuhara S: Association between frequency of pruritic symptoms and perceived psychological stress: a Japanese population-based study. Arch Dermatol 2009, 145(12):1384-1388.
104. Tsunoda Y, Kondo T, Matsuda Y, Kobayashi H, Tokuda Y, Satoh H: A Key Film. J Emerg Med 2009.
105. Tsugawa Y, Tokuda Y, Ohbu S, Okubo T, Cruess R, Cruess S, Ohde S, Okada S, Hayashida N, Fukui T: Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise for medical residents in Japan: a pilot study. Medical Education 2009, 43(10):968-978.
106. Tokuda Y, Okubo T, Ohde S, Jacobs J, Takahashi O, Omata F, Yanai H, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Assessing Items on the SF-8 Japanese Version for Health-Related Quality of Life: A Psychometric Analysis Based on the Nominal Categories Model of Item Response Theory. Value in Health 2009, 12(4):568-573.
107. Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Hinohara S, Fukui T, Inoguchi T, Butler JP, Ueda S: Influence of Income on Health Status and Healthcare Utilization in Working Adults: an Illustration of Health among the Working Poor in Japan. Japanese Journal of Political Science 2009, 10(1):79-92.
108. Tokuda Y, Koizumi M, Stein GH, Birrer RB: Identifying low-risk patients for bacterial meningitis in adult patients with acute meningitis. Internal medicine 2009, 48(7):537-543.
109. Tokuda Y, Hayano K, Ozaki M, Bito S, Yanai H, Koizumi S: The interrelationships between working conditions, job satisfaction, burnout and mental health among hospital physicians in Japan: a path analysis. Industrial Health 2009, 47(2):166-172.
110. Tokuda Y, Fujii S, Jimba M, Inoguchi T: The relationship between trust in mass media and the healthcare system and individual health: evidence from the AsiaBarometer Survey. BMC Medicine 2009, 7(1):4.
111. Tokuda Y, Doba N, Butler JP, Paasche-Orlow MK: Health literacy and physical and psychological wellbeing in Japanese adults. Patient Educ Couns 2009, 75(3):411-417.
112. Tokuda Y, Chinen K, Obara H, Joishy SK: Intervals between Symptom Onset and Clinical Presentation in Cancer Patients. Internal medicine 2009, 48(11):899-905.
113. Tokuda Y, Barnett PB, Norisue Y, Konishi R, Kudo H, Miyagi S: Questionnaire survey for challenging cases of medical professionalism in Japan. Medical Teacher 2009, 31(6):502 - 507.
114. Tokuda Y, Aoki M, Kandpal SB, Tierney LM, Jr.: Caught in the web: e-diagnosis. J Hosp Med 2009, 4(4):262-266.
115. Takahashi O, Ohde S, Jacobs JL, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Fukui T: Residents' experience of scholarly activities is associated with higher satisfaction with residency training. J Gen Intern Med 2009, 24(6):716-720.
116. Omata F, Shibata M, Nakano M, Jacobs JL, Tokuda Y, Fukutake K, Takahashi O, Fukui T: Chronic hepatitis with eosinophilic infiltration associated with asthma. Internal medicine 2009, 48(22):1945-1949.
117. Omata F, Brown WR, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Fukui T, Ueno F, Mine T: Modifiable risk factors for colorectal neoplasms and hyperplastic polyps. Internal medicine 2009, 48(3):123-128.
118. Norisue Y, Onopa J, Kaneshiro M, Tokuda Y: Surfing as a risk factor for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Clin J Sport Med 2009, 19(5):388-393.
119. Kiyoyama T, Tokuda Y, Shiiki S, Hachiman T, Shimasaki T, Endo K: Isopropyl alcohol compared with isopropyl alcohol plus povidone-iodine as skin preparation for prevention of blood culture contamination. J Clin Microbiol 2009, 47(1):54-58.
120. Jacobs JL, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Fukui T: PDA Usage by Japanese Resident Physicians Is Low. Methods Inf Med 2009, 48(4):475-479.
121. Jacobs JL, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Fukui T: Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: A randomized controlled trial. American journal of infection control 2009, 37(5):417-419.
122. Chinen K, Tokuda Y, Aoki M: Clinical Problem Solving : Diagnostic Power of Gram Stain Examination. General Medicine 2009, 10:3-6.
123. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Ishimatsu S, Nakamura T, Birrer RB: The relationship of short-term air pollution and weather to ED visits for asthma in Japan. Am J Emerg Med 2009, 27(2):153-159.
124. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ishimatsu S, Birrer RB: Usefulness of initial blood cultures in patients admitted with pneumonia from an emergency department in Japan. J Infect Chemother 2009, 15(3):180-186.
125. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ishimatsu S: Predictors for good cerebral performance among adult survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2009, 80(4):431-436.
126. Abe T, Nagamine Y, Ishimatsu S, Tokuda Y: Spinal epidural hematoma after stretch exercise: a case report. Am J Emerg Med 2009, 27(7):902 e901-902.
127. Tokuda Y, Yoshioka Y, Aizawa M, Tanaka M, Ohde S, Motomura K, Naito A, Hayano K, Fukui T: Physicians' Use of Local Dialects during Communication with Patients. General Medicine 2008, 9(1):13-19.
128. Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Sociodemographic Characteristics for Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Japan. General Medicine 2008, 9(1):31-39.
129. Tokuda Y, Okamoto S, Yoshioka Y, Aizawa M, Tanaka M, Motomura K, Hayano K: The influence of medical jargon mixed with foreign terminology in the Japanese clinical environment. Internal medicine 2008, 47(14):1329-1334.
130. Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Relationships between Working Status and Health or Healthcare Utilization among Japanese Elderly. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2008, 8(1):32-40.
131. Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Prospective health diary study for new onset chest symptoms in the Japanese general population. Internal medicine 2008, 47(1):25-31.
132. Tokuda Y, Obara H, Nakazato N, Stein GH: Acute care hospital mortality of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2008, 3(2):110-116.
133. Tokuda Y, Jimba M, Yanai H, Fujii S, Inoguchi T: Interpersonal trust and quality-of-life: a cross-sectional study in Japan. PLoS ONE 2008, 3(12):e3985.
134. Tokuda Y, Inoguchi T: Interpersonal Mistrust and Unhappiness Among Japanese People. Social Indicators Research 2008, 89(2):349-360.
135. Tokuda Y, Inoguchi T: Trust in the Mass Media and the Healthcare System, Interpersonal Trust and Self-Rated Health: A Population-based Study in Japan. Asian Journal of Epidemiology 2008, 1(1):29-39.
136. Tokuda Y, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Introducing a new medical school system into Japan. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2008, 37(9):800-802.
137. Tokuda Y, Hinohara S: Geriatric Nation and Redefining the Elderly in Japan. International Journal of Gerontology 2008, 2(4):154-157.
138. Tokuda Y, Hinohara S: Redefining the age of elderly in Japan. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2008, 56(3):573-574.
139. Ono R, Higashi T, Suzukamo Y, Konno S, Takahashi O, Tokuda Y, Rhaman M, Shimbo T, Endo H, Hinohara S, Fukui T, Fukuhara S: Higher internality of health locus of control is associated with the use of complementary and alternative medicine providers among patients seeking care for acute low-back pain. Clin J Pain 2008, 24(8):725-730.
140. Omata F, Sato S, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Fukui T: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. General Medicine 2008, 9:65-70.
141. Ohde S, Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Yanai H, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Dysmenorrhea among Japanese women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008, 100(1):13-17.
142. Ohde S, Takahashi O, Jacobs J, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Japanese medical residents' self-assessed confidence in clinical research: skills improve with experience in scholarly activities. General Medicine 2008, 9:81-82.
143. Norisue Y, Tokuda Y, Koizumi M, Kishaba T, Miyagi S: Phasic characteristics of inspiratory crackles of bacterial and atypical pneumonia. Postgrad Med J 2008, 84(994):432-436.
144. Martins H, Tokuda Y, Fukui T: Management matters. Igaku Kyoiku 2008, 39(6):411-416.
145. Kowada A, Takahashi O, Shimbo T, Ohde S, Tokuda Y, Fukui T: Cost Effectiveness of Interferon-gamma Release Assay for Tuberculosis Contact Screening in Japan. Mol Diagn Ther 2008, 12(4):235-251.
146. Jacobs JL, Tokuda Y, Ohde S: Aging policy-makers take note: future physicians are not being taught about healthy longevity. Journal of American Geriatric Society 2008, 56(7):1375-1376.
147. Horinouchi H, Tokuda Y, Nishimura N, Terai M, Takahashi T, Ohde S, Ishikawa R, Fukui T: Influence of Residents' Workload, Mental State and Job Satisfaction on Procedural Error:a prospective daily questionnaire-based study. General Medicine 2008, 9(2):57-64.
148. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Stein G, Ishimatsu S, Birrer R: Risk Factors Associated with Prolonged Hospital Stay in Admitted Patients with Psychotropic Drug Overdose. Open Critical Care Medicine Journal 2008, 1(1):12-16.
149. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Ishimatsu S, Nakamura T, Birrer R: The influence of meteorological factors on the occurrence of trauma and motor vehicle collisions in Tokyo. Emergency Medicine Journal 2008, 25:769-772.
150. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ishimatsu S: Yubitsume (self-amputation). Emergency Medicine Journal 2008, 25(10):702.
151. Abe T, Tokuda Y, Ishimatsu S: A new cardiopulmonary resuscitation method using only rhythmic abdominal compression is hard. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2008, 26(5):625.
152. Abe T, Ohde S, Ishimatsu S, Ogata H, Hasegawa T, Nakamura T, Tokuda Y: Effects of meteorological factors on the onset of subarachnoid hemorrhage: A time-series analysis. J Clin Neuroscience 2008, 15(9):1005-1010.
153. Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Gastrointestinal symptoms in a Japanese population: A health diary study. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2007, 13(4):572-578.
154. Tokuda Y, Takahashi O, Ohde S, Ogata H, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Health locus of control and use of conventional and alternative care: a cohort study. British Journal of General Practice 2007, 57(541):643-649.
155. Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Symptom-Related Access to Health Care. Primary Care Japan 2007, 5(1):12-21.
156. Tokuda Y, Ohde S, Takahashi O, Shakudo M, Yanai H, Shimbo T, Fukuhara S, Hinohara S, Fukui T: Musculoskeletal pain in Japan: prospective health diary study. Rheumatology International 2007, 28(1):7-14.
157. Tokuda Y, Miyagi S: Physical Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Internal medicine 2007, 46(28):1885-1891.
158. Tokuda Y, Maezato K, Stein GH: The causes of hypercalcemia in Okinawan patients: an international comparison. Internal medicine 2007, 46(1):23-28.
159. Tokuda Y: Chemical terrorism: Sarin nerve gas and other toxic nerve agents. In: Global Terrorism Issues and Developments. edn. Edited by Larche R. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2007.
160. Tokuda Y: Cocoa supplementation for copper deficiency. European Journal of Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods (AgroFOOD industry hi-tech) 2007, 18(3):11-13.
161. Takahashi O, Noguchi Y, Omata F, Tokuda Y, Fukui T: Probiotics in the prevention of traveler's diarrhea: meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2007, 41(3):336-337.
162. Moromizato T, Harano K, Oyakawa M, Tokuda Y: Diagnostic performance of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis. Internal medicine 2007, 46(1):11-16.
163. Morishita K, Gushimiyagi M, Hashiguchi M, Stein GH, Tokuda Y: Clinical prediction rule to distinguish pelvic inflammatory disease from acute appendicitis in women of childbearing age. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2007, 25(2):152-157.
164. Lim H, Kishimoto M, Kitazono H, Ito H, Narita M, Gelber R, Tokuda Y: Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism in Japan: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study. Hawai'i Medical Journal 2007, 66:236-239.
165. Jacobs JL, Takahashi O, Hirai S, Tokuda Y, Omata F, Fukui T: When fear trumps science: a case study for finding alternative research methods. BMJ 2007.
166. Gushiken N, Yoshimura H, Toyoura M, Fujiwara N, Tokuda Y: Severe Retinopathy in Fulminant Juvenile Dermatomyositis. General Medicine 2007, 8(1):25-28.
167. Chinen K, Tokuda Y, Sakamoto A, Fujioka Y: Fungal infections of the heart: A clinicopathologic study of 50 autopsy cases. Pathology Research & Practice 2007, 203(10):705-715.
168. Birrer R, Tokuda Y, Takara T: Hypoxic Hepatopathy: Pathophysiology and Prognosis Internal medicine 2007, 46(14):1063-1070.
169. Tokuda Y, Matsushima D, Stein GH, Miyagi S: Intrapleural fibrinolytic agents for empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusions: a meta-analysis. Chest 2006, 129(3):783-790.
170. Tokuda Y, Kikuchi M, Takahashi O, Stein GH: Prehospital management of sarin nerve gas terrorism in urban settings: 10 years of progress after the Tokyo subway sarin attack. Resuscitation 2006, 68(2):193-202.
171. Tokuda Y, Kashima M, Kayo M, Nakazato N, Stein GH: Cocoa supplementation for copper deficiency associated with tube feeding nutrition. Internal medicine 2006, 45(19):1079-1085.
172. Tokuda Y: Telemedicine in Okinawa. Okinawa Wellness and Longevity Journal 2006, 1(2).
173. Tokuda Y, Stein GH: Serum lipids as protective factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2005, 12(5):538-541.
174. Tokuda Y, Miyasato H, Stein GH, Kishaba T: The degree of chills for risk of bacteremia in acute febrile illness. American Journal of Medicine 2005, 118(12):1417.
175. Tokuda Y, Miyasato H, Stein GH: A simple prediction algorithm for bacteraemia in patients with acute febrile illness. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2005, 98(11):813-820.
176. Tokuda Y: Ethics and Science of Tobacco Control. Primary Care Japan 2005, 3(1):17-27.
177. Tokuda Y: Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction among Okinawans. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging 2005, 9(4):272-276.
178. Kishimoto M, Lim HY, Tokuda Y, Narita M, Kitazono H, Ito H, Seto TB, Sumida KN, Gelber RP: Prevalence of venous thromboembolism at a teaching hospital in Okinawa, Japan. Thrombosis & Haemostasis 2005, 93(5):876-879.
179. Tokuda Y, Nakazato N, Tamaki K: Evaluation of end of life care in cancer patients at a teaching hospital in Japan. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004, 30(3):264-267.
180. Tokuda Y, Nakazato N, Stein GH: Pupillary evaluation for differential diagnosis of coma. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2003, 79(927):49-51.
181. Tokuda Y, Kishaba Y, Kato J, Nakazato N: Assessing the validity of a model to identify patients for lymph node biopsy. Medicine (Baltimore) 2003, 82(6):414-418.
182. Koketsu H, Tokuda Y, Stein GH: Risk Factors For Mortality From Infectious Diseases Among Elderly From Long-Term Care Facilities. Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases 2003, 2(2):1.
183. Tokuda Y, Nakazato N: Cranial CT before lumbar puncture in suspected meningitis. New England Journal of Medicine 2002, 346(16):1248-1251; author reply 1248-1251.
184. Tokuda Y, Koketsu H: High mortality in hospitalized elderly patients with feeding tube placement. Internal medicine 2002, 41(8):613-616.
185. Joishy S, Tokuda Y, Tamaki K: Applied clinical ethics for house staff physicians in Japan: Integral component of end-of-life care. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 2002, 28(1):25-35.
186. Tokuda Y, Nakazato N, Maeshiro M, Miyagi S: US-Japan Collaboration in Graduate Medical Education. In: Journal of General Internal Medicine. vol. 16; 2001.
187. Tokuda Y, Miyagi S: Oxygen treatment for acute severe asthma. Home oxygenation would be more effective. BMJ 2001, 323(7320):1069.
188. Nakazato N, Tokuda Y: Short term Outcomes of Oldest Old Patients. In: Journal of General Internal Medicine. vol. 16; 2001.
189. Nakamura Y, Kishaba Y, Masuda T, Nakazato N, Tokuda Y: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in the Patient with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 2001, 27(1):9-12.
190. Tokuda Y: Bacterial versus viral meningitis: comparison of the old and the new clinical prediction models. In: Critical care. vol. 4; 2000: 183.
191. Nishitarumizu K, Tokuda Y, Uehara H, Taira M, Taira K: Tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with Legionnaires' disease. Internal medicine 2000, 39(2):150-153.
192. Nakazato N, Zukeran H, Arata H, Inadome S, Tokuda Y: Severe Hypoxemia associated with Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 2000, 26(1):30-33.
193. Nakazato N, Kubota S, Takada S, Kinjo S, Tokuda Y: Polymyalgia rheumatica: Three cases with atypical presentation. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 2000, 26(2):11-13.
194. Kato J, Tokuda Y: Management and outcome of symptomatic hyponatremia in emergency department. In: Critical care. vol. 4; 2000: 176.
195. Higa Y, Hoshino S, Tokuda Y, Tamaki K: A 22 year-old female with an unexplained bruising tendency: A case report and review of the literature. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 2000, 26(2):14-17.
196. Tokuda Y, Kato J: Aspirin and risk of hemorrhagic stroke. JAMA 1999, 282(8):732; author reply 732-733.
197. Chang D, Koketsu H, Fukunaga T, Miyagi T, Kitamura T, Tamaki K, Arashiro K, Miyagi Y, Tokuda Y: Pyoderma Gangrenosum Associated with Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 1999, 25(1):16-20.
198. Tokuda Y: Physicians and biological warfare agents. JAMA 1998, 279(4):273-274.
199. Tokuda Y: Low-dose spiral computed tomography for lung-cancer screening. Lancet 1998, 352(9123):235-236; author reply 236-237.
200. Narita M, Sudo S, Tokuda Y: Syndrome of Passive Hepatic Congestion Mimicking Acute Abdomen in a Patient with Hyperthyroidism: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 1998, 24(2):24-26.
201. Kato J, Toyozato N, Hattori T, Motomura K, Tokuda Y: Long-term enteral nutrition-associated copper deficiency anemia and leukopenia: A case report and review of the literature. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 1998, 24(2):20-23.
202. Tokuda Y, Kuwabara K, Miyagi Y: Tetanus in Okinawa Chubu Hospital. Journal of Okinawa Chubu Hospital 1997, 23:30-33.
203. Tokuda Y: Unscientific speculation. Nature 1996, 383(6599):381.
204. Tokuda Y: Teaching ethics in Japan. Lancet 1995, 345(8964):1574.


こんなとき、フィジカル: 超実践的! 身体診察のアプローチ、金原出版、2015年


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